Abstract: "The advancement of game-based learning has encouraged many related studies, such that students could better
learn curriculum by 3-dimension virtual reality. To enhance software engineering learning, this paper develops a
3D game-based learning system to assist teaching and assess the students' motivation, satisfaction and learning
achievement. A quasi-experimental design is based on the ARCS Theory (Attention, Relevance, Confidence,
and Satisfaction) to investigate the effectiveness of game-based learning strategy in 3-dimension virtual reality
scenario. The students are randomly assigned into two groups for quasi-experimental design. In game-based
learning, the curriculum content is mapped into the game to provide a scenario learning environment. After
implementation of quasi-experimental design, the pre-test and post-test results shown that 3D game-based
learning system with software engineering curriculum could achieve a better learning achievement and
motivation than using traditional instruction. The statistical test displayed that learning motivations of students
have significant impact on learning achievement, and learning achievements of students with game-based
learning are better than those who use traditional face-to-face teaching. After re-checked the questionnaire, this
paper finds that game-based learning challenging and attractiveness can lead to learners' curiosity and
immersion in learning activity. And the results show that 80% students are satisfaction, and 83% students are
confidence for the course learning after use the game-based learning system. Lastly, the research results could
provide to related educators as references"
abstract: "This work focuses on the design and implementation of an educational game for deployment on the Xbox 360 commercial game console. Video games can be extremely powerful and effective learning tools when deployed with methodical precision. Currently, no learning tools are available for commercial consoles that focus on teaching core concepts in Engineering. This work presents an overall design for an educational game to address Number Systems in the scope of the Electrical and Computer Engineering curricula.
BINX is an educational adventure game designed to address Number Systems and their arithmetic operations in Digital Logic Design, a core course is Electrical and Computer Engineering programs. Object Oriented Design Principles were used in the development of this game. This work presents one sublevel implemented using the XNA framework - a Microsoft Software Development Kit (SDK).The BINX gameplay takes place inside a computer where a malicious virus is threatening the computer's operability. The player has to find the virus and eradicate it by disconnecting the terminals of the graphics processor. The player has the opportunity to practice before taking on the Boss Challenge. In the practice phase, the player practices number conversions without fear of penalties. In the Challenge phase, the player is timed and has to perform the number conversions before the allotted time expires. The combination of practice and challenge provides players with the ability to practice number conversions and, when ready, to take on the challenge task where assessment is conducted to provide the player with the knowledge of how well he/she has performed on the challenge. The number conversion level of BINX was implemented and formally evaluated showing improvement in student scores after using BINX."
Abstract: "This paper explores the consequences of using the game engine Unity to construct 3-D
models of Pompeian houses, linked to art and spatial databases, as an ongoing research
colloquium for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the humanities. Rather than
serving as a neutral piece of visualization software, the game engine functions as critical tool
because, more than any other visualization platform, it permits real time, embodied movement
through the houses. One outcome of such embodied movement has been the recognition that the
traditional vocabulary for describing space in Pompeii is inadequate, and a much more careful
methodology is required, using network topology and visibility graph analysis to establish spatial
profiles for the rooms. As they construct the models in Unity, students also encounter the
contradiction between the texture pipeline used to produce immersion in games and the emphasis
on accuracy and scientific objectivity found in cultural heritage discourse, a discourse which
paradoxically also stresses immersion. Finally, the game engine encourages students to consider
the rhetoric of embodied play in the Pompeian decorative ensembles themselves."
Abstract: "The software engineering process for games has
enough special structure that it can be formulated as a kind of
game itself. This, in turn, p
ermits the teaching of game
construction in a unique way with new potential to motivate
students. We present a new game
design client program for an
existing collaborative problem-solving website known as CoSolve.
The client was built with an emphasis on increased interaction
and fine control over a problem's state. With this comes the
opportunity to more easily design and test games in the CoSolve
space. It is our hope that this will teach and inspire student users
to learn more about game design, problem posing, and
programming in general."
"ARM (Adventure Running Machine) is a game engine and editor which can be used to build top-down adventure games without knowing how to program. It includes documentation and tutorials for using the software. Games built utilize the HTML5 canvas for playability in most web browsers."
From the abstract: "Model Driven Engineering (MDE) goes some way to provide the techniques required to generate a wide variety of interoperable serious games software solutions whilst encapsulating and shielding the technicality of the full software development process. In this paper, we present our Game Technology Model (GTM) which models serious game software in a manner independent of any hardware or operating platform specifications for use in our Model Driven Serious Game Development Framework."
