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Juddah Axel

Indonesians flee Syria as Jakarta calls for peace - 1 views

    Gadjah Mada University Rector Pratikno also called for diplomacy and justice in Syria. "We expect that good diplomacy will end the conflict in Syria. The situation in Syria and the usage of chemical weapons, which have been killing thousands of innocent people and children, is now becoming the world's concern. Whoever is responsible must face international justice," he told Khabar in a phone interview. "We hope the call for peace will be responded to appropriately by the Syrian government," he added. Impact on Indonesia Budianto Ridwan, a graduate student at Gadjah Mada University, said the Syrian conflict could have some ill effects on Indonesia. "The conflict in Syria can trigger a spike in oil prices in Indonesia. And if this happens, it will cause more turmoil (similar to) what happened last March," Budianto said, referring to violent street protests over proposed price hikes. He said that even though the political and economic situations in Indonesia are improving, the price of oil is always a sensitive issue. Moreover, the return of Indonesian workers from Syria will impact the economy. "Our growth has reached 6% this year. Our migrant workers, including those who work in Syria, are contributing to this growth. Therefore, we hope a good diplomatic approach will solve the problem in Syria," he said. Abdullah Rauf, an Islamic cleric in Sleman, Yogyakarta, condemned the violence in Syria. "The situation in Syria, it has nothing to do with Islamic teachings. I think it is purely violence. There is no way Islam teaches killing people massively by using chemical weapons," he said. "I don't know much about the politics in Syria, but I do know that killing is not jihad and is not Islamic. RELATED SITES:
Ursula Tuovi

Crown Capital Management Environmental Reviews - Lack of Political Leadership on Enviro... - 1 views

    David Nussbaum, Chief Executive of WWF UK, echoed these sentiments, saying: "The green economy has… bucked the trend of the recession and is the UK's strongest growth sector. But these areas all need support, and mainstream politicians from each of the parties have failed to show visible and consistent leadership on the environment. "Given that our leaders recognise that we're in a global race to develop environmentally sustainable economies, it's in their interest to show environmental leadership." RELATED SITES
Fajar Hakim

FAQ - Crown Alliance Capital - 1 views

  • Frequently asked questions and answers regarding Life Settlements and investing with Crown Alliance Capital. What are some of the reasons a person sells their policy? Most people acquire life insurance early in their careers as a means of protecting their income and family in the event of an unexpected event.
Fajar Hakim

Life Settlement - Crown Alliance Capital - 1 views

    Life Settlements became more sophisticated as actuarial techniques and advanced financial analysis were implemented during the underwriting process. The senior population has redefined the life insurance settlement industry, expanding the industry into a multi-billion dollar market. The industry today is almost entirely comprised of a few mainstream capital sources that have revolutionized the speed and scale of the secondary insurance market. The industry has also become more specialized with seniors working with financial advisors, brokers and a number of ancillary and service providers. Life Settlements are potentially very profitable because the purchaser acquires a policy at a discount from the face value, which is based on the insured person's life expectancy and the purchaser's desired return on capital. The potential rates of return can be in excess of 12-15% SOURCE LINK:
Ursula Tuovi

What It Means To Be Green - 1 views

    On a typical day, you'll find me crawling out of bed on a minimal amount of sleep. The rest of my morning routine involves downing a litre of coffee before noon in attempts to ramp up my productivity for the rest of the day. I guess it's pretty clear that I lead anything but a relaxed lifestyle. I don't start my morning with green tea and yoga, and I don't blend chia seeds into a kale smoothie. Like most people, I face a jam-packed schedule, and although I'd love to be green in terms of both the environment and a Zen-mindset, I haven't mastered either yet. Related Source Page:
Olivia Reeks

Analysts Laud China-U.S. Commitment To Build Relations - 1 views

    Ruan took cyber security as an example, saying both China and the United States are trying to turn common challenges of cyber security into an area of cooperation. At this summit, Xi told Obama that cyber security should be a new highlight of bilateral cooperation instead of a source of suspicion and friction. They agreed to strengthen dialogue, coordination and cooperation through the already-established cyber working group. Analysts said the Xi-Obama summit was not aimed at solving specific problems between the two countries. "Their summit did show the world a clear signal from both countries to build trust and manage disputes, thus taking a step further toward redefining the world's most important bilateral relationship," Jin said. SOURCE LINK:
Vhon Ni Zhang

