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Andrea T

College Student Eating Habits: Is Bad Health on the Menu? - 1 views

    The food choices students in college make, could set them up for future health problems in the future. Research has shown that food served in dorms are comparable to food served in a fastfood restraunt. Fast food is attracting to college students because of a limited budget, easy access, and peer pressure because their friends are going to eat fastfood as well. Eating fast foods may have little impact on a teen or young adult's health in the short term; but more studies are showing that a poor diet during the teen and childhood years can set a teen up for health problems later '" including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Fast food may taste good now, but could be more costly later on.
Kirsten G

The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education - 3 views

    Hobbs, Renee and Amy Jensen. "The Past, Present, and Future of Media Literacy Education." Journal of Media Literacy Education 1.1 (2009): 1-11. EBSCO. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. There is information relating to the past, present, and future uses of technology in this article. The coming of age and declaration of this integrated use had changed and effected many lives. A selection of students were chosen to be a test group. The study was researched to determine if technology has an effect on kids and their learning abilities.
Lia F

Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning - 1 views

    Ryokai, K., C. Vaucelle, and J. Cassell. "Virtual Peers as Partners in Storytelling and Literacy Learning." Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 19.2 (2003): 195-208. Ohiolink. Web. 18 Nov. 2010\n\nThis article is about how children's literacy begins way before the children enter school. The keys to reading and writing are through storytelling. This helps them develop language skills that are improtant for their future literacy.
Abby Purdy

The freshman weight gain phenomenon revisited - 1 views

    Earlier studies associated the first year of college with a dramatic increase in body weight, termed the "freshman 15". However, recent studies showed that weight gain might be smaller. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the extent of observed weight/body composition changes, including factors associated with them, among students entering university. Searches were conducted for studies examining weight/body composition changes during freshman semesters. Most studies were not comprehensive in assessing numerous potential causative factors for weight gain. Methods for assessing diet, physical activity, and behavioral factors varied among studies. Weight changes were often not quantified by measures of body composition (lean/fat) to ascertain that changes were limited just to gains in fat mass. Overall, weight changes ranged from 0.7-3.1 kg, but among individuals who gained weight, the range was narrower, 3.1-3.4 kg. There may be specific groups of students with a greater predisposition for weight gain and future research should focus on identifying those groups.
Bryan B

Future of Books - 2 views

    Glazer, Sarah. "Future of Books" 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 19. pg 473-500. Web. 20 Nov 2010. This article is about how books are going from being the print form to the electronic for as e-books. It includes how they are adding things such as video, sound, and graphics to the text. Some people fear that this will cause the loss of literacy and the dangers the world's store of knowledge will face if it becomes completely digital. While e-books still don't take up a large portion of books sold, it is predicted to increase as the main group of consumers, middle-aged women, is replaced with newer generations.
Karissa D

The Evolving Roles of Faculty Learning Communities - 1 views

    Jetton, Tamara L., Mary Beth Cancienne, and Brenda Greever. "The Evolving Roles of Faculty Learning Communities: A University/High School Literacy Partnership." Theory Into Practice 47.4 (2008): 327-335. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article focuses on university professors and those who are applying for professor positions. It talks about the relationship between high schools and college and the restruction from one to the other. The learning communities helped transform and enhance high school literacy in preparation for the future. The article discusses the different things that literacy is, for example it is strategic, motivated, fluent, etc. This article fcuses mainly on the transition from high school literacy to college literacy.
Karissa D

Focus on Instruction Turns around Chicago Schools - 1 views

    Aarons, Dakarai I. "Focus on Instruction Turns around Chicago Schools: Network Gets Results in 5 Schools in Chicago without "Drastic" Steps." Education Week 29.16 (2010): 1,. ERIC. EBSCO. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the need to restaff certain schools becasue of the poor teaching skills. Over a ten year span the Chicago city schools have received new principles, teachers, and curriculum. Preparing students for college starts in grade school, in preparing for high school. There have been multiple reconstructions including a yearly test and weekly lessons in preparation for that test. This helps students prepare for the riger and high level of education for the students' future.\n
Lia F