From the abstract: "This study presents the
defining usability quality metric for game prototype using
software attributes by referring to ISO Standards
Software Engineering
Product Quality, with the adaptation
for the quality as
surance and measurement during game
rototyping period.
In order to be fully utilized and optimized
the effectiveness of the proposed
quality metric, it is best to
define the development process environment and its
application simultaneously."
P. 158 in a long document. Abstract: "
Chapter 8Design and Implementation of Mobile Educational Games:
Networks for Innovation
Rob Harrap
, Sylvie Daniel
, Michael Power
, Joshua Pearce
, Nicholas Hedley
Queen's University, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineeringharrap@geol.queensu.ca
Université Laval, Department of Geomaticssylvie.daniel@scg.ulaval.ca
Université Laval, Faculty of Educationmichael.power@fse.ulaval.ca
Michigan Technological University, Department of Materials Science & Engineering and theDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, USApearce@mtu.edu
Simon Fraser University, Department of Geographyhedley@sfu.ca
:" Research networks foster creativity and break down institutional bar-riers, but introduce geographic barriers to communication and collaboration. Indesigning mobile educational games, our distributed team took advantage of di-verse talent pools and differing perspectives to drive forward a core vision of our design targets. Our strategies included intense design workshops, use of online meeting rooms, group paper and software prototyping, and disseminationof prototypes to other teams for refinement and repurposing. Our group showedstrong activity at the university-centered nodes with periods of highly effectivedissemination between these nodes and to outside groups; we used workshopinvitations to gather new ideas and perspectives, to refine the core vision, toforge inter-project links, and to stay current on what was happening in othernetworks. Important aspects of our final deliverables came from loosely-associated network members who engaged via collaborative design exercises inworkshops, emphasizing the need to bring the network together and the im-portance of outside influences as ideas evolve. Our final deliverable, a mobileeducational game and a series of parallel technology demonstrations, reflect themix of influences and the focus on iterated development that our net
"07/2012; In proceeding of: The 11th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 2012), At Las Vegas, USA ABSTRACT Usability is considered a relevant quality factor in video games. However, usability evaluations are usually performed too late in the game development lifecycle. We present
a usability evaluation strategy that can be used in early stages of
model-driven video game development approaches. The usability
evaluation is based on a Video Game Usability Model, which
extends the usability characteristic of the ISO/IEC 25010
(SQuaRE) standard by incorporating measurable attributes and
measures related to the video game domain. The traceability
established between the models that are produced in a modeldriven
development process and the corresponding source code
allows performing usability evaluations on these models,
facilitating the early detection/correction of usability problems
that may appear in the final video game application. To show the
feasibility of this approach, we have performed an early usability
evaluation of a video game for the XBOX360 platform."
"LÖVE is an *awesome* framework you can use to make 2D games in Lua. It's free, open-source, and works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Contribute You can find the source code on Bitbucket. You can also filebugs and feature requests there."
from the abstract: "The Meta!Blast project was developed to provide a medium that lends itself to the com-
prehension of cell and metabolic biology by placing the student into a virtual plant cell and
allowing them to experience plant biology rst-hand (Wurtele, 2011). By taking advantage
of existing agile development methodologies, Meta!Blast has been designed to meet many of
the challenges of developing video games in an academic environment. Using a special editor,
educators and researchers can also modify in-game content in an eort to tailor the game to
their specic curriculum needs.
Due to the massive, explorative environment in which the game places players, Meta!Blast
provides an ideal environment for a variety of other STEM-related mini-games. By leveraging
existing methods of current software used to teach computer science, the initial development
stage of a mini-game within Meta!Blast called TALUS (Technology Assisted Learning Using
Sandbox) has been designed to let players experience dierent computer programming con-
cepts. The rst iteration has shown that an environment can be created that allows players to
interact with actual computer code in a fail-safe and non-violent manner; furthermore, it has
the potential to augment a player's existing knowledge of computer programming."
"Abstract-While component reuse is a common concept in
software engineering, it does not yet have a strong foothold in
Computer Game development, in particular the development
of computer-controlled game characters. In this work, we take
a modular Statechart-based game AI modelling approach and
develop a reuse strategy to enable fast development of new
AIs. This is aided through the creation of a standardized
interface for Statechart modules in a layered architecture.
Reuse is enabled at a high-level through functional groups that
encapsulate behaviour.
These concepts are solidified with the development of the
SkyAI tool. SkyAI enables a developer to build and work
with a library of modular components to develop new AIs
by composing modules, and then output the resulting product
to an existing game. Efficacy is demonstrated by reusing AI
components from a tank to quickly make a much different AI
for a simple animal."