How Waste Management Got Proactive on Environmental Justice - 1 views

    The link between environmental justice and sustainability Our strategic business planning has benefitted from these dialogues. Environmental justice advocates early on urged business and industry to stop wasting assets and focus on waste reduction and recycling, not just simple disposal. Over the past twenty years, we've seen our customers join that chorus asking for better recycling solutions, and recycling and innovation in waste disposal reduction has become an increasing proportion of Waste Management's business. By the time we published our 2012 sustainability report, we were able to show that operations associated with recycling and production of renewable and alternative energy increased from 49 percent in 2007 to 57 percent in 2011. In 2011, traditional landfills represented only 13 percent of our total non-collection revenues, with recycling by far the largest element (47 percent). This evolution in business focus reflects the importance of sustainability as a business model for our sector - and for any other. Customers seeking environmental services want to be able to demonstrate concrete environmental benefits and resource conservation. Communities know that a sustainable business operates as a good and respectful neighbor. Environmental justice must be a core element of any company's social responsibility initiatives. RELATED ISSUE:
Frankie Frost

Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment than Gas-Powered Ones? - 1 views

    The study found that while the environmental impact of making electric vehicles is greater than for making gas and diesel vehicles, this is more than made up for by the greater impact of gas and diesel vehicles while they're being used. This is true in terms of total energy consumption, use of resources, greenhouse gases, and ozone pollution. The electric vehicles were assumed to be charged from a grid that includes significant amounts of fossil fuels. (Other studies show that electric vehicles beat gas-powered ones in terms of greenhouse gas emissions even if they're charged in regions that depend heavily on coal. Here's one such study. In some areas, hybrids are a better choice than electric cars.) Electric vehicles come out behind in two areas. They contribute slightly more to acid rain. And they're slightly worse in terms of causing algae blooms than gasoline cars (but better than diesel). Related Article:
Georgie Polly

Population Growth: Malthus Rolls Over - 1 views

    So what if this mobile information were coupled with information on how our legislators were voting, on critical issues, and how their votes had the power to impact, either positively or negatively, the environmental data that was scrolling across our screens? What if the data tracked our lifestyle choice-including having children-and told us both the immediate and likely future impact of those choices on the environment, ten, fifteen, and twenty years in the future? Now that might just have the chance of bringing about powerful behavioral change. Related Link:
Pao Daiki

Better Feed Efficiency Also Means Fewer Environmental Concerns From Chicken Litter - 1 views

    Phytase can be relatively cheaply and easily produced and added to poultry feed, but that solves only one aspect of the problem. "Another anti-nutritive factor found in cereal grains used in broiler diets include the presence of non-starch polysaccharides - NSP, which are fibrous material found in plant cell walls," Lee said. "Chickens lack the digestive capacity of ruminant animals and the presence of NSP in the diet increases intestinal viscosity resulting in decreased digestibility of the diet." Fortunately, according to Lee, another enzyme, carbohydrase, can help increase Digestibility of high fiber broiler diets. Both enzymes need be added at low rates, typically from 0.25 to 1 pound per ton of feed. But a question remained: Which strains of the two enzymes were best combinations for chicken health and feed conversion efficiency? To determine this, Lee has been conducting studies comparing how multiple levels of phytase affects the bio-availability of phytate with and without non-starch polysaccharides. The feed tested was a combination of corn and soybean meal with added vitamins and micronutrients - a standard poultry ration. The relationship between the effects of the two enzymes turned out to be more complicated than expected. Non-starch polysaccharides increased the bioavailability of phosphorus but at only one of the three levels of phytase concentrations tested. The results of his study will give commercial poultry producer's information they need to fine-tune feed mixture to reduce phosphorus runoff from chicken litter without endangering flock health, Lee said. Related Article:
Juddah Axel

