Team Blockhead Wars: Generating FPS Weapons in a Multiplayer Environment - 0 views
Garrett Eastman on 19 Apr 13Abstract :"We present an attempt at exploring the search space of weapons in team-based multiplayer First-Person Shooters (FPS). At the foundation of the experiment is Team Block- head Wars (TBHW), a game that we developed for the pur- poses of this project. TBHW allows human players to enjoy classic multiplayer FPS gameplay and uses a genetic algo- rithm to continuously generate new weapons. A weapon's genome consists of ten real-valued parameters, which to- gether form a vast search space that includes common FPS weapon tropes. The evaluation function scores weapons on the basis of their use by players. The game also generates 3D meshes to visually represent the generated weapons for easy player recognition. While TBHW is work in progress, preliminary results are encouraging."