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Nick Miller

India's elections could be bad news for Walmart - Quartz - 2 views

    • Nick Miller
      Why remove multi-brand retail stores from the Indian market?
    • Nick Miller
      This restriction of multi-brand retail stores would hinder the advancement of globalization. New products will not make it to other parts of the world if the governments place restrictions on them.
    • Nick Miller
      These connections to the largest cities within India will help the country with its transportation of products. This allows products to be sold faster because they reach the consumers in a short amount of time thus allow the company to make the profit they wish to achieve.
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    • Nick Miller
      This new policy will have its pros and cons. The "manifesto" should help the country's economy to kick start but locking out multi-brand retailers and genetically modified foods may not be the most intelligent choice but creating these railways and producing more food processing and manufacturing companies should be a step in the right direction.
    • Nick Miller
      It seems that even the people of India agree that some aspects of the "manifesto" should be reconsidered and updated. Even the Hindus believe that the "manifesto" needs to be reconstructed.
    This article shows how when moving into a new country because of its economic potential could be dangerous if the government not yet completely stable. Though all the site and situation factors make India a prime country to set up shop, an unstable government can negatively turn the tables, making India a risky country to put a foreign owned company in.

BBC News - Why segregated housing is thriving in India - 0 views

  • A range of old reasons like caste and cultural differences - and some relatively new ones such as migration and religious tensions
  • Segregation has inevitably led to curious business opportunities. Sensing that mixed neighbourhoods were fast disappearing and even well-to-do-Muslims were finding it a problem to buy property,
  • So despite the fact that more than a third of India's Muslims live in cities and towns - making them the most urbanised community of a significant size - poverty and discrimination continues to easily push them into ghettos.
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  • In the end, segregated housing - now increasingly driven by religious discrimination - is a blight on India's progress.
    This article discussed the effect of discrimination to the point of migration. It shows the extremities of the living areas in India. These tensions create a term that Loic Wacquant used, "neighbourhoods of exile." The dangers and unsafe environments that many people live in are definite push factors.    

Empanadas n' Sambar - 12 views

    Wanna learn about empanadas and sambar? I knew it. Visit our site to learn about two different dishes from to very different cultures!
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    I really like how you made your site look professional but simple. I also like that there's not too much information to make me not want to read it. Great job!!
    This website was a great place to learn about folk food around the world. These two dishes from Spain, empanadas, and India, sambar, were fun to learn about and look great too!
    This website provided great information about two very unique dishes, which I learned about folk food from Spain and India. Nice job!
    I liked this website because it displayed two dishes that I have never heard about. This makes me want to find more about and try other Spanish and Indian foods.
    Wow, I really enjoyed the information on this website. We did empanadas, too. Far out.
    Great easy to navigate website design. Also the recipe's were very specific and really gave instructions to make these foods at home.
    I learned a lot from your informational website about empanadas. It is a very nice layout and overall entertaining. Great job!
Mr. Reidy

How India Became America - 0 views

    **I will discuss how to use Diigo in class this coming week. Read this NYTimes article, make highlights in the text related to anything meaningful about globalization (KI #3 topic). I would like you to also add one comment or question in the comment box.
Kelly Gallick

Indian Immigrants in the United States - 1 views

    Indian immigrants that reside in the US make up the third largest immigrant group in the nation. This is most likely because of the freedoms that Americans have that Indians don't usually have, plus the protection and job opportunities are equally attractive to migrants.
    I'm not surprised that there are so many Indian immigrants. The crisis at hand in India is the unstable rise in population. With this issue, many citizens are probably looking to leave the country if they have the chance.
    It does seem that there is a rising Indian influence in the United States... I imagine they migrate primarily to large cities and/or states like California, a state with plentiful, arable land. This would make sense, as these conditions precipitate ample job opportunities. This is key, as the exploding population in India induces growing job scarcity, as Brendan touched on.

