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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Marco Castellani

Marco Castellani

Storytlr Blog | Storytlr gets realtime updates thanks to Gnip ! - 0 views

  • we are just seeing the begining of XMPP/Push architectures replacing RSS/Pull for delivery of activity streams. This will enable many new use cases and services, most of them we probably don't even imagine today !
Marco Castellani

Google Time Machine: the Web in 2001 - 0 views

  • Google brought back the index from January 2001 to show how many things have changed in almost 8 years. At that time, Google's index included 1,326,920,000 web pages and it was the most comprehensive index of a search engine.
Marco Castellani

Google Spreadsheets Become Wikis - 0 views

  • Google Spreadsheets added an option in the sharing dialog that allows anyone to view or edit the spreadsheet just by knowing the URL. Until now, you had to send an invitation URL that contained a secret code and the people you invited had to login using a Google account.
Marco Castellani

Edina Technology CoP: Personal Learning Networks:Do You Diigo?! - 0 views

  • On Saturday at the Scratch workshop I attended at TIES, I convinced Troy Cherry, the presenter, to give Twitter a try. This morning, he created an account and started following me. Later he "tweeted", "I'm a huge fan of I may become a bigger fan of Diigo."
    Really interesting, since it's not too different from my recent "history"; I was quite addicted to delicious, then I discovered in a blog the daily summary from Diigo (a service that I didn't know at all), then I investigated, I learned how is working and... wow, I may become a bigger fan of Diigo, too! ;)
Marco Castellani

Official Google Reader Blog: Share anything. Anytime. Anywhere. - 0 views

  • You can share any content from any web page, even if the site doesn't have a feed.
  • For even more control over what gets shared, select some text from the page before clicking the "Note in Reader" bookmarklet and your selection will appear as the item's body.
  • Have you ever wanted to share something that you were reading, but you didn't want to go through the hassle of subscribing to a whole feed for a single interesting article? And what about sharing content from sites with no feeds? There you are, reading along, and you think to yourself, "If only everything on the web had a 'Share' button like in Google Reader!"
Marco Castellani

Zoho Blogs » Macros, Pivot Tables & More in Zoho Sheet - 0 views

    • Marco Castellani
      Step by step, it's now easy to realize that the (still) relevant distance between office online and the "traditional" office suites, is getting smaller each day...
Marco Castellani

Zoho Blogs - 0 views

shared by Marco Castellani on 29 Apr 08 - Cached
    • Marco Castellani
      Step by step, it's now quite easy to realize that the distance between office online and the "traditional" offices suites is getting small... ;)
Marco Castellani

Zoho Blogs » It is all about Productivity - 0 views

  • Projecting this productivity advantage forward, I am confident in predicting that within a year or two, online suites will overtake desktop software in terms of features and functions. It won’t just be the Zoho or Google suites that would get there, perhaps even new companies that are as yet unknown.
Marco Castellani - Generating agile organisations: Google Docs ... so what - the ONE r... - 0 views

  • Google Docs doesn't live in the 'document' world. Oh it has similar naming conventions, it uses all the jargon that we're used to and it pretends to be a document ... but it's not because it comes from the 'words' world view. It knows that the words you're gonna edit are, 99.9% of the time, going to want to be loved by many more than you. And being on the Web they know that the world of connected people at your fingertips is massive. Not only is there the list of attractive people in your contacts list but there is everyone with an internet connection!
    nice article on Google Docs ;)
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