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Bertrand QUETIN

Towards a new partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries: Delivering on ... - 0 views

  • The debate is intended to be an open exchange of views among high level political personalities on how the future relations between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries should look like after the expiry of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement in 2020. The Joint Communication "Towards a renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", sets out the main ideas for a revitalised political partnership with ACP countries, focussing on common interests and going beyond the sole aim of development policy and donor-recipient paradigm.
    "The debate is intended to be an open exchange of views among high level political personalities on how the future relations between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries should look like after the expiry of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement in 2020. The Joint Communication "Towards a renewed partnership with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries", sets out the main ideas for a revitalised political partnership with ACP countries, focussing on common interests and going beyond the sole aim of development policy and donor-recipient paradigm. Distinguished speakers, representing both the ACP regions and the EU, will gather together to share their expectations, views and recommendations regarding the future of the ACP-EU relations, focusing on which are the key priorities and the biggest challenges ahead. This session will also provide the opportunity to reflect on how to make the current relationship fit for delivering on common challenges and mutual interests in an interconnected and globalised world. Remaining time would be devoted to questions and interventions from the audience. "
Bertrand QUETIN

Next Brussels Briefing: Global food systems, local impact: the role of agribusiness and... - 0 views

    The next Brussels Development Briefing on "Global food systems, local impact: the role of agribusiness and development partnerships in advancing African agriculture" will take place Tuesday 25th November 2014 (9h-13h) at the ACP Secretariat (451 Avenue Georges Henri, 1200 Brussels, room C). The transformation of the African agri-business sector is a key challenge to achieve food security and economic development. A differentiated approach to partnerships, based on the development of competitive local private sectors, is essential to boosting agricultural development in Africa. In this context, the objective of this Brussels Briefing is to discuss strategies and approaches for harnessing the potential of development partnerships with the private sector to catalyse market development and productivity in African countries. The outcome of this meeting should be a better understanding of the needs and constraints of the local agricultural sector and strengthen linkages between private sector and development cooperation. At the European level, the meeting would contribute to the development of a framework for dialogue and effective joint action with the private sector. Speakers will include the European Commisison (DG Agri and DG Devco), Yara, the Farmers organizations (SACAU, EAFF), some EU agribusiness groups operating in Africa, European Investment Bank, BMZ, AUC
Bertrand QUETIN

High-level Conference on 'Promoting Africa-EU Research Infrastructure Partnerships' | E... - 0 views

    "A high-level conference on "Promoting Africa-EU Research Infrastructure Partnerships" will take place on 7-8 March 2013 in Brussels, Belgium. The conference will present the outcomes of the PAERIP (Promoting African European Research Infrastructures Partnerships) project, funded under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)."
Bertrand QUETIN

9th CAADP Partnership Platform | NEPAD - 0 views

    "The African Union Commission (AUC) and the NEPAD Agency will hold the 9th Comprehensive African Agriculture Development (CAADP) Partnership Platform (PP) from March 25 to 26, to evaluate progress and achievements made in implementing CAADP. CAADP is the Continent's main development programme to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty through agriculture. It has a clear objective to raise agricultural productivity in Africa to at least 6 per cent annually and requires African countries to commit at least ten per cent of their national budgets to agricultural development. The PP is an annual high-level partnership platform, bringing together key stakeholders such as African governments, policy makers, civil society organisations and farmers' organisations to assess progress made in implementing the CAADP goals."
Bertrand QUETIN

New perspectives from young professionals to enhance research and innovation partnershi... - 0 views

    "The 2016 annual meeting of the European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD), organised in collaboration with the Platform for African-European partnership on Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD), brought together research and non-research professionals from Western, Central/Eastern Europe and Africa, to debate on the future of Users'-led research and innovation partnerships (MSHIP)."
Bertrand QUETIN

9th CAADP Partnership Platform | NEPAD - 0 views

    "The African Union Commission (AUC) and the NEPAD Agency will hold the 9th Comprehensive African Agriculture Development (CAADP) Partnership Platform (PP) from March 25 to 26, to evaluate progress and achievements made in implementing CAADP. "
Bertrand QUETIN

Launch of CAADP journalists network to promote agricultural development - 0 views

    "Addis Ababa, March 24, 2013 - The African Union Commission (AUC) and New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Agency have launched a Journalists Network, to promote agricultural development in Africa. The Network, which was launched today on the eve of the 9th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development (CAADP) Partnership Platform (PP) in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, aims to equip African journalists with a better understanding of CAADP, and the broader issues and debates related to agricultural development on the Continent."
Bertrand QUETIN

