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Technology Review: TR10 - 3 views

    what would be in your best 10 list?
Loretta Latronico Poulain

Agent-based computer models could anticipate future economic crisis - 1 views

    "The Illinois Commerce Commission wanted to make sure that if they deregulated the power market, individual producers of electricity would not be able to manipulate the market during times of high demand by withholding capacity or charging excessive rates. The Argonne model found that during certain times of heavy load such a situation could emerge, which led to the recommendation that independent monitors maintain some oversight of the power market." Interesting this study on power grids !
Dario Izzo

Proposed mission to Jupiter system achieves milestone - 1 views

    Understanding life is the scientific focus of the next Europa/Ganimede mission!
    the objective is rather the study of "emergence of habitable worlds", which of course includes understanding of life and what habitability is ...
Isabelle DB

The emergent dynamics of biological systems - 3 views

    Want to play football with paramecia?
    Interesting lab: very young and still in building up / recruiting phase: "Our lab started officially February 2010 - and we are looking for new members! "

[1105.0158] Detecting emergent processes in cellular automata with excess information - 2 views

    maybe this is useful...
Luís F. Simões

Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen - 10 views

  • After month of research and discovery, we’ve learned the following:1. Bitcoin is a technologically sound project.2. Bitcoin is unstoppable without end-user prosecution.3. Bitcoin is the most dangerous open-source project ever created.4. Bitcoin may be the most dangerous technological project since the internet itself.5. Bitcoin is a political statement by technotarians (technological libertarians).*6. Bitcoins will change the world unless governments ban them with harsh penalties.
  • The benefits of a currency like this:a) Your coins can’t be frozen (like a Paypal account can be)b) Your coins can’t be trackedc) Your coins can’t be taxedd) Transaction costs are extremely low (sorry credit card companies)
  • An individual with the name -- or perhaps handle -- of Satoshi Nakamoto first wrote about bitcoins in a paper called Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • * We made this term up to describe the “good people” of the internet who believe in the fundamental rights of individuals to be free, have free speech, fight hypocrisy and stand behind logic, technology and science over religion, political structure and tradition. These are the people who build and support things like Wikileaks, Anonymous, Linux and Wikipedia. They think that people can, and should, govern themselves. They are against external forms of control such as DRM, laws that are bought and sold by lobbyists, and religions like Scientology. They include splinter groups that enforce these ideals in the form of hacktivism, such as the takedown of the Sony Playstation Network after Sony tried to prosecute a hacker for unlocking its console.
    Sounds good!
  • ...9 more comments...
    wow it's frigthening! it's the dream of every anarchist, every drug, arm, human dealer! the world made as a global fiscal paradise... the idea is clever however it will not replace real money because 1 - no one will build a fortune on bitcoin if a technological breakthrough can ruin them 2 - government never allowed parallel money to flourish on their territory, so it will be almost impossible to change bitcoin against euros or dollars
    interesting stuff anyone read cryptonomicon by neal stephenson? similar theme.
    :) yes. One of the comments on reddit was precisely drawing the parallels with Neal Stephenson's Snowcrash / Diamond Age / Cryptonomicon. Interesting stuff indeed. It has a lot of potential for misuse, but also opens up new possibilities. We've discussed recently how emerging technologies will drive social change. Whether it's the likes of NSA / CIA who will benefit the most from the Twitters, Facebooks and so on, by gaining greater power for control, or whether individuals are being empowered to at least an identical degree. We saw last year VISA / PayPal censoring WikiLeaks... Well, here's a way for any individual to support such an organization, in a fully anonymous and uncontrollable way...
    One of my colleagues has made a nice, short write-up about BitCoin:
    very nice analysis indeed - thanks Tamas for sharing it!
    mmm I'm not an expert but it seemed to me that, even if these criticisms are true, there is one fundamental difference between the money you exchange on internet via your bank, and bitcoins. The first one is virtual money and the second one aims at being real, physical, money, even if digital, in the same way as banknotes, coins, or gold.
    An algorithm wanna-be central bank issuing untraceable tax free money between internet users? not more likely than the end of the world supposed to take place tomorrow, in my opinion. Algorithms don't usually assault women though !:P
    well, most money is anyway just virtual and only based on expectations and trust ... (see e.g. and thus if people trust that this "money" has some value in the sense that they can get something of value to them in exchange, then not much more is needed it seems to me ...
    @Leopold: ok let's use the rigth words then. Bitcoin aim at being a currency ("physical objects generally accepted as a medium of exchange" from wikipedia), different than the "demand deposit". In the article proposed by Tamas he compares what cannot be compared (currencies, demand deposits and their mean of exchange). The interesting question is wether one can create a digital currency which is too difficult to counterfeit. As far as I know, there is no existing digital currency except this bitcoins (and maybe the currencies from games as second life and others, but which are of limited use in real world).
    well of course money is trust, and even more loans and credit and even more stock and bond markets. It all represents trust and expectations. However since the first banks 500 years ago and the first loans etc. etc., and as well the fact that bonds and currencies bring down whole countries (Greece lately), and are mainly controlled by large financial centres and (central) banks, banks have always been on the winning side no matter what and that isn't going to change easily. So if you are talking about these new currencies it would be a new era, not just a new currency. So should Greece convert its debt to bitcoins ;P ?
    well, from 1936 to 1993 the central bank of france was owned by the state and was supposed to serve the general interest...
Joris _

