77Share digg_url = 'http://mashable.com/2010/02/08/ted-talks-social-meida/';
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digg_bodytext = 'The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.\n\nAs social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year\'s TED conf'; email share var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({
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shared_object.attachChicklet('email', document.getElementById('st_email')); The 2010 Technology Entertainment Design conference will be kicking off tomorrow in Long Beach, California, bringing the leading minds of many fields together to talk shop about innovation, change, and what the future holds.As social media has become a game changer for industries across the board, you can bet the experts at this year’s TED conference will have their sights set on peeling back the hype and getting at the core of what social technology has in store for this year and beyond.Perhaps the best part of the TED conferences is that videos of the talks are archived and free to view right on the organization’s website. Given the wealth of insight we’re sure to see tomorrow, we thought we’d whet your appetite by highlighting a few recent and exceptional talks from TED’s past, with a focus on social media.