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Zimbra Desktop Features - 0 views

  • Syncs Zimbra, Yahoo! Mail and Gmail email, contacts and calendars
  • email from any POP or IMAP email account including AOL, Hotmail or business email
  • Windows, Apple, or Linux
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • No limit to the size of your email storage
  • online and offline
  • Feature details
  • Email
  • "Drag and Drop" messages into new folders or the Trash
  • and automatically reply with the correct "from" address
  • Conversation Views, Tags, and Search
  • Collapse email threads into a single Conversation View to simplify your inbox
  • Tag messages as important from people you care about
  • Easily import
  • Advanced Search to easily search by folder, date, person, subject or attachment
  • Save searches as Virtual Folders
  • Web mash-ups
  • addresses as Yahoo! Maps
  • Quickly search your mailbox for pictures, documents or text-even with attachments
  • Automatically save pictures to Flickr
  • Contacts
  • Store all your contacts in one place for all your accounts
  • Create groups and tags to organize them
  • Add photos to contacts
  • See your calendar schedule from within an email message if you hover over a date
  • or export contacts as .csv files
  • Calendar
  • multiple color-coded calendars
  • Drag and drop' events to new days or to change times
  • Syncs Zimbra, Yahoo! and Gmail calendars
  • Documents, Tasks, Briefcase
  • Edit Documents including add images, tables and spreadsheets; share them in email
  • start and end dates, percent complete
  • Track your to do's
  • Save attachments in Briefcase rather than as message attachments
  • Zimbra Desktop is free for anyone download and use.

Plurk Vs Twitter - 5 Features That Will Make You Want To Switch - 0 views

  • Plurk is a Twitter clone that offers a wealth of features.
  • @User Reply
  • croll over the user comment you wish to reply to and a little menu will appear to the right. Click on the little speech bubble with the red cross to insert the @user code into your responses.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Like Conversations
  • Users can reply to each message and rather than being lost within chronicle updates,
  • replies are kept together within a threaded conversation.
  • can be viewed by category, i.e. all plurks, my plurks, private, and responded.
  • pdates of plurks that were either yours, private, or ones that you had responded to
  • can also like a conversation and subsequently follow its replies.
  • Users can now search conversations and view the hottest links, most plurked videos, and Plurk trends by location and time frame (daily or hourly)
  • Unfortunately, locations are limited to Indonesia, China, Philippines, and Global.
  • improved service. You can upload a photo or – and that’s new – take it straight from your webcam
  • could previously upload and add pictures.
  • With the “Daily Photo” Plurk is setting the stage for microphotoblogging.
  • Developers will love to hear that Plurk has recently released its API platform.

6 Reasons Why Plurk Beats Twitter - 0 views

  • Compared to Twitter it’s similar but different. Most of all Plurk doesn’t cease to introduce innovations.
  • post is about: differences and new features.
  • updates (plurks) appear on a horizontal timeline
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • scroll through the timeline you will pass date borders and scrolling over a plurk you’ll see exactly when it was posted.
  • timeline can be filtered for all plurks, my plurks, private (plurks only you received) or responded (plurks you responded to).
  • Updates appear as small previews with a minimized profile photo on the left and the number of replies on the right.
  • To view the whole post you move the mouse over the preview and to view replies you click on it.
  • biggest difference to Twitter
  • there are actual conversations going on since replies are associated with the original update
  • comments are not lost within a long list of chronical updates.
  • next best difference to Twitter. Plurk recognizes links to YouTube, Flickr, TinyPic, ImageShack, and Photobucket and includes them in your update.
  • Plurk now offers status updates for Twitter, Friendster, Facebook, and Multiply.
  • Unfortunately, the integration is only one way

IntenseDebate - FAQ - 0 views

  • IntenseDebate is the premier commenting system available on the Internet for blogs and websites
  • comments enhances and encourages conversation on your blog or website.
  • can give your blog readers the opportunity to better engage your blog's content and each other.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • reputation system and comment voting, you're able to quickly find the worthwhile comments and commenters, while cutting through all of the other nonsense.
  • facilitates conversation on your site with enhanced comment functionality and enriches your site's community
  • Threaded Comments
  • Tracking and Notifications
  • Profiles
  • Comment Voting
  • readers will be able to follow the conversation within the comments better with comment threading.
  • Not only will your readers be more likely to comment, but they'll be more likely to return to leave multiple comments as the debate gets going.
  • Readers can subscribe to comments through our support of various RSS readers
  • automated install process for WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, and Tumblr
  • e offer a generic snippet of JavaScript for custom installs that is available in our install process.
  • universal profile that can be used across all blogs and websites that use IntenseDebate comments

