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Athanasia Nikolaou

Nature Paper: Rivers and streams release more CO2 than previously believed - 6 views

    Another underestimated source of CO2, are turbulent waters. "The stronger the turbulences at the water's surface, the more CO2 is released into the atmosphere. The combination of maps and data revealed that, while the CO2 emissions from lakes and reservoirs are lower than assumed, those from rivers and streams are three times as high as previously believed." Alltogether the emitted CO2 equates to roughly one-fifth of the emissions caused by humans. Yet more stuff to model...
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    This could also be a mechanism to counter human CO2 emission ... the more we emit, the less turbulent rivers and stream, the less CO2 is emitted there ... makes sense?
    I guess there is a natural equilibrium there. Once the climate warms up enough for all rivers and streams to evaporate they will not contribute CO2 anymore - which stops their contribution to global warming. So the problem is also the solution (as always).
    "The source of inland water CO2 is still not known with certainty and new studies are needed to research the mechanisms controlling CO2 evasion globally." It is another source of CO2 this one, and the turbulence in the rivers is independent of our emissions in CO2 and just facilitates the process of releasing CO2 waters. Dario, if I understood correct you have in mind a finite quantity of CO2 that the atmosphere can accomodate, and to my knowledge this does not happen, so I cannot find a relevant feedback there. Johannes, H2O is a powerful greenhouse gas :-)
    Nasia I think you did not get my point (a joke, really, that Johannes continued) .... by emitting more CO2 we warm up the planet thus drying up rivers and lakes which will, in turn emit less CO2 :) No finite quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere is needed to close this loop ... ... as for the H2O it could just go into non turbulent waters rather than staying into the atmosphere ...
    Really awkward joke explanation: I got the joke of Johannes, but maybe you did not get mine: by warming up the planet to get rid of the rivers and their problems, the water of the rivers will be accomodated in the atmosphere, therefore, the greenhouse gas of water.
    from my previous post: "... as for the H2O it could just go into non turbulent waters rather than staying into the atmosphere ..."
    I guess the emphasis is on "could"... ;-) Also, everybody knows that rain is cold - so more water in the atmosphere makes the climate colder.
    do you have the nature paper also? looks like very nice, meticulous typically german research lasting over 10 years with painstakingly many researchers from all over the world involved .... and while important the total is still only 20% of human emissions ... so a variation in it does not seem to change the overall picture
    here is the nature paper : I appreciate Johannes' and Dario's jokes, since climate is the common ground that all of us can have an opinion, taking honours from experiencing weather. But, the same as if I am trying to make jokes for material science, or A.I. I take a high risk of failing(!) :-S Water is a greenhouse gas, rain rather releases latent heat to the environment in order to be formed, Johannes, nice trolling effort ;-) Between this and the next jokes to come, I would stop to take a look here, provided you have 10 minutes: how/where rain forms
    Nasia, I thought about your statement carefully - and I cannot agree with you. Water is not a greenhouse gas. It is instead a liquid. Also, I can't believe you keep feeding the troll! :-P But on a more topical note: I think it is an over-simplification to call water a greenhouse gas - water is one of the most important mechanisms in the way Earth handles heat input from the sun. The latent heat that you mention actually cools Earth: solar energy that would otherwise heat Earth's surface is ABSORBED as latent heat by water which consequently evaporates - the same water condenses into rain drops at high altitudes and releases this stored heat. In effect the water cycle is a mechanism of heat transport from low altitude to high altitude where the chance of infrared radiation escaping into space is much higher due to the much thinner layer of atmosphere above (including the smaller abundance of greenhouse gasses). Also, as I know you are well aware, the cloud cover that results from water condensation in the troposphere dramatically increases albedo which has a cooling effect on climate. Furthermore the heat capacity of wet air ("humid heat") is much larger than that of dry air - so any advective heat transfer due to air currents is more efficient in wet air - transporting heat from warm areas to a natural heat sink e.g. polar regions. Of course there are also climate heating effects of water like the absorption of IR radiation. But I stand by my statement (as defended in the above) that rain cools the atmosphere. Oh and also some nice reading material on the complexities related to climate feedback due to sea surface temperature:
    I enjoy trolling conversations when there is a gain for both sides at the end :-) . I had to check upon some of the facts in order to explain my self properly. The IPCC report states the greenhouse gases here, and water vapour is included: Honestly, I read only the abstract of the article you posted, which is a very interesting hypothesis on the mechanism of regulating sea surface temperature, but it is very localized to the tropics (vivid convection, storms) a region of which I have very little expertise, and is difficult to study because it has non-hydrostatic dynamics. The only thing I can comment there is that the authors define constant relative humidity for the bottom layer, supplied by the oceanic surface, which limits the implementation of the concept on other earth regions. Also, we may confuse during the conversation the greenhouse gas with the Radiative Forcing of each greenhouse gas: I see your point of the latent heat trapped in the water vapour, and I agree, but the effect of the water is that it traps even as latent heat an amount of LR that would otherwise escape back to space. That is the greenhouse gas identity and an image to see the absorption bands in the atmosphere and how important the water is, without vain authority-based arguments that miss the explanation in the end:

Best-Ever Algorithm Found for Huge Streams of Data - 0 views

    This best-in-class streaming algorithm works by remembering just enough of what it's seen to tell you what it's seen most frequently. It suggests that compromises that seemed intrinsic to the analysis of streaming data are not actually necessary.
nikolas smyrlakis