Exchange of fire on Pakistan-India border; deaths reported - 0 views

shared by ewarren on 23 Aug 14 - No Cached
Mr. Reidy liked it
    This article is a good example of conflicts between regions, and how belief systems can be so different even if two regions are near to one another.
Mr. Reidy

Harrisburg Ratha Yatra / Festival of India | Festival of Chariots / Festival ... - 0 views

    Anyone going? 
Elina Wright

States Ranked by Numeric Difference in the Foreign-Born Population: 1990, 2000, 2010, a... - 0 views

    This data sheet shows the numerical difference in the foreign born population in different states of the USA. It does not surprise me that California has the highest number of the foreign-born population because California has many job opportunities that are desirable for migrants.
    This makes a lot of sense, because California is a destination for many immigrants from eastern Asia, from countries like China and India.
Brendan Wewer

State Proportion of the Indian-Born Population in the United States - 1 views

    Most Indian-Americans are born in the NYC metro area.
    This does't surprise me that there are the most Indian born born people in New York because it is a major city which lots of jobs are available.
    The highest amounts of Indian born populations are located near major cities. The greatest amounts are in New York City, Washington DC, and Chicago. It was interesting to observe where these people congregate. The greatest numbers occur in the larger cities. New York City has the highest population because when they emigrated from India, they most likely first stopped in NYC. Most families probably stayed in the area.
Katelyn Kopacko

World Migration Map - UNITED KINGDOM - 1 views

    • Katelyn Kopacko
      Most of the U.K. wasn't foreign born, but those that were are mainly from the major trading companies from other countries. The people would come from other countries in search of jobs, and would just stay and raise a family there.
    A lot of the immigrants that are born in the U.K. are form countries like India and other parts of Ireland that aren't part of the U.K.
Bronte Lebo

Boomers Feed Growing Wellness Vacation Industry - 2 views

shared by Bronte Lebo on 10 Apr 14 - No Cached
    • Bronte Lebo
      Fitness/wellness has become a hugely popular fad in America, so it makes sense that this would spread into tourism and travel.
    • Bronte Lebo
      This connects to mobility. People are able to travel much easier than they could in the past, so vacations are easier and more popular than ever before.
  • A study presented at the first Global Wellness Tourism Congress in October 2013 estimates this type of travel is now a half-trillion dollar market, accounting for 14% of all tourism revenues.
    • Bronte Lebo
      This connects to the service sector of the economy, because tourism and travel is a major part of the leisure/hospitality category within the consumer services
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  • Boomers
    • Bronte Lebo
      When they refer to "boomers" are they talking about the baby boomer generation?
  • Boomers Feed Growing Wellness Vacation Industry
    This article is interesting. Bronte- you said this is a "popular fad" in America. Does this mean it will most likely die off just like other fads? After all, I don't feel like a vacation for wellness is very family-friendly.
    I understand where Jake is coming from with his statement but isn't a vacation that gets you away from the stress of work and neighbours and everything healthy? Wouldn't that constitute a wellness vacation? Also for really busy parents a vacation with their children would be both family-friendly and healthy. Not to mention that the service sector, including the consumer sector, is continuing to grow and in the quote Bronte highlighted it said that wellness vacations make up 14% of all tourism revenues, so wouldn't that imply that this fad will continue to grow?
    I find it very interesting that there are vacations that can help you with your wellness. I am curious about the different ways that they actually intend to do this. I agree with Olivia, with the idea that a vacation away from stress would be a wellness vacation in its own idea.
Danyelle Allen

U.S. Manufacturing No More Expensive Than Outsourcing To China By 2015: Study - 4 views

    • Danyelle Allen
      This directly relates to site factors because in Shanghai, the land is limited and expensive due to it being a dense urban region. It is cheaper for businesses to establish factories in rural and suburban areas with proximity to junctions and highways. Also, businesses prefer to build horizontally, therefore needing more land area.
    • Danyelle Allen
      I am surprised that the U.S. workforce had to be reassured that businesses wouldn't relocate all of their industries to China.
    • Danyelle Allen
      Can we expect the same trend to occur in other less developed countries that currently possess key site factors, such as India, in the future?
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  • As the cost of manufacturing in China has risen, so have reports of companies pulling their plants out of the country to find cheaper locations.
  • manufacturing in China has risen, so have reports of companies pulling their plants out of the country to find
  • Even with manufacturing costs rising in China, Prince Industries has benefited from expanding its operations outside Chicago to include a plant in China
  • move plants to inner or western China where labor costs are lower
  • The rising value of the RMB was expected and has made it more costly to ship goods built in China around the world.
    • Danyelle Allen
      This connects to Kelly Gallick's current event on the survival of U.S. manufacturing as businesses compete with low-cost labor in LDCs. This statement portrays that keeping industries in the U.S. and not outsourcing to China would be beneficial. The manufacturing costs would be the same, while the U.S. provides proximity to markets, which reduces transportation costs.
    • Mr. Reidy
      Danyelle - I like how you are connecting different topics together and making new inferences. Superb work!
    • Danyelle Allen
      Though rapidly declining, the profit that can be made with outsourcing to other countries with a cheaper labor force can prove to be beneficial to businesses. How much longer until businesses see the shift from profit to loss with outsourcing. 
    • Danyelle Allen
      Outsourcing links to the geography theme of globalization, for it increase involvement with transnational industries and corporations. In addition, outsourcing causes businesses to become known in the region where products are being manufactured, initiating a closer-linked globe. Globalization promotes the cooperation with other countries to become successful in the world markets.
    It's interesting to read that manufacturing costs in China have risen, which could potentially cut back on the amount of outsourcing from the US.
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    I like that you chose an article about industry in china because of its profound amount of industry, and its BRICS status.
    This relates to the article we read in class and I remember it saying that the government supports the increase in wages. Its interesting to see your comment on how companies who outsource will react.
    This surprises me since it seems that there is such a push to continue to outsource. I wonder what the US will do: will we continue to outsource, or will more domestic jobs be created?
Mr. Reidy