Global Partnership for Education | Global Partnership for Education - 0 views

    The Global Partnership for Education started as the Education for All - Fast Track Initiative (EFA FTI) in 2002. In the last ten years, we have grown from 7 to close to 60 partner countries, mobilized more than $3.5 billion to improve access and quality to education, helped nearly 19 million children go to school for the first time, supported the construction of over 37,000 classrooms, and trained over 413,000 teachers. More results.
Bertrand QUETIN

EU and Senegal agree new sustainable fisheries partnership - 0 views

    "(25/04/2014) The European Union and the Republic of Senegal have agreed a new Fisheries Partnership following a successful third round of talks in Dakar, Senegal, on the 24th and 25th April. The five year Protocol fixes the fishing opportunities for EU vessels, the EU's financial contribution, and the terms of support for the Senegalese fisheries sector. "
Bertrand QUETIN

Successful initiatives to curb youth unemployment in Africa - 0 views

    Sent: 2014-05-20 13:49 #1 Subject: Successful initiatives to curb youth unemployment in Africa From: UNESCO-UNEVOC [] Dear e-Forum members, We are happy to share with you four videos - published by the UNESCO Office in Dakar - that showcase successful initiatives of technical and vocational training projects that give youth a better chance to find decent work. The videos focus on innovative projects in Benin, Nigeria and Senegal, which have proven effective in providing youth with skills and competences in demand. The series of the videos present: The Songhai Centre in Benin is a sustainable micro-enterprise that trains young Africans. It is considered a best practice model for rural development, sustainable development, employment and training for young people, and the self-financing of business creation. The recognition of skills acquired in informal training in Senegal is an initiative that cater for the numerous young people who are being trained in the informal sector, such as car mechanics, tailors etc. The aim of the initiative is to put in place structures that allow for this training to be recognized at the same level as formal training. Auchi Polytechnic in Nigeria is an Institute that facilitates the integration into the formal sector of some 30,000 graduates every year. Some years ago, a CEDAP village, which is center for entrepreneurship development, was created within the Polytechnic. Students are equipped with necessary skills in areas such as fish farming, carpentry, making of soap, shoes and pottery. Sectoral centres in Senegal: public and private partnership are the result of a public/private partnership, which has proven efficient to provide training based a competency-based approach.It's currently present in three different areas. Best regards, UNESCO-UNEVOC
Bertrand QUETIN

SAVE THE DATE: 11th CAADP Partnership Platform | CAADP - 0 views

    " Organised by the African Union Commission and the NEPAD Agency,the 11th Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme Partnership Platform (CAADP PP) will take place in Cape Town, South Africa. The CAADP PP will be opened by the AUC Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E Rhoda Peace Tumusiime and the NEPAD Agency's Chief Executive Officer, Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayaki. Also in attendance will be High level African Leadership, Regional Economic Communities, government ministries, farmers' organisations, the private sector, civil society and development partners. This year's CAADP PP meeting will focus on African socio-economic development strategies to stimulate agriculture-led growth and country commitment to put agriculture at the top of national development agendas."
Bertrand QUETIN

Decent employment opportunities for youth in rural areas - 0 views

    NEPAD and FAO launch rural youth project at the 11th CAADP Partnership Platform 25 March 2015, Johannesburg - The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), today launched a 4-year project that aims to create decent employment opportunities for young women and men in rural areas, through the development of rural enterprises in sustainable agriculture and agribusiness along strategic value chains. The USD$ 4 million project is funded by the African Solidarity Trust Fund.
Bertrand QUETIN

Meeting report of UNESCO-UNEVOC's International Forum 2012 The role of the UN... - 0 views

    "The International Forum, which was attended by 120 TVET experts from over 55 countries, discussed various key issues in TVET with a focus on the importance of empowering teachers and the need to transform TVET for a greener future.The Forum concluded that effective partnership is key in strengthening and revamping the UNEVOC Network. In 2013, the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre will reinforce its efforts to actively engage the UNEVOC Network in the planning, design and implementation of activities to be undertaken in 2013."
Bertrand QUETIN

