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John Evans

Suite Science Practices: Models | Mo Physics Mo Problems - 1 views

    "Over the past year, I have been gradually working to implement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) into my classroom. Our new Wisconsin State Science Standards were designed with the NGSS in mind. They align very well, so please forgive me if my language focuses on the NGSS in this post. As I design lessons aligned the standards, I am considering to the skills students will be implementing that carry across multiple units. This relates to the Science and Engineering Practices contained in the standards. I am looking at the technology tools that can be used to leverage these practices. While there are 8 different practices and I hope to delve into each one and the technology tools that can help learners in each, this post will only focus on one practice. That practice is Developing and Using Models. As the name indicates, there a"
John Evans

Why Computer Science Belongs in Every Science Teacher's Classroom | EdSurge News - 1 views

    "Released in 2013, the NGSS was created to align science education with how scientists actually work and think. It encourages students to learn science content and concepts deeply by using critical thinking and primary investigation skills. Adopted by 18 states (with as many as 40 interested and in the process), the standards define science education through core concepts (such as wave properties), practices (like analyzing and interpreting data ) and crosscutting concepts (like cause-and-effect). Some of the NGSS guidelines directly overlap with the practices listed in the K-12 Computer Science framework and the new CSTA Computer Science standards. Here's a doodle that illustrates how the two subjects overlap. "
John Evans

Next Gen Makerspaces: NGSS & Makerspaces - Worlds of Learning - 2 views

    "I recently began giving away a FREE Makerspace Planning Cheat Sheet on my Worlds of Making site.  One of the the steps on that Cheat Sheet suggests unpacking the standards and using them to inform your makerspace planning.  This includes the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which many states have adopted.  These standards offer a new vision on what teaching and learning should look like that speak directly to the K-12 Maker Movement. "
John Evans

3 strategies to keep students engaged in STEM | eSchool News - 3 views

    "STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) is more than just an acronym or a collection of letters. Rather, it is an instructional movement that embodies cross-curricular concepts from four fundamental disciplines, as well as a research-based strategy that addresses the future needs of a technology-driven work force and sustaining a global economy. The importance of STEM is further validated by its prominence in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). One of the most effective instructional approaches toward the implementation of STEM in grade-level courses is through project-based learning (PBL). In this approach, instruction occurs through student-centered investigations focused on a specific topic driven by a set of objectives, culminating in a broadly-defined product or technique. Projects foster an environment of discussion, creativity, problem-solving, inquiry, modeling, and testing, and are applicable to students in all grade levels and subjects, but particularly within the STEM arena."
John Evans

What You Need To Know About The Next Generation Science Standards - 0 views

    "The Next Generation Science Standards (which are still in draft form until January 29th, 2013 and can be downloaded here) are what they sound like they'd be-new standards for science education that focus on not only what to teach (content), but how to teach it (knowledge and skills)."
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