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Defiant Teen Gets Life Sentences in Ohio Shooting - 1 views

    There has to be something wrong with this kid. If you read the story and hear what he said to the court and to the families of the victims he shot, you'll understand. It is scary that someone could be so awful.
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    He deserves what he is getting. I think he new what he was doing the whole time. That school should feel horrible for not having good enough security to let him bring in a gun.
    what is wrong with this kid. he is crazy!! now the school should know they need more security so this wont happen again.
    Wow, This is shocking. Oddly enough all I could think about the whole time was how do attorneys do their jobs? How in the world could you be strong enough to defend something like that. That young man is sick.
    That is terrible! At least he got what he deserved. I don't understand how anybody in their right mind could do such things.
    That kid is sick and twist. He doesn't deserve 3 life sentences he deserves the death penatly
    I don't understand why nobody saw that there was something wrong with this person he isn't exactly sane it seem I mean to go and kill people for one, then to go to court and act like he did why didn't anyone try and stop him.
    People like this don't do well in Prisons. He'll most likely have a very rough life where he's going, especially after what he has said. He'll "get what is coming for him" and I honestly feel no pity, even though I do believe he should be charged as an adult. This is disgusting. I would not have been able to rest easy if I were in that court knowing the guy is in jail after what he had done, let alone what he had said, he deserves way worse than what he got. He obviously took pleasure in killing those innocent students. Good luck in prison, mate, because you are certainly going to need it if you don't want to end up as cold as those concrete walls you'll be surrounded by. Either that or he'll end up as Big Jerry's finger puppet.
    The death sentence would be an easy way out for him. Spending your entire life rotting away in jail having your actions hung over your head is a much better punishment in my opinion. Not to mention, killing someone else will not bring your loved ones back or make you feel better, at least it shouldn't anyway. I read a story about a woman's 6 year old daughter who had been kidnapped and murdered,but she did not wish to have the man killed, because she said, "How do I honor Susie and Susie's life and the goodness and sweetness and beauty of who she was? To kill somebody in her name would be an insult to her memory." I'm not saying anyone is wrong, I just think life sentence without parole is a better option.
Ericka Davis

No one should be fired for being gay - 1 views

    Discrimination like this is ridiculous and i did not know in some states you could fire employees who are gay.
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    I wasn't even aware employers could do this. That's crazy.
    Like the article stated, he lives in a state where he is not protected by the laws. I find this situation ridiculous. You should not be able to fire somebody for their sexual orientation. It just doesn't make sense to discriminate people like this. People should be able to live their life how they want to without people judging.
    This is called at-will-employment (you can be fired for any reason except if you are a protected minority class (which sexual orientation is not considered in most states). Seems strange that a boss can fire you "at will" but the logic is that you could quit "at will" so it is equal in that way. There was a case recently of a dentist who fired his assistant because she was too attractive and his wife was afraid it would strain their marriage. He won.
    only they should be fired if the costumers are not comfortable with them being gay
    This is so crazy why would they get fired just for being gay.?
    i think that someone not be able to get fired just because they are gay

Weather groundhog Phil 'indicted,' accused of lying as winter continues - 1 views

shared by nelsontad on 25 Mar 13 - No Cached
    (CNN) -- Punxsutawney Phil lied. That's what a prosecutor in Ohio says. He has filed a criminal "indictment" against the famed groundhog, who, year for year on February 2, emerges from his burrow at Gobbler's Knob to predict whether spring will come early or winter will linger.
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    This case should not even be allowed. Just because he has to do these predictions doesn't mean he will always be right. After all, like the article says, he's just a groundhog.
    What?! I don't see what the big deal is if a groundhog gets his PREDICTION wrong. This dude needs to lighten up.
    i think that it is bad that he got it wrong because a lot of people were looking forward to spring coming so we could enjoy the nice weather but you cant always be right 100% sometimes you say something and it might not always happen like you say it will.
    That is just ridiculous, A. it's a PREDICTION, and they are never for sure B. It is only a groundhog... If America can barely trust people, why should it trust an animal?
    Why do we rely on a groundhog to predict our weather. What's next a tomato that can perdict the next president?
    IT'S A GROUNDHOG... how is it absolutely guaranteed to predict the weather? Maybe it can predict what I'll get on my next test!
    I guess a ground hog would be able to change it up if it wanted to, we need to fire that ground hog and hire a new one. Spring just needs to come soon so I can play some more tennis and get to a golf course.
    This is just plain out stupid. There is nothing anyone can do to control the weather. And I know it's surprising, but not even a groundhog can control the weather.
    Hey guys, it was a joke. They can't kill the groundhog for predicting the weather incorrectly.
    This article is a joke nobody is suing the groundhog. I was just posting this because it was funny.

