Can Higher Education Be Fixed? The Innovative University - Forbes - 0 views
Harvard has invested heavily in a system of residential housing and high-quality tutoring. This means that even students who pay the tuition sticker price aren’t covering the full cost of their education. Thus, growing the size of its “customer” base, which is how businesses achieve scale economies and greater profitability, is financially problematic for Harvard and for other universities with similar operating models.
What is the purpose of a university as depicted in this book? Is it: A. A university is an institution that provides a degree, which is a credential or screening device for the economy and for society? Or B. A university is an institution in which people acquire the knowledge they need for a particular job? Or C. A university is an institution in which people acquire the knowledge they need to be a citizen? Or D. A university is an experience where you acquire a capacity to be a lifelong learner (because most of the knowledge you acquire will be obsolete within a few years and the jobs of tomorrow will not be the jobs of today)? Or E. Something else?
One of the best ways to learn to learn is to be an active learner and a teacher of one’s fellow students in college. This instructional philosophy isn’t yet widespread, but its effectiveness has been proven, and it doesn’t require additional financial investment, only a change in the attitudes of faculty members and students. Broader adoption seems likely, with time.
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