ELA: There are more sobering notes
among the n-grams.
For instance, here's the trajectory of Marc Chagall,
an artist born in 1887.
And this looks like the normal trajectory of a famous person.
He gets more and more and more famous,
except if you look in German.
If you look in German, you see something completely bizarre,
something you pretty much never see,
which is he becomes extremely famous
and then all of a sudden plummets,
going through a nadir between 1933 and 1945,
before rebounding afterward.
And of course, what we're seeing
is the fact Marc Chagall was a Jewish artist
in Nazi Germany.
Now these signals
are actually so strong
that we don't need to know that someone was censored.
We can actually figure it out
using really basic signal processing.
Here's a simple way to do it.
Well, a reasonable expectation
is that somebody's fame in a given period of time
should be roughly the average of their fame before
and their fame after.
So that's sort of what we expect.
And we compare that to the fame that we observe.
And we just divide one by the other
to produce something we call a suppression index.
If the suppression index is very, very, very small,
then you very well might be being suppressed.
If it's very large, maybe you're benefiting from propaganda.
A proposed Ph.D. in German at Colorado aims to halve time to degree | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views
The German privacy paradox « BuzzMachine - 0 views
What we learned from 5 million books | Video on TED.com - 0 views
From YouTube version of this talk: "[Google's digtized books] are very practical and extremely awesome." Erez Lieberman Aiden and Jean-Baptiste Michel from Harvard University use the 15 million books scanned and digitized by Google to show how a visual and quantitative analysis of text can provide insights about fields as diverse as lexicography, the evolution of grammar, collective memory, the adoption of technology, the pursuit of fame, censorship, and historical epidemiology.
Now when Google digitizes a book, they put it into a really nice format. Now we've got the data, plus we have metadata. We have information about things like where was it published, who was the author, when was it published. And what we do is go through all of those records and exclude everything that's not the highest quality data. What we're left with is a collection of five million books, 500 billion words, a string of characters a thousand times longer than the human genome -- a text which, when written out, would stretch from here to the Moon and back 10 times over -- a veritable shard of our cultural genome.
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German State Bans Facebook's "Like" - 0 views
The University of Wherever - NYTimes.com - 0 views
Thrun, a German-born and largely self-taught expert in robotics, is famous for leading the team that built Google’s self-driving car. He is offering his “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course online and free of charge. His remote students will get the same lectures as students paying $50,000 a year, the same assignments, the same exams and, if they pass, a “statement of accomplishment” (though not Stanford credit). When The Times wrote about this last month, 58,000 students had signed up for the course. After the article, enrollment leapt to 130,000, from across the globe.
Thrun’s ultimate mission is a virtual university in which the best professors broadcast their lectures to tens of thousands of students. Testing, peer interaction and grading would happen online; a cadre of teaching assistants would provide some human supervision; and the price would be within reach of almost anyone. “Literally, we can probably get the same quality of education I teach in class for about 1 to 2 percent of the cost,” Thrun told me.
Thrun believes there are technological answers to all of these questions, some of them being worked out already by other online frontiersmen.
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SpeEdChange: A physical place for virtual education - 0 views
And if you can't eat around it, or drink around it, just don't buy it. Education is messy - if your carpet or upholstery can't be easily cleaned, you've bought the wrong stuff.
Design so that lighting varies, bright, dim, warm, cool. The idea of uniform room lighting, pulled from turn-of-the-20th-century German factory design, has never been appropriate for human use
Design so that noise levels can vary as well. Not everyone needs auditory chaos, but many do. serve everyone. Don't pick "50 year" furniture.
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