Massive Wetlands Destruction Project Still Pending - 1 views

    The New Madrid Floodway The USACE has built thousands of miles of flood control levees on the Mississippi River. It has also built a few floodways-areas where the USACE diverts floodwaters to take pressure off of its levees. Shaded in red here is the New Madrid Floodway. The levees that surround the floodway, shown in red, are 60 feet high and totally surround the New Madrid Floodway, except for a quarter-mile gap at New Madrid. This quarter mile gap is the yellow "Outflow" line on the map. The most controversial element of the St. Johns Bayou New Madrid Floodway Project is a new proposed levee, come to be known as the New Madrid Levee, to close that quarter-mile gap. For More Info Visit This Site:
Vhon Ni Zhang

Environment And Economic Damage Combine To Hit The Poor Hardest - 1 views

    Environmental damage caused by economic activities like coal plant electrical generation and mining is costing the global economy as much as US$4.7 trillion a year. That is what is revealed in a report released on 15 April and commissioned by the Group of Eight economic powers and the United Nation's Environmental Programme.
Maurice Brett

Jakarta Environmental Issues Crown Eco Management: EPA Report Details How Development C... - 1 views

    Transportation is responsible for 27 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; residential and commercial buildings contribute 18 percent and 17 percent, respectively. The report concludes by describing ways to reduce such effects. Strategies include safeguarding sensitive areas; focusing development in built-up areas and around existing transit stations; building compact; mixed-use developments; designing streets that are safe for all users, including walkers and bikers; and using green building techniques. Through the federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities, EPA, HUD, and DOT coordinate federal investments in infrastructure, facilities, and services to get better results for communities and use taxpayer money more efficiently. Perciasepe, Jones, and Porcari held the town hall to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities and talk with communities about how the federal government can be of assistance. Check this for more info.
Fajar Hakim

Analysts Laud China-U.S. Commitment To Build Relations - 2 views

  • BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese analysts on Sunday hailed the latest China-U.S. commitment to build a new type of relationship between big powers that features engagement and cooperation over conflict and confrontation. At a seminar on China-U.S. relations on Sunday, head of the Institute of International Studies Qu Xing said, "The debut summit between the two presidents set the tone for China-U.S. relations over the next four to ten years." The summit refers to the two days of talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in California, during which both presidents increased mutual trust, reached consensus on an array of issues and mapped out a blueprint for China-U.S. ties. The summit, including two talks, one walk and one dinner, is the first face-to-face meeting between the presidents of China and the United States since the two countries completed their latest leadership transitions. During the summit, Xi summarized the concept of a new type of relations between the two nations in three phrases -- "no conflict and no confrontation," "mutual respect" and "cooperation toward win-win results." In an effort to promote mutual understanding and trust, Xi and Obama agreed to boost dialogue and communication at all levels. Xi invited Obama to visit China. The Chinese defense and foreign ministers will visit the United States in the future. The China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue is scheduled to be held in July in Washington. "The summit, which is historic and strategic, reached its goal and charted the path for bilateral relations," said Jin Canrong, deputy head of International Studies College of China's Renmin University. "Specifically speaking, both sides agreed to avoid conflicts, step up engagement and deepen cooperation." In contrast to the old type of relations which feature conflicts between established countries and rising powers, the new model of relations between big p
  • BEIJING, June 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese analysts on Sunday hailed the latest China-U.S. commitment to build a new type of relationship between big powers that features engagement and cooperation over conflict and confrontation. At a seminar on China-U.S. relations on Sunday, head of the Institute of International Studies Qu Xing said, "The debut summit between the two presidents set the tone for China-U.S. relations over the next four to ten years." The summit refers to the two days of talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Barack Obama in California, during which both presidents increased mutual trust, reached consensus on an array of issues and mapped out a blueprint for China-U.S. ties. The summit, including two talks, one walk and one dinner, is the first face-to-face meeting between the presidents of China and the United States since the two countries completed their latest leadership transitions. During the summit, Xi summarized the concept of a new type of relations between the two nations in three phrases -- "no conflict and no confrontation," "mutual respect" and "cooperation toward win-win results." In an effort to promote mutual understanding and trust, Xi and Obama agreed to boost dialogue and communication at all levels. Xi invited Obama to visit China. The Chinese defense and foreign ministers will visit the United States in the future. The China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue is scheduled to be held in July in Washington. "The summit, which is historic and strategic, reached its goal and charted the path for bilateral relations," said Jin Canrong, deputy head of International Studies College of China's Renmin University. "Specifically speaking, both sides agreed to avoid conflicts, step up engagement and deepen cooperation." In contrast to the old type of relations which feature conflicts between established countries and rising powers, the new model of relations between big p
Lassie Avil