Why autopost to other services. - 0 views

  • get a lot of backlinks.
    • LeisHowI
      Centralised source of conversation.
  • Amplify is designed to spark conversation(s).
  • entire premise from the beginning is to spark, create, engage ( any number of words come to mind really) a conversation.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • If you don’t autopost you’re limiting your potential audience that has an opportunity to help you engage in a conversation.
  • If you autopost and spark a conversation that takes you away to using any of the other services than Amplify has done it’s job of sparking a conversation.
  • one of the most important things an Amplify user should do is to recommend and comment on other users posts.
  • utoposting is a really great feature if you have your Amplify as your main blog as I do

What is Amplify? - 0 views

  • making it clear how Amplify is different from other services.
  • core purpose of Amplify, the motivation behind everything we do, is to provide people the opportunity to engage in conversation that flows naturally.
  • not an aggregator of everything you do on the web;
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • not about sparking conversation.
  • not creating an environment that’s conducive to playing games or sharing photo albums
  • offers a unique and much needed opportunity to learn from others and engage in meaningful conversation that is otherwise lacking on the web.

Blogger Buzz: Blogger Template Designer Now Available To Everyone - 0 views

  • Blogger Template Designer
  • available to everyone.
  • Designs are completely defined in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), meaning that any design can be applied to any blog layout, making templates more flexible and unique.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • paired up with iStockphoto to offer you hundreds of gorgeous background images at no cost
  • Blogger Template Designer lets you change all the colors in your blog at once, by changing the Main color theme.
  • Pixel-perfect layout manipulation via smooth resizing.
  • real-time preview sits below the design control panel.
  • Under the advanced tab, you can override a design's CSS and enter your own CSS in the editor and see your blog's preview updated in real time.
  • Cross-browser support

Pulsed: Blogger vs. Comparison Chart - 2010 - 0 views

  • Themes and customization
  • No template editing.
  • ...50 more annotations...
  • Blogger has introduced a collection of easy-to-customize templates (more info).
  • can include third party tracker scripts— or any type of script
  • Import from Blogger, Yahoo! 360, Type·Pad, MovabIe·Type, Posterous,, Live·JournaI or another WordPress blog.
  • Image storage
  • 1 Gigabyte. There is no interface to browse through the images unless you sign up for Picasa Web Albums.
  • 3 Gigabytes.
  • can also upload .ppt, .doc, .odt and .pdf files
  • Galleries
  • icasa Web Albums.
  • Simply add the tag [gallery] to any post or page (more info).
  • Create posts or 'pages'. Static pages are listed in separate menus.
  • Blogger allows up to 10 static pages to be created
  • Static pages
  • Categories
  • 'Labels'.
  • 'Categories'.
  • Expandable post summaries (more info).
  • Optional excerpts
  • Submit your posts by email. Images can be attached
  • Submit your posts by email.
  • Free domain name mapping
  • can restrict access to invited Google account holders.
  • can restrict access to 35 invited Wordpress account holders
  • lternatively, individual posts can be password protected or Private.
  • Visual confirmation and moderation options, but no editing of comments.
  • Moderation, comment editing and Akismet spam protection.
  • added follow-ups by email and comment threading options. Wordpress has more comment options than Blogger, but there have been problems with Akismet spam protection.
  • BlogSpot Widgets
  • add up to 10 stand-alone pages.
  • Software applications that do cool things.
  • Show off what you read with a blogroll of your favourite blogs.
  • Blog List
  • Slideshow
  • Video Bar
  • clips from YouTube and Google Video for your readers to watch without leaving the page.
  • Link List
  • Survey your visitors by adding a poll to your blog.
  • Widgets
  • Category cloud
  • Recent Comments | Recent Posts
  • Tag Cloud
  • Top Clicks | Top Posts | Top Rated
  • Although the collection of 90+ themes sounds like a lot, options for customization are limited unless you pay for an upgrade that allows stylesheet editing
  • If allowed stylesheet editing without having to pay, and visitor stats comparable to the tracker scripts you can obtain for free, my choice would have been for sure
  • One other comparison is the difference of how each handle leaving comments.
  • Wordpress allows a handy comment box with the post
  • annoying feature of Blogger is that it opens another window that does not match the theme of your blog.
  • If you create a new blogspot blog the initial selection of templates is incomplete.
  • To see the complete list you need to go to the template section of the dashboard and click on "Pick New Template".
  • Blogger uses the term "stretch" for variable width templates.

