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Revealing the Universe: the Hubble Extreme Deep Field | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine - 1 views

    Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have created the deepest multi-color* image of the Universe ever taken: the Hubble Extreme Deep Field, a mind-blowing glimpse into the vast stretches of our cosmos.

Extreme weather events study - 2 views

    Is this correct? The conclusions indicate that contrary to what felt extreme weather events are not increasing?? Where is the trick?
    don't get fooled, this is the same strategy employed successfully by the tabac industry: installing doubt - all under the cover of science of course and using its methods; remember all these publications showing the overall beneficial effects of smoking, the "un-clear" link to lung cancer etc ... same here

New fabrication technique could provide breakthrough for solar energy systems - 3 views

    The principle behind that is Nantenna.
    this is fantastic!!!! waiting of somebody to make this happen since years The size of the gap is critical because it creates an ultra-fast tunnel junction between the rectenna's two electrodes, allowing a maximum transfer of electricity. The nanosized gap gives energized electrons on the rectenna just enough time to tunnel to the opposite electrode before their electrical current reverses and they try to go back. The triangular tip of the rectenna makes it hard for the electrons to reverse direction, thus capturing the energy and rectifying it to a unidirectional current. Impressively, the rectennas, because of their extremely small and fast tunnel diodes, are capable of converting solar radiation in the infrared region through the extremely fast and short wavelengths of visible light - something that has never been accomplished before. Silicon solar panels, by comparison, have a single band gap which, loosely speaking, allows the panel to convert electromagnetic radiation efficiently at only one small portion of the solar spectrum. The rectenna devices don't rely on a band gap and may be tuned to harvest light over the whole solar spectrum, creating maximum efficiency. Through atomic layer deposition, Willis has shown he is able to precisely coat the tip of the rectenna with layers of individual copper atoms until a gap of about 1.5 nanometers is achieved. The process is self-limiting and stops at 1.5 nanometer separation The size of the gap is critical because it creates an ultra-fast tunnel junction between the rectenna's two electrodes, allowing a maximum transfer of electricity. The nanosized gap gives energized electrons on the rectenna just enough time to tunnel to the opposite electrode before their electrical current reverses and they try to go back. The triangular tip of the rectenna makes it hard for the electrons to reverse direction, thus capturing the energy and rectifying it to a unidirectional current. Impressively, the rectennas, because of th

Ultra-efficient ionization of heavy atoms by intense X-ray free-electron laser pulses :... - 0 views

    Extremely charged Xe ions by stripping off more electrons than previously thought possible ...

Pouring Milk All Over Yourself: The Next Extremely Bizarre Trend? - 1 views

    So... who is in?
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    I thought you were supposed to do this with petrol... |:-[ It's by the way cool to see how the milk seems to flow very differently from what one might expect from water: it seems to flow in a few thick streams instead of wetting the whole person... Since the surface tension of milk seems to be lower than that of water (;jsessionid=908B02C3825E97162B9D60DA615EAC96.journals?fromPage=online&aid=5146540) this is surprising. It might very well be an effect of the colloidal nature of milk as it is water in which semi-solid fat particles are suspended. So like the cornstarch mix that we have seen in the office there might be some dynamic jamming going on leading to a higher viscosity (at high shear rates). After all they might be doing science...
    nice comment Johannes ... if you add a bit of Kleopatre, e.g. why bathing in milk helped her fool Marcus Antonius, your comment would be fully interdisciplinary :-)
    you mean it would include History or Psychology? I would understand why Marcus Antonius might get fooled by a bathing beauty - but milk? DONKEY MILK?!? That's just wrong... :-[

Material that shrinks in heat can weather extreme temperatures - 3 views

    Meet the incredible shrinking material. Most things swell when they warm up, creating engineering headaches, but now a 3D-printed material has been configured to contract instead. When two interlinked materials expand at different rates, they can warp or crack. It's a problem in buildings, bridges, electronics and anything else that is exposed to a wide temperature swing.

Physicists create synthetic magnetic monopole predicted more than 80 years ago - 1 views

    Hall's team adopted an innovative approach to investigating Dirac's theory, creating and identifying synthetic magnetic monopoles in an artificial magnetic field generated by a Bose-Einstein condensate, an extremely cold atomic gas tens of billionths of a degree warmer than absolute zero.