Understanding Imaginative Thinking During Childhood: Sociocultural Conceptions of Creat... - 1 views

    Eckhoff, Angela, and Jennifer Urbach. "Understanding Imaginative Thinking During Childhood: Sociocultural Conceptions of Creativity and Imaginative Thought." Early Childhood Education Journal 36.2 (2008): 179-185. Ohiolink. Web. 21 Nov. 2010. This article talks about how imagination is critical to education. Incorporating imagination in the classroom may prevent future education problems that aren't yet known. Also, they state that experience expands imagination. Imagination is based off of real life experiences according to Vygotsky's first law of imagination.
Andrea T

The relationship between lifestyle and campus eating behaviors in mal and females - 1 views

    Jackson, Rebecca. "The relationship between lifestyle and campus eating behaviors in mal and females." College Student Journal 43.1 (2009): 860-871. Ebscohost. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

    Poor nutritional practices and heightened levels of stress, two common attributes of university life, are strongly linked with weight gain and decreased health. Little research has examined the relationships between university students' lifestyle factors and campus eating behaviours; therefore, this study aimed to examine relationships between lifestyle and campus eating behaviour. Both lifestyle and eating behaviour questionnaires were developed and administered to male and female undergraduate students at a Canadian university. Students whose living arrangements had not changed since high school consumed less alcohol than individuals who moved away from their previous dwellings. Fast food consumption was also significantly related to lower physical activity levels and higher expenditures for food on campus. Males also consumed more alcohol than females and spent more money for food on campus. Conclusion. Relationships do exist between lifestyle and campus eating behaviour. These results may be used as a foundation for future research on the effect of lifestyle on eating behaviours and nutritional status in university age student
Danielle G

Assessment and measurement of health literacy: An integrative review if the literature - 1 views

    Mancuso, Josephine M. "Assessment and measurement of health literacy: An integrative review if the literature." Nursing and Health Sciences 11.1 (Mar 2009): 77-89. Web. 24 Nov 2010. The main purpose of this article is to relate health literacy to many other aspects of healthcare, including health knowledge, health behaviors, health outcomes, and the costs of healthcare. This article is trying to find out what is already being done to make people more health literate and what can be done to improve this in the future. Graphs are also shown in this article of two instruments used to measure health literacy: Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM) and the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults(TOFHLA). It shows the studies on these graphs and the conclusions that they came up with about the health literacy in Americans. The main goal in all of this research is too improve health care in all of its aspects.
Bryan B

The Future of Libraries - 4 views

    Clark, C. "The Future of Libraries." 2010. CQ Researcher. Vol 7. pg 457-480. Web. 18 Nov 2010. The article is about the role change libraries have faced going from a place where many get information to what it is now. This change has partially been brought on by computers, which libraries use to deliver its information. Some who prefer how it was claim that it is incovienitent while the library professionals foresee a hybrid that will bring in components of traditional print media and electronic media.
Alyssa B

What kind of intercultural competence will contribute to students' future job employabi... - 2 views

    Busch, Dominic. "What kind of intercultural competence will contribute to students' future job employability?." Intercultural Education 20.5 (2009): 429-438. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 19 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the importance of incorporating multicultural issues and into education, and its importance in order to improve a student's potential employability. According to employers, a student's knowledge in intercultural issues will almost automatically increase their employability. Employers like to see applicants who have a well-founded understanding of the role of culture and cultural differences in society.
Matthew B

Financial Literacy Among the Young - 1 views

    LUSARDI, ANNAMARIA, OLIVIA S. MITCHELL, and VILSA CURTO. "Financial Literacy among the Young." Journal of Consumer Affairs 44.2 (2010): 358-380. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 17 Nov. This article will be very strong for my paper. For the purpose of my research paper, I would like to focus on young adults. This journal article is directed specifically towards that. In the journal, there was a study done on high school and college level aged students who were asked questions regarding inflation, interest rates, and risk diversification. The best part of this article is that it show that students who are from a solid background, or have been to college, know much more about financiall literacy and how their money will spent in the future. I can use much of this information and studies in my paper.
Alyssa B

Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: ... - 1 views

    Guerin, Stephen H. "Internationalizing the Curriculum: Improving Learning Through International Education: Preparing Students for Success in a Global Society." Community College Journal of Research & Practice 33.8 (2009): 611-614. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. This article discusses the importance of internationalization of curriculum and and its role in preparing students for a global and multicultural society. With recent events it is even more pressing that Americans today have an understanding of peoples of different cultures. Motlow State Community College (MSCC) recognizes this topic of discussion and survey's show that in its courses only 6% of its courses contain significant international content. International education especially at the college level has taken on a new importance. This article argues that despite the student's major, they should be exposed to multicultural education and this knowledge which will enhance a student's success in the global environment of the future.
Abby Purdy

Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain - 0 views

    This is a link to the listing for this book on OhioLINK. It sounds like it might be helpful to those doing research on literacy development, how we learn to read. As the description implies, this might be an easy introduction to a rather complex topic. Wolf, a professor of child development at Tufts University, integrates psychology and archaeology, linguistics and education, history and neuroscience in a truly path-breaking look at the development of the reading brain-a complicated phenomenon that Wolf seeks to chronicle from both the early history of humanity and the early stages of an individual's development ("unlike its component parts such as vision and speech... reading has no direct genetic program passing it on to future generations"). Along the way, Wolf introduces concepts like "word poverty," the situation in which children, by age five, have heard 32 million less words than their counterparts (with chilling long-term effects), and makes time for amusing and affecting anecdotes, like the only child she knew to fake a reading disorder (attempting to get back into his beloved literacy training program). Though it could probably command a book of its own, the sizable third section of the book covers the complex topic of dyslexia, explaining clearly and expertly "what happens when the brain can't learn to read." One of those rare books that synthesizes cutting edge, interdisciplinary research with the inviting tone of a curious, erudite friend (think Malcolm Gladwell), Wolf's first book for a general audience is an eye-opening winner, and deserves a wide readership. (From the description on
Colleen Y

Enhancing Student Learning Through Arts Integration: Implications for the Profession. - 1 views

    Gullatt, David E. "Enhancing Student Learning Through Arts Integration: Implications for the Profession." High school Journal (2008): 12-25. EBSCO. Web. 15 Nov. 2010. This article discusses how student learning can be enhanced by the arts. There is an analysis of how schools in America are doing this in comparison to other countries. It looks at how much the arts influence education presently. In addition creates ideas of how schools should integrate the arts in the future. The piece looks at how art affects cognition and benefits many areas of thinking.
Colleen Y

Art Transforms Education - 3 views

    Sloan, Katherine, and Linda Nathan. "Art Transforms Education." Connection: The Journal of the New England Board of Higher Education (2005): 18-20. EBSCO. Web. 13 Nov. 2010. The article addresses the fact that schools are lacking art influences because of the No Child Left Behind Act. It states that this should be changed and proposes the "Critique Method." It emphasizes the benefits of right-brained thinking. The authors relate to Daniel Pink's idea of the Conceptual Age. They discuss how art fosters empathetic thinking that is crucial to the future generation.
Ahmed A

How Do American Students Measure Up? Making Sense of International Comparisons. - 2 views

    Koretz, Daniel, "How Do American Students Measure Up? Making Sense of International Comparisons." Future of Children; Spring2009, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p37-51, 15p, 1 Graph This article looks at the U.S education system and international student education in a different light, unlike most of the other articles; it looks at how the U.S Education system, in reality is secondary to that of many foreign country's. His point of comparison is the students emerging from these educational systems. He states how the perception of poor academia amongst U.S children actally holds, since on average U.S kids perform less, and have more studying disabilities than do children from other foreign countries. I personally believe there is a lot of truth in this article based on the facts and realities i myself experience. No offense intended, just academic debate.
Abby Purdy

Idea Lab - Becoming Screen Literate - 0 views

    How the moving image is upending the printed word.
Abby Purdy

The Future of Reading - Literacy Debate - Online, R U Really Reading? - 0 views

    An article that explains a debate that has raged for years in academic circles. When you read online, are you reading or skimming? Is the Internet killing reading or just helping students develop different skills?
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