Jakarta Management - German Renewable Energy Policy Will Change - 1 views

  • The German renewable energy policy will change as the country's energy infrastructure is under huge strain. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her aim to curb the renewable energy subsidies so that it can afford to upgrade the power grid and lower the pressure on the rising electricity prices. According to the Associated Press, Merkel announced today a U turn in the German renewable energy policy as she announced that those installing new solar, wind or biomass power sources must "participate more in financing the cost of (electricity) grid expansion." At this point we should emphasise that in 2012, the power exports in Germany recorder the best four year performance in 2012, mainly due to the robust renewable energy industry. According to the German Federal Statistics Office (Destatis), Germany exported 66.6 terawatt hours (TWh) of electrical power. The success of the German renewable energy policy was challenged by the industry association for large corporate and industrial users in Germany, VIK. The industry association had stressed that wind and solar utilities frequently generated electricity when there was no immediate demand and that eco-friendly power was pushing gas-driven plants out of the market, although these were still needed when there wasn't any wind or solar sources. Today, Merkel announced that the expansion in renewable energy must be brought in line with that of the German grid, vowing to overhaul subsidies that total €18 billion annually after elections in September. Apart from the energy grid problems, the German magazine Spiegel had reported that the German renewable energy policy didn't foresee the upcoming cost explosion. It is well known, that solar and wind farms are a long way from being able to produce energy at prices similar to coal-fired or nuclear power plants. Moreover, there are also high costs associated with grid expansion and electricity storage facilities as we
Ursula Tuovi

Crown Capital Eco Management Jakarta: Hole In The Sun - 1 views

    Coronal holes are areas where the Sun's corona is darker, and colder, and has lower-density plasma than average. In this case it looks like a giant hole in the middle of the sun. These were first found when X-ray telescopes in the Skylab mission were flown above the Earth's atmosphere to reveal the structure of the corona. An extensive coronal hole rotated towards Earth recently (May 28-31, 2013). The massive coronal area is one of the largest seen in a year or more. Coronal holes are the source of strong solar wind gusts that carry solar particles out to our magnetosphere and beyond. Solar wind streams take 2-3 days to travel from the Sun to Earth, and the coronal holes in which they originate are more likely to affect Earth after they have rotated more than halfway around the visible hemisphere of the Sun, which is the case here. Watching the solar corona is like observing the patterns of clouds in the sky. They can form all sorts of shapes. In June 2012, for example, there was a big bird image. Snapped through three of NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory extreme ultraviolet filters, this current coronal hole is caused by a low density region of hot plasma. The Sun's corona, or extended outer layer, is a region of plasma that is heated to over a million degrees Celsius. As a result of thermal collisions, the particles within the inner corona have a range and distribution of speeds described by a Maxwellian distribution. The mean velocity of these particles is about 145 km/s, which is well below the solar escape velocity of 618 km/s. However, a few of the particles achieve energies sufficient to reach the terminal velocity of 400 km/s, which allows them to feed the solar wind. At the same temperature, electrons, due to their much smaller mass, reach escape velocity and build up an electric field that further accelerates ions - charged atoms - away from the Sun. The corona is one of the sources of the solar wind. Solar maximum or solar max is a normal period
Fajar Hakim