9ème plate-forme de partenariat du PDDAA - 0 views

    Date : 25-26 mars 2013 Lieu : Addis Abeba (Éthiopie) "La Commission de l'Union africaine et l'Agence du NEPAD organiseront la 9ème plate-forme de partenariat du Programme détaillé pour le développement de l'agriculture en Afrique (PDDAA) afin d'évaluer les progrès réalisés dans le cadre de sa mise en ouvre. La plate-forme de partenariat est un événement important qui a lieu chaque année. Elle réunit des acteurs africains de haut niveau (décideurs politiques, représentants de gouvernements, de la société civile et d'associations paysannes) afin d'évaluer les progrès dans la mise en ouvre des objectifs du PDDAA. Quelque 200 délégués provenant de pays africains et du reste du monde participeront à cet événement qui se tiendra au siège de l'Union africaine. "
Bertrand QUETIN

Teacher Education and Professional Development (TEPD) | U.S. Agency for International D... - 0 views

    "What is the Teacher Education and Professional Development program? The Teacher Education and Professional Development program is a partnership between USAID, the Ministry of Education and the private sector. The Government's commitment to universal primary education includes a commitment to improving the quality of education even as the number of students increases. The program builds the skills and expertise of educators, and enables Kenya's public teacher training colleges to prepare teachers to deliver quality education by strengthening pre-service training and linking it to in-service professional development. USAID supports this program by transferring knowledge of international practices in teacher education and institution building, and by providing technology to enhance teacher training and the classroom experience. The Permanent Secretary of Education visited the pilot sites and evaluated the program to inform a Government strategy to roll out integration of technology in classrooms throughout Kenya. "
Bertrand QUETIN

Using information technology to revitalize agricultural extension and education | ICRIS... - 0 views

    CRISAT, December 2012 - Using ICT to revitalize agricultural extension and education towards providing knowledge access to smallholder farmers was the subject of an international workshop held at the Infosys Campus in Hyderabad (India) on 3-4 December. The global consultation on Innovative ICT and Knowledge Sharing Platforms for Revitalizing Agricultural Extension and Education: Opportunities and Challenges organized by a global team led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), brought together about 60 ICT, research, extension and education experts from India, USA and Africa. The two-day workshop was successful in laying the groundwork for the formation of a global partnership that will push the 'knowledge to the poor' revolution through ICT application in agricultural extension and education.
Bertrand QUETIN

Global partnership launched to drive Africa's agricultural research - SciDev.Net - 0 views

    "[NAIROBI] An international agricultural research programme has unveiled plans to collaborate with the African Union to drive agricultural research and boost productivity on the continent. In a Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier this month (15 January), the Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (CGIAR Consortium) set out its agreement with the African Union Commission (AUC) to work towards aligning research agendas to help create a food secure future for Africa. "
Bertrand QUETIN

REDD+ Monitoring, and Measurement, Reporting and Verification workshop "Training the Tr... - 0 views

    The REDD+ Monitoring, and Measurement, Reporting and Verification workshop "Training the Trainers" will be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast from 6-10 February 2017, and will cover Francophone Africa. The workshop is jointly organized by GFOI partners who include World Bank FCPF, FAO/UN-REDD, Wageningen University, and GOFC-GOLD. It is the last in the series of four regional workshops, and will be held in French. The aim of the workshop is to demonstrate the use available training materials and tools covering topics including designing and implementing a national forest inventory, calculating emissions from forest degradation, the use of remote sensing change-detection tools to for deforestation monitoring, and generating IPCC compliant data. As part of the GOFC-GOLD partnership, START supported the training by facilitating the participation of two GOFC-GOLD Networks from Africa-the West Africa Regional Network (WARN) and the Miombo Land Use Land Change Network-in a similar training in September 2016. For additional information on the program, please contact Senay Habtezion at
Bertrand QUETIN

Young farmers at the Second High-Level Meeting (HLM2) - 0 views

    "28 November-1 December 2016. Nairobi, Kenya. Hosted by the Government of Kenya in Nairobi HLM2 : Took stock of the implementation of development effectiveness principles and commitments Provided a learning space on development effectiveness, showcasing successful examples Identified innovative approaches to sustainable development that can be scaled up Position the Global Partnership to effectively contribute to implementation of the SDGs and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda Based on an inclusive consultation that concluded in Kenya at the Global Partnership's HLM2, the was released on 1 December 2016. This document will help to shape how existing and new development actors can partner to implement Agenda 2030 and realise the SDGs."
Bertrand QUETIN

Europe-Africa Collaboration in Food Security and Agriculture - 0 views

    Under the program Research and Innovation Network for Europe and Africa (RINEA), Africans can apply for mobility grants to promote business, technological, and research partnerships in Europe. The current call focuses on Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, and related fields. The program offers three match-making events, one in Italy and two in Denmark, for which applications are invited from African SMEs, universities, research institutions, and other R&I organizations. The application deadline is 29 April 2016.
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