Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS: Researchers - 0 views
Looking for some Mars images? You don't have to steal from Take them directly from the provider :-)
The case for in situ resource utilisation for oxygen production on Mars by non-equilibr... - 6 views
interesting idea to produce O2 differently on Mars
Also, let's see how MOXIE does onboard the Mars2020 rover!
NASA proposes a magnetic shield to protect Mars' atmosphere - 2 views
NASA will send robot drill to Mars in 2016 - The Washington Post - 0 views
A German-built drill nicknamed “The Mole” will pound 16 feet into the Martian crust to take the temperature of the planet, while a sensitive French-built seismometer will detect any Marsquakes.
slashdot describes the drill as "a self-driving mole developed by the German space agency (DLR)". This seems to be the drill: GEMS - a mole to explore the interior of Mars, Interesting news for all the roots people :) -- Next Mars Rover's Landing Site Narrowed to 4 Choices - 0 views
is expected to determine whether Mars is or was ever habitable to microbial lif
whittled down to four. They are regions of Mars known as Mawrth Vallis, Gale crater, Holden crater and Eberswalde crater.
Public Invited To Pick Pixels on Mars :: Elites TV - 0 views
To save on weight, a detour to the moon is the best route to Mars - 1 views
More arguments for a lunar base? "They found the most mass-efficient path involves launching a crew from Earth with just enough fuel to get into orbit around the Earth. A fuel-producing plant on the surface of the moon would then launch tankers of fuel into space, where they would enter gravitational orbit. The tankers would eventually be picked up by the Mars-bound crew, which would then head to a nearby fueling station to gas up before ultimately heading to Mars."
There was a paper with a very similar concept (reaching Mars via DRO) at the AAS meeting in January by Conte et al. First, the total Delta V required for a trip Earth -> LLO -> MLO is higher than Earth -> MLO. The trick is that Earth -> LLO requires less Delta V than Earth -> MLO and hence less mass has to be carried along *from Earth*. Essentially what both approaches have in common is that they say "if there's a free gas station orbiting the moon, it's cheaper to fly empty and fill up there on the way". The AAS paper actually does a decent job at estimating the "real" cost by also including estimates of the cost of a lunar base.
Mars One, which offered 1-way trips to Mars, declared bankrupt | CBC News - 5 views
RIP Mars One, you were stupid to begin with.
Who would have thought?
while the whole project was obviously a scam and i'm surprised how long it took courts to figure that out, it managed to get an enormous amount of people interested in space and ignited a conversation (even if that one was just about bashing the project :D)
Giant tsunamis washed over ancient Mars. - 0 views
An hypothesis for explaining missing shoreline traces of ancient water ocean on mars: Some 3.4 billion years ago, giant meteoroids slammed into a frigid ocean covering Mars's northern hemisphere. The impacts kicked up enormous waves that raced across the water and swamped the shoreline, research suggests. On the scale of planetary catastrophes, such tsunamis would have dwarfed most Earthly ones.
Space Station Spin-Off Could Protect Mars-Bound Astronauts From Radiation - Technology ... - 0 views
Science on Mars and Mars on Science - 0 views
Some sort of organic carbon has been detected by the sampling of Curiosity; the contamination source was isolated and the signal persists. The scientists suggest as a source meteorites transporting interstellar matter, or maybe some sort of ancient life whose biomass production only survived cosmic radiation as it was buried underground. a big deal: six relevant articles were published simultaneously online:
Wanted: Volunteers for Yearlong Mock Mars Mission in Canadian Arctic - 2 views
Mars Society, which advocates for manned exploration of the Red Planet, has released its requirements for the six volunteers who will be expected to spend 12 months at the society's Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Canada's Devon Island, which is about 1,450 kilometers from the North Pole, beginning in July 2014. Crewmembers will spend most of their time doing science, studying things such as carbon release from the permafrost and human performance in extreme conditions. If they want to go outside their base, they'll have to wear a spacesuit. If something breaks, they're the ones who are going to have to fix it.
Seventh Graders Find a Cave on Mars | International Space Fellowship - 4 views
New images of caves on Mars:
cool !
Some plants grow on gypsum outcrops and remain active even during dry summer months, despite having shallow roots that cannot reach the water table. Sara Palacio of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology in Jaca, Spain, and her colleagues compared the isotopic composition of sap from one such plant, called Helianthemum squamatum (pictured), with gypsum crystallization water and water found free in the soil. The team found that up to 90% of the plant's summer water supply came from gypsum.
The study has implications for the search for life in extreme environments on this planet and others.
Nature Commun 5, 4660 (2014)