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Celeste Arrieta

Welcome to Wesley Fryer's Website: Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 5 views

  • This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. I've agreed to share a series of blog posts here on "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" this week. Hope you find this series helpful! If you have
    • Kemen Zabala
      I didn't read it, but it is probably very interesting :)
    • Celeste Arrieta
      I'm sure it is, I agree
  • a web-based learning management system (LMS)
    • Chenwen Hong
      the comparison of LMS and Open Source Lerning
  • Wesley Fryer
    • suzanne ondrus
      Not to confuse with Paolo Freire
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • 21st century
  • Thanks to the work of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and, ironically, the successful development of an iPhone application by NASA (bound by the Freedom of Information Act) the secret iPhone Developer agreement is now public. (PDF) EFF summarizes the key highlights of the agreement: Ban on Public Statements [by developers] App Store Only [for distribution] Ban on Reverse [...]
    • Christopher Laine
      These abbreviations are confusing.
  • [by developers]
    • Emmanuel Buzay
      Who are they ?
  • live in the most exciting age of earth history for anyone with ideas they want to share with a global audience!
    • Catherine Ross
      It's scary too!
  • Technology in Education.
  • This is a guest blog post by Sherman Nicodemus. This is my second post in a series I'm sharing on "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" this week. If you have questions about this post I'll be glad to answer them via comments here. The advent of digital encoding technologies has brought a revolution to the [...]
    • Inas Ayyoub
      seems like it is about copyright issues!
    • Celeste Arrieta
      and there's a change going on...
Barbara Lindsey

A better way to teach? - 0 views

    A new study shows that students learn much better through an active, iterative process that involves working through their misconceptions with fellow students and getting immediate feedback from the instructor.
Barbara Lindsey

Open Professional Development - 0 views

    OpenPD (Open Professional Development), a professional-learning network that has attracted participants from several states as well as Australia, Argentina, China, and New Zealand. Draper's cofacilitator is Robin Ellis, a technology coordinator from Quakertown, Pennsylvania.
Celeste Arrieta

Collaborative Editing « Beyond WebCT: Integrating Social Networking Tools Int... - 3 views

  • In what ways do the readings for this week provide an insight into their potential use in educational settings? In what ways could they support the learning goals you have for your students? What do these venues for collaboration and resource sharing mean for you as an educator and scholar? What questions do they raise for you?
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Questions to explore for today's class
    • Chenwen Hong
      Diigo & Zotero are really useful tools to do research.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      We should try to tease out the similarities and differences between these two tools and when and how one would use each. For some tools it is just a matter of personal preference, say between using pbworks versus wikispaces in creating a wiki. Do you think the same could be said here or are there critical differences?
    • Celeste Arrieta
      I think Diigo provides a wide variety of possibilities. Zotero is also useful and maybe it's easier to learn how to use it. But when I tried to find groups and information on my specific field, Zotero didn't show many.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Celeste, I wonder if part of the reason why you couldn't find groups or specific information in your area of interest is because this part of Zotero is relatively new and that faculty in the humanities, in particular, are not 'rewarded' in the same way as those in the sciences are for collaborating. Do you think humanities faculty regularly collaborate on research currently? Do you know how their scholarly work is evaluated in this regard? What do you think of these new learning and scholarship opportunities and how they might impact you? Once you all have had a chance to use both for a while, I wonder if distinct differences between Diigo and Zotero will begin to emerge for you?

Confessions of a Podcast Junkie: A Student Perspective (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 3 views

