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Scholar 2.0: Public Intellectualism Meets the Open Web - 1 views

  • for the most part, knowledge created by academics is placed mostly in outlets that can be accessed only by “the knowledge elite.”
  • I have become so used to publishing directly to the Web that I felt shackled by the constraints of the print medium.
  • open access and peer-review are NOT mutually exclusive
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • you write something really important, sign over your rights to a for-profit publisher and then that publisher charges YOUR university (and potentially other subscribers; individual or organizational) a fee to carry that journal. In other words, you are giving your knowledge to a company so they can sell it back to your university
  • Hypertext is the (not so) new endnote/footnote.
  • Most print journals STILL cannot handle color graphics. With incredible advances in data visualization technology, there must be a move to publishing to the Web directly.
  • As a result of her use of various forms of social media, Ravitch has (amazingly) positioned herself as the leading voice of the counter-narrative to the dominant educational policy agenda.
  • motivated by sharing with others, a blog allows scholars to disseminate content and express opinions to larger audiences than more traditional outlets. Second, needing room for creativity and self-reflection, the blog is a tool for practicing writing and for keeping up-to-date and remembering; it is a space to house early articulations of one’s ideas. Finally, valuing connections, the participants used their blogs for interacting and creating relationships with others.
  • A recent post about charter schools on Dr. Baker's blog includes 25 comments which, together, comprise a great argument between Bruce, Stuart Buck and Kevin Welner. That conversation happened "in public," not at some exclusive conference or behind some paywall. How can you read that conversation and not recognize the value of blogs as spaces for scholarly communication?
  • there is a real need for content-area experts who can serve as curators.
  • One could certainly argue that content curation is not a new kind of authorship. Editing books or journals is about content curation and has traditionally "counted" as authorship for tenure and promotion purposes. However, at the risk of sounding repetitive, our tools for content creation are new.
  • Social bookmarking tools are also incredibly simple to use and ideal for curating content. Diigo and Delicious are the two most widely adopted free social bookmarking services. Users can "bookmark" sites, aggregate them using tags, and then share their collections publicly.
  • unlike content curation in a print medium, that collection is dynamic (I can add or delete at any time) and interactive (visitors can comment on any of the items in the collection and start a conversation of sorts). I believe this to be a truly modern and increasingly important form of scholarly activity. 
  • There are other forms of modern scholarly activity that are well-worth considering, including webinars and podcasting.
  • Gideon Burton, Assistant Professor of English at Brigham Young University, who writes: I don't want to be complicit in sustaining a knowledge economy that rewards its participants when they invest in burying and restricting knowledge. This is why Open Access is more than a new model for scholarly publishing, it is the only ethical move available to scholars who take their own work seriously enough to believe its value lies in how well it engages many publics and not just a few peers (para. 7).
    For BWCT 2011 syllabus

Everything is a Remix Part 3 | Everything Is a Remix - 1 views

    Use for fall 2011 syllabus

This Visible College (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

  • To understand this brave new classroom, we can learn from the library. For years librarians have grappled with their own version of this inversion, seeing library functions migrate beyond physical walls. Indeed, a slogan coined in 2005, around the same time Web 2.0 started growing into a planetary force, spotlighting not library as place, but (every) place as (a) library.11 Libraries facilitate access to patrons anywhere. Similarly, teachers increasingly make learning experiences available to any connected learner, willingly or not. Thus education needs all kinds of professional and policy responses to support the classroom. We can imagine changes to teacher training in graduate school, new professional development content, increased campus media capture support, new privacy policies, intellectual property policy revisions, reinterpretations of FERPA, and new licenses and negotiations for non-OER materials. And that’s just for starters.
    Fall syllabus 2011

You Want iPads For Your School ... But Is That Enough? - iPads in Education - 1 views

    via @langwitches. Great post describing why/why not to use iPads in ed.

The New Academic Publishing: Digital First | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning - 1 views

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Cisco Blog » Blog Archive » The Internet of Things [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

A Tale of Two Worlds: Old School, New School | CTU - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

How to Save the Traditional University, From the Inside Out - Commentary - The Chronicl... - 1 views