Stephen Hawking: 'There are no black holes' : Nature News & Comment - 1 views

    Event Horizon - a modern myth?
    GR is valid on large scales and is, therefore, a simplification of the unknown GUT. As such, the mathematical solutions obtained in GR are strictly speaking valid only within GR. Certainly, the solution called black hole is an extremely heavy object and at the same time extremely small - a point without geometrical extension. The latter is heavily in conflict with the validity range of the underlying theory and, hence, makes lots of people (including experts unlike me) question the concept of black holes despite the fact that something has been "observed" which fits into this concept. Regarding the movie: Event Horizon might be a myth but it emphasizes what Sante said in on of his presentations: Don't use a black hole for travelling, take the worm hole instead. The constructor of Event Horizon created a black hole not considering that the damn thing has no exit...where did he think the Event Horizon would end?

Plant sciences: Plants drink mineral water : Nature : Nature Publishing Group - 1 views

    Here we go: we might not need liquid water after all on mars to get some nice flowering plants there! ... and terraform ? :-) Thirsty plants can extract water from the crystalline structure of gypsum, a rock-forming mineral found in soil on Earth and Mars.

    Some plants grow on gypsum outcrops and remain active even during dry summer months, despite having shallow roots that cannot reach the water table. Sara Palacio of the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology in Jaca, Spain, and her colleagues compared the isotopic composition of sap from one such plant, called Helianthemum squamatum (pictured), with gypsum crystallization water and water found free in the soil. The team found that up to 90% of the plant's summer water supply came from gypsum.

    The study has implications for the search for life in extreme environments on this planet and others.

    Nature Commun 5, 4660 (2014)
    Very interesting indeed. Attention is to be put on the form of calcium sulfate that is found on Mars. If it is hydrated (gypsum Ca(SO4)*2(H2O)) it works, but if it is dehydrated there is no water for the roots to take in. The Curiosity Rover tries to find out, but has uncertainty in recognising the hydrogen presence in the mineral: Copying : "(...) 3.2 Hydration state of calcium sulfates Calcium sulfates occur as a non-hydrated phase (anhydrite, CaSO4) or as one of two hydrated phases (bassanite, CaSO4.1/2H2O, which can contain a somewhat variable water content, and gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O). ChemCam identifies the presence of hydrogen at 656 nm, as already found in soils and dust [Meslin et al., 2013] and within fluvial conglomerates [Williams et al., 2013]. However, the quantification of H is strongly affected by matrix effects [Schröder et al., 2013], i.e. effects including major or even minor element chemistry, optical and mechanical properties, that can result in variations of emission lines unrelated to actual quantitative variations of the element in question in the sample. Due to these effects, discriminating between bassanite and gypsum is difficult. (...)"

Earth's extremes point the way to extraterrestrial life - 1 views

    Seems a little speculative but pretty interesting thoughts. In regards to terraforming Mars this might be of interest: "During the daytime, plant-like microorganisms on a Martian-like surface could photosynthesize hydrogen peroxide. At night, when the atmosphere is relatively humid, they could use their stored hydrogen peroxide to scavenge water from the atmosphere, similar to how microbial communities in the Atacama use the moisture that salt brine extracts from the air to stay alive."

BBC News - 'World's strongest' beer with 32% strength launched - 1 views

    Innovation in beer : "This is an extremely strong beer; it should be enjoyed in small servings and with an air of aristocratic nonchalance. In exactly the same manner that you would enjoy a fine whisky, a Frank Zappa album or a visit from a friendly yet anxious ghost."
    "Tactical Nuclear Penguin"... wow... [Edit] BTW this news looks hilarious on the feed display right in front of the ACT's official website, lol

Your Favorite Sci-Fi Movies, 2000 and Beyond | Underwire | - 0 views

    some ideas for movie Fridays A "must" see on my opinion (never heard about it in the past!) : Primer Sounds ideal: "Primer is a 2004 American science fiction film about the accidental discovery of time travel. The film was written, directed and produced by Shane Carruth, a mathematician and a former engineer, and was completed on a budget of $7,000.[1] Primer is of note for its extremely low budget, experimental plot structure and complex technical dialogue, which Carruth chose not to 'dumb down' for the sake of his audience. One reviewer said that "anybody who claims [to] fully understand what's going on in Primer after seeing it just once is either a savant or a liar."[2] The film collected the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 2004 before securing a limited release in US cinemas, and has since gained a cult following."
    I watched it a while ago during my studies in Belgium... The plot is quite well summarized on this diagram: According to the text above I'm either savant or a liar (you choose). But I watched the movie under significant exposure to Belgian beer, so this may have helped...

