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Muslim Academy

The Five Islamic Practices - 0 views

    Islam is a religion of love to humanity. Every teaching of Islam and every religious practice practiced by Muslims reflects the spirit that is to bring well-being in the whole world by either spreading the religion or by implementing the Islamic laws. There are total five basic Islamic practices made obligatory for all the Muslims. The first and foremost obligation of every Muslim is to observe Salah. The teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) tell us that a Muslim child older than seven years in age has to offer the prayer. For men, it is compulsory to offer prayers in the mosque rather than in home. Five times a day Muslims gather in mosques to offer their prayers together. The mosque also serves as a community center. Amongst other Islamic practices, Salah is the most important one. A Muslim will be questioned about his Salah before any other question after his death. The second obligatory practice is fasting. It is compulsory on every Muslim who enjoys a good health to take fast in the month of Ramadan. Fasting in Ramadan is compulsory whereas fasting in the rest of the year is optional. By fasting, a person learns to live a life without doing bad deeds. From dawn till dusk being in the condition where one tries his best to refrain from sins, he practices and gradually becomes a good practical Muslim. A person can leave a fast in case he is traveling or having a bad health. But it is mandatory for him to substitute that left fast some other time when he is fit.
Muslim Academy

Learn Islam and Find Life - 0 views

    Islam is a religion that teaches peace, love, harmony and equality. It is a complete code of life that provides with rules and regulations necessary for success in the life in this world and the life after death. In order to be a Muslim it is necessary to have the specified faith that is to believe in only one God and that Holy Prophet is His last messenger. Therefore Islam has been laid upon the world as a full and final religion of God. In order to learn Islam, one must fully know about the five basic pillars of Islam upon which the structure of faith relies. These five pillars supporting the Islam are as below: The recitation of "Kalima" as confession of faith is very important. The words for this confession are translated as "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad (PBUH) is the messenger of Allah". By saying these words a person converts into a Muslim and accepts the facts lying hereby in this statement. Every Muslim has to offer prayers five times a day. This is an obligation to be performed by every Muslim at prescribed timings and in the prescribed manner. Islam greatly emphasizes on equality and in order to remove the differences between the rich and the poor, and to avoid the presence of wealth in limited hands only, it is obligatory in Islam to pay 2.5% of the income as Zakat to those who are really poor and needy. To realize the hardships experienced by a poor person, and to allow man to notice the blessings and gifts of Allah, every Muslim has a duty to keep Fasts in the month of Ramadan. Each Muslim must at least once in his or her life offer his presence in the city of Mecca before Ka'bah to perform Hajj.
Muslim Academy

Muslim Architecture Contributions - 0 views

    From the beginning of Islam Muslims were very interested and devoted in the field of architecture. They were best in both types of designs like religious architectures and secular buildings. Present styles of constructing huge buildings are also donation of Muslims. Basically Muslims designed four types of buildings like Mosques, historical Forts, different palaces of different kings, and Tomb of different important personalities. Muslims adopted different fields from 7th century like literature and arts and more prominently field of architecture. Almost all the constructions made by the Muslims are very decorative and unique in color, which shows the expertise of Muslims at that era. In the field of Ceramics Muslims contributed a lot of things like woodwork which was used remotely at that time, illuminated manuscripts were also firstly introduced by the Muslims in ceramics, metal work and usage of glass all were done by the Muslims and this started in 750 and remained popular till the mid of 11th century.
Muslim Academy

Turkish Language - 0 views

    Turkish language is one of the members of the Altaic group of languages which were originated about a thousand years ago in the Altay mountain range of Northern Siberia. It is a prominent language of the Altaic group and was spread south westwards due to the expansion of Nomadic Turkish tribes. After it was made the official language by the Ottoman Empire, it also spread to North Africa, Middle East and Europe. Nowadays, 70 million natives of Turkey and Cyprus speak Turkish. Turkish is also spoken by the minorities belong to Bulgaria, Germany, Greece and Iraq. The Turkish language has a strong influence of Uzbek and Azeri languages. A large number of worlds used in Turkish vocabulary are borrowed from Arabic and Persian language. Before the reforms brought by Kamal Ataturk, the Caliph of Turkey, in 1928, the Turkish language was written in Arabo-Persian script, but now it is written in a modified Latin Script.
Muslim Academy

