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Education World ® Technology Center: Managing Technology: Tips from the Experts - 0 views

  • Always run through a technology lesson before presenting it to the class -- and always have a back-up lesson prepared in case the technology fails.
  • Type directions for frequently used computer operations -- opening programs, inserting clip art, printing documents, and so on -- on index cards, laminate them, and connect them with a circle ring. Keep a set next to each computer.
  • When working on lengthy technology projects, print out step-by-step instructions. Include some that say "Save your work; do not go any further until you help your neighbors reach this point."
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Appoint classroom technology managers
  • If you're a language arts or foreign language teacher using Microsoft Word, teach your students how to use the Text to Table feature.
  • Turn your classroom into a museum. After a lesson using presentation software, allow students to walk around the room and view everyone else's work
  • Post a list of all your rules for technology use in a visible place
  • Attach plastic hooks to monitors to hang headphones on when they're not being used.
  • Type PLEASE WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS on 8½ by 11 papers, laminate them, and tape one sheet to the top of every monitor
  • Have students turn off their monitors when you're giving directions.
  • When working in a computer lab, assign each student a computer.
  • Have each student keep a Tech Folder for storing ongoing technology projects
  • When students are working on small group technology projects on classroom computers, divide the tasks so some students are working on the computers while others are working at their desks on another part of the project
  • Provide a sign-up sheet for the computers. When one group is finished using the computers, they must notify the next group that it's their turn.
  • Set up teams of computer helpers,
  • Never assume you know it all! Offer a free pencil to any student who teaches you something you didn't know.
    effective tech management techniques
victor aluise

What Happens When Eighth Graders Become the Teachers? - 1 views

    Significant research has been done on the cognitive and academic outcomes of older-younger and peer-peer student relationships. Whether in a one-on-one setting or a setting in which responsibility for teaching is shared among members of a collaborative group, well-planned, well-organized, and well-executed student-student interactions have repeatedly shown positive evidence of student progress and learning This action research project differentiates itself from previous research in several ways because it focuses on motivational and attitudinal outcomes when every student in a classroom of eighth graders serves as a teacher of "new-to-everyone" content for three classes of younger students.
Rene Hahn

Generation YES » GenYES - 1 views

shared by Rene Hahn on 16 Sep 09 - Cached
    GenYES is the only student-centered research-based solution for school-wide technology integration. students work with teachers to design technology-infused lessons and provide tech support. The resulting collaboration provides the students with project-based learning and the teachers with on-site, sustainable technology integration support.
    I supervised the implementation of the GenYES program for three middle schools when I was working in the Schenectady CIty School District. The students really liked supporting teachers and some teachers really bought into the program. I believe it is a valuable collaborative program but sustainability, especially if it is grant funded, can be problematic because of the yearly licensing fees. It's been three years since I worked with Dennis Hooper and the program and the fee schedule be have changed. I know they were doing more online lessons, training, etc. I can provide more information to anyone who is interested.
Pablo Zatz

Ten facts about K-12 students' technology use | eSchool News - 0 views

  • Project Tomorrow will be issuing the full results of its Speak Up survey of students and parents in the next few weeks, but the organization released “Ten Things Everyone Should Know about K-12 students’ Views on Digital Learning” earlier this month, in conjunction with Digital Learning Day. The findings come from Project Tomorrow’s survey of more than 364,000 students last fall.
    If you are in a school this is good to know
Rhys Daunic

Evernote: Creating ePortfolios with Ease - Teq Blog - 0 views

    Student portfolios, shared class accounts or Student accounts, note sharing between accounts; use for conference notes with recordings, photos of Student work and your notes.  Create printable, formatted documents from an app that is accessible from mobile and desktop devices. 
Corinne Carriero

Want Increased Student Achievement Using iPads? | District Administration Magazine - 1 views

    Article presents compelling arguments that 1. student achievement increases when students use mobile devices consistently (inside and outside of class) 50% - 75% of day 2. need for professional development when implementing a one-to-one iPad initiative.

Author and academic Arthur Levine's latest book on college students says Internet defines their lives - 0 views

    Today's college students say the arrival of the internet was the moment that most characterized their lives, a Bronxite author found. In his book, "Generation on a Tightrope: A Portrait of Today's College student," Arthur Levine, president of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, said the internet and the tech-savvy lifestyle that sprang out of it has affected the younger generation the most.
Corinne Carriero

Educational Technology Guy: 10 Great, Free Apps for Students for Notetaking and Class Planning - 2 views

    "10 Great, Free Apps for Students for Notetaking and Class Planning "
    10 Great, Free iPad Apps for Students for Notetaking and Class Planning
Rene Hahn

simCEO - Welcome - 0 views

    this is a quote about simCEO from Edutopia- What if students created their own companies, complete with business plans? What if they could also buy and sell stocks in classmates' companies? What if they could see how stock prices fluctuated over a 10-year period rather than just a few weeks? The result of that brainstorming became an online simulation called SimCEO. Luebbe, principal of American International School of Budapest, has been fine-tuning his creation by sharing it with educators around the world. They have surprised him by taking projects in directions he never imagined. He expected teachers to focus on financial literacy and entrepreneurship. But some have brought in different content. "They might set the simulation in Colonial America or New York in the 1920s," Luebbe says, then ask students to consider how historical factors would have affected market prices. Because teachers determine all the content, he adds, "they can bring in demographic data, real or fictional news, historical events -- whatever they want." The game becomes an open platform for teacher innovation.""
Rhys Daunic

