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Food 101- Logan and Ryan - 12 views

    Visit this site to find out more about the origins and history of cheesesteak and spaghetti and meatballs. See how much you really know about both of these dishes!
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    Your website looks very professional, and is full of great information. Its was very interesting to learn the history and origin of the dishes that we see everyday in the United states.
    This website was a great place to learn about folk foods and taboos including monkey brains and intestines. I learned a lot about the history of cheese steak and spaghetti, and how they diffused into the popular foods they are today.
    This website uses a lot of information that I didn't know. Who knew spaghetti and meatballs were not Italian? It cool to see where common foods found in the US actually come from, despite the usual assumption. Great job guys!!
    Awesome website! Very neat and easy to navigate. I liked how you talked about the taboos and mentioned some things we learned in class.
    The pictures on your website were great. It's interesting how cheesesteak diffused rapidly in Philadelphia, and now is a popular food choice.
    Nice overall job on the project! I liked Ryan's food taboo being monkey brains, as the information on the food was surprising.
    This website is great. The history on the Philly Cheesesteak and spaghetti and meatballs is very interesting. It's quite awkward to some people that monkey brains are a common dish in some countries.
    It was interesting to learn the histories or such common food in the U.S. The overall presentation is great and I like the incorporation of your personal views!

COOKING CLASS with Cahill and Amin - 14 views

    Explore new culture through everyone's favorite thing in the whole wide world; food! Delicious recipes can be found here and a video clip showing how these foods are made. Join Ellie Cahill and Sibgha Amin as they venture through the history of foods form other cultures around the world!
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    I really enjoyed watching your video!! I thought it was very creative how you sped up the writing part so the video wasn't extremely long. I also liked the background music throughout the whole video! Great job guys!!
    Awesome job guys! Those dishes look so good! I really liked how you guys planned ahead in your video and took the extra step of giving us the history of the dish before you made it. I enjoyed this project a lot!
    I think your video, and website, were a really unique twist on a popularly picked project choice. I really liked the white board idea, the subtle music in the background, and the way you "fast-forwarded". It was really good altogether!
    Your website looks so professional, I love it! You seemed like you guys really knew what you were doing before you started filming.
    Your website is really well organized and well set up, I like that you put recipes on for the different foods. It is interesting to see all of the different foods enjoyed throughout the world.
    The idea to have the writing sped up was great! It allows you to give so much more information about the food. Rote Grutze not diffusing very far is a great example of the limited spread of folk culture.
    I liked how you showed the history of the food you displayed, such as the Austrailian biscuits and how they originated in World War 1. It was well organized and your ideas were well thought out. Good job!
    I liked that you wrote on the whiteboard it was very creative. It was interesting to see that the German dish has not diffused further that it did.
Gemma Standley

Ice Bucket Donations Reach $70.2 Million - The ALS Association - 0 views

    As of Sunday, August 24, The ALS Association has received $70.2 million in donations. Mobility is seen in the situation of the Ice Bucket Challenge as awareness is spread from region to region, across the nation. This expansion diffusion leads to a large number of people supporting and donating money to the ALS Association. How will awareness of ALS continue to spread?
    I've been thinking about this, too. What kind of diffusion does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge represent? Nice work, Gemma.
Mr. Reidy

BBC World Service - The Documentary, Roots Reggae and Rebellion, Part One - 2 views

    Time to try out your Diigolet highlighter tool ... find at least one example in the article that shows how Rastafarian culture diffused across the globe. No problem, mon.