Religion in American Culture -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life - 14 views

shared by Mr. Reidy on 02 Dec 13 - Cached
  • Based on interviews with more than 35,000 American adults, this extensive survey by the Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project details the religious makeup, religious beliefs and practices as well as social and political attitudes of the American public.
    Hello APHUG! I hope you all had relaxing breaks. Looking forward to our upcoming chapter on Religion. As will be mentioned on Tuesday, I would like you to 1) bookmark and annotate (either in comments box or post-it note or both!) at least one SPECIFIC part of this "Religious Landscape Survey" website that helps you understand the geographical perspective of religion the most.  2) Explain your choice. 3) Create an authentic, relevant and real-world project task for this religion chapter that would require students to use the "Religious Landscape Survey" website. 4) Comment on at least one other person's response.  Due on Diigo by Thursday 11:59 PM.
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  •, This is a map of the United States displaying the distribution of Evangelical Protestant Tradition. 2. I chose this map because Evangelical Protestant has one of the highest percentages for a denomination in the United States, meaning it is very popular. I thought it was very interesting how this tradition has a higher percentage in the Southeast regions of the United States, rather than the North or the West. This fits with many stereo-types about the South, which I also find interesting. 3. Analyze the map of Evangelical Protestant tradition in the United States and form a hypothesis explaining your results. Then explain whether or not this hypothesis applies to other dominant denominations in the United States and other places in the world, and why or why not. Is this specific to the United States? Maybe the students could even find research/surveys done on people's opinions of Southern people and how the data of their religion fits with these stereotypes.
    Excellent explanation and project idea!
    1., these charts show what people's affiliations are in terms of political party and important issues such as abortion and homosexuality. 2. I chose these charts because they really demonstrate the views people have based on their religion. Many religions have beliefs concerning different issues. Christians are normally don't support abortion because in the Bible it talks about a baby in the womb is already precious to God and thus it is a sin to kill the innocent baby. Christians are often times than not more conservative thus they are Republicans. Other religions are more liberal and thus they are affiliated with Democrats. 3. Pretend that you are trying to become the perfect president. What qualities and view points would you support or not support in order to please most of the population? (Yes it's not possible to please everyone, but how would you secure the majority of the population for voting you into office?) Think about issues such as abortion, homosexuality, size of the government and U.S. involvement in international affairs.
  • a map of frequency of prayer accross the U.S 2. I chose this map because it displays how religious america is, as it shows high percentages of praying per day especially in the south, steriotypically the most religious area of the U.S. 3. Look at this map and explain what this map implys about this country and if that was what you expected
    1. 2. I chose this map because it showed the frequency of attendance at religious services. I thought that was an interesting topic to examine because it shows how many people actually go to church, as opposed to people claiming they are a part of a certain religion, while not being active in the church. That is a powerful distinction. It showed that the Southern areas have higher attendance of religious services. 3. Look at the map about frequency of attendance at religious services and compare that to the different religions present in those areas. Is there a correlation between attendance and the type of religion practiced in a region?
    Allyson- I thought your project idea was a fantastic idea. It was very creative and well thought out. Nice work.
    1. 2. I found that age affects the population of certain religions to be fascinating. It was interesting to see the way age affiliated with religion. Younger people (18-29) tend to have equal numbers between all religions but when they become older (30-49) they tend to move towards Islam, Hinduism, and Catholic Christian. 3. Examine the data shown on the affiliation between religion and age and explain why each age differs in their religious practices.
    Nicole- Your project idea is great and I like the explanation you gave on the views of the political parties when discussing religion.
    Nathan- I like your task. It does a good job of using the map and another map to make connections and comparisons to figure of the why of where!
    1. (Make sure to click on the tab labeled "Income distribution of Religious Traditions) 2. I had chosen this particular topic because I wanted to debunk many of the stereotypical associations we as a society put on numerous religions. For example, I wanted to find proof that linked Jews with large fortunes or discover some statistic that linked people of color with poverty. To my surprise, the above statements held some truth. Over 46% of the people that practice Judaism hold a job that makes them over 100,000 dollars a year and about 47% percent of those who attend historically black churches make less then 30,000 dollars a year. 3. Explain the connection between a particular group's religious beliefs and how much money they make within a year. Make sure to include details about their lifestyle(Simple or Hectic), the value they put on education, and types of jobs each group holds (White or Blue Collar and examples).