Publisha - Take a tour - 0 views

  • Publisha creates a website for you
  • Publish your articles and keep archives within Facebook, as a tab from your fan page
  • or you can use your own domain name free of charge
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Publisha creates your RSS feed so your readers never miss an article.
  • Using our network of sites, our publications can advertise each other to interested readers. It grows your readership automatically.
  • Soon we’ll automatically publish to your Twitter account to tell the world when you have new articles available.
  • resent your content to search engines in the most useful way to make sure your digital publication is easily found.
  • mport existing articles with RSS Already online? Just enter your blog or website RSS feed and Publisha will import your latest articles for you.
  • save you time and hassle by keeping all your multi-platform content in one place.
  • Choose where to publish each article: it’s as easy as flipping a switch.

Publisha - Publishers - 0 views

  • your multi-platform online magazine business from one simple place.
  • your own website (including mobile web)
  • evolutionary dedicated magazine tab within your Facebook fan page
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • with all your polls
  • and other interactive content.
  • Multiple publishing platforms, with one simple website! Just upload your text, images, video and audio to create your magazine across Facebook, iPhone, iPad and your own unique website.
  • Inbuilt analytics tool tracks your statistics
  • Free submission to search engines, directories and social media sites
  • Sharing and linking features with major social networking, blogging and bookmarking sites
  • All you have to do is gather your content (text, images, video and audio) for all platforms in your Publisha database, then decide which articles and content you want to publish on each available platforms directly from there
  • Whereas a fan page is like a sequential blog
  • with Publisha you can upload all your past and current articles and other content, organised into categories, as well as feature reader polls and comments.
  • Keywords in this content will also improve your site visibility in search engines.
  • If you have created a very large following and your bandwidth and storage requirements pass 50Gb, we will take a small fee,
  • You keep 100% of the advertising revenue when you source and create your own ad campaigns. All we ask for is 20% of your advertising space for cross promotion and relevant advertising.
  • Publisha is developing an ad serving platform which places relevant advertising in all magazines using Publisha according to different parameters like age, gender, interests etc
  • will use the system to fill our 20% of advertising space in all magazines for the following purposes:
  • cross-promote your magazine in relevant publications
  • lace relevant advertising in the magazines as a revenue stream

Support - Space & Bandwith Limits - 0 views

  • Free blogs come with 3000 megabytes (~3 GBs) of space for storing uploaded files and images.
  • Free blogs can upload images (jpg, jpeg, png, gif), documents (pdf, doc, odt) and presentations (ppt).
  • s there a limit on transfers, bandwidth, downloads? No.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • limit on file size? Nope. We support 1+ GB files.
    3GB space for storing No limits for transfers, bandwidth & downloads