Lithuanian and Tanzanian Food - 10 views

    Have you ever wanted to watch two very amateur chefs almost kill themselves when they attempt to make foreign food? Guaranteed to make you laugh at their stupidity, LiAnn and Kara demonstrate their awful and slightly-less-awful cooking skills through the completion of this beautiful meal. Featuring: Some weird Lithuanian pork stuff that was actually pretty good; Greasy Chips a.k.a. Tanzanian French Fries; Chai tea with way too much cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger; and, an Orange and Mango drink in the fancy "I'm a Grownup, I Swear!" wine glasses.
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  • Here's the main page, the above link goes to a subtopic.
    I think you guys did a good job on this video! The dishes looked great! Maybe a little too informal, but super funny! Overall, good job!
    I really like the depth you went into to show the history of your foods! There was a lot of great information. Great job!
    I loved your video! It was very entertaining. I really want to try to make the chai tea now. Awesome job!
    I like how you gave a lot of in depth detail about the foods and the countries that they came from. I learned a lot about different foods and how to make them!
    I really liked your video! You guys are so funny and it was a cute little video. I liked how Kara mentioned that the Tanzanian French fries were a lot like regular fries. That comparison shows probably how French fries have diffused into other countries. Great job!!
    This is so great! The video is very entertaining as well as informative. You did a great job of putting your personalities into it. Both Tanzanian and Lithuanian cuisine are great examples of how a place's environment can greatly affect its food.
    I loved the video you made! It was... the most unique one I've seen thus far. It was informative, and your commentary was quite comical (my personal favorite being the bay leaf). The diffusion of "greasy chips" was well displayed, and how they have become popular throughout many countries, including Tanzania.
    I thought it was very informative as well as funny. I liked that the greasy chips were basically french fries with another name. It shows how foods can have more than one origin.

OPA! A New Way to Cook Food - 21 views

    Come and visit us at OPA cooking! With Owen Courtney, Peyton Jackson, and Adam Laudenslager, learn how to make fruit-a-licious pineapple nog, delightful alfajores (a type of cookie), and savory beef brochettes. These delicious recipes will blow you out of your mind. Watch our videos and enjoy our page! I recommend the pineapple nog video.
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    Mmm… That all looks delicious. Very informative and inspiring. I think I'll try making the Frosty Pineapple-Nog.
    I laughed way too hard at parts of this... I learned a lot about the different cultures of food!
    That stuff looks awesome, I know what I'm doing this weekend.
    The food looks amazing. I was blown away by the recipes! I also learned about various culture's food.
    The videos were very well done and funny! It makes sense that Haitians would have pineapples in a christmas drink due to its tropical climate.
    The videos were really funny! The easy layout of the website made it effortless to navigate and find everything. Overall great job done!
    This website is very well done! I love your videos and how they are very funny but also informative. The information in the website can relate to what we learned in class. For example, Peyton's dish spread by relocation diffusion which is a characteristic of folk culture. Over all, I really enjoyed you website! Great job guys!
    This website is great! The videos are hilarious yet still factual. I enjoyed learning about all of the different foods around the world and applying what we learned in class, such as the different types of the diffusion, to the recipes in the videos. Awesome job!
jared snell