Physicists Propose Scheme for Teleporting Light Beams - 0 views

  • it’s possible that a physical object (e.g. a quantum field) in one location could emerge at another location in the same quantum state
    have to be carefull this article is really badly written. Teleportation is not some matter that disapear from somewhere to reappear somewhere else... Usually we talk about entangled particles (by essence quantum theory is non-local), and teleportation means that if you force (with a measurement) one particle to take a particular quantum state then the other one will have the same quantum state. There it seems that the same could be done with a quantum field, which is the second quantization of the quantum theory: the state of a quantum field can contain a mixture of n-particles states (meaning that the number of particles is not defined, only the mean value). If you measure the number of particle then you force the quantum field to "choose" a particular quantum state (which can be the vacuum). Teleportation means that you will have exactly the same measure on another quantum field, which is somehow intricated to your first one.

Technology Review: 10 Emerging Technologies 2009 - 0 views

    Technology Review presents its annual list of 10 technologies that can change the way we live.

List of emerging technologies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    I know it's not the most reliable source of scientific information but just in case anybody is looking for some inspiration...
Christos Ampatzis

International Experts Blend Space Technologies and Crowdsourcing to Enhance Disaster Ma... - 1 views

    Crowsourcing Awareness: "To augment the use of these space technologies, virtual communities of group intelligence - called "Crowdsourcing" - can aide in emergency planning and post-disaster coordination."
Thijs Versloot

Secrets of a mollusk's unique bioceramic armor - 1 views

    The secrets behind a marine creature's defensive armor -- one that is exceptionally tough, yet optically clear -- have been revealed by scientists. The shells' unique properties emerge from a specialized nanostructure that allows optical clarity, as well as efficient energy dissipation and the ability to localize deformation, the researchers found.

Metals used in high-tech products face future supply risks - 0 views

    First peer review study about he criticality of rare-earth metals. It can be read "They found that supply limits for many metals critical in the emerging electronics sector (including gallium and selenium) are the result of supply risks. The environmental implications of mining and processing present the greatest challenges with platinum-group metals, gold, and mercury. For steel alloying elements (including chromium and niobium) and elements used in high-temperature alloys (tungsten and molybdenum), the greatest vulnerabilities are associated with supply restrictions" Questions about estimation apart, this can be a valuable market for asteroid mining.. (ot just more market for Infinium-like companies

Emergence of Locomotion Behaviours in Rich Environments - 1 views

shared by jaihobah on 11 Jul 17 - No Cached
jcunha liked it
    Some work by DeepMind on applying reinforcement learning to teach a computer to navigate complex environments. Come for the science - stay for the video:

Entanglement is Necessary for Emergent Classicality in All Physical Theories - 0 views

    "...We show that any theory with a classical limit must contain entangled states, thus establishing entanglement as an inevitable feature of any theory superseding classical theory. "
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