Learn Islam for Kids Online - 0 views

    Islam is a way of life and for a devout Muslim it is everything for him as it is the will of the God Himself as given by the Holy Quran. His entire life is lived as per the wish of the Allah and all his teachings are followed by him in as scrupulous way as possible. Not only himself but everyone in his family follow his way of living the life of a Muslim. Thus the kids in a Muslim family are able to learn Islam from their parents. Hence it is very much necessary that the elders in the family conduct themselves in an admirable way so that it is easy to learn Islam for kids from them. Learn Islam for kids In the modern days most of the Muslim population lives in towns and cities but still we can see a sizable population of them are living in the villages doing the ancient profession of agriculture. Whatever be the place they live or the profession they undertake the principles of Islam is same for all and it should be followed with reverence and divinity so that it is easy to learn Islam for kids who see their elders and follow the customs and festivals of Islam. This becomes the best way to make them aware of the various ways of making the life regulated as per the wishes of the Almighty Allah.
Muslim Academy

Learn Tajweed Alphabets - 0 views

    It is the obligation for the every Muslim of the world to read the Quran with Tajweed. This is the Arabic word that is referring to the art of the Quran. Every Muslim to should learnTajweed, it is the set of rules goober's that tell you that how you can read Quran in a good way. This is the correct pronunciation of the words and the correct accent on the words and letters and good inflection. ByTajweed you can know about the proper way to read Quran. There are many rules of Tajweed, then you should follow then you read Quran like chunna Lkhfa meem saakin, qalqala and ldgham or qalb and ldgham meem saakin. Every Muslim should learn Tajweed, this is so more important to learn it because without learn it you cannot read Quran by proper way. The all words pronunciations of the Quran you can understand by Tajweed. So before read and understand the means of the words of Quran you should learn it. This is communal obligation to community that knows about the all rules and terminologies of the Tajweed.
Muslim Academy

burma today-What is Happening Now - 0 views

    In the midst of fast-moving events in Syria and in the shadows of tyranny, oppression, lethality and massacres practiced by the Syrian regime, the Nation of Islam has been stabbed once again. Another waterfall of Muslim blood has been shed without any humanity. These stabs have been hurting the Muslim nation often and raise many questions about our disbanding and enemy's plots and plans from all sides.
Muslim Academy

Zakat the Third Pillar of Islam - 0 views

    Zakat is considered the third pillar of Islam, among the five foundations in which Islam based on, and mostly performed in the month of Ramadan. The birthplace of Islam is Mecca. So, Islamic education is generally mixed with Arabic culture. So that Zakat is a common term in Arabic culture. Allah (the Arabic of God) has given proprieties to man for their livelihood. According to Arab or Muslim culture everyone has the equal rights on the proprieties which are given to men by Allah. According to Muslim culture or Arabic culture, as the greater part of Arabia is Muslim, the poor has right to the wealth of a rich Muslim. For this reason Allah sends the system of Zakat.
Muslim Academy

Muslim Teacher | Responsibilities and Qualities - 0 views

    Teachers are very important for teachings of young generation for making them able to work in an effective manner. Muslim teacher is doing a great job for education of young people in the society. He is responsible for education of students in their contents of courses as well as in Islam. Many Muslims are teaching different subjects in different parts of the world. Some countries are non Muslim in which Muslims are working as teachers. Islam is not a subject in many non Muslim countries and they are not teaching about Islam. Muslim teacher is able to show the importance of Islam through his behavior in non Muslim countries. He must follow the teachings of Islam and make others to follow as per their willingness. When the students will see the importance of Islamic teachings then they will get inspired and follow Islam. In this manner a good Muslim teacher is able to spread Islam through his good behavior. In a Muslim society a Muslim who is working as a teacher is given much respect and care. Students show respect for their teacher and follow his instructions in their studies as well as in their routine life. Muslim teacher in a Muslim society is responsible for improving the character of students. Students are recognized by the teachings of teachers therefore a good teacher is able to make good students who could serve the society in an effective manner. Muslim teacher must follow the rules and regulations of Islam for educating students in order to make sure that they are getting good results.
Muslim Academy