Zoundry Raven vs Live Writer: Fight! « Scott's Windows Live Ramblings - 0 views

  • in Live Writer, if you omit the http:// from your blog address, it will add that for you, ZR doesn’t. ZR also detects this blog incorrectly as being “Wordpress (ver 2.1 or ealier [sic])” whereas this blog is actually Wordpress 2.9.2, so almost there, but not quite.
  • Live Writer also downloads the blog’s theme so that you can edit your post as it would appear in your blog (ZR offers this, but in a slightly different way, see later).
  • there is a difference in how much is offered to each blog. Live Writer pips this due to the extra XHTML, Right To Left support, plug-in support, turning on script and embedding support
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Live Writer, it downloads the blog’s theme automatically and offers this as default, so straight away as soon as you start writing your blog post, you’re already looking at the style your blog has:
  • ive Writer’s theme detection has, since the very beginning, been very good at grabbing the theme and formatting it [almost] perfectly within the editor window.
  • where things start to fall down for ZR, when it started to get my theme it ultimately failed with an error:
  • the big difference comes in and swings this more towards Live Writer. As noted above with the themes, Live Writer lets you actually write your blog post as if you were writing in your actual blog, this means you can get the layout just how you want it.
  • ZR does offer WYSIWYG editing, it’s not quite up to that same standard of “cool.”
  • One thing that ZR does have for post editing that has been requested for Live Writer is tabbed support.
  • both editors let you insert images into your blog post and arrange the post where you want them to go, you can create thumbnails of the images.
  • However, Live Writer does come into its own when it comes to editing the image. ZR offers your basic properties of an image, adding alt tags, etc:
  • although at least ZR will let you [in a roundabout way] edit the name of a pasted image, rather than just having Imagex.png. You also can’t insert a web image easily in ZR, although for Wave 3 on Windows 7, neither can Live Writer, not without a plug-in.
  • Live Writer on the other hand has a multitude of different things you can do with the image:
  • crop the image, rotate, tilt, add effects, etc.
  • plug-in architecture in Live Writer for 3rd party developers to write enhancements for it, adding further functionality so that you can do a whole multitude of things. This just simply doesn’t exist in ZR.
  • With ZR, even having done added a blog template, it still doesn’t actually let you write your blog post using that theme, it only lets you preview it using that theme:
  • Another nice feature that ZR has over Live Writer (although quite why this isn’t in Live Writer is beyond me) is search and replace!
  • , there is already one feature that rocks for Live Writer, and that is the split post feature.
  • insert a split into your post, it means anything above it will appear on your front page, and everything else will appear once you’ve gone to the full article.
  • providers are now supporting it (wordpress, Community Server, blogger, to name a few).
  • Save as draft
  • acking in ZR,
  • Through its plug-in architecture, developers have been able to add extra functionality to Live Writer, like Flickr support, ImageShack (of sorts), uploading non image files, and various other services.
  • ZR, however, does this out the box, this is quite cool, especially if you want to keep all your images (blog or otherwise) in one central place, rather than split across different services.
  • Live Writer offers video support for YouTube, both the browsing, and uploading, of videos, right from within Live Writer

Zoundry Raven - Another Good Alternative to Windows Live Writer - 0 views

  • Zoundry Raven – Another Good Alternative to Windows Live Writer
  • blogging client that exists on your computer and acts as a normal program.
  • located on your computer’s hard drive, you can write posts even when offline
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • possible to update multiple blogs through a common interface.
  • Before you can start writing blog posts with Raven you need to set it up for use with your blog.
  • blog wizard.
  • download all of the image and post data from the blog.
  • The account manager lets you browse all tags, images, links and posts that make up your blog.
  • able to enter the title of the post and also enter in any tags that you want to use.
  • t is converted automatically to XHTML format
  • As with the text, all media and tags will be converted into a format compatible with the blog platform you use.
  • Preview tab actually lets you take a look at how the post will look when it is posted to the blog.
  • To enable this functionality, however, you must designate a template.
  • Tools
  • Blog Template Manager.
  • enter the URL of the blog you want to make a template for
  • Media Storage
  • Raven supports the ability to drag-and-drop files into your posts, including not only images but also non-image files, such as PDF files.
  • hese files can then be accessed through links in your blog post.
  • Most blogs have some form of media storage by default, but you may want to use an alternative in some cases.
  • set up your media storage
  • Add Storage button
  • select the type of storage
  • Raven supports custom FTP storage, Flickr, Image Shack, LiveJournal Scrapbook, Picasa Web Album and Ripway FTP.
  • open source,
  • The Media Storage Wizard is a feature that Raven has but Windows Live Writer does not and, as said, is particularly useful when you want to share files both on your blog and through a sharing or social media website.

InfoLister :: Extension List Dumper - Listing extensions in Firefox - 0 views

  • biggest difference between these 2 extensions is that ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file, and IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window.
  • ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file,
  • IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • IL allows you to specify extensions, themes, plugins.
  • ELD allows you to specify all, enabled, disabled, incompatible.
  • Both can save in various formats ... txt, html, BBCode.
  • IF offers xml, xpi list, XML, XML+XSLT. IL allows for use of custom templates.
  • ELD offers csv,
  • Both highlight disabled extensions
  • IL does this in a more visible way, with "[Disabled]" appearing to the right enough to stand out nicely.
  • HTML in ELD, then both provide links, where available.
  • . ELD enables inclusion of the extension description.
  • IL provides the ability to upload via ftp, http, https, and to do so automatically on exit (presumably from FF, I did not test this feature.)
  • ELD offers buttons to print and copy to clipboard.
    Comparison made by someone on InfoLister & Extension List Dumper.

