On the retirement age of 70 (as currently discussed in Germany) - 1 views
The aim of the ESA Advanced Concepts Team is to explore emerging technologies with potential applications in future space missions, by fostering interaction between European research groups and organizations and providing specific solutions to cutting edge research problems.
NASA scientists are seeing new evidence that suggests traces of water on Mars are under a thin varnish of iron oxide, or rust, similar to conditions found on desert rocks in California's Mojave Des...
This month, some 30 minutes before the sunrise, look to the East, and if the sky is not too cloudy you will see Mercure, Venus, Mars and Jupiter very close, so close that it will be possible to hid...
Looks cool... in simulation. And even there it seems to work terribly slow (note how much they have to speed it up).
Could this be applied to in-space energy beam via laser?
A 7.5 inch, 19 gram flapping wing MAV with camera! It uses active stabilization since it has single wings and no tail. http://www.avinc.com/nano http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hummingbird-...
seems there is some problem here, 0 items, but a lot of tags used quite a lot, also the email notification for bookmarks still work so ..
just listening to a company representative - funnily called Michael Jackson - who presents their tool called "shaping tomorrow" who do exactly the same as we do with Diigo but on a commercial basis...