The Transition from Stiff to Compliant Materials in Squid Beaks -- Miserez et al. 319 (... - 0 views

    Gradient material properties - here in squid beaks - but also in other bio-models are extremely cool.
1More | NASA warns of impact of severe space weather on grid - 0 views

shared by ESA ACT on 24 Apr 09 - Cached
    Extreme weather conditions in space can have a severe impact on the electricity grid etc.

Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest - 5 views

    Theoretized 80 years ago was Breit-Wheeler pair production in which two photons result in an electron-positron pair (via a virtual electron). It is a relatively simple Feynmann diagram, but the problem is/was how to produce in practice a high energy photon-photon collider... The collider experiment that the scientists have proposed involves two key steps. First, the scientists would use an extremely powerful high-intensity laser to speed up electrons to just below the speed of light. They would then fire these electrons into a slab of gold to create a beam of photons a billion times more energetic than visible light. The next stage of the experiment involves a tiny gold can called a hohlraum (German for 'empty room'). Scientists would fire a high-energy laser at the inner surface of this gold can, to create a thermal radiation field, generating light similar to the light emitted by stars. They would then direct the photon beam from the first stage of the experiment through the centre of the can, causing the photons from the two sources to collide and form electrons and positrons. It would then be possible to detect the formation of the electrons and positrons when they exited the can. Now this is a good experiment... :)
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    The solution of thrusting in space.
    Thrusting in space is solved already. Maybe you wanted to say something different?
    Thrusting until your fuel runs out is solved, in this way one can produce mass from, among others, solar/star energy directly. What I like about this experiment is that we have the technology already to do it, many parts have been designed for inertial confinement fusion.
    I am quite certain that it would be more efficient to use the photons directly for thrust instead of converting them into matter. Also, I am a bit puzzled at the asymmetric layout for photon creation. Typically, colliders use two beam of particle with equal but opposite momentum. Because the total momentum for two colliding particles is zero the reaction products are produced more efficiently as a minimum of collision energy is waisted on accelerating the products. I guess in this case the thermal radiation in the cavity is chosen instead of an opposing gamma ray beam to increase the photon density and increase the number of collisions (even if the efficiency decreases because of the asymmetry). However, a danger from using a high temperature cavity might be that a lot of thermionic emission creates lots of free electrons with the cavity. This could reduce the positron yield through recombination and would allow the high energetic photons to loose energy through Compton scattering instead of the Breit-Wheeler pair production.
    Well, the main benefit from e-p pair creation might be that one can accelerate these subsequently to higher energies again. I think the photon-photon cross-section is extremely low, such that direct beam-beam interactions are basically not happening (below 1/20.. so basically 0 according to quantum probability :P), in this way, the central line of the hohlraum actually has a very high photon density and if timed correctly maximizes the reaction yield such that it could be measured.
    I agree about the reason for the hohlraum - but I also keep my reservations about the drawbacks. About the pair production as fuel: I pretty sure that your energy would be used smarter in using photon (not necessarily high energy photons) for thrust directly instead of putting tons of energy in creating a rest-mass and then accelerating that. If you look at E² = (p c)²+(m0 c)² then putting energy into the mass term will always reduce your maximum value of p.
    True, but isnt it E2=(pc)^2 + (m0c^2)^2 such that for photons E\propto{pc} and for mass E\propto{mc^2}. I agree it will take a lot of energy, but this assumes that that wont be the problem at least. The question therefore is whether the mass flow of the photon rocket (fuel consumed to create photons, eg fission/fusion) is higher/lower than the mass flow for e-p creation. You are probably right that the low e-p cross-section will favour direct use of photons to create low thrust for long periods of time, but with significant power available the ISP might be higher for e-p pair creation.
    In essence the equation tells you that for photons with zero rest mass m0 all the energy will be converted to momentum of the particles. If you want to accelerate e-p then you first spend part of the energy on creating them (~511 keV each) and you can only use the remaining energy to accelerate them. In this case the equation gives you a lower particle momentum which leads to lower thrust (even when assuming 100% acceleration efficiency). ISP is a tricky concept in this case because there are different definitions which clash in the relativistic context (due to the concept of mass flow). R. Tinder gets to a I_SP = c (speed of light) for a photon rocket (using the relativistic mass of the photons) which is the maximum possible relativistic I_SP: .

