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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Aasemoon =)

Aasemoon =)

Try F# - 0 views

  • F# is ideal for data-rich, concurrent and algorithmic development: "simple code to solve complex problems". F# is a simple and pragmatic programming language combining functional, object-oriented and scripting programming, and supports cross-platform environments including PC, Mac, and Linux. We'll provide the tutorials, resources and tools you’ll need to begin working with F# right away.
Aasemoon =)

WEBENCH® Designer Tools | National Semiconductor - 0 views

  • With the introduction of the WEBENCH Online Design Environment in 1999, National Semiconductor made it possible for design engineers to create a reliable power supply circuit over the internet in minutes. The user specified the circuit performance and the WEBENCH Toolset delivered. Today, WEBENCH Designer creates and presents all of the possible power, lighting, or sensing circuits that meet a design requirement in seconds. This enables the user to make value based comparisons at a system and supply chain level before a design is committed. This expert analysis is not possible anywhere else.
Aasemoon =)

Robotland: Rescue Robots & Systems Research in Japan - 0 views

  • The Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Urban Areas (2002-2006) conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo. The project revealed the detailed geometry of the subducted Philippine Sea plate (PSP) beneath the Tokyo Metropolitan area and improved information needed for seismic hazards analyses of the largest urban centers. In 2007 the Special Project for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation in Tokyo Metropolitan Area started focusing at  the vertical proximity of the PSP down going lithospheric plate and the risks for the greater Tokyo urban region that has a population of 42 million and is the center of approximately 40 % of the nation's activities. A M 7 or greater (M 7+) earthquake in this region at present has high potential to produce devastating loss of life and property with even greater global economic repercussions. The Central Disaster Management Council of Japan estimated that a great earthquake in the region might cause 11,000 fatalities and 112 trillion yen (1 trillion US$) economic loss. The Earthquake Research Committee of Japan estimated a probability of 70 % in 30 years for a great earthquake in this region. 
Aasemoon =)

La Colline - théâtre national, direction Stéphane Braunschweig - Where were y... - 0 views

  • 8 janvier, minuit, banlieue de Téhéran, il neige. Quatre jeunes femmes répètent Les Bonnes de Jean Genet dans une maison. Ali, le fiancé de Fati, qui fait son service militaire dans la police, les rejoint. Il n’est pas censé être là, mais Fati a insisté. Bravant la loi qui interdit à un soldat de porter une arme dans un lieu privé, il promet à l’officier de service de revenir au poste avant l’aube. La neige l’en empêche. Abdi a lui aussi rejoint la répétition. Ils sont tous contraints de passer la nuit dans cette maison. Le lendemain quand Ali se réveille, il est seul et son arme a disparu. Mais la maison n’est pas le lieu de l’intrigue, ni l’arme l’enjeu véritable. La pièce tisse une suite de conversations téléphoniques au lendemain de cette nuit. En filigrane, les dialogues évoquent la situation actuelle de jeunes gens en Iran qui cherchent des moyens de se faire entendre. Figure de passeur dans le milieu théâtral iranien, Amir Reza Koohestani, auteur-metteur en scène accueilli en Europe depuis 2002, a récemment contribué, avec Oriza Hirata et Sylvain Maurice, au spectacle Des utopies? Entre symbolisme et réalisme, ne cessant d’échapper aux limites imposées par la censure, il tend au public un miroir de sa société.
Aasemoon =)

Diode propulsion could power microbots - tech - 15 March 2007 - New Scientist - 0 views

  • A new form of propulsion that could allow microrobots to explore human bodies has been discovered. The technique would be used to power robots and other devices such as microfluidic pumps from a distance. Finding a propulsion mechanism that works on the microscopic scale is one of the key challenges for developing microrobots. Another is to find a way to supply such a device with energy because there is so little room to carry on-board fuel or batteries. Now a team lead by Orlin Velev at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, US, has found that a simple electronic diode could overcome both these problems. Velev and Vesselin Paunov from the University of Hull, UK, floated a diode in a tank of salt water and zapped the set-up with an alternating electric field.
  • A new form of propulsion that could allow microrobots to explore human bodies has been discovered. The technique would be used to power robots and other devices such as microfluidic pumps from a distance. Finding a propulsion mechanism that works on the microscopic scale is one of the key challenges for developing microrobots. Another is to find a way to supply such a device with energy because there is so little room to carry on-board fuel or batteries. Now a team lead by Orlin Velev at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, US, has found that a simple electronic diode could overcome both these problems. Velev and Vesselin Paunov from the University of Hull, UK, floated a diode in a tank of salt water and zapped the set-up with an alternating electric field.
Aasemoon =)