    Nicole- I enjoyed your reasoning regarding the information you discovered detailing religious beliefs and their connection with political views. Also, I find your project very creative and rather challenging.
    1) : This is a map of the United States showing the where the Mormon tradition is most prominent. 2) I decided to look at Mormons because it is a religion that is not very popular, and I am interested in learning more about it. By the website, it says that it is a sect of christianity, though many would think otherwise. Also, my friends have been watching 'The Book of Mormon' on Broadway. The percentage of Mormon's in the US is around 2%. Most of the country remains relatively lacking in this religion...until you reach West. Salt Lake City, Utah is considered the hearth of the mormon faith in the US. Here the population is 51-100% Mormon. Around Utah, especially Westward, Mormonism becomes more popular, most likely spreading through relocation diffusion. 3) Explain the success of Mormonism in the West versus the East. What are some of the reasons that would make the East less open to the Mormon tradition. Explain why Mormonism has a stronghold in Utah
    Clay-I liked your project idea! Good job!
    1) This map portrays the importance of religion in one's life across the United States. 2) I chose this map because I found it interesting how religious importance varies across an area. The most dramatic difference in religious importance is between Mississippi and neighboring states, such as Florida and Georgia, for Mississippi views religion being involved in daily life as vitally important, believed by 81% of the residents. Viewing the United States as a whole, 56% see their religion as crucial in everyday life, while 26% see religion as somewhat important, 16% view religion as not very important, and 1% as refusing to practice a religion. This describes how various religions in diverse regions cause differing views on the importance of religion. 3) Explain the correlation between the predominate Protestant areas of Central and Southeast United States with the differentiating views of the importance of religion in one's life. Also, when told that Utah is inhabited by numerous Latter-day Saint members, but surrounding states, such as Nevada, are mostly Catholic, explain the relation of Utah encompassing a different value of the importance of religion from other Western states.
    Jared- I like how your task relates analyzing religious beliefs to income and style of living, such as a person's job or their value on education. I find this intriguing, but also challenging.
    1) 2) This is a map of frequency of prayer. I think that it is interesting that, even though most Americans believe in a God, the percent of those who pray (a way of practicing religion) goes down. Also the percent of those who pray vary on the area, for example in the South the percentage ranges from around 71-80% but in the New England area it ranges from around 41-50%. This has a lot to do with the way parents raise their children and how influenced from the outside world the children are. The reason the number in the south may be so high is because of isolation allowing traditional customs to continue on without influence from those who practice different religions. Barriers that restrict language in the past unit can also work to restrict religion. 3)Compare other areas of the United States and try to access why they practice their religion more so than other areas. Use geological features and factors that might hinder diffusion or allow it to occur at a faster rate.
    Jared- I liked your assessment and I thought it was clever that you chose something relatable to most Americans. Also I liked your task idea and how it will get people to think about religion and it relating to other aspects of life.
    1) 2)This is the map of the percentage of Mormons in Utah. I find this interesting for the fact that I do not know very much about the Mormon faith. I also chose Utah because I know that is the area that is suppose to have the highest amount of Mormons since their main temple is in Salt Lake city. Also my interest comes from the fact that many people consider Mormons a cult. In fact that does not to be true at all. Mormons have a significant amount of followers. This consists of 58% of the people in Utah and 2% of the entire United States. It is for this reason that I chose to look at the Mormons in Utah for the sole reason that it interests me to learn more about what I don't know about. 3) If I were to give an assignment to the class involving this data I would ask that the class look at the percentage of Mormons in Utah and then look at other states and look at their percentage of Mormons. Then I would have them record the highest and lowest three percents and form a thesis on why these areas have the amount of Mormons present as they do.
    To Jared- I can see why you'd want to look at certain stereotypes involving certain faiths for it is an interesting topic that is a matter of debate and tension among religious groups. As for your project I think it would be very interesting to see how the characteristics of faiths could affect their financial standings. In other words I like it.
    Nick- I think that the correspondence between age and religion is very interesting as well. Great project idea!
    1. This is a map showing the amount of people that practice Hinudism in America. 2. I wanted to check out this specific part of the website because I was curious about the statistics of Hinduism in the US, if any. I wasn't surprised to find out that only 0.5% of the American population practices this religion because it's considered an ethnic religion and is therefore tied to one location, which is primarily India. This also means that it doesn't diffuse to other areas very often. 3. Examine the map that breaks down the different religions that are practiced in the US and explain why they do or don't make sense from a geographic standpoint as well as a cultural standpoint.
