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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Bronte Lebo

Bronte Lebo

Boomers Feed Growing Wellness Vacation Industry - 2 views

shared by Bronte Lebo on 10 Apr 14 - No Cached
    • Bronte Lebo
      Fitness/wellness has become a hugely popular fad in America, so it makes sense that this would spread into tourism and travel.
    • Bronte Lebo
      This connects to mobility. People are able to travel much easier than they could in the past, so vacations are easier and more popular than ever before.
  • A study presented at the first Global Wellness Tourism Congress in October 2013 estimates this type of travel is now a half-trillion dollar market, accounting for 14% of all tourism revenues.
    • Bronte Lebo
      This connects to the service sector of the economy, because tourism and travel is a major part of the leisure/hospitality category within the consumer services
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Boomers
    • Bronte Lebo
      When they refer to "boomers" are they talking about the baby boomer generation?
  • Boomers Feed Growing Wellness Vacation Industry
Bronte Lebo

Religious Affiliations and Percentage Practiced In the United States - 3 views

    • Bronte Lebo
      2) This map is very interesting because it shows what the majority of Americans in different reasons believe about their religion. The unique thing about this map is that it represents all religions, not just one. I looked in particular at the map of how strongly people view their religion as the one true faith. A relatively low number of people agree with this, which is probably why there aren't many huge religious conflicts in the United States. 3) For a project, I would ask students to look at this map and identify the states with the highest percentage of people who believe that their religion is the one true faith. Then I would have them research religious conflicts in these areas. We would then compare this research with data about states that had the lowest percentage of people who agreed with the statement. This would show if there is a correlation between religious conflict and the belief that a certain religion is the only right way. 
    • Bronte Lebo
      Elina: your observations make sense because the South East is the Bible belt, so there are probably a lot more people there who believe in God. It's interesting that Colorado is so much lower than all of the states around it too.
Bronte Lebo

Ten states with the largest foreign-born population from Poland, 2000 - 0 views

    The chart on this page shows the top ten states with the most people who immigrated here from Honduras. 18.7% of Honduranian immigrants live in Florida, which makes sense because Florida is a coastal state that is relatively close to Honduras in comparison to other US states.
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