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Donna Baumbach

100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators | - 2 views

    But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
my mashable

Now You Can Insert Drawing In Google Docs - 0 views

    The Google Docs developers just added "insert drawing" capability. Drawing can be created easily with pre-determined shapes, colors, text, etc..
Marco Castellani - Generating agile organisations: Google Docs ... so what - the ONE r... - 0 views

  • Google Docs doesn't live in the 'document' world. Oh it has similar naming conventions, it uses all the jargon that we're used to and it pretends to be a document ... but it's not because it comes from the 'words' world view. It knows that the words you're gonna edit are, 99.9% of the time, going to want to be loved by many more than you. And being on the Web they know that the world of connected people at your fingertips is massive. Not only is there the list of attractive people in your contacts list but there is everyone with an internet connection!
    nice article on Google Docs ;)
Graham Perrin

Zemanta Documentation - 0 views

  • Zemanta API
  • automatically query Zemanta engine for contextual information about the text that user enters
  • Structure of API call The end point of the API call is:
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • use HTTP POST
  • API methods Supported methods: zemanta.suggest zemanta.suggest_markup zemanta.preferences
  • SDK On top of our API, you can also use our Javascripts
  • full WYSIWYG interface of our recommendations.
    • Graham Perrin
      Is this what's used for the bookmarklet of Faviki?
  • In-depth information is available in: Zemanta API companion PDF version
Hendy Irawan

googlecl - Command line tools for the Google Data APIs - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    "GoogleCL brings Google services to the command line. We currently support the following Google services: Blogger $ google blogger post --title "foo" "command line posting" Calendar $ google calendar add "Lunch with Jim at noon tomorrow" Contacts $ google contacts list Bob name,email > the_bobs.csv Docs $ google docs edit "Shopping list" Finance $ google finance create-txn "Savings Portfolio" NASDAQ:GOOG Buy Picasa $ google picasa create "Cat Photos" ~/photos/cats/*.jpg Youtube $ google youtube post --category Education killer_robots.avi Check out the Manual and ExampleScripts for many more examples of what you can do, or the Install page for simple install instructions. "

2014 Sochi Winter Olympics Fast Facts - - 0 views

  • Some have called for boycotts of the Sochi Olympics because of Russia's political alignments. Russia granted Edward Snowden temporary asylum August 1. Snowden has been wanted by U.S. authorities since it was revealed that he leaked government surveillance information to the Guardian. Additionally, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a close ally to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Syria has been engaged in a bloody civil war since 2011.
  • 2014 is the 150th anniversary of the Circassian genocide, which took place in Sochi. Protestors contend that the Olympics will be hosted on "mass graves."
  • The 2014 Sochi Olympics are estimated to be the costliest ever, at $50 billion.
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  • June 30, 2013 - The Russian anti-gay propaganda law, which passes overwhelmingly in Russian parliament and is signed by President Vladimir Putin, bans the public discussion of gay rights and relationships anywhere children might hear or see it. Those found in breach of it can be fined and, if they are foreign, deported.
  • August 7, 2013 - A petition with 320,000 signatures is presented to Olympic heads in Switzerland over Russia's anti-gay propaganda laws.
  • Controversies:Protests have arisen due to gay rights issues in Russia and conflicts between Russian law and the Olympic charter. Some have called for boycotts of the Sochi Olympics because of Russia's political alignments. Russia granted Edward Snowden temporary asylum August 1. Snowden has been wanted by U.S. authorities since it was revealed that he leaked government surveillance information to the Guardian. Additionally, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a close ally to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Syria has been engaged in a bloody civil war since 2011.2014 is the 150th anniversary of the Circassian genocide, which took place in Sochi. Protestors contend that the Olympics will be hosted on "mass graves." Environmentalists are concerned about the ecological impact of building structures in such a "pristine" location. The 2014 Sochi Olympics are estimated to be the costliest ever, at $50 billion.
  • January 19, 2014 - A video posted on a well-known Jihadi forum website threatens visitors to the upcoming Olympics. Two men, believed to be suicide bombers who died in December 2013, say, "We've prepared a present for you and all tourists who'll come over. If you will hold the Olympics, you'll get a present from us for the Muslim blood that's been spilled.

Lenovo IdeaTab S2110 adds keyboard doc | Gokul Rangarajan - 0 views

    IdeaTab S2110 Tablet Specs Qualcomm Snapdragon APQ8060A Processor (1.50GHz 512KB) Google Android™ 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 1 GB (LPDDR2) 259.8 x 178 x 8.69mm (10.2 x 7.0 x 0.34") 1.3M HD webcam (front) 5M autofocus LED flash webcam (back) 10.1" 1280x800 in-plane switching (IPS) display 580g (1.28 lb) 2 speakers Micro-HDMI Micro-USB 9-10 hours WiFi web browsing
Gary Edwards

