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Operation Socialist: How GCHQ Spies Hacked Belgium's Largest Telco - 4 views

    interesting story with many juicy details on how they proceed ... (similarly interesting nickname for the "operation" chosen by our british friends) "The spies used the IP addresses they had associated with the engineers as search terms to sift through their surveillance troves, and were quickly able to find what they needed to confirm the employees' identities and target them individually with malware. The confirmation came in the form of Google, Yahoo, and LinkedIn "cookies," tiny unique files that are automatically placed on computers to identify and sometimes track people browsing the Internet, often for advertising purposes. GCHQ maintains a huge repository named MUTANT BROTH that stores billions of these intercepted cookies, which it uses to correlate with IP addresses to determine the identity of a person. GCHQ refers to cookies internally as "target detection identifiers." Top-secret GCHQ documents name three male Belgacom engineers who were identified as targets to attack. The Intercept has confirmed the identities of the men, and contacted each of them prior to the publication of this story; all three declined comment and requested that their identities not be disclosed. GCHQ monitored the browsing habits of the engineers, and geared up to enter the most important and sensitive phase of the secret operation. The agency planned to perform a so-called "Quantum Insert" attack, which involves redirecting people targeted for surveillance to a malicious website that infects their computers with malware at a lightning pace. In this case, the documents indicate that GCHQ set up a malicious page that looked like LinkedIn to trick the Belgacom engineers. (The NSA also uses Quantum Inserts to target people, as The Intercept has previously reported.) A GCHQ document reviewing operations conducted between January and March 2011 noted that the hack on Belgacom was successful, and stated that the agency had obtained access to the company's
    I knew I wasn't using TOR often enough...
    Cool! It seems that after all it is best to restrict employees' internet access only to work-critical areas... @Paul TOR works on network level, so it would not help here much as cookies (application level) were exploited.

The Origin of Artificial Species: Creating Artificial Personalities - 0 views

  • The first artificial creature to receive the genomic personality is Rity, a dog-like software character that lives in a virtual 3D world in a PC
  • In Rity, internal states such as motivation, homeostasis and emotion change according to the incoming perception
  • The internal control architecture processes incoming sensor information, calculates each value of internal states as its response, and sends the calculated values to the behavior selection module to generate a proper behavior.
    they have found Christina's dog !!

Logicomix: an epic search for truth - 1 views

    an interesting comic about maths, ideas etc. Co-written by a greek mathematician / writer and a Berkeley computer science professor, sold out in Greece and since its international release a couple of months ago is occupying the top selling comics lists of Amazon etc. also:
    btw I just ordered it from Amazon, so if you want after I finish it I can lend it

Helix Nebula - Helix Nebula Vision - 0 views

    The partnership brings together leading IT providers and three of Europe's leading research centres, CERN, EMBL and ESA in order to provide computing capacity and services that elastically meet big science's growing demand for computing power.

    Helix Nebula provides an unprecedented opportunity for the global cloud services industry to work closely on the Large Hadron Collider through the large-scale, international ATLAS experiment, as well as with the molecular biology and earth observation. The three flagship use cases will be used to validate the approach and to enable a cost-benefit analysis. Helix Nebula will lead these communities through a two year pilot-phase, during which procurement processes and governance issues for the public/private partnership will be addressed.

    This game-changing strategy will boost scientific innovation and bring new discoveries through novel services and products. At the same time, Helix Nebula will ensure valuable scientific data is protected by a secure data layer that is interoperable across all member states. In addition, the pan-European partnership fits in with the Digital Agenda of the European Commission and its strategy for cloud computing on the continent. It will ensure that services comply with Europe's stringent privacy and security regulations and satisfy the many requirements of policy makers, standards bodies, scientific and research communities, industrial suppliers and SMEs.

    Initially based on the needs of European big-science, Helix Nebula ultimately paves the way for a Cloud Computing platform that offers a unique resource to governments, businesses and citizens.
    "Helix Nebula will lead these communities through a two year pilot-phase, during which procurement processes and governance issues for the public/private partnership will be addressed." And here I was thinking cloud computing was old news 3 years ago :)

Linux Foundation Training Prepares the International Space Station for Linux Migration ... - 1 views

    linux goes ISS ...
    From there, it's just a tiny step to OSX :-)

International Space Apps Challenge - 3 views

    The International Space Apps Challenge is now over, it is interesting to have a look at the solutions ...
  • ...1 more comment...
    can't find much interesting in the list ...
    what sort of "app" is this e.g. "We started of by trying to set our camera in raw mode, howsoever this can't be done for current logitech modules and without a high risk of permanently destroying the camera (reflashing the EEPROM). we use a logitech c920 and captured a raw image from it using guvcview on ArchLinux we then wrote some python code to calculate the average BGR value of our Image. We are currently workin on automiztion, but this will take much longer as there will be a lot of reverse engineering of the USB-Protocol needed."
    c'mon really! To name a few: - Tour of the Solar System ... that is one of the numerous specialities of the ACT. - Satellite data correlation tool ... solution is flawed, but I really like the idea. Lot of added value. I definitely think are interestung stuffs to do there for cheap. - Aurora project: Model & Data ... space weather not interesting?! - Kepler ... a classic Do not expect the solutions to be tremendous just after 3 days of work, but the proposed list of challenges are "seeds" for innovation to me.

Metamaterial switches on to the tune of light - - 0 views

    An international team of researchers has created the first metamaterial where its properties can be controlled with light.

Space Station Spin-Off Could Protect Mars-Bound Astronauts From Radiation - Technology ... - 0 views

    Superconducting technology developed for the International Space Station could protect humans on the way to the asteroids or Mars. But will it be worth the cost?

