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Garrett Eastman

A Cross-disciplinary Approach to Degree Programs in Video Games - 0 views

    Abstract: "Macquarie University, in 2012, introduced two undergraduate coursework programs in the area of video games. These programs are a joint initiative of the Departments of Computing and Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies. The programs represent an innovative approach to curriculum structure in this area, combining technical, design and reflective critical practice to produce rounded graduates with a wide knowledge of issues and practices in interactive media. This paper describes the process of designing these programs, the aims and rationales guiding their design and their detailed structure. The central guiding principle behind the programs was that accomplished designers of interactive media, particularly video games, need both a sound technical background and an appreciation of the relationship between users, society and their designs. This is reflected in both the structure of the programs and the pedagogical approaches in the specialist units."
Garrett Eastman

The Ultimate IMGD Booth at PAX East 2013 - 0 views

    Abstract: "Promoting WPI's Interactive Media and Game Development (IMGD) program at a major indus try trade show has the potential to attract new prospective students and broaden industry awareness of the IMGD program and students. This project designed a booth for PAX East, a popular gaming exposition in New England. We conducted interviews of student s, guidance counselors, and booth experts, and selected appropriate projects to showcase and students to showcase them. We then designed an advertisement, handouts, and an inviting layout for the booth, arranging for the necessary equipment and furniture w ithin the budget constraints. The IMGD PAX East booth promises to increase the awareness of the IMGD program, exposing more people to the game development students and program at WPI."
Garrett Eastman

Growing a Computer Science Program with a Focus on Game Development - 0 views

    Abstract: "A comprehensive undergraduate curriculum in computer game development is described. The program was created as a set of elective courses in the context of a traditional computer science (CS) degree. Primary goals of the program were to increase enrollment in CS and prepare students for careers in the entertainment software industry. In addition, the CS department sought to compete for students with larger state institutions. To do so effectively the department needed to offer a unique program. Results show the new program helped the CS department to nearly triple enrollment over four years and achieve both statewide prominence and national recognition."
Garrett Eastman

My View: A game-changing major - Schools of Thought - Blogs - 0 views

    "Editor's note: Ann DeMarle is director of the Emergent Media Center and associate professor of communication and creative media at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. "(CNN) Talking about Champlain's game development degree programs.
Garrett Eastman

Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming - 0 views

    From the introduction: "Three dimensional graphics hardware is fast becoming, not merely a staple of computer systems, but an indispensable component. Many operating systems directly use and even require some degree of 3D rendering hardware. Even in the increasingly relevant mobile computing space, 3D graphics hardware is a standard feature of all but the lowest power devices. Understanding how to make the most of that hardware is a difficult challenge, particularly for someone new to graphics and rendering."
Garrett Eastman

Becker College Online Game Design Certificate Program - 0 views

    Certificate program "aimed at professionals with a degree in computer science, information technology, or art who seek entre into the growing digital games industry."
Garrett Eastman

Learning Games for Programming - 0 views

    "In this thesis we present the design and evaluation of a learning game based on the concept of 'stealth learning' and the theory of constructivism, which provides an early introduction to basic programming concepts and procedural literacy to children from 10 years upwards, attempting to provide the highest possible degree of immersion. The evaluation involves a number of tests verifying usability, immersion and motivation, and an attempt to test the transferability of the ingame acquired knowledge to reading pseudocode, the results of which, triggered further reflection on the possibility of adding new layers of complexity and embedding evaluation of learning within the game experience."
Garrett Eastman

A Minor in Game Development - 1 views

    abstract: "Game development is one of the fastest growing industries today. The demand for popular games is impressive and the prospects for employment are promising. However, many recent college graduates do not specialize in this field. A generic computer science degree is adequate, but it could be improved with more relevant training. We propose a dedicated minor that emphasizes software development to prepare students for future study or employment in the game industry. We anticipate that this minor will distinguish students from other recent graduates, increase enrollment, and improve feedback from existing students."
Garrett Eastman

U. students showcase first video games | The Salt Lake Tribune - 0 views

    Projects at University of Utah
Garrett Eastman

Sheridan Launches 2 New Post-Grad Game Development Programs - 0 views

    Aimed at students who already hold degrees in other fields such as arts or computer science
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