  • The scholarship of teaching, in particular, has been overlooked for too long.
  • They serve as conservators and promulgators of our cultural memories
    • Barbara Lindsey
      So is the university just a museum of old knowledge?
  • The value of what happens on a campus is hard to quantify, but it can be life-changing. That's true for most of us who have chosen to work in higher education, as it is for many former students who pursued work in "the real world."
    • Barbara Lindsey
      What is so unique about a physical campus that mentoring can only occur in this way?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • No one has created a better mechanism for discovery, memory, and mentoring than the one devised by innovative American academics in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Would you agree? 
  • Undergraduate students who prepare for face-to-face classes via online lectures, problem sets, and discussion boards can take Socratic discovery to levels like those of the best graduate business and law schools.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Speaking essentially of a flipped classroom model.
  • Online degrees are steadily getting better, and the cost of providing them is a small fraction of what traditional institutions spend per graduate. Faced with an either-or choice, many young college students will follow the lead of adult learners: They'll take the affordable online option over the socially preferable but financially inaccessible traditional college experience.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Should the conversation focus primarily on cost? Who benefits? Will learning improve?
  • In addition to adopting online learning as what we call a sustaining innovation, avoiding disruption will require incumbent institutions to effectively change their DNA. Most will need to become more focused on undergraduate students, cutting back on graduate programs that serve relatively few students while consuming much faculty time and generating little of the prestige hoped for when they were created. Programmatic offerings need to be more focused: Some majors should be dropped, and many should be shortened, making it more feasible for students to complete a degree in four years. The number of departments and centers at most institutions needs strategic shrinking.
    • Barbara Lindsey
      What are your thoughts about this?
    fall 2011 syllabus

elearnspace › Losing interest in social media: there is no there there - 1 views

    For fall 2011 syllabus

SpeEdChange: Hulu in the Classroom: Building Literacy - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

These social network propaganda posters are awesome - Shareables - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

Learning Reimagined: Participatory, Peer, Global, Online | DMLcentral - 1 views

  • I have found that in both my traditional physical classrooms and online environments, the chances of successful outcomes are multiplied when every person in the group makes a commitment to active participation in helping others learn.
  • When a sufficient number of people jump in and start contributing and building on one another's contributions, it becomes clear to all that it's not just about the teacher's performance and the student's ability to complete assignments. It's about our joint effort to make the whole of our encounter more valuable than just the sum of our individual learning.
  • I type roles on the whiteboard and show how to use the whiteboard tools to enter, format and move around elements. Roles include searchers, chat summarizers, session summarizers, mindmap leaders, session bloggers. I ask co-learners to write their own names on the whiteboard next to the roles they want to take, show them how to create break-out rooms to coordinate their collaborations, and ask the summarizers to feed their output to the bloggers, who take responsibility for posting a reflective summary of the session later
    • Barbara Lindsey
      How about we try this out in our online sessions?
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • It's confusing at first, but it is also flowing.
  • Yes, we're a collective intelligence, which is exhilarating, but we're a toddler collective intelligence, stumbling around learning to walk and trying to figure out where we're going at the same time. A number of new skills are required in short order. Information and communication flow through multiple simultaneous channels. The enterprise is challenging - that's part of the exercise. Taking my direction from George Siemens' ideas about networked learning ("we emphasize that early course experiences tend to be overwhelming and chaotic") I assure co-learners early and often that we can relax, accept and even embrace the chaos, and regard our networked attempts to make sense of it as the scaffold for our co-learning. 
  • Instead of seeking to put every fact in its place in an existing well-ordered taxonomy, why not seek to learn together by asking questions about what puzzles us, then organizing our discussions and mining them for knowledge?
  • Sometimes, I get into predicaments and don't know how to quit a webtour or place people in breakout rooms. So I calmly start exploring possible solutions, talking about it as I try to recover. While doing so, I also talk about the importance of exploring close enough to the edge to fall over it frequently. I model tolerance for error, learning from error, pushing the envelope of tech. Indeed, I've found that the earlier I can break something and fix it in public, the better. We talk about what works and what doesn't, discard what doesn't suit our purposes, push a tool further if it helps us learn together. It requires regular doses of humility to abandon what seemed like a bright idea at the time.
  • The objective is a culture of conversation that troubleshoots practical skills, explores theoretical underpinnings, dissects social implications.
  • Our internal social bookmarks enable us to create a mini-collective-intelligence by gathering resources about our discussion topics, selecting or writing descriptive snippets, assigning tags. The emerging tag-cloud serves as an index to the resources.
  • Wiki-work is about collaborative authoring.
  • In the process of using these tools to try to make sense together, we co-construct our learning. The last week of the course is about re-examining our learning process, reiterating the most important things we've learned, and redesigning the parts of the process that didn't work so well.
    fall 2011 syllabus

All Things Education: Research Papers vs Blogs: Defending "Antiquated" Teaching from 21... - 1 views

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UnCollege | Manifesto - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

Island Discovery Learning Community - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course - - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

Google Student Blog: How I use Google Docs as a student - 1 views

    fall 2011 syllabus

Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars - 1 views

  • Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums, so why not on any site?
    Thanks to Clif Mims for posting this info. A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. Avatars help identify your

Link by Link - Don't Buy That Textbook, Download It Free - - 1 views

  • “It is a two-way process,” he wrote in an e-mail message. “I, for one, have experienced difficulty during my formal study years with the best of textbooks around.” He said the new system “gives me opportunity to respond to the editing needs all the time.”
    page 2

Wiggio - Makes it easy to work in groups. - 1 views

  • is a free, online toolkit that makes it easy to work in groups.
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