  • My experience in creating podcasts came through much nobler endeavors. It began with a research project in the working-class neighborhoods of North Belfast and a frustrated conversation over pints in a pub. I was on a research high after an interview with two women of very different political backgrounds. They were friends, brought together by the work of a local nonprofit, and their mutual admiration shone from the lightning-fast banter that they tossed back and forth throughout the interview. It was clear to me that they were a perfect example of a friendship from different sides of the political divide. But my friend at the pub just couldn't get it. He suggested that their friendship might be contrived, a mere show for my benefit, or that if real, it didn't mean as much as I thought. Exasperated, I pulled out my recorder and played the conversation back to him. As their Belfast accents filled up our corner booth, I could see his posture slacken and the battle turn my way. In that moment, I decided that only a podcast could finish telling my story. Over the next months, armed with just an MP3 player and some freeware suggested by a friend, I worked to piece together the story of North Belfast through interviews, conversations, and the sounds of the streets. The result was crude, elementary, and slightly difficult to listen to. But I was hooked.
  • Student Use (and Misuse) of Podcast Technology
  • In fact, the iPod topped the list of the most "in" things on campus in 2006, according to Student Monitor's Lifestyle & Media Study.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      How many in our class own an iPod? Other mp3 player?
    • Inas Ayyoub
      I don't have any of them, but after studying and teaching in an American university , I feel it is one of the important things that I have to own!!
    • Kemen Zabala
      I own an iPod touch and I believe my cellphone is also part mp3 player
    • Barbara Lindsey
      I have 2
    • Blanca Garcia Valenzuela
      I have a mp3 player, not an iPod and, anyway, I do not see why iPods are so popular...
    • Catherine Ross
      I own an iPod but I never use it!
    • Celeste Arrieta
      I don't have an IPod
    • Celeste Arrieta
      You made very interesting comments, Inas! Congratulations!!
    • suzanne ondrus
      I own one but have yet to use it! :(
    • Christopher Laine
      Mine doesn't really work since I put it in the laundry. But I never used it much anyway because it's not compatible with .flac files.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • transfer lectures and course material
  • "The good thing was that you could listen to a section over and over again if you wanted to review it," Clemen says. "There were a few podcasts that I had to review a couple of times. I could write out what he was saying and listen to what he was saying again." Reviewing came in handy, they all say, especially during project or exam times. "[With the podcasts], I've got more material to go back to if I wanted to review that module," Clemen says. "Whereas with the rest of the material, I just have some PowerPoint and my own notes."
  • The trick, students say, is to make sure that there is something to gain by attending class and downloading the lecture.
  • the material has to be relevant to the rest of the course. Otherwise, it's just a cool technology to have." Material should have a clear connection to the actual course, making a seamless transition between face time and the online realm.
  • Students stress the need to keep audio and video concise and engaging.
  • ust because a student totes an iPod on campus doesn't mean that the student is podcast-savvy.
  • "There aren't any time constraints. Your podcast doesn't have to be an exact amount of time. You have carte blanche to change the format and grow your show." He also helps capture audio from guest speakers so that the programs can be
  • n to the guest lectures while on the bus, at the gym, or in their dorm rooms. Still, Stein never felt the urge to skip class. "It was nice to know that if you missed class, you could record the lectures," she says. "But the iPod didn't encourage you to miss class. There's not a chalkboard that you can see or problems that you can see worked out. I think more people show up in a [podcasting] course because it encourages more interaction."
  • "It's much better than writing a paper. It's more interesting, much more fun, and much more creative. You get a lot of time to work on it, and it's more collaborative because you're working with other people. You're creating the performance as you go and then continuously working on it." Creating a podcast didn't mean less work, he says.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Your thoughts?
    • suzanne ondrus
      This seems to go on the idea of trying to make one's class accessible to everyone. So with podcasts students with strong oral skills might excell.
    • Inas Ayyoub
      Still, we don't want students to end up with poor writing skills. So I guess with the help of other uses of technolog like wikis we can make writing papers more fun and help stdents improve that as well.
  • Though her goal was to increase learning for her peers in the anatomy course, she found that creating the material was a boon to her own learning. "As a student creating the podcasts, I had the chance to learn a lot more than I would have taking a course," she says. "It's about learning how to teach the material and how to make a narration out of it. You have this intimate knowledge of the material, and now you know how to show the different sides of an issue."
  • Besides the entertainment value, Westfall and Finnegan say that the podcasts were especially useful for reviewing material. They used the podcasts as refreshers throughout the semester and during exam time. In addition, creating a segment meant that they had to brush up on their own knowledge of the subject.
  • I don't want [the podcasts] to overlap with lectures too much; I still want people to go to the lecture. This is a very relaxed way to get the information to them. They can do it on their own time and download it whenever."
    • Inas Ayyoub
      Though the podcasts arre a great idea for reviewing materials and catching up on things you missed in a class, still they will result in having less and less face-to-face interaction which is still needed especially when learning languages. I guess students will be tempted to miss classes more and more , even though the article suggested that using podcasts will encourage them not to do so!!
  • Knowing my own podcast history, I had to wonder just how quickly the students were jumping on board. Armed with my same recorder—though it was now slightly rougher for the wear—I asked students at colleges and universities across North America about their iPod and MP3 use, their familiarity with podcasting, and just how they saw podcasting as part of the classroom.
  • Knowing my own podcast history, I had to wonder just how quickly the students were jumping on board. Armed with my same recorder—th
    "Besides the entertainment value, Westfall and Finnegan say that the podcasts were especially useful for reviewing material. They used the podcasts as refreshers throughout the semester and during exam time. In addition, creating a segment meant that they had to brush up on their own knowledge of the subject."
Barbara Lindsey