TEDxAmsterdam /today - 3 views

    watch the live streaming of TEDxAmsterdam

New methods to make longer streams of plasma with greater longevity could lead to laser... - 0 views

    More developments in the laser filamentation community. Makes me wonder again about Christophe's ideas for a space-formed filament as new and efficient microwave waveguide.
Marcus Maertens

Computer Scientists Generate A Self-Aware Mario That Can Learn And Feel | IFLScience - 2 views

    Here we go! AI for Mario has arrived. What is still missing is the Italian accent in his robo-voice though. To compensate for that, we have a lot of German accent in the Youtube-video. Make sure to check it out if you always liked the background music from the games. Putting the trolling aside, I honestly like the idea! There is still some way to go, but maybe we will watch and even pay to be able to see twitch-streams of self-ware bots one day?
    I'm actually considering doing an twitch-bot channel. Why pay when you can cash in? Kind of lazy tho`
Marcus Maertens

Pouring Milk All Over Yourself: The Next Extremely Bizarre Trend? - 1 views

    So... who is in?
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    I thought you were supposed to do this with petrol... |:-[ It's by the way cool to see how the milk seems to flow very differently from what one might expect from water: it seems to flow in a few thick streams instead of wetting the whole person... Since the surface tension of milk seems to be lower than that of water (;jsessionid=908B02C3825E97162B9D60DA615EAC96.journals?fromPage=online&aid=5146540) this is surprising. It might very well be an effect of the colloidal nature of milk as it is water in which semi-solid fat particles are suspended. So like the cornstarch mix that we have seen in the office there might be some dynamic jamming going on leading to a higher viscosity (at high shear rates). After all they might be doing science...
    nice comment Johannes ... if you add a bit of Kleopatre, e.g. why bathing in milk helped her fool Marcus Antonius, your comment would be fully interdisciplinary :-)
    you mean it would include History or Psychology? I would understand why Marcus Antonius might get fooled by a bathing beauty - but milk? DONKEY MILK?!? That's just wrong... :-[

Quantizer - 1 views

    A sonification experiment taking data from ATLAS and translating it into music. The outcome was played at Montreux jazz fest, listen to the results in soundcloud The way it works is "A tiny subset of collision data from the ATLAS Detector (in CERN, Switzerland) is being generated and streamed in real-time into a sonification engine built atop Python, Pure Data, Ableton, and IceCast." Code's in github

Google Reader (20) - 2 views

    Spacecraft equipped with lasers powered by light from the Sun are our best defence against incoming asteroids, say aerospace engineers
Athanasia Nikolaou

IPCC Press release on Climate change - 4 views

And the live streaming of the press release (unfortunately at the end, now is the Q&A session)

Friederike Sontag

Retooling the ocean conveyor belt - 1 views

  • Climate Ecosystems Reference Ocean current Atmospheric circulation Gulf Stream Mid-ocean ridge In a paper in the June 18 issue of Science, a Duke University oceanographer reviews the growing body of evidence that suggests it's time to rethink the conveyor belt model. "The old model is no longer valid for the ocean's overturning, not because it's a gross simplification, but because it i
    "The old model is no longer valid for the ocean's overturning, not because it's a gross simplification, but because it ignores crucial elements such as eddies and the wind field. The concept of a conveyor belt for the overturning was developed decades ago, before oceanographers had measured the eddy field of the ocean and before they understood how energy from the wind impacts the overturning,"
Francesco Biscani

Why I don't care very much about tablets anymore - 5 views

    There it goes :)
    "So a new tablet will never be exciting the way that a new, luxury gel ink pen will be exciting" Man, I immediately felt like ordering some new luxury gel ink pens!
    like also this one: "Some of the really savvy new media efforts like Flipboard are exciting, but after the initial "wow" factor wears off, these apps mainly serve to remind me that there's already too much good stuff to read out there, and that my life is slipping away from me in an infinite stream of interesting bits about smart animals, dumb criminals, outrageous celebs, shiny objects, funny memes, scientific discoveries, economic developments, etc.. I invariably end up closing the app in a fit of guilt, and picking up one of the truly fantastic dead tree or Kindle books that I'm working my way through at the moment, so that I can actually exercise my brain (as opposed to simply wearing it out)."

Nature Online Video Streaming Archive - 0 views

    videos on scienes - easier than reading the papers...

High-gain optical transistors flipped by just one photon - 0 views

    Two research teams have designed an optical gate that can 'switch off' a stream of photons as well as store them ... good news for optical communications as well as future photon-based quantum information systems.
Thijs Versloot

Dark matter may have been detected - streaming from the sun's core - 2 views

    An unusual signal picked up by a European space observatory could be the first direct detection of dark matter particles, astronomers say. The findings are tentative and could take several years to check, but if confirmed they would represent a dramatic advance in scientists' understanding of the universe.
Alexander Wittig

'Sewing' with molten glass and maths - BBC News - 1 views

    From the section Science & Environment US researchers have developed what they call a "molten glass sewing machine" by combining 3D printing of glass with a mathematical model of how a liquid thread forms different types of loop. When the nozzle releasing a stream of molten glass is raised above a certain level, that thread begins to wobble.
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