What Should Children Read? - - 0 views

  • English classes today focus too much on self-expression. “It is rare in a working environment,
  • “narrative nonfiction
  • New Journalism could be applied to most student writing. It benefits from intense reporting, immersion in a subject, imaginative scene setting, dialogue and telling details. These are the very skills most English teachers want students to develop. What’s odd is how rarely such literary nonfiction appears on English — or other class — reading lists.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Narrative nonfiction also provides a bridge between the personal narratives students typically write in elementary school and the essays on external subjects that are more appropriate assignments in high school and beyond.
  • Models of narrative nonfiction are everywhere, on programs like “This American Life” and “Radiolab,” in nonfiction books for young adults, like “Sugar Changed the World” (which is about slavery and science in the pursuit of the food additive), and even in graphic nonfiction works, like “Persepolis,”
  • Students are a natural (and the future) audience for serious, in-depth reporting.
  • literary nonfiction
Corinne Carriero

How the Flipped Classroom Is Radically Transforming Learning - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education. - 1 views

    Teachers talk about the change in their teaching and in student learning by "flipping" instruction and becoming facilitators/coaches- spending more time working with individual students and groups as opposed to being the "sage on the stage"
Sheila Tebbano

Next Vista for Learning - 2 views

    Online video library with student produced videos that are all under 5 minutes. students can produce and submit multimedia presentations to Next Vista and if they are accepted, they would be featured on the site. And it's free!
Rene Hahn

Pixar University's Randy Nelson on Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age | Edutopia - 0 views

    Pixar University's Randy Nelson on Learning and Working in the Collaborative Age The Dean of Pixar University explains what schools must do to prepare students (and themselves) for new models in the workplace. This is a fascinating look at what the Pixar workplace is like, and the skills and experiences Randy Nelson sees as vital to develop in students. Some high points; Four main areas- Breadth of experience, Depth of knowledge, Communication, Collaboration. The core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance. Employers would rather see the proof of a portfolio versus the promise of a resume. Employers need people who are more interested than interesting. See communication as a destination, not as a source - you aren't the judge of your communication skills - your audience is. Collaboration is amplification, not cooperation.
    This would be a great article to share with resistant teachers to help them see the need in moving forward as 21st century educators.

Langwitches Blog » Students as Meaningful Contributors - 0 views

    Interesting blog post that digs into the idea of rethinking the role that students play in the classroom
Rhys Daunic

iPad as an Interactive White Board for $5 or $10 « Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 1 views

    School leaders around the United States continue to spend HUGE amounts of money on interactive whiteboards for classrooms, despite the fact that these devices universally FAIL to empower students to become more independent, self-directed and engaged learners in the way mobile learning devices (like laptops, tablets or other personal digital learning tools) can. Please do not misunderstand me: It definitely IS a big deal for a teacher and his/her students to have access to an LCD projector connected to a computer in the classroom if previously, the "normal" technology in the room was an overhead projector.

City Students Take Part In Virtual Lessons - - 2 views

    This video documents an excellent example of how students and teachers at the iSchool are taking their learning beyond the 4-walls of the classroom.
Corinne Carriero

New web-search formulas have huge implications for students and society - 0 views

  • When web surfers use Google or Bing to look for information about, say, the national debt, the search results they now see at the top of the page might differ from those of their neighbor. That’s because all the major search engines have revamped their formulas to include social media data as key indicators of a website’s importance.
    • Corinne Carriero
      Will students even realize that search results are being tailored to them?? -- Educators MUST address this situation with students!!
  • The reasoning behind this game-changing move is to help us sift through the overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips. The major search companies recognize that we need a filtering system to save us from information overload, and the system they’ve created now relies more heavily on our history of preferences than on an objective calculation of relevance to bring certain resources to the front of the pack.
    • Corinne Carriero
      How will users be able to make informed decisions or think outside their comfort zone if the links at the top of their search results mirror their currently held ideas??
    When web surfers use Google or Bing to look for information about, the search results they now see at the top of the page might differ from those of their neighbor. That's because all the major search engines have revamped their formulas to include social media data as key indicators of a website's importance.

Mathtrain.TV - 0 views

    Excellent resource for showing how students can teach other students through simple screencasting applications.
Sheila Tebbano

Educational Leadership:Giving Students Meaningful Work:Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning - 0 views

    Educational Leadership article provides 7 strategies to make projects meaningful for students. Let's get beyond PowerPoint presentations. Supports the rigor that teachers are expected to support with Core Contend Standards.

Classrooms for the Future - 0 views

  • The vertical axis on the left is Complexity, with explicit reference to rigor or new Bloom’s taxonomy from basic on the bottom to higher order at the top.  The horizontal axis is Instruction from teacher centered or didactic instruction to student centered or constructivist instruction.  The diagonal axis ranges from more abstract, artificial activities to authentic, real world or relevant activities.
  • The goal of CFF is to create more learning opportunities that are where the three axes meet in the upper right hand corner of the chart.
  • To make these changes, teachers and school leaders participate in extensive professional development on how to best harness the power of technology to increase student achievement and ensure students are ready for college and the high-tech global job market. 
    Interesting PA high school reform effort. The graphic details the "Range of Instructional Use" for using technology as a facilitator for transforming classrooms into 21st century T&L environments.
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