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Conversations With Zombies (Todd Moody) - 0 views

    "The problem of `conscious inessentialism' is examined in the literature, and an argument is presented that the presence of consciousness is indeed marked by a behavioural difference, but that this should be looked for at the _cultural_ level of speech communities." Published in Journal of Consciousness Studies, 1 (2), 1994, pp. 196-200.

Zombies on the Web (compiled by David Chalmers) - 0 views

    "Zombies are hypothetical creatures of the sort that philosophers have been known to cherish. A zombie is physically identical to a normal human being, but completely lacks conscious experience. Zombies look and behave like the conscious beings that we know and love, but 'all is dark inside.' There is nothing it is like to be a zombie."

We are Becoming Cyborgs (Ray Kurzweil) - 0 views

    Within two to three decades, our brains will have been "reverse-engineered": nanobots will give us full-immersion virtual reality and direct brain connection with the Internet. Soon after, we will vastly expand our intellect as we merge our biological brains with non-biological intelligence.

Stop everything...IT'S TECHNO-HORROR! (Gilder and Vigilante) - 0 views

    "From Silicon Valley via Aspen, Bill Joy wants to call the police. On science. On technology. On the industry that made him rich. The Left is OverJoyed." Originally published in The American Spectator, March 2001. Published on July 25, 2001.

Rise of the Robots (Hans Moravec) - 0 views

    By 2050 robot "brains" based on computers that execute 100 trillion instructions per second will start rivaling human intelligence." Scientific American, December 1999 pp.124-135

Evolutionary Origins of the Social Brain (pdf) - 0 views

    Evolutionary Origins of the Social Brain. In O. Vilarroya, & F.F i Argimon, (Eds.) Social Brain Matters: Stances on the Neurobiology of Social Cognition. Rodopi, 2007, 18: 215-222.

Review of Merlin Donald's Origins of the Modern Mind and A Mind So Rare - 0 views

    by Trevor Stone, University of Colorado, Boulder Issues and Methods in Cognitive Science, Spring 2002; completed Spring 2003

Steven Pinker: Evolution of the Mind (PBS) - 0 views

    "Well, there was six million years in which our brains expanded and got rewired in ways that allow us to do completely different things. We can exchange information by making noise as we exhale -- the gift that we call language. We figure out how the world works, we make many different kinds of tools, we coordinate our behavior and exchange information. And all of these changes in cognitive evolution, in the evolution of the powers of the brain, account for why humans are making a film in which they can talk about chimpanzees rather than vice versa."

Online Papers on Consciousness - 0 views

    An excellent and comprehensive list of articles on consciousness that are available online. Compiled bt David Chalmers

History of Mobile Robots - 0 views

    from SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center and ActivMedia Robotics

Did HAL Commit Murder? - 0 views

    "If HAL believed (we can't be sure on what grounds) that his being so rendered comatose would jeopardize the whole mission, then he would be in exactly the same moral dilemma a human being in the same predicament would face. Not surprisingly, we figure out the answer to our question by figuring out what would be true if we put ourselves in Hal's place. If you believed the mission to which your life was devoted was more important, in the last analysis, than anything else, what would you do?"

Will Robots Inherit the Earth? (Marvin L. Minsky) - 0 views

    "Everyone wants wisdom and wealth. Nevertheless, our health often gives out before we achieve them. To lengthen our lives, and improve our minds, in the future we will need to change our our bodies and brains. To that end, we first must consider how normal Darwinian evolution brought us to where we are. Then we must imagine ways in which future replacements for worn body parts might solve most problems of failing health. We must then invent strategies to augment our brains and gain greater wisdom. Eventually we will entirely replace our brains -- using nanotechnology. Once delivered from the limitations of biology, we will be able to decide the length of our lives--with the option of immortality-- and choose among other, unimagined capabilities as well." Scientific American, Oct, 1994

Zombies and Human Consciousness (transcript), Natasha Mitchell with Phil South, Daniel ... - 0 views

    "The time honoured star of the B grade horror flick - the Zombie, the brain-eating living dead, a body without a soul - has entered the world of philosophy. The Zombie sits at the centre of a charged debate about the mystery of human consciousness. Whilst you can be confident that you're not a Zombie, how can you be sure about the next person? Your mother, neighbour or boss? Join two of the world's great philosophers of the mind, Daniel Dennett and David Chalmers, and a B grade movie's zombie mania."
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