Green Technology and Environmental Science News: Hole in the Sun - 1 views

    Coronal holes are areas where the Sun's corona is darker, and colder, and has lower-density plasma than average. In this case it looks like a giant hole in the middle of the sun. These were first found when X-ray telescopes in the Skylab mission were flown above the Earth's atmosphere to reveal the structure of the corona. An extensive coronal hole rotated towards Earth recently (May 28-31, 2013). The massive coronal area is one of the largest seen in a year or more. Coronal holes are the source of strong solar wind gusts that carry solar particles out to our magnetosphere and beyond. Solar wind streams take 2-3 days to travel from the Sun to Earth, and the coronal holes in which they originate are more likely to affect Earth after they have rotated more than halfway around the visible hemisphere of the Sun, which is the case here. Watching the solar corona is like observing the patterns of clouds in the sky. They can form all sorts of shapes. In June 2012, for example, there was a big bird image. Snapped through three of NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory extreme ultraviolet filters, this current coronal hole is caused by a low density region of hot plasma. The Sun's corona, or extended outer layer, is a region of plasma that is heated to over a million degrees Celsius. As a result of thermal collisions, the particles within the inner corona have a range and distribution of speeds described by a Maxwellian distribution. The mean velocity of these particles is about 145 km/s, which is well below the solar escape velocity of 618 km/s. However, a few of the particles achieve energies sufficient to reach the terminal velocity of 400 km/s, which allows them to feed the solar wind. At the same temperature, electrons, due to their much smaller mass, reach escape velocity and build up an electric field that further accelerates ions - charged atoms - away from the Sun. The corona is one of the sources of the solar wind. Solar maximum or solar max is a normal period of
Ursula Tuovi

Blogs - Crown Capital Eco Management - 1 views

  • The Eco Values Envisions a world where people enjoy and explore the natural resources of the earth. Features an authoritative source of legislation across the world that deals with environment preservation through promulgating policies on sanctions, regulations, authorizations and restrictions on natural resources. Crown Capital Eco Management Renewable Energy Scam Flooded summer season, Atlantic Ocean blames Northern Europe picks on the Atlantic Ocean because of its wet summer according to a new study. The rising and falling of ocean temperature or the so called cyclical deception is seen as a major extortion on the weather. The said pattern reported will last long as the Atlantic warming persists. The research was carried out at the University of Reading and is published in the journal Nature Geoscience. R The cycle of scheme investigated was known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. This change sees the waters warm or cool over a period of several decades. The researchers compared three periods in this cycle: a warm state from 1931-60, a cool period from 1961-90 and the most recent warm period starting in 1990 and continuing now. The paper notes that conditions in the last warm period in the Atlantic are broadly similar to those pragmatic now. Giant mammoth carcass in Siberian frost Yevgeny Salinder, an 11-year old Russian boy, is the one who discovered the massive remains of the mammoth in August. The mammoth, estimated to be at its 16 year when it died measured 2 meters and weighed 1,000 pounds, was excavated from the Siberian permafrost last month. "It is the mammoth of the century," said Professor Alexei Tikhonov of the Zoological Museum in St Petersburg. According to a Russian scientist, the well-preserved mammoth could be attacked by another mammoth or an Ice Age man. It was best preserved remains of a mature mammoth but its DNA was already damaged and would be difficult to use for
Fajar Hakim

Freeport To Restart Indonesia Open-Pit Mining Soon: Minister - 1 views

    Crown Capital Management International Relations Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Susilo Siswo Utomo also said a government probe into the tunnel collapse should end in one or two months. Arizona-based Freeport suspended operations at the world's No. 2 copper mine on May 15, a day after the training tunnel, away from its main operations, fell in on 38 workers. Several investigations are being conducted into the accident at the Grasberg mine complex, including one by the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and one by Freeport Indonesia using international experts. Susilo told reporters on Monday the open-pit production would restart in the immediate future and there was no reason for it not to resume as the investigation was not being done in the production area. The Grasberg mine normally produces around 220,000 tonnes of concentrated ore a day, with around 140,000 tonnes coming from open-pit mining and 80,000 tonnes from underground operations. Some industry analysts say the mine could face a prolonged closure and further strain relations between Freeport and trade unions after a three-month strike there in late 2011. Freeport Indonesia could not be contacted by telephone on Monday. On Saturday, as many workers carried out maintenance work, a Freeport spokeswoman said any restarting of operations would depend on the outcome of underground safety inspections being carried out by the energy and mineral resources ministry. A union official at Freeport Indonesia reiterated that all investigations into the cause of the collapse must be completed before mining resumes at the Grasberg complex, which also holds the world's largest gold reserves. "The union welcomes the management's decision to resume maintenance activities in Grasberg open-pit mining, but not for production activities," Papua-based union leader Virgo Solossa told Reuters on Monday. Late last week, Freeport Chief
Ursula Tuovi

Carbon Neutral or a Trojan Horse? - 0 views

Carbon Neutral or a Trojan Horse Crown Jakarta Management

started by Ursula Tuovi on 24 May 13 no follow-up yet
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