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Barbara Lindsey

News: A Call for Copyright Rebellion - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • “If copyright law, at its core, regulates something called ‘copies,’ then in the analog world… many uses of culture were copyright-free,” he explained. “They didn’t trigger copyright law, because no copy was made. But in the digital world, very few uses are copyright-free because in the digital world … all uses produce a copy.”
  • Absolute open access does weaken the incentive to create insofar as scholars crave some tangible remuneration for their commercially published works. The solution to the problem, he said, probably lies in hybrid systems such as Creative Commons, of which he is a board member. Creative Commons licenses allow authors to designate what portions of their work can be copied and how it may be used, thereby avoiding the “thicket” of the copyright system — where, Lessig said, things are never nearly that simple.
    Lawrence Lessig talks about copyright's impact on education in the digital age.
Barbara Lindsey

Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators by Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano in Education & La... - 0 views

    List of tools and how to use them.
    Maybe useful for our wiki...
Barbara Lindsey

Marking work in Google Docs | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

    How to assess online writing
Barbara Lindsey Teach Yourself Store - 1 views

    • Barbara Lindsey
      Look over this site with a partner. Together, highlight and comment on sections that address the following questions: 1. How are the resources here dis/similar to those you currently use in the courses you teach? 2. In what ways do students benefit from learning from you as opposed to learning in this way?
    Monetizing independent learning.
Barbara Lindsey

Podcast263: Technology Shopping Cart Podcast07 - iPhone Web Apps and Poll Eve... - 0 views

    • Barbara Lindsey
      How many rss options can you find on this post?
    Wes Fryer and Karen Montgomery podcast with links focused on mobile ed apps like poll everywhere. Part 2 of 3 part series
Barbara Lindsey

Connectivism & Connective Knowledge » Narratives of coherence - 0 views

  • Grand narratives – such as provide us with a large umbrella that we can use to make sense of the world – have been besieged over the last several decades. Grand narratives in the form of newspapers, newscasts, and books are now augmented by blogs and YouTube videos.
  • an attempt to provide or create some type of a narrative – namely, a narrative of coherence.
  • In a traditional course, the educator hacks the trails to complex information landscapes. The educator’s bias influences what is included and excluded.
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  • While it is obvious that information shaping approaches such as we find in newspapers and books are fading in prominence, we still need some type of framework to make sense of it all.
  • We all face information abundance. We all face the reality that we will always be missing some key pieces of information.
  • A common concern voiced by many of the active participants: how do we assimilate/makesense of this information?!? There’s just too much of it.
  • Part of the solution is to rely on one’s learning network to filter out nonsense and to draw attention to key ideas. This is particularly effective when we can “plug in” to a network with high levels of diversity and with people we quickly begin to trust.
  • dealing with the concept of self-construal, and the differences that exist among cultures and individuals who are predominantly independent or interdependent. According to those studies, one of these differences is precisely the sense of belonging that you mention. Interdependent self-construals feel more strongly about it than independent self-construals (you can see a more detailed explanation on this and other differences, along with a short literature review in Walker, Deng & Dieser 2005.)
  • four years ago, I conducted a survey among English and Spanish speaking Wikipedians, and the results regarding their motivation to participate in the Wikipedia project were worthy of note: “For Spanish Wikipedia contributors, the sense of building and being part of a large community pays off for the less-rewarding moments of their life as Wikipedians. This is obvious not only by analyzing the answers submitted by the survey respondents but also by taking a look at the large amount of hits that personal pages have in the Spanish version of Wikipedia. English Wikipedia contributors, on the other side, also acknowledge the joys of being part of a community, but, for the most part, they seem more interested in the administrative aspects of Wikipedia, such as creating rules and guidelines, enforcing them and providing for a smooth work with the administrators.” Other differences based on the type of self-construal are very common on our daily interactions on the network.
  • I find my network actually adds to my growing “to read” pile, I’ve read really good stuff because I have seen one or more of my Twitter contacts mentioning an item. I fear more technology will just highlight even more great material.
    Grand narratives - such as provide us with a large umbrella that we can use to make sense of the world - have been besieged over the last several decades. Grand narratives in the form of newspapers, newscasts, and books are now augmented by blogs and YouTube videos. As discussed in a previous post, one of our key challenges in this course is to find a way to bring together the numerous ideas and viewpoints in a way that makes sense for participants.
Barbara Lindsey

Wes Fryer YouTube - Why We Need Pi - 0 views

    • Barbara Lindsey
      How did you learn pi and similar concepts? Could you use this approach with declarative knowledge in your content area?
    A cell phone recorded video created on March 14 ,2009, for the Film on the Fly movie contest. By calculating the diameter of the building using Google Earth, we were able to calculate the circumference (or perimeter) of the entire building.
Barbara Lindsey