natures darkest feathers almost as good as blackest material we can make - 3 views

    impressive achievement - extremely absorbant feather almost as black as our most "black" material

In super-earths magnesium oxide may be metallic and sustain magnetic fields... - 1 views

    The mantles of Earth and other rocky planets are rich in magnesium and oxygen. Due to its simplicity, the mineral magnesium oxide is a good model for studying the nature of planetary interiors. New work studied how magnesium oxide behaves under the extreme conditions deep within planets and found evidence that alters our understanding of planetary evolution.

Elon Musk about cost of space flight and going to Mars (privately) - 2 views

    interesting stuff ... I like this quote "When a man tells you about the time he planned to put a vegetable garden on Mars, you worry about his mental state. But if that same man has since launched multiple rockets that are actually capable of reaching Mars-sending them into orbit, Bond-style, from a tiny island in the Pacific-you need to find another diagnosis. That's the thing about extreme entrepreneurialism: There's a fine line between madness and genius, and you need a little bit of both to really change the world. All entrepreneurs have an aptitude for risk, but more important than that is their capacity for self-delusion. Indeed, psychological investigations have found that entrepreneurs aren't more risk-tolerant than non-entrepreneurs. They just have an extraordinary ability to believe in their own visions, so much so that they think what they're embarking on isn't really that risky. They're wrong, of course, but without the ability to be so wrong-to willfully ignore all those naysayers and all that evidence to the contrary-no one would possess the necessary audacity to start something radically new."

Transparent graphene-based displays - 3 views

    Google Glass 2.0 aka Google Contacts

Meteorite Crashes In Russia, Panic Spreads (Updating) - 5 views

    Latest update: the European Space Agency says their experts "confirm there is no link between the meteor incidents in Russia and asteroid 2012DA14 flyby tonight". How did they find this? As they did not see this one coming, how could they come to that conclusion that early!
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    As you can see from the videos of this meteorite it is coming in from an east to south-east direction (i.e. the direction of the sunrise, more or less). 2012DA14 is coming from due south as you can see here: So the two objects seem to be coming from different directions - at least that would be my explanation.
    My point is, that if you want to come to such a conclusion (that it is not rubble) you need to be able to construct back the orbits of both objects. 2012DA14 has been observed for one year only, but it is well enough. When the meteor has been observed for the first time, such that we knew its orbit? has it been observed before? if yes, why the impact has not been predicted?
    If you can show that they come from different directions you know that they are not associated, even if you don't reconstruct their orbits.
    I don't think so. If both objects were part of the same, they would be on different but intersecting orbits anyway, hence different directions. Anyway, I am not knowledgeable in atmospheric entry ... But, with so few information about the object, I am surprised they are 100% certain it is not related to DA14. I think science requires more cautions ... With only the direction they are 100% sure, while the probability of such event is itself extremely small, I am amazed... They can't even predict with 100% certainty where a space debris will fall... plus, nobody consider the object being part of a bigger one that broke up during early entry (which has not been observed) ... so many uncertainties and possible hypothesis... and i am not the only one :)
    was not that evident to me also but apparently with the right understanding it was quite clear; was amazed also how quickly NASA has published the likely trajectory of the russian object - have a look at it: quite evident that these are not coming from the same body
    yes, now i get my 100% certainty with the reconstructed orbits nothing else ( ... I still think that esa anouncemement was highly premature but with a high probability of being right...
    Some more results on the topic (link to an arxiv article inside):
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