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John Evans

More testing: Green Screen DOINK app - Dryden Art - 3 views

    "I'm very privileged to be on the BETA testing team for the Green Screen app from DOINK. Today I tried forcing an interaction between my pre-recorded green screen footage and the drawn animation layered before a solid color field. Here are the pieces: Picture This app will allow you to combine live footage and drawn animations. I film before green screen and draw an animation in DOINK Below is a look at the interface of the new GREEN SCREEN app by DOINK."
John Evans

DoInk Green Screen App is going to blow your mind #ipaded | Remix Teaching - 0 views

    "I've been very pleased to have the chance to beta test the upcoming DoInk Green Screen app for the iPad. It's in a word, phenomenal. It's the best of what makes technology so delightful. It just works, and produces great results with very little effort. I think people are going to love it to pieces."
John Evans

3 Top Tips for Green Screen Classrooms | Jonathan Wylie: Instructional Technology Consu... - 2 views

    "Are you part of the green screen revolution that is sweeping schools? iPad apps like Green Screen by DoInk make it easier than ever to take advantage of the magic of green screen from the comfort of your own classroom. So, here are three top tips on how to make your filming experience a little easier for both students and teachers!"
John Evans

Word Cloud Self-Portraits - Dryden Art - 5 views

    "If I were doing this project today I would have students do every step on the iPad using  1. Notes to brainstorm and write their 75 words 2. Word Cloud to paste in and create their cloud then design their layout 3. Superimpose to layer their images together, mask their photo, and save I have a tutorial showing how to layer and mask images using the green screen app here. The images can also be layered in the latest version of the Green Screen app by DoInk now that you can resize images."
John Evans

How To Do Green Screen Photography on an iPad at School | Jonathan Wylie: Instructional... - 3 views

    "There are lots of great learning opportunities when you use green screen effects in the classroom. I've written about some of those before, but almost all of them involved green screen movies. What about green screen photography? Is that possible on an iPad? It is, because there's an app for that. Recently I was reminded of the ability to do green screen photography when I read a blog post by Dr. Wesley Fryer. He did a green screen photo booth at the Fall Festival of the school he works at in Oklahoma. Great idea. So how do you do it? It all starts with the Green Screen app by DoInk. The rest is easy! Here's how it works."
John Evans

Ipad Educators - 3 views

    "I've been using green screen software with students since about 2004. In fact I'll always remember filming a student dressed as a superhero about ten years ago and struggling with the lighting. Luckily a Channel 4 film crew were with us (making a film about us making films!) and used their professional setups to sort us out.  Times have changed though and these days a genuinely decent green screen effect can be accomplished in a school setting without the need for any professional gear. The one thing you will need though is the single best green screen app ever produced:   Green Screen by Do Ink.   Let's take a look at some tips and tricks for getting the most out of your movie making experiences using Do Ink."
John Evans

Edutech for Teachers » Blog Archive » Tech It Up Tuesday: Green Screen Magic ... - 3 views

    "In a post I recently published entitled Become a Green Screen Wizard with the Do Ink App, I discussed why this resource is one of my favorite apps and included an student generated example from a first grade classroom. This time I'm going to take this article one step further and provide you with the training materials I used to roll out the Do Ink app to teachers in my district."
John Evans

Kindergarten Green Screen Animal Interviews | Expect the Miraculous - 2 views

    "Ms. Kelly's Kindergarten class has been hard at work on an animal research project that is unlike any other I've been a part of.  For the culmination of the project, students recorded an interview of an animal in its habitat using our green screen and the Do Ink app.  There were many layers to the process that students went through the create their final product. The class has been to the library throughout the project to initiate various pieces and then moved forward with the project work in class."
John Evans

Make it and Move it: Patterned Paintings - Dryden Art - 1 views

    "My students made beautiful patterned figure paintings to show movement. See their gallery on Artsonia. These paintings are also the backdrop for a stop-motion digital extension lesson where students animated a mannequin to show movement over their movement paintings. See this lesson and results here."
John Evans

Adventures in Library: Portable Green Screens in the Library - 2 views

    "Earlier in the school year my students created whole-class videos using our large green screen studio. While I assigned students a variety of tasks (director, camera operator, acting coach), my students spent the majority of their time on the carpet as an audience member. At the end of these units I wondered how we could increase student ownership of the production. Could I have my students create a green screen movie without having to play the audience member for large portions of the time? Could they be empowered to create a movie independently of the teacher? Could this be done by kindergartners and first graders? For most of the school year I struggled with these questions. That was until I met Brenda Windsor and Mary O'Neil of Trumbull, CT at the Fairfield University "Education Technology Collaboration Day" in March.  Brenda and Mary presented on how they have incorporated green screens in the classroom, and shared the idea of using a pizza box to make a miniature portable studio. Here is a link to the video they created.  From that moment, I was on a mission to have my K-2 students write, direct, film & star in their own collaborative group mini green screen movies. "
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