China's Embrace of Foreign Cars - - 0 views

  • Chinese consumers increasingly favor American brands, which have a reputation for safety, youth and international flair. The domestic brands have tended to lag in surveys of initial quality and engineering, although they are starting to close the gap. In long-term reliability, they are far behind and falling even further.
  • Multinational corporations are steadily clawing market share from Chinese brands in their home market
  • as a succession of global brands have pushed their way into China
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Rising affluence has left consumers reluctant
  • to accept cheaper, spartan models from domestic manufacturers
  • They want to persuade China’s Commerce Ministry to retain a requirement seldom found in other top manufacturing nations: Foreign automakers may assemble cars in China only through 50-50 joint ventures with domestic partners.
  • “If there is a loosening of the restrictions on foreign ownership in automotive shares, it will instigate massive changes in the configuration of our country’s automotive industry,”
  • “The cap has hindered fair, open and transparent competition, which undermines the interests of consumers and the overall competitiveness of the Chinese auto industry,”
  • “It is our common goal to further develop these and to be successful together in the Chinese automotive market,” Volkswagen said in a statement.
  • The original goal of the joint venture requirement was to force multinationals to work with big, state-owned automakers with ample access to credit from state-owned banks. The ministry’s hope has been that the state-owned automakers would learn from their partners to build world-class cars that they could then export
  • The multinationals have continued to provide most of the designs, engineering and marketing. They build essentially the same cars that they sell in the rest of the world
  • domestic brands had only 29.5 percent of the car market last year
  • Ford’s joint venture here in western China has 15,000 employees who assembled more than 600,000 vehicles last year, making it Ford’s largest operation outside southeastern Michigan
  • The second factory is among the most modern anywhere in the world: Steel coils go in one end and finished cars come out the other just eight hours later.
  • Domestic Chinese automakers have also bought robots for their operations from international suppliers. But they have tended to rely much more on using huge teams of workers for manufacturing, and they have struggled to figure out how to integrate robots efficiently into assembly lines — a task that took decades for multinationals to master
    • jared snell
      <-- This 50-50 Domestic and Foreign part requirement is interesting in the fact that I have never heard another country implicate a guideline like it. It certainly goes against what is found in the US (IE. The vehicle is either 100 percent foreign or 100 percent domestic...rarely both.
    • jared snell
      This bit of text here exemplifies the Human Geography them of Globalization, or the diffusion of ideas and innovations to other regions. By allowing international manufacturers like Ford to form joint ventures with its domestic manufacturers, the Chinese state hopes that important ideas like an aspect of a design or Aerodynamics will "rub off". These industry secrets if you will would, in turn make Chinese domestic cars much more valuable and safe.
    • jared snell
      The fact that Chinese domestic manufacturers are can't use robots as efficiently as their international counterparts is just the classic case of under-skilled labor within the secondary sector.. Because international corporations have been around for years, they have been able to master and teach the techniques of operating a complicated machine like a robotic arm. In turn, they are much more efficient in their production and generate a higher profit. On the other hand, China is relatively new to the light vehicle scene and as consequence it's workers aren't as experienced.
    • jared snell
      My only question is why have the 50-50 cap in the first place? Is it to protect domestic companies and act as a tariff in a sense? Or is it their to allow the Chinese government to tax the multi-national vehicles?
    • jared snell
      The article had mentioned that Chinese domestic vehicle manufacturers were unpopular with the public due to poor crash test results and safety risks. This other article relates seeing how it explains how Toyota had to recall over 6 million vehicles due to product defects that could pose a serious safety threat. Here's the link:

Refugees Tear Through Police Lines at Macedonian Border - 0 views

    This article describes the struggles of migrants as they try to cross Macedonia's border to escape conflicts such as war in Syria. Recently, thousands of the refugees and migrants have forced their way across the border and are closer to the safety which Europe can offer them, away from their war-ravaged homes. The migrants had faced challenges with police as many poured into Greece and tried to move further into Europe, spending, "...days in the open with little or no food or water after Macedonia on Thursday declared a state of emergency and sealed its borders to migrants..." (Reuters). The geographical theme of mobility is shown here because of the diffusion of the migrants from their homes, in areas such as Syria, Afghanistan, or Iraq, to Greece and other areas of Europe. With the rising issues and struggles of the migrants, questions arise. Why are the migrants receiving no help or care from other countries to remove them from the war zones they had escaped from. What will Macedonian police do in response to the continually rising amount of migrants coming through their protected borders?
Dylan Smith - 1 views

This article is about Usain Bolt winning the 100 meter world title. Since it was a world event, this leans towards globalization. With us all coming together to watch and enjoy these athletes doing...

Development AND Industry

started by Dylan Smith on 23 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Christian Erikson

UN Mission condemns surge in armed attacks on main supply route in Central African Repu... - 1 views

    The civil war occurring in the Central African Republic recently affected even a neutral peacekeeping organization in a negative way. This threat have left many homeless searching for a way out. These emigrants trying to escape the war will likely cause traits of their culture to expand beyond the Central African Republic's boarders. Such an event would relate to the theme of mobility as the ideas of those people move through relocation diffusion. These events have also grabbed attention on a global stage as the rest of the world works to solve the conflict that is hurting so many people. A theme of region also starts to appear, when the area where most of the violence is occurring produces this carnage. Where the war rages heaviest people will develop a vernacular region, labeling the area dangerous, and try to stay away. One event in a defined part of the world can have a large impact all over. How will the United Nations respond to the violence? What will happen to the supply deprived people in Central African Republic is the main supply route is impassable?
    Thank you for making accurate connections, Christian. Great questions, too. One way to predict the UN's response to violence would be to see their previous responses to conflicts. The organization has made many mistakes (Rwandan Genocide) in the past so I believe they attempt to be as proactive as possible. On another note, as human geographers, it's interesting to observe who is emigrating and where they choose to go. I believe it suggests a deeper story as to what the political, environmental, and economic conditions of the places are. Stay tuned for our second unit on people and migration.