Tunisian Arabic - 0 views

    Tunisian refers to anything of or relating to Tunisia It may also refer to Tunisian Arabic and Tunisian people. Tunisia, officially, the Republic of Tunisia, the northernmost country in Africa It is an Western Arab country and is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya the southeast, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. Its area is almost 165,000 square kilometers (64,000 sq mi), with an estimated population of just fewer than 10.7 million. Its name is derived from the capital Tunis located in the northeast. Tunisia is the smallest of the nations situated along the Atlas mountain range. The south of the country is composed of the Sahara desert, with much of the remainder consisting of particularly fertile soil and 1,300 kilometers (810 mi) of coastline.
Muslim Academy

Everybody should offer Namaz five times a day - 0 views

    After bringing faith in Allah and in holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAWW, the next most important duty one has to perform is Namaz. It is considered as one of the important action of godly adoration. A Muslim is called upon five times a day to perform Namaz. There are a lot of verses stated in the Holy Quran and the customs of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW instructing the Namaz to people. It is one of the pillars of Islam. It is the basis of faith in Almighty Allah. If Namaz is offered with sincerity and affection and proper concentration of mind, without any doubt, it would help a person to make his heart clean, reform his life and get rid of all the impurities and sins. It assists a person in promoting the fear of Allah in him. It brings about love for goodness, truth and piety. Over all the other obligations of religion, Islam has greatly emphasized on it. Whenever any person came to Hazrat Muhammad SAWW for embracing Islam, after the instruction of Divine Oneness, the promise which the Holy Prophet used to take from him was the offering of Namaz on a regular basis. It is considered to be the foundation of Islam after Kalima. Hazrat Muhammad SAWW used to associate the neglect or avoidance of the Namaz with unfaithfulness. He SAWW denounced the avoidance of it as the way of the people who have no faith in Allah. It should be taken into account that if a Muslim will renounce it, he would get connected with unfaithfulness. Hazrat Muhammad SAWW used to urge the Muslims to offer it on regular basis as it would be a source of light on the Day of Judgment. We can now judge easily that what is going to be our end if we do not offer it regularly and correctly. The verses of Quran tell us that on the Day of Judgment when the judgment hour will arrive when all the anonymity will fade away and actuality will become completely apparent, Allah will divulge Himself to the people in splendor and full magnificence. People would be asked to bow in love before HIM. The faithful and the
Muslim Academy

History of Arabic Language - 0 views

    Learn Arabic Language History. The Arabic language belongs to the Semitic language family. The members of this family have a recorded history going back thousands of years. The Semitic languages eventually took root and flourished in the Mediterranean Basin area, especially in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin and in the coastal areas of the Levant. But where exactly the home area of "proto-Semitic" was located is still the object of dispute among scholars. Once, the Arabian Peninsula was thought to have been the "cradle" of proto-Semitic. But nowadays many scholars advocate the view that it originated somewhere in East Africa, probably in Somalia/Ethiopia. Both these areas are now dominated linguistically by the two youngest members of the Semitic language family: Arabic and Amharic, both of which emerged in the mid 4th century C.E.
Muslim Academy

Learn Islam for success in life - 0 views

    It is important to learn Islam in order to achieve success in life. There are many people who are learning Islam and acting on the items in Islam for getting good results. There are many sources available for learning Islam. Anyone can learn Islam in a short time period and adopt important changes in life for getting good results. Islam is an important religion which is showing guidelines about all the areas of life. Through Islam the users are able to pass their life with satisfaction and get success in this world and also in the world here after. Different people are using different sources in order to learn Islam. Online modes are used by many people all over the world for getting details about Islam without any problems. There are many websites on the internet which are showing details about Islam for free. It is important to verify the details of different websites for making sure that the details are error free. Quran is the book of Islam.
Muslim Academy

Learn Tajweed To Perfection - 0 views

    In the century between 6th and 7th AD, Allah had chosen Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) to spread the religion "Islam". This was necessary as Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had seen from his child hood that people were fighting and quarreling for various statues around Mecca and Muhammad wanted to get safe from fighting like this. So, he always wanted to get help from Allah to solve this problem. As a result, Allah accepted his thinking and chosen as him as Prophet. However, this was not new plan by Allah as many other previous books had provided that a man will come to show the peace and he would be last messenger from Allah or God. There is lots of evidence on different religion books. However, other religions also exist but they don't fight with others as much as Christianity and Islam. However, all of these fights are useless, since both views want to say they are right while the others are not. People should learn to accept others the way they are and not getting involved to fight.
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