Web Site Allows Students to Rate Professors : NPR - 0 views

  • I even go so far as sending my students the link to my rating. That way they can do it and I'm making it easy for them to do. That's when the site becomes useful, because in the aggregate you can look at how that professor performed.
  • She sees negative comments as opportunities to improve her teaching. Most students post to the site unprompted by their teachers, and a lot of them go there to talk smack.
  • My mother could be rating me. My worst enemy could be rating me. I could be rating myself. My colleague with a grudge against me could be rating me. And that called into question the whole legitimacy of the site.
Barbara Lindsey

The Associated Press: Aid groups enlist Google to help in Haiti effort - 0 views

  • Over a normal Google Earth screen of Haiti, blue spots appear showing where Haitians have settled. Some are named by street, zone or landmark, and others are simply numbered as "IDP" — internally displaced persons — camps.Each blue spot can be clicked on, calling up an information box that gives a site's longitude and latitude, commune and estimated number of families and individuals. The details are updated regularly so that, in theory, charities and government officials can foresee aid shortfalls, and potential dangers such as landslides and floods.
  • "It gives you a quick snapshot: 'Hey, look, there's no water there,'" Kelly said. "When something happens, the initial questions we ask are: 'Where is everyone? How are they living? What services are they getting?'"
  • "A lot of time and effort goes into logistics. If you don't know what's coming, where to take it, you are in trouble," Kelly said. "We need to understand, not in month three but in week two, where people have moved and what their conditions are. This is going to cut through a lot of bureaucracy."
    Aid workers, with the help of Google Earth, are uploading key information onto the Web to illustrate the needs of hundreds of thousands of people left homeless by Haiti's earthquake - an innovation that could significantly boost the ability to respond to future disasters.
Barbara Lindsey

Wordle: using word clouds in a lesson - 0 views

  • The lesson went very well and I found Wordle to be an useful and interesting tool to use to engage my pupils in text analysis, looking at language and vocabulary in detail. My pupils liked the way Wordle automatically picked up the gist of any given text so much that they asked me about how to use Wordle to help them revise in other subjects. 
Barbara Lindsey

Educational Trends « Beyond WebCT: Integrating Social Networking Tools Into L... - 0 views

  • can one annotate on electronic books
  • “We must rethink ourselves.”
  • there is still a certain hierarchy that needs to be in place or else personal interest will become conflated with the interests of grading (we are still vested with a certain institutional authority, whether or not this is a pedagogical approach)
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  • I share your worry about technology becoming a roadblock instead of an open door in teaching.
  • Hopefully, as these approaches become more common and institutionalized, it there will be more opportunities to receive support from colleagues and other educators in their implementation.
  • Online materials are not necessarily peer reviewed, and those which are protected by copyright end up with inflated prices. I am not sure what the answer to this problem might be, but it is something that I would like to examine further in class.
  • Both the teacher AND the students become the LEARNERS.
  • The learners will label, name and design… 2. The learners will paraphrase, explain and illustrate… 3. The learners will demonstrate, prepare and solve… 4. The learners will differentiate, analyze and infer… 5. The learners will devise, revise and integrate… 6. The learners will evaluate, critique and compare…
    • Barbara Lindsey
      Bloom's taxonomy
  • both assume a business model of competition and profit. Education needs to maintain its sovereignty from what is really a form of hegemony.
  • But that the existence of such technology necessitates a total rethinking of the whole process seems like a power grab by a pervasive form of administration that stems from the business world. It is ridiculous that to be able simply to sit with a book in one’s lap and not be compelled to maintain permanent connectivity has become an act of resistance.
  • And I didn’t really want to hear the opinions of the other students who didn’t know anything more than I did. Or rather, it was nice to have discussions about the professor’s lecture, but without the lecture, there wouldn’t have been anything to discuss. We would have a book club, not a class.
  • By de-emphasizing content and knowledge, we’re turning students into middlemen who will know how to use technology to present a given subject matter, but who will be free to forget it as soon as the next task arrives on their desk.
Barbara Lindsey

Opportunities for Creating the Future of Learning - 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future ... - 0 views

