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Meta-Analysis: Is Blended Learning Most Effective? -- THE Journal - 1 views

  • "This new report reinforces that effective teachers need to incorporate digital content into everyday classes and consider open-source learning management systems, which have proven cost effective in school districts and colleges nationwide," said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, in a statement released to coincide with the publication of the report. "We must take advantage of this historic opportunity to use American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds to bring broadband access and online learning to more communities."
    This is a study that discuss blended vs online. some research indicates blended is more effective.
Rhys Daunic

Tequipment's Educator Resource Center: Downloads - 4 views

    Smartboard resources for teachers from Tequipment. 
    Thanks for sharing this Rhys. It looks like a great collection of resources.

Skype in the classroom (beta) | Skype Education - 2 views

    Skype in the classroom is a free directory for educators who want to use Skype to bring education to life in their classrooms. Join today to share resources, chat with teachers and even pair classes.

City Students Take Part In Virtual Lessons - - 2 views

    This video documents an excellent example of how students and teachers at the iSchool are taking their learning beyond the 4-walls of the classroom.
Sue Morris

Exemplar Schools - 0 views

    Build community relationships with a digital student newsletter
Sue Morris

YouTube - We Think - 0 views

    What potential do the latest technologies have?

Rubric for the Innovative School.pdf - Google Docs - 0 views

    Excellent rubric developed by NYC based organization Teaching Matters as a road map for assessing 21st century schools.
Rhys Daunic - A WordPress MU Based Social Network Platform → BuddyPress in K-12 Education - 0 views

    Main benefit I see is that it can hold "Posts" for moderation like comments are currently held. So teachers don't have to worry about inappropriate content getting out there, but students can post robust content.

Can Technology Drive Change in Professional Development? -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • Effective school and district leaders driving the innovations; Collaboration and participation in professional communities; Use of data to improve instructional approaches; Subject matter expertise; The sustainability of the programs; and Access to resources and tools.
    Follow up article to the SETDA report released in Nov 08, documenting effective appraoch to ed. tech PD, with school model samples.
Rene Hahn

Making Time for Teacher Collaboration Is Crucial | Edutopia - 0 views

    The leadership group comes together regularly for in-depth discussions about topics such as project learning, technology integration, and authentic-assessment strategies. Then they take ideas back home to share with their colleagues
    Earlier this year, the National Staff Development Council released a report, "Professional Learning in the Learning Profession." As the report points out, the United States "is far behind in providing public school teachers with opportunities to participate in extended learning opportunities and productive collaborative communities."

Creating Online PLC's - 23 views

When I began teaching math in the late 80s, I had two powerful learning experiences that shaped the math educator I am today. Both of these experiences involved teachers like me working cooperativ...

web2.0 PLC collaboration elearning


Creating Online PLC's - 0 views

  • there are three reasons why schools have failed to develop as true learning organizations—culture, competition, and isolation.
  • Through virtual exchanges and the building of personal learning networks, teachers are increasingly drawing on external communities that promote connection and knowledge-sharing.
  • providing space for reflection and collaboration is not something most schools do very we
    A former teacher and education-technology consultant says today's professional development needs to immerse educators in experiences that promote reflection and relationship-building.
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