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Thijs Versloot

Alternative sleep cycles - 1 views

    Give the Ubermancycle a try?
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    I was into this some time ago and found a documentary in which they performed an experiment on a guy. Long story short, it didn't work that good. He was semi-lucid all the time and his mental performance dropped. Perhaps it is possible to survive like this for months, but if your goal is to maximize your daily output, you will not gain extra work hours due to being 3/4 conscious most of the time. EDIT: Not related to the documentary I mentioned but some first hand stories:
    I also heard about it. At the moment, I am on some sort of bi-phasic sleep and I am not feeling more tired than with the monophasic one (while sleeping effectively less right now).
    If it exists, there's an xkcd about it: Actually the schedule proposed there is quite useful if you're into this whole Friday / Saturday night thing..
    I don't see why it wouldn't work if you manage to detach yourself from the cycardian input. As in never ever see sun and daylight :))
    > As in never ever see sun and daylight :)) Like in the Netherlands you mean?
    Tri-phasic sleep rhythm works fine.

Another neurotech company with sleep headband and co - 5 views After DREEM and Philips, there's another neurotech company popping up with an acoustic stimulation headband called TRANCE. Their headband will also be the first one to incl...

neurotech sleep sexy deep learning

started by domineo on 29 May 18 no follow-up yet

Rocking puts adults to sleep faster and makes slumber deeper | Science News - 2 views

    First really strong evidence that the vestibular system affects sleep architecture, sleep stability and sleep spindles. If there is an effect due to a changing acceleration there might also be an effect of no gravity vector. We'll find out when I get the space shuttle data.
Dario Izzo

Study: Jellyfish Can Sleep - The Atlantic - 1 views

shared by Dario Izzo on 23 Sep 17 - No Cached
LeopoldS liked it
    Makes me think how little we know on sleep ....

To Sleep, Perchance to Clean - University of Rochester Medical Center - 2 views

    Why do we sleep? One answer could be: to clear waste products accumulated during the day. To prevent aging and neurodegeneration, the body must maintain homeostasis. What would happen if we experience chronic sleep loss? What would happen if microgravity impairs the cerebrospinal fluid to flush the brain? What would happen if cosmic radiations increase the amount of daily waste products?

America's 10 Most Sleep-Deprived Jobs - - 1 views

    Where are the scientists???
    "Scientist" is maybe not considered being a real job.
    I guess, people working in the really most sleep-deprived areas simply had no time to give an interview... or fell asleep while the first question was asked!

Why Sleep? | Physical Review Focus - 0 views

shared by ESA ACT on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    A study in the January Physical Review E suggests that a sleep-wake cycle, allowing the brain to focus on one task at a time, may be the most efficient way to operate. The researcher shows mathematically that processing a continuously changing resource--s

Sounds during sleep can boost memory - 1 views

    For all of us who want to become smart without hard work :-D
    Omelette du fromage?

The Cutest Little Doll-Shaped Molecules You Ever Did See | Discoblog | Discover Magazine - 3 views

    I will never sleep thinking that these things are everywhere....
    As far as I'm concerned, that's next Nobel in chemistry :)

Current Biology - Evidence that the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep - 0 views

    First paper I know of that seems to confirm what we see with our daughters since they are born ... Would this also be observable with astronauts? We should have some data from the ISS it seems to me...
Nicholas Lan

The Big Sleep: How Hibernation Could Overcome Life-Threatening Injury - 1 views

    Human hibernation again. A group in groningen that started 6 years ago and a study under the US army that will do some limited trials with humans apparently.

A Constant Flux of Diverse Thermophilic Bacteria into the Cold Arctic Seabed -- Hubert ... - 0 views

    sleeping for 100 million years .... 

Sleep like a rock, wake up like Iron Man with | Webware : Cool ... - 0 views

    A good example of sci-fi inspiration...
Tom Gheysens

Electron 'antenna' tunes in to physics beyond Higgs - 0 views

    Anna, Sante, some Christmas reading! Real theoretical physicists never sleep ;)
Marcus Maertens

MIT, Mass Gen Aim Deep Learning at Sleep Research | NVIDIA Blog - 2 views

    Neural Networks to analyse sleeplessness.

Sleepy and dreamless mutant mice - 1 views

    It's proven, sleepiness is genetic.
    Why it is written 0 views if I read it ?!

Current Biology - Evidence that the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep - 1 views

    looks like a mythbuster paper!
Tom Gheysens

The Moroccan flic-flac spider: A gymnast among the arachnids -- ScienceDaily - 5 views

    New form of locomotion found in spiders. They say it could be used for a robot on Mars...don't immediately see how though. :)
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    Before it gets out of control... I hope you realise that quoting "Science Daily" in the context of science is pretty much like using Daily Mail as your reference news agency?
    I was just going to post the same story. Here is BTW a video of the intended type of robot:
    True Marek :) The article does quote a Journal Paper though ..... published in zootaxa: a staggering 0.9 impact factor journal!! And watching the video you immediately understand why :)
    I of course watched the video and have trouble sleeping since.

Shimizu's Dream - Shimizu Corporation - 1 views

    Everyone should have a "dream" page with cool photos.
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