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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Antti Raike

Antti Raike

How do you use an Activity System to improve accessibility to e-learning by students wi... - 0 views

    Visualizing actions between people, concepts and things requires more than words - models and metaphors are needed to create meaning. I will visualize connections on sheets of backing paper or a white board, or get out a box of Lego. Here I used Lewis chess pieces (resin replicas naturally) on a model of Engeström's Activity System that I draw out on a piece of laminated board the size of a door (Engeström, 2008) in order to get a sense of people working in collaborative teams to a common goal and to understand that an Activity System doesn't represent an entity so much as a framework or scaffold that is held together by the energy of action.
Antti Raike

A contextualised model of accessible e-learning practice in higher education institutions - 0 views

    In the accessible e-learning community there are very few original metaphors, theories and models that have been developed to try and describe, explain and develop 'best' practice. This paper will explore the extent to which existing accessibility models can help to develop our conceptualisations of accessible e-learning practice, and outline a proposal for a new contextualised model of accessible e-learning practice. The key components of this model are accessibility stakeholders, accessibility drivers, accessibility mediators and stakeholder responses. The value of this model in helping to develop accessible e-learning practice in higher education is that it challenges researchers and practitioners to recognise that focusing solely on the drivers of accessibility (accessibility legislation, guidelines and standards) is not an effective strategy for developing and changing practice. If practice is to develop and e-learning be made optimally accessible we need to understand how stakeholders' responses to accessibility are influenced by the context in which they are operating, a context in which both accessibility drivers and mediators operate.
Antti Raike

How to Make Presentations Accessible to All - 1 views

    This page helps you make your presentations, talks, meetings, and training accessible to all of your potential audience, including people with disabilities and others. Inclusive presentations have many benefits.
Antti Raike

Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveystutkimus 2012 - 0 views

    Opiskelijan omppupäivä - Terveystietoa ja opiskelukykyä -seminaarissa julkistettiin vuoden 2012 Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveystutkimus.
Antti Raike

Kulttuuria kaikille - Teatteriala - 0 views

    Dialogin tekstityksen toteutusvaihtoehdot näyttämötaiteissa -selvitys Teatterikorkeakoulun Kimmo Karjusen selvitys keskittyy teatteritekstittämiseen liittyvään tekniikkaan. Selvitys on tuotettu Kuuloliiton koordinoimassa Näyttämötaide saavutettavaksi 2 -hankkeessa (2011-2012). Dialogin tekstityksen toteutusvaihtoehdot näyttämötaiteissa -selvitys [PDF] Artikkeli Teatteritekstitys lavastajan näkökulmasta Laura Gröndahl tarkastelee artikkelissaan elävän esityksen tekstittämistä lavastajan näkökulmasta. Gröndahl keskittyy artikkelissaan tekstitykseen visuaalisena ja taiteellisena elementtinä.
Antti Raike

- Mobility International USA - MIUSA - 0 views

    Mobility International USA's mission is to empower people with disabilities around the world to achieve their human rights through international exchange and international development. MIUSA is a cross-disability organization serving those with cognitive, hearing, learning, mental health, physical, systemic, vision and other disabilities.
Antti Raike

Innokylä - Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin muutosvoima - 0 views

    Innowiki on Innokylä-hankkeen yhteistyöalusta, jota Innokylän työntekijät käyttävät hankkeen sisäiseen viestintään. Innokylän arvojen mukaisesti wiki on kuitenkin avoin kaikille.
Antti Raike

Vammaispalvelujen käsikirja - 0 views

    Vammaispalvelujen käsikirja on tarkoitettu alan ammattilaisille asiakastyön ja päätöksenteon tueksi. Myös palvelujen käyttäjät voivat löytää hyödyllistä tietoa käsikirjasta. Sähköisen käsikirjan tavoitteena on lisätä valtakunnallista yhdenvertaisuutta vammaispalveluissa, parantaa palvelujen laatua ja edistää uutta vammaispoliittista ajattelua, jolla halutaan vahvistaa vammaisten kansalaisten itsemääräämisoikeutta ja osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia.
Antti Raike