One Per Cent: Microbots made to twist and turn as they swim - 0 views

  • Tiny microbots swimming through liquid invariably conjures up images of Isaac Asimov's sci-fi classic Fantastic Voyage.But while microbots exist, and they can be made to swim, it's getting them to change direction that has been tricky so far - a bit of an issue if you're even planning on sticking them in a human body, for instance.Now a system used to propel swimming microbots without the need for on-board fuel has brought this idea one step closer. Researchers at North Carolina State University have coaxed their bots to perform U-turns on command.
Aasemoon =) - Microbots can now swim back and forth - 0 views

  • Until now you can have big elaborate robots or very small microbots but it is very difficult to have both. A blog post from New Scientist (where this video is from) points out the research on microbots, very small machines that will move, navigate and perform simple tasks. The ability to remotely power a microbot, thus eliminating the need for onboard battery or fuel, is already proven and one of the methods is the application of an AC field to a liquid where the robot is located. This microbot is essentially a diode, a one-way electric conductor. The different electric charges at its ends force the neighboring ions to move thus creating a small thrust that propels the bot. The team of Rachita Sharma and Orlin Velev from North Carolina State University developed a method where a controlled application of an additional DC field changes the ion distribution around the microbot and this time the ion field creates a torque that rotates the microbot. The DC field is applied until the completion of a 180-degree turn. Then the microbot moves again, now in the opposite direction. It is only 1.3mm long and as claimed by other scientists like Vesselin Paunov from the University of Hull, UK this arrangement can be further scaled down where it can be useful for diagnostic and localized drug supply applications.
Aasemoon =)

Exclusive: NASA Scientist Claims Evidence of Alien Life on Meteorite - - 0 views

  • We are not alone in the universe -- and alien life forms may have a lot more in common with life on Earth than we had previously thought. That's the stunning conclusion one NASA scientist has come to, releasing his groundbreaking revelations in a new study in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology. Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, has traveled to remote areas in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska, amongst others, for over ten years now, collecting and studying meteorites. He gave early access to the out-of-this-world research, published late Friday evening in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology. In it, Hoover describes the latest findings in his study of an extremely rare class of meteorites, called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites -- only nine such meteorites are known to exist on Earth.
Aasemoon =)

Automaton, Know Thyself: Robots Become Self-Aware: Scientific American - 0 views

  • Robots might one day trace the origin of their consciousness to recent experiments aimed at instilling them with the ability to reflect on their own thinking. Although granting machines self-awareness might seem more like the stuff of science fiction than science, there are solid practical reasons for doing so, explains roboticist Hod Lipson at Cornell University's Computational Synthesis Laboratory.
Aasemoon =)

BBC - Press Office - BBC Worldwide and Three Rings join forces for first ever Doctor Wh... - 0 views

  • Leading up to the San Francisco Game Developers Conference (GDC), BBC Worldwide today announced a major new partnership with game developer Three Rings to create BBC Worldwide's first ever free-to-play multiplayer online game centered around the blockbuster drama television show, Doctor Who. For the first time ever, players from around the world will be able to follow in the footsteps of the eccentric and brilliant Doctor by travelling through time and space, exploring new worlds and encountering many alien races, both friend and foe. Titled Doctor Who: Worlds in Time, the game allows players to enter the TARDIS and be set a challenge by the mysterious Time Lord to help him defend civilized culture against infamous Doctor Who enemies.
Aasemoon =)

