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Muslim Academy

Everybody should offer Namaz five times a day - 0 views

    After bringing faith in Allah and in holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAWW, the next most important duty one has to perform is Namaz. It is considered as one of the important action of godly adoration. A Muslim is called upon five times a day to perform Namaz. There are a lot of verses stated in the Holy Quran and the customs of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW instructing the Namaz to people. It is one of the pillars of Islam. It is the basis of faith in Almighty Allah. If Namaz is offered with sincerity and affection and proper concentration of mind, without any doubt, it would help a person to make his heart clean, reform his life and get rid of all the impurities and sins. It assists a person in promoting the fear of Allah in him. It brings about love for goodness, truth and piety. Over all the other obligations of religion, Islam has greatly emphasized on it. Whenever any person came to Hazrat Muhammad SAWW for embracing Islam, after the instruction of Divine Oneness, the promise which the Holy Prophet used to take from him was the offering of Namaz on a regular basis. It is considered to be the foundation of Islam after Kalima. Hazrat Muhammad SAWW used to associate the neglect or avoidance of the Namaz with unfaithfulness. He SAWW denounced the avoidance of it as the way of the people who have no faith in Allah. It should be taken into account that if a Muslim will renounce it, he would get connected with unfaithfulness. Hazrat Muhammad SAWW used to urge the Muslims to offer it on regular basis as it would be a source of light on the Day of Judgment. We can now judge easily that what is going to be our end if we do not offer it regularly and correctly. The verses of Quran tell us that on the Day of Judgment when the judgment hour will arrive when all the anonymity will fade away and actuality will become completely apparent, Allah will divulge Himself to the people in splendor and full magnificence. People would be asked to bow in love before HIM. The faithful and the
Muslim Academy

The Spirit of Islam in the form of Sports - 0 views

    The spirit of Islam in the form of the sport became prove that the Muslim Athletes can achieve success through the principles of Islam that correct and appropriate according to the teachings of the religion of Islam. Exercise makes every person has a central role in the development of physical or mental. In the teachings of Islam after the health of an important part of faith in order to perform, the activities and activities related to religious teachings such as fasting and others. Islam teaches that exercise can form the character and to be able to face all the problems. Exercise with fitness and health goals for the jihad is an obligation of Muslims to achieve victory thus making the word of Allah supreme. Some Muslim athletes who could serve as an example of Muslims such as, Muhammad Ali as a legend in the boxing world who apply the teachings of Islam in every life and career. In the history of his life, Muhammad Ali has divorced his two wives for having deviated from the teachings of Islam. Muhammad Ali has a hard and unyielding nature in all competitions, as the realization of the Islamic religion does not always tenacious. In fact, Islam has a different view with other religions, but one of the advantages in the teaching of Islam is, about the Islamic perspective in the teaching of individual health and society. In the religion of Islam, Allah wants Muslims to have a strong physical because God liked the people who have a strong body. Muslim athletes in various countries expected to provide a convenient instance for everyone and do any activities in accordance with the teachings of Islam, as proof that Islam is excellent religion and proscribe violence that harm others.
Muslim Academy

Learn Tajweed To Perfection - 0 views

    In the century between 6th and 7th AD, Allah had chosen Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to spread the religion "Islam". This was necessary as Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had seen from his child hood that people were fighting and quarreling for various statues around Mecca and Muhammad wanted to get safe from fighting like this. So, he always wanted to get help from Allah to solve this problem. As a result, Allah accepted his thinking and chosen as him as Prophet. However, this was not new plan by Allah as many other previous books had provided that a man will come to show the peace and he would be last messenger from Allah or God. There is lots of evidence on different religion books. However, other religions also exist but they don't fight with others as much as Christianity and Islam. However, all of these fights are useless, since both views want to say they are right while the others are not. People should learn to accept others the way they are and not getting involved to fight.
Muslim Academy

The choice of Arabia - 0 views

    The last Messenger of ALLAH, Hazrat Muhammad PBUH was born in Makkah, a city of Arabia. A question often arises that why Arabia was chosen for the Prophet-hood of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH. The question, indeed, demands answers. Why he was not sent to any other country? A great author of Islamic history, Akbar Shah Najeebadadi has given a detailed answer to this question. According to him, the most sensible and specific reply to this question is that the last Prophet PBUH had, after all, to be born in any one particular nation and so the question arises in every case. So the question itself has no meaning. Another answer to the question is that all the recognized countries had at one time achieved progress and development and got distinction in the globe of civilization, society, ethics and science. Moreover, every country had tasted victory and overcome in due course. No tongue of any other nation of the world had reached such perfection as Arabic, which had surpassed other languages in the power of expression.
Hendy Irawan