    Ally- Your project idea is so thorough and carefully thought out. Well done!
    1. 2. This particular map drew my attention, because many believe in God, but not everyone carries out the duties of their religion. It was surprising to see that just 58% of people pray at least once a day. Knowing that Christianity is an extremely dominant religion in the US, the percentage should be higher. Prayer is an important part of any religion, and certainly Christianity. This stat shows America is not very devout. 3. Compare America's average amount of prayer with that of countries on multiple continents to study how closely certain religions are followed and practiced in different places in the world.
    Nathan- Your project was clever and it would be very interesting to view the results
    1) 2) This particular set of percentages really helped me to understand how religions are really spread throughout the US. I think that it is amazing how many people actually are Christians in the US. I feel like the percentage should be higher, compared with the video of the spreading religions we watched in class. There are many people who just don't worship a God, and I feel like that is a large part of our country's identification now. 3) Look at how the different denominations and branches of Christianity compare to the rest of the religions in the US, such as Islam, and Buddhism, and show how they relate to each other in many different ways.
    Isabella - I really liked your project idea and I thought that it was very well thought through. I also liked how you connected everything together with your paragraph.
    Nathan: Cool project Idea!! I love it! That would be a really interesting overlaying of maps. You could get a map of average times people spend per week on religions services or things to do with their denomination, and then overlay it with the churches of that region. That would be totally interesting. Good job!!
    Isabella~ I think it's interesting how faiths differ- both internally and when compared to other religions. A denomination like Catholicism seems to be so strict and almost confining, and adherence to the rules is of the highest importance, while other Christian denominations are more open to individual views and interpretation. In comparison to the Muslim faith, where one even has to change the way they dress in some circumstances, it feels like Christianity isn't strict at all! These factors concerning strictness of religions can be connected with how often followers pray and attend services.
    Hayley- Analyzing the reasons for the distribution of Mormons in the U.S. would be really interesting, especially why people in the west would be more willing to accept Mormon beliefs than in the east. In relation to that topic, you could also research whether there are Mormons outside the U.S., how many, and why and how the religion diffused there.
    Nicole your project idea is fantastic! I love how you described it and the whole idea in general. I believe that the project would be difficult enough for an AP class but you described it perfectly.
  • 2) This is a chart of the income distribution between the different religions. I choose this chart because I think it is interesting to see the distribution of wealth between different religions. 3) The students would have to compare the differences in wealth between universalized and ethnic religions. Then the could research a religion with an abundance or wealth and one with poor wealth and find out what job(s) the majority hold.
    1. The map shows that 52% of people attending evangelical churches are conservative which helps me see the relationships between evangelical churches and political views. 2. I chose this map because I practice Lutheran which can be closely tied to evangelical churches and sometimes are combined. It is interesting to learn what political views can be related with the Evangelical church 3. Using this website students could take a map of the US and the areas where different religions are found. Then compare this to a map of political views for those religions. The students will determine any patterns between religions and their political views and where they are located in the US.
    Olivia it is interesting to see what religions have more wealth and possibly where they are located. Also for your project it would be cool to compare the US Christianity and say Africa's Christianity and find the wealth for both. Obviously the US would have more wealth but it would be interesting to see if Chirstianity in the US has the highest wealth compared to other religions in the US and if the same things works for Christianity in Africa.
  • 1) With a visual representation with a pie graph, this shows how specifically how Muslims live in the United States, for example, the different regions such as the Northwest, Midwest, South and West. Though the numbers of Muslims in the United States are small they still practice what they believe and the numbers are growing, with the biggest group being in the ages of 30-49. 2) I choose this religion primarily because it is a growing religion in the United States and it is interesting to see the demographics of the people who practice Islam. I choose this section also because I could compare the Islam to other religions such as Christianity, and what surprised me was how many Muslims there are in the Northeast. 3) Why is the religion of Islam growing in the United States? Use examples from the Demographic Transition Model and the Migration Transition Model to explain your answer. Explain where this religion is found outside of the United States and how it spread from its hearth to where it is today. Is political and social unrest common in regions with this religion? Explain why/ why not this may be the case.