UCF shooter makes to do list - 1 views

    The thought someone being able to get guns sent to a college and not get into trouble. Then he almost shot up a college with thousands of rounds of ammunition but ended up killing himself before hand. I think this should have been handled when the college had guns that were sent to him from an online store.
    I think it's crazy that he could have this all sent to the college ready to use.
    The fact that the shooter plans to "give them hell" is disturbing
Bryan Pregon

Same-sex marriage's big day in court: What's at stake? - U.S. News - 0 views

    "It's going to be a big week for the Supreme Court as justices hear two landmark same-sex marriage cases on consecutive days."
    The fact this argument is still happening is seriously ridiculous. I love how people can preach that racism is awful and that we shouldn't have racists, yet they are totally fine with taking away the rights of Americans because of sexual preference. America? Smh
Madison Clark

Girl "Raped" at After Game Parties.. Should Boys be Charged? - 1 views

    The eye witness admitted to sharing a bottle of vodka with the girl. If she allowed herself to get so sloppy drunk, especially at the age of 16, then how are people suppose to feel bad for her? I mean i'm not saying that getting "raped" is ever okay but I'm sure the boys were impaired as well and neither parties really knew what was going on. Another thing I would like to point out is, how does this girl just happen to show up at MULTIPLE parties with these guys?
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    To me, the boys definitely should have to face the consequences of their actions, for taking advantage of a girl the way they did, but she had every intention to go to that party to drink. How do you not expect to be taken advantage of at a party when you're a drunk teenage girl? Going to the party in the first place was irresponsible and not safe on her part, because anyone will take advantage of a girl too drunk to say no. Her "friend" should have made sure she did not go to the house with those two boys anyway.
    The guys who did that should be charged, maybe 90 + but the girls "victim" should also be charged for drinking under age. The person who gave her the vodka should be charged for distributing to minors
    Those two guys should have to serve time in prison, rape is a serious crime. They were super cruel!!!
    To me it seems like she is saying she was raped to help her image. She might not of wanted to do what she did when she was sober, but since she was drunk her mindset could have changed completely
    I think all three of them should be punished. They were all drinking way too much and did it to themselves. Although I do think the boys should be in more trouble than the girl because rape is worse than drinking.
    I feel that this case is a good reminder that there are "natural consequences" for our behavior. These are separate from the legal consequences that so many people argue over. I think that anyone should expect bad things to happen when they put themselves in these situations, but that doesn't mean they "deserve it". In my eyes the legal consequences are clear; anytime you have sex with a person who doesn't know what's happening, you are committing rape. Period.
    It was her fault that she was drinking, and if it was a "rape" at a party. Someone would have heard or saw i think she just did something she regretted and now shes saying that she got raped.
    I think that it was partially her fault for putting herself in that situation, but if she shared a bottle of vodka and was that so drunk, than how does she actually know if she was raped? Plus she showed up at other parties with these boys when they all knew what would happen at each party when they drank. This is why there is an age limit to drinking, and minors should not drink.
    Multiple people should be charged for different crimes
    They should be punished. But the girl should also receive a punishment for she was drinking underage and she should have been conscious of how much she drank. None of them should really be considered "victims" in my opinion
    well my opinion is that the boy shouldnt be the only charged with a crime. Multiple people should be charged for different crimes.
    Okay, here's my perspective on this. The girl obviously decided to party with them at multiple parties with them multiple times. if she chose to drink that much alcohol and get drunk to where she didn't know what was going on, then that's her own fault. But they boys also should not have taken advantage of the girl. But her choice had bad consequences.
    Even more people may end up being charged with this crime:
    If the girl has party with the boys before, and probably then, got stupid drunk, then what would urge the oys to "take advantage" of her this time, as opposed to all the other times? It does not make sense. Plus, she is only sixteen, so it is more her fault that she even allowed herself to go to parties, knowing everything that could, or may happen.
Jeremy Vogel

Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than US Govt - 0 views

    We've seen similar scenarios in the past, events in which the massive financial power of multi-national corporations is able to buy out legislators who were elected to 'represent' voters. But now, Monsanto has set the bar even higher.
Bryan Pregon

Reddit, Craigslist and 30,000 Other Websites Oppose CISPA - 1 views

    "Reddit, Craigslist and more than 30,000 other websites are flying the flag of opposition to the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, or CISPA, a controversial cybersecurity bill that was recently reintroduced in Congress."
    I don't think the government should be able to see that kind of information. Makes you think twice about what you put online.
Cara Ireland