Web Poligami pertama & No. 1 di Indonesia | - 0 views

    " Semua pria di muka ini, sepanjang zaman, sejak manusia pertama diciptakan hingga kiamat nanti, punya potensi poligami, termasuk Anda bukan? Hanya saja, untuk melangkah ke arah itu butuh kemampuan, keberanian dan cara-cara tersendiri. Untuk sukses menjalani poligami, setiap orang tentu saja harus membekali dirinya dengan ilmu (agama) yang cukup. Selain itu, perlu mencontoh orang-orang (keluarga) yang sukses dalam menjalani kehidupan poligami, mulai dari Nabi Muhammad, para sahabatnya, orang-orang alim, para ulama atau orang-orang berilmu lainnya. Akan tetapi, pribadi-pribadi yang disebut tadi mungkin idialisme kehidupannya masih terlihat jauh dari diri kita. Ya, kita butuh pembelajaran dari orang-orang yang sukses berpoligami yang tak jauh dari kehidupan kita. Anda mungkin pernah mendengar nama Puspo Wardoyo, pria beristri empat yang telah dinobatkan sebagai Presiden Masyarakat Poligami Indonesia (Mapolin) atau "
Hendy Irawan

Husain Ibn Ali, Gugurnya Cucu Terkasih Rasulullah SAW « ahmadsahidin - 0 views

    "Ya, 10 Muharram 61 adalah hari yang paling menyedihkan. Di hari itu kafilah Husain yang berjumlah 72 orang telah dihadang pasukan sekitar 30.000 orang. Akhirnya, peperangan yang tidak seimbang pun terjadi. Satu persatu sahabat dan keluarganya gugur. Bahkan bayinya, Ali Ar-Radhi, yang dalam gendongan disambar anak panah. Husain berlari ke medan laga. Tidak sedikit musuh yang jatuh ditangannya. Namun tidak disangka sebatang anak panah telah menancap didahinya; yang perlahan-lahan wajah dan janggutnya bermandikan darah. Husain tersenyum melihat darahnya mengalir. Kemudian berdiri. Namun beberapa anak panah melesat menancapi dadanya. Dan tiba-tiba, blugh, rubuh tak berdaya. Dan pasukan Yazid pun cepat-cepat menggerubutinya. Ada yang menusuk-nusukkan tombak. Ada yang menginjak-injakkan kuda pada punggungnya. Bahkan ada yang memenggal kepala Husain hingga putus. Naudzubillahimindzalik. Gugurlah cucu terkasih Nabi Muhammad SAW yang selalu ditimang-timang itu. "
Hendy Irawan

Reni's site - Kewajiban dan Hak Suami - Istri dalam Pernikahan - 0 views

    Hadist 4: Nabi Muhammad SAW pernah bersabda: "Jika aku boleh memerintahkan seseorang untuk menyembah yang lain, aku akan memerintahkan istri untuk menyembah suaminya." (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Hendy Irawan

Istri-istri Dulu Vs Istri-istri Sekarang - 0 views

    ""Aku melihat neraka maka tidak pernah aku melihat pemandangan seperti itu sama sekali. Aku melihat kebanyakan penduduknya adalah wanita." Shahabat bertanya, "Mengapa demikian wahai Rasulullah?" Beliau saw menjawab, "Karena kekufuran mereka." Kemuian ditanya lagi, "Apakah mereka kufur kepada Allah?" Beliau menjawab, "Mereka kufur kepada suami-suami mereka, kufur tehadap kebaikan-kebaikan suami-suami mereka. Kalau engkau (wahai para suami) berbuat baik kepada salah seorang diantara mereka (istri kalian) selama waktu yang panjang kemudian dia melihat sesuatu pada dirimu (yang tidak dia sukai) niscaya dia akan berkata, "Aku tidak pernah melihat sedikitpun kebaikan pada dirimu." (HR. Bukhari dari Ibnu Abbas ra)"
jusman syah

Contoh Kasih Sayang Rasulullah - 3 views

    Rasulullah adalah sosok yang paling penyayang
    Salam dan Solawat bagi Rasul dan keluarga nya
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