Low Turnout Marks Anti-Gay Demonstration in Kenya - 1 views

    President Barack Obama is visiting Kenya later this month and the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya is urging him not to speak about gay rights while he is there. The low turnout shows that the region boundary of legal gay marriage and support for it is expanding. What are other regions that are currently expanding or have been expanding recently?
    This is another interesting current event. It also reminds me of hierarchal diffusion or the spread of ideas by a powerful person or group.

SpaceX rocket explodes after launch - 1 views

    Earlier this week an unnamed space rocket, launched by SpaceX exploded just minutes after the launch. The purpose for this rocket, named Dragon, was to conduct a resupply mission for the International Space Station. Dragon's cargo included 2 tons of goods, including 1,500 pounds of food and provisions for the crew. It was not clear what caused this rocket to fail after launch but an investigation will be conducted very soon. This event relates to two major themes in Human Geography. The first theme is Globalization. Globalization represents the modern technological age, in which improved worldwide transport and communication allowing for the instantaneous diffusion of ideas and innovations as seen on page fourteen in the Themes Of Human Geography Textbook. By launching the rocket into space, SpaceX is improving communication between other nations that are using the International Space Station. Also, this rocket would have accelerated the technological age by providing influential information and hardware. In addition, this current event relates to the theme of Cultural Landscape. Cultural Landscape explains what a region or area actually looks like in relation to its physical features. Even though space is a foreign place to us humans it has its own Cultural Landscape, such as stars and galaxies. Thus this small rocket, loaded with supplies, can aid researchers in the Space Station acquire more information of the Cultural Landscape in space. In conclusion, Dragon's crash has been a very popular current event and relates to two various themes of Human Geography, including Globalization and Cultural Landscape.
    Excellent analysis. Thank you! Here is an interesting resource from NASA about their attempt to map Mars (

Folk and Popular Food - Jenna Landis - 8 views

    If you want to view images of food, then look on this website. You can learn about folk and popular food and view pictures. This website provides images for Shepherd's Pie and vegetables, like corn.
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    I was really interested in learning about your view on this topic, but I couldn't view any of the links because of the permission settings. The pictures were great, and I loved how you organized your website!
    I like how you made a map showing where the shepherds pie came from! It is so interesting to see where different foods that we enjoy in our own culture came from. You also did a good job of laying out your information.
    I like how you showed the diffusion of shepherds pie and which country it had originated in. Your site was very informative, and well done.
    I liked the way you showed the origin of shepherds pie. Its interesting to know where a food many people eat today came from.

Cooking With Style- Katie Harlacher and Paige Keefer - 14 views

    Do you enjoy tasty food created in Spain? Is learning about folk food one of your hobbies? If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, "Cooking with Style" is for you. On this website you can learn the history and recipe for the delicious empanada.
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    That wonderful video was definitely wonderful and you've inspired me to make empanadas now in my own home now. And by empanadas I mean samosas.
    I loved how the website was very easy to navigate, plus the food looks really good, i might have to make it myself.
    The food looked really good, I may have to make it myself this weekend! Your video was very good and your website was very easy to navigate. Wonderful Job!!
    I really enjoyed watching your video! I like how it was entertaining but also informative. I also enjoyed learning about how Empanadas diffused to several spanish areas. It is great that you have the recipe so that others can make empanadas on their own. Over all, great job! Your website was interesting as well as informative.
    Awesome job with the video, very informative and entertaining. Overall good content and interesting view on the food taboos. Great quote at 1:34 "Like my mom always told me, if you cut your finger off, it's gonna bleed"
    I enjoyed watching your video which was well done and looked delicious! I also found the liver and onion dish as a taboo to be interesting because of how it is accepted in some regions and not others. It seems it is more widely accepted in areas that are influenced by folk culture rather than popular culture, which is funny because many things are eaten in a popular cultural society that are worse for you and contain more chemicals than the natural liver of a cow.