iPads for College Classrooms? Not So Fast, Some Professors Say. - Technology - The Chro... - 3 views

  • But Mr. Steinhaus and other administrators soon realized that the iPad, with the slow finger-typing it requires, actually makes written course work more difficult, and that the devices wouldn't run all of the university's applications.
  • When the University of Notre Dame tested iPads in a management class, students said the finger-based interface on its glassy surface was not good for taking class notes and didn't allow them to mark up readings. For their online final exam, 39 of the 40 students put away their iPads in favor a laptop, because of concerns that the Apple tablet might not save their material.
  • iPads also foster collaboration. Students using them for group assignments in a math class at Pepperdine University were more in sync than were students in a section not using iPads. The iPad-equipped students worked at the same pace as one another and shared their screens to help one another solve tough problems, says Dana Hoover, assistant chief information officer for communications and planning.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • At Reed College, having all the texts available in a political-science class on the iPad meant it was easier to refer to readings and pull in outside material for discussion, says Martin Ringle, the college's chief technology officer.
  • Course readings were converted to PDF's at Reed, which allowed students to mark them up using an application called iAnnotate, but Mr. Ringle acknowledges that this wouldn't work for all classes, because many texts can't easily be converted to PDF's, and many electronic textbooks don't allow annotation.
  • While Apple has promoted the iPad's ability to change learning, Ms. Simon says that as far as she knows, the company isn't working with leaders in the learning process: professors themselves.
  • but consumer decisions rather than educational ones will probably determine which tablets students purchase—and which ones colleges will support, he says.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Should this concern us? Does this happen with technology in general?
Barbara Lindsey

Open Video Alliance | Wireside Chat with Lawrence Lessig - 2 views

    Lecture by and Q & A with Lawrence Lessig on copyright in the digital age and the role of fair use.
suzanne ondrus

Online English Composition Conference March 3 - 2 views

    This would be cool to check out and might give us some background for the March 24th conference.
Barbara Lindsey

Will Your College Be Covered in Virtual Graffiti? - Technology - The Chronicle of Highe... - 2 views

  • It's a lot easier to get ahead of the curve and to guide people into some of these technologies, as opposed to after the fact going back and trying to correct" their behavior, says the interactive-media manager.
  • Universities are still figuring out how to deal with Facebook and Twitter and other interactive programs which, like much of what's called Web 2.0, are largely out of their control. Now they'll have to wrestle with the power and pitfalls of an even more in-your-face social-media tool.
  • The University of Texas at Dallas is taking a different approach. Lately the 16,000-student state university has become a laboratory for what happens when students and professors go wild with unofficial tagging.
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  • If you're scratching your head wondering what this has to do with education, here's Mr. Terry's answer: The technology will, he says, transform disciplines.
  • Perry Hewitt, digital-communications director at Harvard, says privacy is a serious issue. She also points out that similar sky-is-falling predictions were raised when the answering machine was introduced.
  • Mr. Terry's students will present a smartphone application they have built, called Placethings, which lets you tie pictures, video, and audio to locations and map that multimedia trail into a narrative.
  • Gartner, a technology-research company, forecasts that by 2013 mobile phones will pass personal computers as the most common way people worldwide get access to the Internet. But the practice of cellphone users' tying content to place is so new that you can really believe only one prediction with much confidence. Which is this: As location tagging goes more mainstream in the next few years, today's efforts will look trivial.
    Thx to @academicdave
Chenwen Hong