TSA to allow pocketknives, some sports equipment - 0 views

    This is such a bad idea, it only makes people insecure and fear being attacked at any time during their trips. This is dangerous. "Although it was widely reported that the 9/11 hijackers used "boxcutters" in their attack, the weapons were not recovered, and investigators believe other types of knives were used" so how can people be sure that this kind of thing won't happen again?
    I don't understand what the big deal is, anyone can be killed from anything. You could kill someone with one of the pillows provided to you or even construct a weapon from parts of a dismantled pair of headphones. Whether they're permitting this stuff or not, it shouldn't make you feel less safe. People carry this stuff all the time just around your neighborhood, but you still "think" you're safe. If there's a will, there's a way, modern day Murder McGyvers.
    i think this is a good thing because the knifes they are letting you bring on are not that big they are just small littel knifes people carry to open stuff. i dont think anyone would be able to hurt many people with a small knife like that. everyday people carry bigger knives than the knifes they are allowing
Natalie Wilson

Victim's son: 'They ran him over because he was black' - 4 views

    he turned the wheel to hit him so he ment to injure him so it was a hate crime
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    In the south it seems like, there are people who will threaten you if you say it's a hate crime when it was a supposed 'Accident'
    This story seems to belittle the idea of equality and shows that racism will continue and equality might never happen. Really sad
    what is the world coming to
    I don't think this man was ran over because of his race. The article clearly states that the teens were under the influence of both drugs and alcohol. I think that the driver did not care what race the man was, he was going to be hit either way.
    He might have been under the influence but he did say he turned the wheel on him so it would be consider he did it on purpose
    This is so horrible!! They do it for entertainment and its just wrong. Some people need serious help and put in an institution..
    Racism is not a joke, and for everyone living in a "free" country, I don't believe anyone really feels that way.
    Who in there right mind would run over a person no matter what race he or she is?! Even though they were under the influence the driver still purposely hit the man.
    that just racist!!!! some people need serious help or be locked up in an insitution or something!!!!!
    Personally, I don't think that racism has to do with this. I think that the person driving was the only one that can be held accountable for the crime, but they all should be held accountable for not doing something about it. I also don't feel it was necessarily a hate crime either. I feel that the driver just wanted to hit that person, no reason behind why. I think that they tried to make it seem like a racist hate crime to make the story more interesting or something. And if it truly was a hate crime, then that is a shame. I guess some people may not ever be able to accept others.
    I don't understand why people would do something like that to and innocent person. makes my sick when people get the sick thought in their mind to do something like that.
    I think this is absolutely terrible what those people did, and it's sad that people think because you're that race, and I'm this race, that I'm better than you just for that reason.
    That is really cruel and racism is not right
    They didnt do it just for the fun of it. They run BLACK people over to keep themselves entertained. They said it plain and simple and admitted to it. Its just wrong on a whole nother level. I dont even understand what goes through some individuals minds and i dont think i want to understand.
    The police are obviously not doing their jobs correctly. A black man was killed 3 years before this happened and they did nothing about that either. The FBI should step in and take these cases over, because these cops are hiding something. Even the mother said two of the kids were racist.
    It's good to see that the teen is being charged with murder, but he should also be charged for the murder being a hate crime. And I'll never know why people can hate someone for the color of their skin.
    it was a hate crime and an intention to hit the guy
Cara Ireland

Bartender put Romney's campaign on the rocks - 0 views

    I never heard about the video it is really interesting how Romney tried saying what he said in private wasn't true and what he said in front of millions was what he really means! I THINK NOT!
Jeremy Vogel

Iowa House GOP Seeks Gay Marriage Ban - 0 views

    An interesting look at how gay marriage is still a battle in Iowa.
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    See, how does gay marriage affect straight marriage? It has obviously been like this for quite a while.. Iowa has not Blown up or anything because of it. It is obviously a control issue. I still don't understand why it is SO important to get rid of gay marriage.
    re: Alex B - I think eating broccoli is 'disgusting' but I don't know that the government has any right to ban it. America is split 50/50 on this issue. I would welcome more people to give some opinions on this thread. I am interested to hear what are some of the reasons for differences in beliefs (rather than just personal preference) (maybe discussing rights and obligations of citizens/government)
    The battle on Gay Marriage isn't one of "morals" or "protecting the foundation of marriage". This is an argument about religious ideals (Which shouldn't be expressed in our country that prides itself on having a separation of church and state) and Insurance rates. I honestly believe that keeping away rights like this is is prejudice and is in the same ball park as racial segregation. Alex: Then don't look.
    i believe that it should be only men and women that can get married. thats how it was when my grandparents grew up and event my parents and thats the way i think it should stay. im not trying to be rude to any gay man or women its just my thoughts that men should marry women and women should marry men not marrying the same sex.
    It's legal to marry your cousin in 16 states but you can't marry somebody the same gender as you? Gay marriage has been going on for such a long time now, what issues has it caused? Did wanting to marry another man/woman cause World War 1? There are incestual relations in religious writing, but wanting to marry someone the same gender as you is a sin? I find that disgusting, they have no right to ban love. Peace.
    I could careless if you married the same gender as long as that person makes you happy then why does it even matter.
    im sorry, somebody got on my thing and put that. i didnt
    If you love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them you should be able to. It shouldn't matter whether you're two males, two females, or even two potatoes, as long as you're happy.
    We should leave it alone. I dont know why its such a big concern when it has little affect on our lives. To each their own i believe..
Bryan Pregon