Welcome to the next tech revolution: Liquid computing | InfoWorld - 7 views

  • In a nutshell, what Handoff -- and liquid computing in general -- portends is a world where both data and activities move around as needed. The device isn't the center of the universe, as it has been since the first computer.
  • The journey to liquid computing
  • everal years ago, Google showed us a different way: the cloud as the new center. With Google Docs (now called Drive), you created your documents on its browser-accessible servers and worked on them there, usually through a browser but also via native apps on iOS and Android. You didn't have to sync your data, because it was accessible from pretty much any device. Unfortunately, Google's Web-based apps don't work that well versus what you can do on a smartphone, tablet, or PC native app, so most of us still start with the device and use the cloud as mostly a convenient file share.
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  • Apple's iCloud Documents took the same idea but tied it to specific apps, moving us away from the notion of a common file pool to a common activity pool: text documents or spreadsheets or photos.
  • Apple's initial iCloud Documents approach was too tied to its apps, though, so it hasn't really expanded beyond Apple's own applications. (Apple is moving to correct that mistake in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite.)
    "I was typing an email on my iPad, and I got distracted. Some time later, I set the iPad down on my desk, and an icon on my Mac appeared. I clicked it, and in seconds the Mail app was running with that partially entered email in front of me. That's the Handoff feature in action, part of the iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite updates that will ship this fall. It's a sign of a change in computing that Google and Microsoft are also pursuing, not just Apple. Liquid Computing Welcome to the next tech revolution: Liquid computing Liquid computing: The next wave of the mobile experience Apple Watch: The Internet of things' new frontier iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite are both in beta, so I can't really talk about the details of Handoff yet. But I can say it works just as Apple showed off at its recent WWDC conference's public keynote. Handoff is the first big step into a future where the notion of a device will go through a radical transformation. [ Mobile and PC management: The tough but unstoppable union. | Subscribe to InfoWorld's Consumerization of IT newsletter today. ] At first blush, what Apple is doing is blurring the lines between mobile and desktop devices. That's true, but it's only part of the actual transformation under way. There's no real name for this transformation yet, so I'm calling it liquid computing until someone else comes up with a better name. In a nutshell, what Handoff -- and liquid computing in general -- portends is a world where both data and activities move around as needed. The device isn't the center of the universe, as it has been since the first computer. Think back to the early PC era, when people first started getting PCs at home, not just at work. Remember the effort we all spent in making sure we copied our files to a disk for use at home? We had to bring our data with us or else use a network connection to a file share. That model has persisted to this day, which is why the biggest loss of corporate data remains the lost or stolen thumb drive or

Alternatives to Ning with Alec and the world - Google Docs - 0 views

    Ning is not the only choice

Marcel Jager (Buy Fake Docs) - - 0 views

    Buy Fake Docs is the best place to Buy Fake Documents like Real Passport, Fake ID Cards, Driver's License, Residence Permit, Birth Certificate, Death Certificates, Degree, Diplomas, IELTS Certificate online.

Marcel Jager (Buy Fake Docs) - - 0 views

    Buy Fake Docs is the best place to Buy Fake Documents Online like Real Passport, Fake ID Cards, Driver's License, Residence Permit, Birth Certificate, Death Certificates, Degree, Diplomas, IELTS Certificate online.

Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Crack Patch & Serial Number Full Download - 0 views

    Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Crack Patch & Serial Number is the best useful software which is specially used for Editing, Reading, Writing & Converts docs into PDF
Cathy Oxley - Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents ... - 0 views

shared by Cathy Oxley on 28 May 07 - Cached
    This seems to be similar to Google Docs where you can share and edit documents securely from anywhere in the world.
Lucy Gray

Yolink Education - 16 views

    Browser add-on for searching more efficiently. Works with Chrome, IE, Firefox. Export results to Evernote, Easybib, Google Docs, Diigo etc. Drawing for educators until mid April. Win $3000 for your school.
Graham Perrin

Unifying the Conversations (Salmon Protocol) - 7 views

  • Salmon Protocol
  • Unifying the Conversations
  • protocol for comments and annotations to swim upstream to original update sources
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • commentary in a virtuous cycle
  • user centric
  • demo running at the Salmon Playground
  • presentation: Salmon Real Time Commenting FlowSalmon Real Time Commenting Flow
Wendy Evans

101 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About | Tools for Teachers - 1 views

    • Wendy Evans
      I use this for my computer Science Students
  • WordPress is a blogging platform that allows you a lot of versatility in the kind of content you can offer. Create a class blog where you post links to helpful readings and give updates on assignments. It’s free to sign up and start a blog.
  • Prezi is a really neat cloud-based presentation program that allows you to zoom in and out. If you don’t mind your slides being public, you can sign up for a free account with 100MB of storage.
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  • Create, share and collaboratively edit documents using a Google account. Google Docs is especially useful for group projects where students are working together on an assignment. Ask your students to provide you with access to their Google Doc while they’re working on it so that you can give them real-time feedback on their progress.
  • With a free option for K-12 teachers, Wikispaces is a great tool for making custom webpages that your students can edit together. You can manage privacy settings, create student accounts without email addresses, embed media and even customize the design of your Wiki pages.
  • With millions of YouTube videos, there’s bound to be something that’s relatable to your lesson. There are step-by-step tutorials, news clips, editorials, short documentaries and more. Recently, YouTube launched an education-specific version of the website called YouTube for Teachers.
  • Google Calendar is great for planning lessons, exams and keeping track of assignment due dates. It’s fast, intuitive, and only requires a Google account. It also has the ability to sync with some smart phones.
  • Screencast-O-Matic is an online screen recorder with a one-click recording feature. You can use it from your browser on either a Windows or Mac computer.
  • Google Sites is a free and easy way to create and share webpages and wikis.
  • Gmail is one of the most versatile free email programs out there. It’s really easy to use and you can access it from any computer with an internet connection. Most smartphones also have an app that allows you to check your email while you’re on the go. This is really great if you give your students your email address.
  • Use Diigo to highlight text and images on webpages that you’ve found and then access them at a later date from your Diigo account. You can also create sticky notes if you need to write additional comments. When you return to the website, all of the annotations you made are still there.
    101 Web 2.0 Tools Every Teacher Should Know About
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