The 21st century has changed the game completely. The infrastructure is driven by the continual advances in computing, storage and bandwidth. There's no stability in sight.
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - 0 views
Free as in Freedom: The Power of Pull - John Seely Brown - 0 views
In a world of increasingly rapid change, the half life of a given skill is constantly shrinking and the predictability of future needs is increasingly less certain. We're having to move from stocks to flows. This means we move from protecting knowledge assets to participating in knowledge flows. This means that our learning strategy moves to having a strong tacit component as against a hoarding mindset of stocking knowledge.
We're creating a lot of information everyday more in every two days than we did from the dawn of man to 2003.
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Ok You Luddites, Time To Chill Out On Facebook Over Privacy - 0 views
The fact is that privacy is already really, really dead. Howard Lindzon nailed it the other day when he said “Equifax, Transunion, Capital One, American Express and their cousins raped our privacy,” Everything we do, everything we buy, everywhere we go is tracked and sitting in a database somewhere. Our location via our phone, or our car GPS. Our credit card transactions. Everything.
Supposedly many people were apprehensive about using telephones in the early 1900s because they knew the phone companies could listen in on their phone calls. There are people who won’t use phones today because of the ease in which calls can be tapped.
Mobile Learning Environments (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 0 views
There are now more than 4.6 billion mobile phones in the world, according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)'s February 2010 press release. This means that mobile has taken the place of FM radio as the most ubiquitous communications technology on the planet.1
Mobile Phone Network model Centralized Peer-to-peer Content customization Uniform Personalized to context Information distribution Just-in-case Just-in-time Role of audience Consumer Equal p
articipant Reliability qualifier Authority Social capital Governance Institutional Relational
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Web 2.0: What does it constitute? | 11 Feb 2008 | - 0 views
O'Reilly identified Google as "the standard bearer for Web 2.0", and pointed out the differences between it and predecessors such as Netscape, which tried to adapt for the web the business model established by Microsoft and other PC software suppliers.
Google "began its life as a native web application, never sold or packaged, but delivered as a service, with customers paying, directly or indirectly.
perpetual beta, as O'Reilly later dubbed it
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Education Week: Information Overloaded - 0 views
If we’re going to insist that students bring home the information booty on Bradford by extracting the main ideas from his journal instead of simply admiring the book’s aesthetic values of form, rhythm, and content, then we need not bother with him, really. For proficiency’s sake—and ever since the information-overload bomb dropped, it’s all about proficiency (read: testing)—we can amass far more data in less time with a secondary text, whether a CliffsNotes or wordage from an American history scholar.
Clearly, living under this full-court press of information overload forces a few key questions for students and adults alike. What do we need to know? Why do we need to know it? And, given the fact that by the end of our lives we will only have absorbed and converted to knowledge a sliver of the information available to us in this new database-and-blog universe (the Web-page world, after all, is expanding and contracting at the rate of 1.5 million pages a day), should we bother knowing it?
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Taking Diigo Beyond the Bookmark - 0 views
Any writer knows the value of good research and with Diigo the process just got easier. Here’s a couple of ideas: tag items based on chapter, subject tag items for a bibliography jot a few notes to give context or your thoughts at the time highlight the section you intend to use and save the time of reviewing the entire page Diigo becomes even more essential in a collaboration project. The Forrester team used Delicious during their research for the book Groundswell and I bet they could have used Diigo features like highlighting, comments, groups, and conversations.
tag recipes as appetizers, entrees, or desserts tag as vegetarian, diet, gluten free, or my favorite “enough-calories-to-make-Paula-Deen-blush” disclosure: the above link leads to my wife food blog, it’s the greatest food blog on earth #unbiased tag by ingredients highlight cooking times and pics
I love Diigo too. My son (10 years old) is working on his IB Exhibition on Water Pollution. He is working as part of a team. I helped them create a group for their topic so that they and their teacher can add resources, highlight text and tag interesting facts about the subject from home. Also, I am in a master's in education media design and am using Diigo to organize my resources for my Action Research project. Diigo is a great tool. Thanks for posting.
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Writers Any writer knows the value of good research and with Diigo the process just got easier. Here's a couple of ideas: tag items based on chapter, subject tag items for a bibliography jot a few notes to give context or your thoughts at the time highlight the section you intend to use and save the time of reviewing the entire page Diigo becomes even more essential in a collaboration project. The Forrester team used Delicious during their research for the book Groundswell and I bet they could have used Diigo features like highlighting, comments, groups, and conversations.
Teaching in Social and Technological Networks « Connectivism - 0 views
Students are not confined to interacting with only the ideas of a researcher or theorist. Instead, a student can interact directly with researchers through Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and listservs. The largely unitary voice of the traditional teacher is fragmented by the limitless conversation opportunities available in networks. When learners have control of the tools of conversation, they also control the conversations in which they choose to engage.
Traditional courses provide a coherent view of a subject. This view is shaped by “learning outcomes” (or objectives).
This cozy comfortable world of outcomes-instruction-assessment alignment exists only in education. In all other areas of life, ambiguity, uncertainty, and unkowns reign.
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Library of Congress to archive your tweets - - 0 views
Examples of notable tweets the library cited Wednesday include the first-ever tweet from Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, the tweet on Barack Obama's account after he won the 2008 election and a pair of tweets from a photojournalist who was arrested in Egypt, then freed after a series of events stemming from his use of the micro-blogging site.
"And I think folks understand that whatever they post on Twitter is meant to be searchable. So I don't see a big issue here." Verdi said he would feel differently if the federal government seeks to identify users through their tweets or to match Twitter users with other information about citizens that is stored in federal databases.
ACTFL Submission Guidelines 2011 - 0 views
A focus of ACTFL 2011 will be on how language educators can prepare students for living, working, and learning in a global environment.
While technology is embedded in all 21st century classroom activities, this strand focuses on specific cutting edge technologies that promote language development and cultural understanding including social networking and global communities.
Building the language capacity of the U.S. is an ongoing challenge that requires effective policies, local and national advocacy efforts, and matching U.S. student performance against international benchmarks. Developing effective teachers and effective teacher leaders and mentors is also a critical component of our profession.
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