  • The globalization of open learning systems characterized by cooperative resource creation, evaluation, and sharing will change how educational institutions view their roles and will offer new forms of value in the global learning ecosystem. Education institutions will no longer be exclusive agents of coordination, service provision, quality assurance, performance assessment, or support. In fact, other players might be more equipped to provide these functions in the distributed ecosystem.
  • Authority will be a hotly contested resource, and there will be the potential for conflict and distrust.
  • It remains to be seen whether new learning agents and traditionally certified teachers will cooperate or compete.
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  • communities will become the world’s classrooms. Learning geographies will diversify as some communities become learning deserts barren of learning resources, while others become oases teeming with dynamic learning ecosystems.
  • These new dimensions of learning geographies will require new core skills. Among them will be navigating new visual cartographies, identifying learning resources in previously unexpected places, leveraging networks to take advantage of learning opportunities, and creating flexible educational infrastructures that can make use of dispersed community resources.
Barbara Lindsey

open thinking » How to Stream Skype to Ustream (Mac) - 0 views

  • I would add that in soundflower you should set the buffer to 64. It was at 512 as a default.
Barbara Lindsey

2010 Horizon Report » The Horizon Project - 0 views

  • ongoing series of conversations and dialogs with hundreds of technology professionals, campus technologists, faculty leaders from colleges and universities, and representatives of leading corporations from more than two dozen countries. In each of the past six years, these conversations have resulted in the publication each January of a report focused on emerging technologies relevant to higher education.
  • When the cycle starts, little is known, or even can be known, about the appropriateness or efficacy of many of the emerging technologies for these purposes, as the Horizon Project expressly focuses on technologies not currently in widespread use in academe. In a typical year, 75 or more of these technologies may be identified for further investigation; for the 2010 report, more than 110 were considered
  • By engaging a wide community of interested parties, and diligently searching the Internet and other sources, enough information is gathered early in the process to allow the members of the Advisory Board to form an understanding of how each of the discovered technologies might be in use in settings outside of academe, to develop a sense of the potential the technology may have for higher education settings, and to envision applications of the technology for teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. The findings are discussed in a variety of settings — with faculty, industry experts, campus technologists, and of course, the Horizon Advisory Board. Of particular interest to the Advisory Board every year is finding educational applications for these technologies that may not be intuitive or obvious.
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  • ncreasingly the Horizon Project is a global effort. Each year at least a third of the members of the advisory board represent countries outside of North America.
  • Each Horizon Report is produced over a period of just a few months so that the information is timely and relevant.
Barbara Lindsey

2010 Horizon Report » Technologies to Watch - 0 views

  • The near-term horizon assumes the likelihood of entry into the mainstream for institutions within the next twelve months; the mid-term horizon, within two to three years; and the far-term, within four to five years. It should be noted that the Horizon Report is not a predictive tool. It is meant, rather, to highlight emerging technologies with considerable potential for our focus areas of teaching, learning, and creative inquiry.
  • virtually all higher education students carry some form of mobile device, and the cellular network that supports their connectivity continues to grow. An increasing number of faculty and instructional technology staff are experimenting with the possibilities for collaboration and communication offered by mobile computing. Devices from smart phones to netbooks are portable tools for productivity, learning, and communication, offering an increasing range of activities fully supported by applications designed especially for mobiles.
  • Far more than a collection of free online course materials, the open content movement is a response to the rising costs of education, the desire for access to learning in areas where such access is difficult, and an expression of student choice about when and how to learn.
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  • Already in the mainstream of consumer use, electronic books are appearing on campuses with increasing frequency.
  • applications for laptops and smart phones overlay digital information onto the physical world quickly and easily.
  • Devices that are controlled by natural movements of the finger, hand, arm, and body are becoming more common. Game companies in particular are exploring the potential offered by consoles that require no handheld controller, but instead recognize and interpret body motions.
  • Visual data analysis is an emerging field, a blend of statistics, data mining, and visualization, that promises to make it possible for anyone to sift through, display, and understand complex concepts and relationships.
Barbara Lindsey

2010 Horizon Report » Executive Summary - 0 views

  • The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortium’s Horizon Project, a qualitative research project established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years.
  • six emerging technologies or practices are described that are likely to enter mainstream use on campuses within three adoption horizons spread over the next one to five years.
  • In the seven years that the Horizon Project has been underway, more than 400 leaders in the fields of business, industry, technology, and education have contributed to this long-running primary research effort. They have drawn on a comprehensive body of published resources, current research and practice, their own considerable expertise, and the expertise of the NMC and ELI communities to identify technologies and practices that are beginning to appear on campuses or are likely to be adopted in the next few years.
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  • Each topic is introduced with an overview that describes what it is, followed by a discussion of the particular relevance of the topic to education, creativity, or research. Examples of how the technology is being, or could be applied to those activities are given. Finally, each section closes with an annotated list of suggested readings and additional examples that expand on the discussion in the report and a link to the tagged resources collected during the research process
    The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project, a qualitative research project established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years.
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