Facebook Privacy Blunder Is Boon for Berkeley Legal Scholar - Wired Campus - The Chroni... - 2 views

    a lawsuit concerning the privacy of Facebook members
    I had no idea of what Beacon is, but I am happy that Facebook discontinued the technology. Do we feel safer about this? Well, ...
Barbara Lindsey

Mobile Devices for Teaching & Learning | LearnCentral - 2 views

    BeyondWebCT Elluminate session with Travis Allen of the iSchool Initiative and Kevin Gaugler of Marist College
Barbara Lindsey

Using Mobile Devices and Technology to Enhance Emotional Intelligence « User ... - 2 views

  • These students, as a group, are classified as lower income students.  None of their devices had the capability to download apps.  What this says to me as the educator is that when I am designing activities that use the students own devices in my BYOD classroom, that they cannot include the use of apps.  They have camera, email, texting, internet capabilities, but no way to use apps. 
  • As you can see the uploaded images created a personalized feelings poster.  Students were provided with scenarios and asked to locate on the Interactive White Board which of these displayed images that they created best represented how they would feel in that situation.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Could you imagine using this activity with your students and if so, how would you modify it?
Barbara Lindsey

The Tempered Radical: New Opportunities to Connect and Create. . . - 1 views

  • Our students will buy and sell from countries across the world and work for international companies. They will manage employees from other cultures, work with people from different continents in joint ventures and solve global problems such as AIDS and avian flu together.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      As language educators, if we don't make use of thes networked environments we are guilty of malfeasance.
  • But what I've grown to realize is that very few people have really embraced the changing nature of a tomorrow that remains poorly defined. We know that the Internet today is far more powerful than ever before---and have heard about companies that are capitalizing on these changes---but we haven't figured out what that means for us. We're jazzed to have access to information and geeked by interactive content providers, but our digital experiences remain somewhat self-centered.
  • the new National Educational Technology Standards for Students being developed by the International Society for Technology in Education. These standards reflect an increased need to teach children how to use the Internet in new and different ways. Perhaps the most challenging---and important standard---for educators to embrace will this one:Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: A. Interact, collaborate and publish with peers, experts or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. B. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. C. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures. D. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.Does that sound like the digital work being done in your classroom, school, district or state?!
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Together with the Center for International Understanding, North Carolina in the World is developing partnerships based on digital collaboration between schools in North Carolina and nations ranging from China to Mexico. Teachers and students in partnering schools are learning to use Web 2.0 tools like web-conferencing and wikis to connect kids across continents. Not only do these efforts help to build a general knowledge of other countries in our children, they are providing concrete opportunities to use technology in new ways.
Barbara Lindsey

