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It's official: NASA announces Mars' atmosphere was stripped away by solar winds - 1 views

    We finally have an understanding of how Mars transformed from a once habitable, Earth-like planet, into the dry world we see today. NASA researchers have just announced that Mars' once rich atmosphere was stripped away by solar winds in the early days of the Solar System, causing the planet to dry out.

The great chain of being sure about things | The Economist - 2 views

  • The technology behind bitcoin lets people who do not know or trust each other build a dependable ledger. This has implications far beyond the cryptocurrency
  • Ledgers that no longer need to be maintained by a company—or a government—may in time spur new changes in how companies and governments work, in what is expected of them and in what can be done without them. A realisation that systems without centralised record-keeping can be just as trustworthy as those that have them may bring radical change.
    The blockchain technology behind bitcoin has been gaining traction. This article makes a good job of describing it, and the different (not-bitcoin) ways in which it's being adopted. Worth reading, even if only for the funny bit about self-driving self-owning cars who pay themselves for fuel, parking and repairs.

Google Just Open Sourced the Artificial Intelligence Engine at the Heart of Its Online ... - 2 views

    TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API. TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well.
    And the interface even looks a bit less retarded than theano

New derivation of pi links quantum physics and pure math - 5 views

    In 1655 the English mathematician John Wallis published a book in which he derived a formula for pi as the product of an infinite series of ratios. Now researchers from the University of Rochester, in a surprise discovery, have found the same formula in quantum mechanical calculations of the energy levels of a hydrogen atom.
    This is insanity, Max. Or maybe it's genius.

Experimental evidence for new Flexo-electric nanomaterial - 1 views

    A new experiment proved the existence of a new effect in nanomaterials: flexo-electric effect. The material has built-in mechanical tension that changes shape when you apply electrical voltage, or that generates electricity if you change its shape and was theorized some decades ago. Now, SrTiO3 allowed to observe this new effect, being comparable with piezoelectric effect.
    My old twente university group! :)
    Isn't muscle wire quite old technology though?

Creation of a planet witnessed for the first time - 3 views

    Astronomers have observed up to three newborn planets evolving from a disk of gas and dust particles circling a distant Sun-like star. While 1,900 planets have been discovered outside our solar system, these are the first to be seen that are still forming.

Ultrafast collisional ion heating by electrostatic shocks - 0 views

    Collisionless electrostatic shocks (CES) are the dominant process in heating a plasma when using high power lasers. It turns out that ion-ion collisions actually only play a small role. The ability to create small regions of very high ion energy density on time scales shorter than that of hydrodynamic expansion will be of interest in attempts to understand the processes involved in inertial confinement fusion.

Quantum entanglement at ambient conditions in a macroscopic solid-state spin ensemble - 1 views

    Quoted from one of the authors in a separate interview: "We know that the spin states of atomic nuclei associated with semiconductor defects have excellent quantum properties at room temperature," said Awschalom, Liew Family Professor in Molecular Engineering and a senior scientist at Argonne National Laboratory. "They are coherent, long-lived and controllable with photonics and electronics. Given these quantum 'pieces,' creating entangled quantum states seemed like an attainable goal." Bringing the quantum world to the macroscopic scale could see some interesting applications in sensors, or generally entanglement-enhanced applications.
    They were previously working on the same concept in N-V centers in diamond (as a semiconductor). Here the advantage is that SiC could in principle be integrated with Si or Ge. Anyway its all about controlling coherence. In the next 10 years some breakthroughs are expected in the field of semiconductor spintronics, but quantum computing in this way lies still in the horizon

New 'self-healing' gel makes electronics more flexible - 1 views

    Maybe something to look at for Ricarda? Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a first-of-its-kind self-healing gel that repairs and connects electronic circuits, creating opportunities to advance the development of flexible electronics, biosensors and batteries as energy storage devices. "There's no need for heat or light to fix the crack or break in a circuit or battery, which is often required by previously developed self-healing materials." Yu and his team created the self-healing gel by combining two gels: a self-assembling metal-ligand gel that provides self-healing properties and a polymer hydrogel that is a conductor.

Can physical exercise enhance long-term memory? - 1 views

    Exercise can enhance the development of new brain cells in the adult brain, a process called adult neurogenesis. These newborn brain cells play an important role in learning and memory. A new study has determined that mice that spent time running on wheels not only developed twice the normal number of new neurons, but also showed an increased ability to distinguish new objects from familiar objects.
    wow ... time to start running again ...

Is it Pokemon or Big Data? - 6 views

    See title...

Researchers find new phase of carbon, make diamond at room temperature - 1 views

    Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered a new phase of solid carbon, called Q-carbon, which is distinct from the known phases of graphite and diamond. They have also developed a technique for using Q-carbon to make diamond-related structures at room temperature and at ambient atmospheric pressure in air. It turns out this configuration is harder than diamond, plus the material has a very low work function. The latter might be very interesting for electronics or as electrode material.
    Maybe* this is the wonder material with very low workfunction needed in the Photon Enhanced Thermionic Emitter future prototype :)

Roboticists learn to teach robots from babies - 2 views

    Babies learn about the world by exploring how their bodies move in space, grabbing toys, pushing things off tables and by watching and imitating what adults are doing. But when roboticists want to teach a robot how to do a task, they typically either write code or physically move a robot's arm or body to show it how to perform an action.

CO2 capture from humid gases - 0 views

    Researchers have managed to create a materials that can extract CO2 from a humid environment, which was up to now not possible due to water blocking the absorption. With this hurdle taken, it may be possible to extract CO2 in large quantities from the atmopshere. This would then either be stored or possible even processed with H2 to form carbohydrates. Marsian atmosphere?

The Economics of Star Wars: How the Empire collapses - 1 views

    Simulating the economic state of the Galaxy after the resistance has blown up the Death Stars. See the paper here:
    Love this type of friday afternoon research questions. There is also a now famous scene in the movie Clerks discussing the loss of independent contractors lives as the Death Star was being build..
    That analysis is quite crappy and is easily demolished in the video's comments.

Computers Learn How to Paint Whatever You Tell Them To - 3 views

    Most self-respecting artists wouldn't agree to paint a portrait of a toilet in the middle of a field. Fortunately, advancements in artificial intelligence have given computers the ability to imagine just about any scenario, no matter how bizarre, and illustrate it. Take a look at this image.
    Those are some creepy faces among them.. This is also just completely random isn't it?
    Well, biased to the data it was trained on. Computing a net is pretty deterministic. But not everything is perfectly correlated yet. Still nice progress.

Controversial Quantum Machine Bought by NASA and Google Shows Promise - 4 views

    I am having less and less faith in the Dwave machine, but nonetheless, maybe we should have a look at our future encryption techniques...
    why less and less ... ?

Big Hero 6's Programmable Nanobots Are on the Horizon - 2 views

    This collaborating swarm of drones acts as 3D pixels (voxels) to create giant, flying interactive displays.
    I have never understood the flying part of these things. Isn't it really impracticle to have all those tiny quadrocopters zooming around. My money is on holography or still a google glass type of device, if only considering the energy requirements for doing anything kinetically.

Undecidability of the spectral gap : Nature : Nature Publishing Group - 3 views

    if anybody was still doubting: Gödel was a real genius! - 7 views

started by Marcus Maertens on 14 Dec 15 no follow-up yet
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