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Sunny Jackson

Atheism - Quora - 0 views

shared by Sunny Jackson on 20 Jun 13 - No Cached
Sunny Jackson

Ethics - Quora - 0 views

shared by Sunny Jackson on 07 Jul 13 - No Cached
Sunny Jackson

God: Do atheists disbelieve only in god(s) or do they disbelieve in any force that give... - 0 views

  • Many things give humans hope
  • normal human beings
  • an atheist is "someone who doesn't believe in gods." Full stop.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • I'm just one atheist, and I believe hope exists, because I often feel it.
  • I hope it's a sunny day tomorrow, and the fact that the weatherman said that's what I should expect gives me hope it will be.
  • make sure you're using the word "belief" in a clear way. It can have several meanings.
  • Assuming something exists
  • Being in favor of something
  • There are people who believe God exists but dislike Him, but they're not atheists. Why? Because they believe He exists.
  • it sounds like you're using the second definition of "belief," which means being in favor of something. That's a value.
  • Though individual atheists have values (which often differ drastically from the values of other atheists), atheism has nothing to do with values.
  • it's not an allegiance
  • I like the idea of gods. But I don't believe they exist, so I'm an atheist.
  • I am in favor of hope. I value it.
  • I know there are things that give lots of people hope.
  • I do believe in hope.
  • I have hope that mankind will stop making war
  • I have hope that we will advance our medicine to provide health care to all of humanity
  • I have hope that human rights will be expanded and no one will be victimized or marginalized
  • I have hope that love will win over bigotry and bias.
  • I have hope that religions will not divide us.
  • I have hope that poverty and hunger can be eliminated.
  • I have hope for mankind reaching out to the stars.
  • I have hope for laws that are not based on religious ideology and yet are fair, moral and ethical.
  • My hopes are based upon everything mankind has yet achieved compared to where we once were.
  • My hope is powered by the potential for us to yet be better.
  • My hope is not based on any form of religion and yet is still hope.
  • I have hope for humanity.
  • You and I are free today because of endless unnamed heroes
  • Many of them downplay how far they've come, but I see their strength and compassion. 
  • Atheists do not hold to a single creed. The only thing they share is a disbelief in some particular kind of god.
  • they might believe in the power of groups of people, working in unison with a common spirit
  • Humanism tends to give people hope
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