Uncertainty for same-sex couples who can't marry at home - - 5 views

  • Any way you slice it, thousands of same-sex couples across the United States were thrilled by Wednesday's Supreme Court rulings. But in 37 states, some same-sex couples weren't as happy as they'd hoped to be. They're the 37 states that ban same-sex marriage
  • A couple that was lawfully married in a state, but moves to another state, still is married," he said. "Their marriage has not been ended, even if not recognized in their new state. So they get all federal benefits accorded to married couples, though their marriage will not be recognized in their new state
  • To my LGBT brethren in more accepting states, especially you who got a double in California...rejoice and be happy, for this day is truly yours," wrote R.J. McKay, an Ohio resident who's been with his partner for 15 years. "For those of us stuck in less accepting states, this was a huge symbolic win...keep (your) eye on the prize.
    Areas of high religiosity, generally will not accept gay marriage which creates controversy in state governments. Why don't states legalize same sex marriage even if some people say it isn't right even when the pope himself supports the proposition? In my opinion it is an American citizen's right to be able to marry whomever he or she pleases.
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    I don't understand why people today are still against the movement. It is the 21 century, times are changing, and people should, too.
    If the Supreme Court ruled it legal then why are these other states still against it. Even if some states are very religious, it shouldn't be that big of a deal since, as Alec said, the pope supports it.
    **Correction: The Pope does not support homosexual marriage. If he did, what sort of diffusion would that display?

BBC News - Boko Haram unrest: Nigerian militants 'kidnap 200 villagers' - 0 views

  • Boko Haram has taken control of several towns and villages in the north-east
  • Initially focused on opposing Western education - Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden" in the Hausa language
  • Boko Haram has been waging an insurgency since 2009 and is seeking to create an Islamic state in north-eastern Nigeria.
    This article discusses an Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria, known as Boko Haram, that opposes all elements of Western culture. They have launched numerous attacks on civilians, including kidnapping nearly 200 school girls.  What sparked this violence?  Will it ever stop?
    The fact that it took four days for news of this attack to spread is a testament to how much location, specifically isolation, can affect the diffusion of news and information. In regards to the attack itself, I fail to see how this attack gets the group closer to achieving a goal. How does attacking a village, killing 33 people help to eliminate Western culture? This is just senseless killing.

Are myths making the Ebola outbreak worse? - 1 views

shared by mdamschroder on 23 Aug 14 - No Cached
Mr. Reidy liked it
    Myths about Ebola are quickly spreading thanks to globalization and the connections that make it up. Information, whether it be correct or not, is disseminating quickly through diffusion. While it is informing people of the problem, it is also causing fear in many. How can we utilize the power of modern-day technology and the speed at which ideas spread to help limit the amount of false information shared and ensure that the right information reaches those who need it?
    Great application of vocabulary.

Borders closing over Ebola fears - 1 views

shared by mholbert on 24 Aug 14 - No Cached
Mr. Reidy liked it
    The theme of mobility is presented as the outbreak of Ebola causes the country of Senegal to close its borders with Guinea. This deadly and highly contagious disease has diffused throughout the population in Senegal and other countries. The pandemic has caused worldwide fear. Will closing the borders really be effective in blocking the spread of Ebola? Is Ebola able to be cured and, if not, are we trying to find a cure?

Military parade in Kiev for Ukraine's independence day - 0 views

shared by jennabohrer on 25 Aug 14 - No Cached
Mr. Reidy liked it
    Due to the close proximity of Ukraine and Russia, each country has a large influence on one another. The theme of mobility is seen through pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine, who have been exposed to Russian ideas through diffusion. What effect will the Russian influence have in the future? Will the rebels be able to separate from Ukraine, or will the Ukrainian government be able to gain control over its country again?

BBC News - Ebola crisis vastly underestimated, says WHO - 0 views

    The Ebola outbreak is very dangerous as we can see, but can we truly contain it?
    Good question, Adam. What kind of diffusion might disease be considered in this context?
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