North Korea says 'prepare for war' - 1 views

    "China expresses concern and appeals for calm as North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un tells troops to prepare for "all-out war"."
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    I'm hoping that all this is just a bunch of saber rattling as they say, and not the start of WWIII.
    Koreans success with nuclear missiles is really scary fir the United Nations, China needs to go against them and help the rest of the United Nations cut off their resources.
    I think that North Korea is bluffing because they dont have enough resources to fight a war. It would be suicide for them to attempt to attack the U.S or other countries in the United Nations.
    I hope North Korea is bluffing, With their success in Nuclear Weaponry, you can only take them seriously because we're scared of WWIII or any other type of Nuclear Holocaust. They have the upper hand.
Bryan Pregon

Court curbs Homeland Security's laptop border searches | Politics and Law - CNET News - 0 views

    "U.S. customs officials must have a reasonable justification before snatching your laptop at the border and scanning through all your files for incriminating data, a federal appeals court ruled today."
Natalie Wilson

Teenage girl suffered strokes, brain damage after smoking synthetic marijuana - 3 views

    class A reason why they should just legalize what is know to be a safe substance. Then maybe kids wouldn't be choking each other for a high... or putting stuff in their body they have no background knowledge on.
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    That's the risk of doing she lived on the edge and she fell off
    Something that is legal so you can get a high, it almosted costed her life and the worst thing is she wont ever be the same.
    I think that's a perfect example as to why they shouldn't legalize it, not the opposite.
    She may not of known what would've happened to her if she smoked the fake marijuana but, she did make a choice into smoking it knowing that it might not of been a good thing to her. Sure it's bad that she had seizures and became paralyzed. But, it was fake it wasn't the real thing maybe due to the chemicals in the drug triggered the seizures and other symptoms.
    I think that the fact that real marijuana is illegal while "fake" marijuana remains legal, is ridiculous. I think the fact that Marijuana being illegal is ridiculous in itself. If we can legalize alcohol, why not Marijuana? I can understand that there is no immediate test to see if one is high or not while there is for alcohol, but that is a minor step in the road. Why not take it, set an age restriction on it, then tax the poop out of it? Make some money while legalizing something that has no reason to not be legal and will continue to be used anyway.
    I think this proves that we should just go with the lesser evil and legalize it. Make it available at a certain age, yeah minors will be able to get a hold of it like they do with cigarettes and alcohol, but clearly marijuana is much safer than the legal "fake" stuff. It poses no harm to the user other than the fear of getting possession charges.
    This information should be spread so people know the effect that it can have on people if they don't know what is in it. They need to learn some of the effects of it before doing it. She chose to smoke it not knowing the effects of it and she won't ever be the same because of it. This story is a good example of why you need to be educated about what you are doing.
    That should prove why it would be wrong to legalize it, especially since a lot of young users don't know the side effects it can cause not just to themselves but to their loved ones as well.
    Well it was her choice, Kids only do it to be against "the man" if they legalized thaat itd be a few days of people smoking on every corner then everyone would get tired of it. There will always be substance abuse.
    Obviously fake and legal marijuana creates more problems than illegal marijuana does. If marijuana were to be legalized these problems wouldn't occur due to the fact that people wouldn't get the fake kind. Even tho marijuana does cause problems, it's not to that intensity where you have multiple strokes and your brain is half or three fourths dead.
    She should have known more about it before she did it
    I think this is a perfect reason why they shouldn't legalize it. If she wants to smoke then she should just go live in Colorado.
    I mean if she wanted to smoke she should of just moved to Colorado!
Kayla Beck

'The Invisible War' Spurs Action Against Military Rape - 0 views

    The victims who speak up about their stories are no longer in the military, while their assailants go unpunished, and sometimes even promoted.
    It hurts to know that the people who risk their lives for us are being harmed in more ways than war. The men that children look up to are actually pigs that take advantage of women. Its heart-breaking to hear their stories, and while reading have to think about how she probably doesn't even have her job anymore.
    This is disturbing on many levels. We need to do something about this problem. Pronto.
Bryan Pregon

Rand Paul filibusters Brennan nomination for CIA director - Washington Times - 1 views

    "Sen. Rand Paul took to the floor of the U.S. Senate just before noon Wednesday and vowed to stay there "at length" in order to filibuster John O. Brennan, whom President Obama has nominated to be the next CIA director."
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