when the god squad stops trying to enforce their god through legislation, we'll stop talking about it
Questions on Beliefs - Quora - 0 views
Why do atheists talk so much about this God they disbelieve in? - Quora - 0 views
oddly enough, despite my not believing in him, other people keep trying to cram him down my throat, often via efforts to enact laws based on his non-existent rules.This disturbs me.
Yeah, I know a detective who talks about crime a lot. Mad isn't it?
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God: Do atheists disbelieve only in god(s) or do they disbelieve in any force that give... - 0 views
There is no reason to think that atheists disbelieve in things that give human beings hope. Many things give humans hope but have nothing whatsoever to do with any alleged supernatural beings.
you know, normal human beings
Atheists do not hold to a single creed.
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Religion: What are some great anti-religion quotes? - Quora - 0 views
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
Creationists make it sound like a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night
Faith means not wanting to know what is true.
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Philosophy of Social Science - Quora - 0 views
Philosophy - Quora - 0 views
False Beliefs - Quora - 0 views
Political Message Framing - Quora - 0 views
Scientific Research - Quora - 0 views
Social Psychology - Quora - 0 views
Religion: How should we, as athiest parents, talk to our kids about god and religion? -... - 0 views
the best gift that we can give to our children is the gift of critical thinking
Why not talk about walking on water and the likelihood of that, or many of the other miracles of religion, and see how likely our own children think that is?
we can laugh about it together without being intolerant
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