Developing the theoretical content in Universal Design - 0 views

    Universal Design (UD) implies to plan and manufacture goods, buildings, outdoor spaces and facilities to be useable by all people to the fullest possible extent. UD has evolved from a focus on disabling barriers in the environments. As a strategy, UD has not yet clarified its relation to disability.
Antti Raike

Center for Research on Learning (CRL) - 0 views

    The Center for Research on Learning, at the University of Kansas Lawrence campus, is an internationally recognized research and development organization noted for creating solutions that dramatically improve quality of life, learning, and performance - especially for those who experience barriers to success.
Antti Raike

'U' wins copyright lawsuit against Hathitrust digitalization project - 0 views

    (...) the University won a lawsuit brought against it and other schools by The Authors Guild, Inc. and other author associations in September 2011 challenging the legality of its HathiTrust digitization program. (...)
Antti Raike

Funktionshinder - 0 views

    Som student vid Umeå universitet kan du som har funktionshinder få olika slags stöd i studiesituationen. På de här sidorna hittar du information om vilka typer av stöd du kan få, saker du själv bör tänka på och hur du ansöker om stöd.
Antti Raike

Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelu - 0 views

    Kulttuuria kaikille -palvelu edistää osallistumiselle avoimia ja monenlaisia yleisöjä huomioivia kulttuuripalveluja. Tarjoamme tietoa ja työkaluja kulttuuripalveluiden saavutettavuuden ja kulttuurien välisen osaamisen edistämiseen alan työntekijöille.
Antti Raike

saavu - Kirkon saavutettavuusohjelma - 0 views

    Kirkon saavutettavuusohjelma sisältää yhdenvertaisuuden ja osallisuuden teologiset perusteet, näkökulmia saavutettavuuden esteiden poistamiseen sekä konkreettisia toimenpide-ehdotuksia.
Antti Raike

Accessibility Guidelines and Support Services - 0 views

    Web Accessibility Guidelines and Support Services For help, contact: Karen Sorensen As of Spring term 2012, the content in all new online courses (including content that is linked to from the course) must adhere to the accessibility guidelines listed below.
Antti Raike

OKM - Hitaasti, mutta varmasti? Saavutettavuuden edistyminen yliopistoissa ja ammattiko... - 0 views

    Tässä selvityksessä tarkastellaan saavutettavuuden nykytilaa yliopistoissa ja ammattikorkeakouluissa sekä siinä tapahtunutta kehitystä. Yhtenä vertailukohtana on vuonna 2005 julkaistu Esteetön opiskelu yliopistoissa -selvitys. Selvityksen aineistona on kaksi vuonna 2011 kerättyä kyselyä, joista toinen suunnattiin yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen asiantuntijoille ja toinen opiskelijoille.
Antti Raike

Are digital natives a myth or reality? University students' use of digital technologies - 0 views

    This study investigated the extent and nature of university students' use of digital technologies for learning and socialising. The findings show that students use a limited range of mainly established technologies. Use of collaborative knowledge creation tools, virtual worlds, and social networking sites was low.
Antti Raike

Collaborative benchmarking in higher education - 0 views

    Benchmarking in European Higher Education is an initiative funded by the European Commission to improve the use of benchmarking in higher education. It is designed to help modernise higher education management and to promote the attractiveness of European Higher Education. Benchmarking is a powerful tool to support higher education institutions (HEIs) and policy makers to better realise the Lisbon goals and the Bologna Process. It is a modern management tool to progress with institutional reforms, increased operational efficiency and the capacity for innovative changes in order to adapt to the new challenges in their environment.
Antti Raike

Effectiveness Of Traditional And Blended Learning Environments - 0 views

    In today's online era, the concept of a classroom extends beyond a walled room with desks and chairs and into the realm of cyber space. To provide learners with the best experience, many educators are opting for a blended approach: a traditional classroom with face-to-face interaction supplemented by online resources.
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