The iPad and Information's Third Age | Open Culture - 1 views

  • Though the university initially fought its introduction, the printed textbook provided broad access to information that, for the first time, promised the possibility of universal education.
  • A barrier of symbolic complexity emerged between people and information for one of the first times in history. And the superabundance of information created a world that by necessity had to be divided into smaller and smaller subsections for organizational reasons. As people began to feel increasingly disconnected from information and as its relational and contextual aspects began to fade, we saw a transformation in teaching and learning. Hands-on apprenticeships and small teacher/student cohorts began to disappear, replaced by teachers delivering carefully parsed and categorized information to “standardized” students, all while trapped in classrooms isolated from the world in order to limit “distraction.”
  • It has become virtually impossible for a person to assess the quality, relevance, and usefulness of more information than she can process in a lifetime. And this is a problem that will only get worse as information continues to proliferate. But a quick look at popular technologies shows some of the ways people are working to address it. Social networking leverages selected communities to recommend books, restaurants, and movies. Context- and location-aware applications help focus search results and eliminate extraneous complexity. And customization and personalization allow people to create informational spaces that limit the intrusion of informational chaos.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Any genuine solution will have to address the problems of the current informational age — and it will need to continue answering the problems of the previous informational ages. From what I’ve seen, Apple’s new iPad is the first device to promise this (even if that promise isn’t yet fully realized). That is what makes it such a compelling candidate to be the first platform that serves true digital books.
  • Books that are static, don’t allow customization, don’t connect with other information on the device, and don’t leverage social connectivity aren’t the future, no matter how sophisticated the device that serves them. They’re simply the past repackaged.
  • Given what I’ve seen of its features and approaches, the iPad shows the promise to engender such a change, though much development will have to take place for it to realize its potential. Nonetheless, the innovation it offers in three critical areas is especially compelling: accessibility, participation, and customization. Central to all three of these is the fact that the iPad is not a single-use, standalone device; it’s a powerful, converged platform with robust development tools and capabilities.
  • I would argue that the key accessibility feature of the iPad is its apparent “lack” of an interface (a feature Apple’s marketing is working hard to underscore). Unlike all of the other similar devices (including those running Apple’s standard OS), which require users to learn to negotiate complex symbolic interfaces — files, folders, hierarchies, toolbars, navigational buttons — the iPad limits or even eliminates these in favor of touch, an approach intuitive even to those too young to read.
  • The collapsing of symbolic complexity into the simplicity of touch enables participation by new groups of people — even relative technophobes — and this mirrors the increased accessibility offered by Gutenberg’s revolution while lowering the barrier characteristic of most recent technologies.
  • For those interested in culture and creativity, this is an exciting prospect.
  • In Gutenberg’s case, the increase in accessibility led to a dramatic increase in cultural participation, and this is another way the iPad differentiates itself from many of its peer devices.
  • Put in the hands of readers and students, the robust capabilities of its new version of iWork, combined with access to the complete range of apps on the App Store and an entirely new generation of native apps, the iPad could provide access to professional-quality creative tools that empower a new set of participants
  • the iPad’s blend of social and contextual technologies and its ease of customization offer useful ways for the device to help users sort, focus, and control the information around them. The iPad’s networking capabilities, linked to a new generation of digital books, could help people discover both new texts and the members of a discussion group who could help them process what they’re reading. Combined with a portable format that allows readers to carry their books into various contexts, this could be incredibly powerful. One imagines, for example, a field-guide to forests linked to live discussion partners, allowing a reader to discover the forest in a new and engaging way that offers the advantages of both the first and second informational ages. Yet this sort of capability also reveals an area where the iPad falls surprisingly short: its lack of a camera (let alone two, one forward and one backward facing) means the device has limited capabilities for interesting emerging technologies like augmented reality — a staple of recently-developed apps. In terms of future eBooks, a volume of Hemingway that could alert readers that they were only two blocks from the café Les Deux Magots, for example, and offer an augmented tour of the place or that could direct the reader of Brontë to a moor would be transformational indeed. Perhaps we’ll see such capabilities on iPad 2.0.
Barbara Lindsey Teach Yourself Store - 1 views

    • Barbara Lindsey
      Look over this site with a partner. Together, highlight and comment on sections that address the following questions: 1. How are the resources here dis/similar to those you currently use in the courses you teach? 2. In what ways do students benefit from learning from you as opposed to learning in this way?
    Monetizing independent learning.
Barbara Lindsey

Wireside Chat with Lawrence Lessig - CC Wiki - 1 views

  • Come in person, or tune in to a live webcast at
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Do we want to do this in lieu of our Friday session?
    The first Wireside Chat kicks off with a live webcast of a talk by Lawrence Lessig. Professor Lessig will deliver a talk on fair use and politics in online video from Harvard Law School in Cambridge, MA. Come in person, or tune in to a live webcast at
    Should we attend on the 25th from 6-7:30 p.m. EST?
Barbara Lindsey

Zotero Style Repository - 1 views

  • 2008-12-23 06:40:00
    • Barbara Lindsey
      This is my sticky note
    A list of bibliographic citations
    Is this list complete?
Kemen Zabala

Digital Dialects language learning - 1 views

  • The Digital Dialects website features free to use interactive games for learning languages. Language sections are updated regularly and new sections are under development. This site requires the use of Macromedia Flash Player.
Inas Ayyoub

Aswaat Arabiyya - 1 views

    good for listening exercises
    Are these good for all levels of Arabic language learners?
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