This Robotic Dragonfly Flew 40 Years Ago | BotJunkie - 0 views

  • In the 1970s the CIA had developed a miniature listening device that needed a delivery system, so the agency’s scientists looked at building a bumblebee to carry it. They found, however, that the bumblebee was erratic in flight, so the idea was scrapped. An amateur entymologist on the project then suggested a dragonfly and a prototype was built that became the first flight of an insect-sized machine. A laser beam steered the dragonfly and a watchmaker on the project crafted a miniature oscillating engine so the wings beat, and the fuel bladder carried liquid propellant. Despite such ingenuity, the project team lost control over the dragonfly in even a gentle wind. “You watch them in nature, they’ll catch a breeze and ride with it. We, of course, needed it to fly to a target. So they were never deployed operationally, but this is a one-of-a-kind piece.”
Aasemoon =)

Robots with a human touch - A*STAR Research - 1 views

  • In recent years, ‘social’ robots—cleaning robots, nursing-care robots, robot pets and the like—have started to penetrate into people’s everyday lives. Saerbeck and other robotics researchers are now scrambling to develop more sophisticated robotic capabilities that can reduce the ‘strangeness’ of robot interaction. “When robots come to live in a human space, we need to take care of many more things than for manufacturing robots installed on the factory floor,” says Haizhou Li, head of the Human Language Technology Department at the A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research. “Everything from design to the cognitive process needs to be considered.”
Aasemoon =)

Building a Super Robust Robot Hand - IEEE Spectrum - 0 views

  • German researchers have built an anthropomorphic robot hand that can endure collisions with hard objects and even strikes from a hammer without breaking into pieces. In designing the new hand system, researchers at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), focused on robustness. They may have just built the toughest robot hand yet. The DLR hand has the shape and size of a human hand, with five articulated fingers powered by a web of 38 tendons, each connected to an individual motor on the forearm.
Aasemoon =)

Bionic Pancreas - IEEE Spectrum - 0 views

  • When Pantelis Georgiou and his fellow biomedical engineers at Imperial College London decided to design an intelligent insulin pump for diabetes patients, they started at the source. "We asked ourselves, what does a pancreas do to control blood glucose?" Georgiou recalls. The answer is pretty well known: The organ relies primarily on two populations of cells—beta cells, to secrete insulin when blood glucose is high, and alpha cells, which release a hormone called glucagon when glucose levels are low. "We simulated them both in microchip form," Georgiou says. This biomimetic approach diverges from today's dominant method of delivering only insulin using a relatively simple control system.
Aasemoon =)

Interview: iRobot's AVA Tech Demonstrator | BotJunkie - 0 views

  • With all of the new competition in the consumer robotics field, it’s about time for iRobot to show that they’re still capable of innovating new and exciting things. AVA, their technology demonstrator, definitely fits into the new and exciting category. AVA is short for ‘Avatar,’ although iRobot was careful not to call it a telepresence robot so as not to restrict perceptions of what it’s capable of. AVA is capable of fully autonomous navigation, relying on a Kinect-style depth sensing camera, laser rangefinders, inertial movement sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and (as a last resort) bump sensors. We got a run-down a few days ago at CES, check it out:
Aasemoon =)

Meeting timing specs on boards with picoseconds of margin - 0 views

  • Length-match your traces to within 100 mils. Or is it 10 mils? Or should you go down to 1 mil? Should you include the lengths of the vias? How about the lengths of resistors? Understanding the origin of length-matching requirements, coupled with some rudimentary signal integrity analysis, can help answer these questions.   Determining length requirements requires an understanding of flight time, electrical length vs. physical length, loading and signal quality. Those elements are vital in determining what the length really needs to be, as well as in determining the allowable trade-offs to meet system timing goals.
Aasemoon =)

Kinect-enabled robotic telepresence | Computer Vision Central - 0 views

  • Taylor Veltrop used a Kinect to read his arm movements which were then carried out by a robot. The robot was programmed using Willow Garage's open-source robot operating system (ROS). As Kit Eaton suggest, this quick experiment provides an illustration of the path towards robotic avatars.
Aasemoon =) - It's Cognitive Robotics, Stupid! - 0 views

  • If you're a long time reader, you may remember our mention in 2008 of Emanuel Diamant's provocatively titled paper "I'm sorry to say, but your understanding of image processing fundamentals is absolutely wrong" (PDF). Diamant is back with a presentation created for the 3rd Israeli Conference on Robotics, with the equally provocative title: "It's Cognitive Robotics, Stupid" (PDF). In it he laments the lack of agreed upon definitions for words like intelligence, knowledge, and information that are crucial to the development of robotics.
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