  • and select, "Mormon Tradition" under the section of "Religious Groups". This map is the percentage of the U.S. adult population that is affiliated with the Mormon tradition. 2.) I chose this map because I was interested where the most concentrated area of Mormons in the U.S. was. I do not really know that much about the Mormon faith and was wondering if there was a large population located near us. I found this not to be the case because the state with the largest Mormon concentration is Utah. All the other states where the population of Mormons was larger than 4% were all found in the east of the U.S also. 3.) My project would be for students to first learn about the Mormon tradition compared to other dominant religions in the U.S. The students would then take the things they learned about Mormons and study this map of their distribution. The students would then be required to apply their knowledge of Mormons and explain why the largest percentage of the population affiliated with this tradition is located in the West compared to other regions in the U.S.
    Jared- Your project is very interesting and is a great idea! I really like how you want students to connect a group's religious beliefs to their lifestyle and how they value education, and the jobs they have. Great choice!
    Kelly- it is interesting that you chose Hinduism as religion to study and prove that it is not a common practiced religion in the United States. I enjoyed your project idea because it is a different point of view trying to find whether or not a religion makes sense in a certain region or not based on the distribution that occurred in the past.
  • - This is a map that shows the percent of each states population that believes in God. 2.) I chose this because I was interested in seeing where the most concentrated percentages of people that believe in God occur. The map showed that the south east region of the U.S except for Florida had the highest percent of people that strongly believed in God. It also showed that the west coast had the lowest percent. This is interesting because the south east is considered the bible belt and this area has a reputation for being predominantly Christian. 3.) For my project I would have students look at the different percentages of religious beliefs and practices in each state and compare it to the religion distribution in the states. Then the student would have to explain why or why not the percentages of religious beliefs and practices make sense or not compared to the main religions belief.
    Cameron- I think it was good that you connected this website back to the demographic transition model and the migration transition model. This is the kind of thinking the Mr. Reidy would be proud of.
    Nicole, I love your idea! Not only are you learning about a majority of faiths in America, but you get to attack certain issues head on! This certainly beats just writing a paragraph!
  • This graph shows what political parties a certain religion is most affiliated to. 2. I chose this because the beliefs that a specific religion has affects which political party they affiliate with. They would choose a party with similar views as themselves. Most of the religions have a majority in the Democratic Party, but Jehovah's Witnesses have a majority in no proference/don't know. This group is the "odd man out" as it has relatively low percent of followers that are affiliated with the Democratic Party. 3. I would have students look at this data and a map of the U.S. of where each religion is mostly located and what political preference they have at election time, and determine if the data with the religions matches up with the data of the political parties of each state.
    Olivia- Interesting project idea. One would believe that universalizing religions would be tend to be wealthier, but then to find ethnic religions that are wealthy, or universalizing religions that are poor when researching. Also to find differences in wealth of the same religion, but in different areas of the world.

Diffusion of Social Media - Frank Ruszkowski - 9 views

    Go to this website to see how, when, and where social media has diffused through the years and where it is prevented from spreading. This is mainly about Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
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    The site is aesthetically pleasing with a sufficient amount of information without deterring an individual. The diffusion of social media reminds me of the notes we took on the diffusion patterns of television and the internet.
    I like the organization of your website. I never knew Facebook was so dominant throughout the world! The information is very useful about where some types of social media are banned. The spread of social media is similar to what we learned in class.
    Your website was organized very nicely and I learned info I had never known before about how Facebook and social media affects parts of the world.
    This website was great to learn about how social media has spread across the world. I learned a lot about how the government in some countries blocks the use of social media.
    This website was great since I got to learn about the diffusion of social media, which plays a big part in our lives. It was nicely organized, and provided a lot of interesting information.
    It was interesting to see which countries ban types of social media and how that reflects their type of government. I was surprised to see North Korea does not ban Youtube but India does.
    Nice job on showing the diffusion of social media, using three strong examples.
    Great job on the website. It was something different as most people did cooking, music, or sports. I remember in the book that it said that YouTube hadn't diffused much in 2011. It's amazing what a difference three years can make.
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