Kepler space telescope could find exomoons - - 0 views

    NASA's Kepler space telescope could be used to find exomoons, which are the moons of planets orbiting stars other than the Sun. That is the claim of an international team of astronomers, which says that careful analysis of data collected by Kepler could reveal if such exoplanets are circled by moons.

Getting to the froth of the matter - - 1 views

    Whether it is the frothy milk on your cappuccino, the soapy suds in your bath or the large-scale structure of the universe, foams have intrigued physicists for many years. Now, for the first time in a lab, an international group of scientists has made the Weaire-Phelan foam - which physicists believe is the lowest-energy structure for a foam formed of equal-volume bubbles.
    Does this mean that there is foam that is non regular that can have even less energy structure? "which physicists believe is the lowest-energy structure for a foam formed of equal-volume bubbles."

Laser gyroscope measures the Earth's 'wobble' - - 2 views

    An international team of researchers have developed a new type of gyroscope that is the first to measure the "wobble" in the rotational axis of the Earth from a ground-based laboratory. Astronomers normally track this wobble by continuously monitoring the position of distant objects, such as quasars. But this new method will provide a much simpler and cheaper alternative to these large-scale astronomical readings, the scientists claim.
    is this of any use for spacecraft?
    mmm it's like saying that you can replace satellite tracking by accelerometers on-board satellites... for Leo: you'd better put an atomic gyro on a spacecraft these laser gyro are huge !

IBM discovers its inner Kickstarter via enterprise crowdfunding - Network World - 2 views

    Internal crowdfunding for ESA? for Ariadna? Perhaps I'm late, but sounds feasible.

David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face | Alan Rusbridger ... - 0 views

    During one of these meetings I asked directly whether the government would move to close down the Guardian's reporting through a legal route - by going to court to force the surrender of the material on which we were working. The official confirmed that, in the absence of handover or destruction, this was indeed the government's intention. Prior restraint, near impossible in the US, was now explicitly and imminently on the table in the UK. But my experience over WikiLeaks - the thumb drive and the first amendment - had already prepared me for this moment. I explained to the man from Whitehall about the nature of international collaborations and the way in which, these days, media organisations could take advantage of the most permissive legal environments. Bluntly, we did not have to do our reporting from London. Already most of the NSA stories were being reported and edited out of New York. And had it occurred to him that Greenwald lived in Brazil?

    The man was unmoved. And so one of the more bizarre moments in the Guardian's long history occurred - with two GCHQ security experts overseeing the destruction of hard drives in the Guardian's basement just to make sure there was nothing in the mangled bits of metal which could possibly be of any interest to passing Chinese agents. "We can call off the black helicopters," joked one as we swept up the remains of a MacBook Pro.

    Whitehall was satisfied, but it felt like a peculiarly pointless piece of symbolism that understood nothing about the digital age. We will continue to do patient, painstaking reporting on the Snowden documents, we just won't do it in London. The seizure of Miranda's laptop, phones, hard drives and camera will similarly have no effect on Greenwald's work.

    The state that is building such a formidable apparatus of surveillance will do its best to prevent journalists from reporting on it. Most journalists can see that. But I wonder how many have truly understood
    Sarah Harrison is a lawyer that has been staying with Snowden in Hong Kong and Moscow. She is a UK citizen and her family is there. After the miranda case where the boyfriend of the reporter was detained at the airport, can Sarah return safely home? Will her family be pressured by the secret service?

Direct brain-to-brain communication demonstrated in human subjects -- ScienceDaily - 2 views

    In a first-of-its-kind study, an international team of neuroscientists and robotics engineers has demonstrated the viability of direct brain-to-brain communication in humans.
    Was just about to post it... :) It seems after transferring the EEG signals of one person, converting it to bits and stimulating some brain activity using magnetic stimulation (TMS) the receiving person actually sees 'flashes of light' in their peripheral vision. So its using your vision sense to get the information across. Would it not be better to try to see if you can generate some kind of signal in the part of your brain that is connected to 'hearing'? Or would this be me thinking too naive?
    "transferring the EEG signals of one person, converting it to bits and stimulating some brain activity using magnetic stimulation (TMS)" How is this "direct"?

This "Space Glass" Lets You Drink Whiskey In Orbit - 3 views

    Photo credit: The glass has a number of interesting innovations. Ballentine's. A liquor company has created a " Space Glass" that they say can work in the microgravity environment of space. The Open Space Agency's James Parr was commissioned to create the product, and the results are actually quite interesting.
    Makes sense specially after seeing very good japanese whiskey arriving at the ISS :-)

Deep Learning Machine Teaches Itself Chess in 72 Hours, Plays at International Master L... - 1 views

    In a world first, an artificial intelligence machine plays chess by evaluating the board rather than using brute force to work out every possible move. It's been almost 20 years since IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer beat the reigning world chess champion, Gary Kasparov, for the first time under standard tournament rules.
    The disadvantage in this kind of engine lies exactly in its inability to extrapolate. You might actually be able to beat it if you play like an idiot.

NASA Plans for Nonprofit To Manage Station Research | - 0 views

    "competitively select a domestic nonprofit organization to manage experiments aboard the international space station (ISS)" nice

Europe offers space station as platform for climate science - Technology News - SINA E... - 0 views

    The European Space Agency is looking at proposals for using the International Space Station as a platform for climate science, ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain said on Thursday.

Internal Research Fellow (post-doc) in Innovation Dynamics and Computational Economics ... - 3 views

    not sure where they got the "industry" from but otherwise our text indeed
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