Firefox Add-ons by InBasic - 0 views

  • helps you to organize notes. notes with same group appear adjacent together in archive menu.
    • LeisHowI
      Group by renaming the tab. eg [GroupName]. Basically surrounding the group name in square brackets. [...]
  • strongly recommended to always backup your notes before updating QuickFox Notes;
  • To backup QuickFox Notes, simply duplicate (copy & paste) your "QuickFox Notes" bookmark folder and rename it to something else. After successful update, move your QuickFox Notes bookmarks back to the QuickFox Notes bookmarks folder.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • QuickFox Notes offers a variety of features and also supports most shortcuts as used in Notepad++.
  • Store to "Archive" (to free tab space)
  • Text search
  • Multiple tabs
  • QuickFox Notes is a multi-tab note taking add-on for Firefox that uses the integrated bookmarks system to store the notes.
  • Autocopy/Paste on middle-click text (disabled by default)
  • Where does QuickFox Notes store the notes?
  • folder called "Quickfox Notes" is created in your bookmarks.
  • QuickFox Notes is using Firefox bookmarks to store note data.
  • Each bookmark of this folder represents a separate note.
  • an access note data through a bookmark's properties, even if the add-on is not installed in Firefox.
  • The actual text of the note is stored in the description field of the bookmark.
  • open QuickFox Notes as a standalone application
  • Create Firefox shortcut, then change the target application to: "Path to Firefox" -qfn
  • add QFN to the windows-context-menu?
  • Depend on your windows type download one of these files (32 bit or 64 bit). Double click on it and you will find a new item ("Import to QFN") is added to your windows context menu.
  • need to edit these files with a text editor if Firefox is not installed in its default path
  • he "Archive" is a packing tool used in QuickFox Notes. In order to free space in QuickFox Notes' window, notes that are barely in use can be moved to "Archive".
  • QuickFox Notes via shortcut? [A] Yes, try Ctrl+Shift+F;
  • possible to change this shortcut as well: In your address bar, type "about:config".
  • "InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.modifier"
  • InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.key".
  • h "Google" word suggestion/calculator feature?
  • type a portion of the first word ("Fire" in this example) and press F1 (F1 will search Google for only one word before the cursor's position;
  • can be used as an online calculator as well.
  • select the whole expression and right click on it, then choose "Google suggestion based on selected text":
  • 'Group'?

qliner hotkeys - The power of script - 0 views

  • Qliner Hotkeys you can make anything happen with a single keystroke, by leveraging the power of scripting.
  • Windows supports a number of scripting languages out of the box. Well known examples are JScript, Visual Basic Script and DOS batch (,bat) files.
    Launching scripts this way is easier. I suppose you could find them in a launcher too, but well. Less typing, less work.

qliner hotkeys: an overview - 0 views

  • free and open source keyboard productivity environment
  • Do you think key combinations are hard to remember?
  • Use to drag & drop configure hotkeys
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Just hold the Windows key for three seconds and up pops a on screen Keyboard with icons on the keys that are configured.
  • also for Drag and Drop Configuration.
  • When a key combination is pressed hotkeys will first try to find an existing instance of the requested application or document and bring that to the front.
  • behaviour can be overruled by holding the Alt key, which ensures that a new instance is allways launched.

VirtuaWin Review - VirtuaWin Download - Softpedia - 0 views

  • Various other mouse actions such as warping (the cursor will be moved to the opposite end of the screen when the edge is reached), desktop edge knocking (knock on the edge with the mouse in order to change the desktop), enabling middle click for desktop change, window list or showing window menu.
  • Some users feel like VirtuaWin does not offer too much in terms of desktop virtualization in the sense that it does not trick the applications into behaving as if they were on a different system but having access to up to 20 desktops with the system tray intact and all installed software in place is actually the beauty of the software.
  • Switching between the multiple desktops is easy and you can set whatever keyboard shortcuts as well as enable mouse actions for the task.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Resource usage is light and even on more feeble systems neither its CPU nor RAM needs betray its existence.
  • The lack of an interface and the myriad of configuration options may scare some users off. Also, some files may gain a little lag when restoring from the taskbar.

Wallpaper Clocks | - free desktop wallpapers, widescreen, dual monitors,... - 0 views

  • To use wallpaper clocks, I recommend
    • LeisHowI
      Dexpot, a virtual desktop program.

Dexpot - The utility for virtual desktops - 0 views

  • Desktop Rules This small but powerful component helps to distribute windows.
    • LeisHowI
      Rules (From the screenshot) Name of rule, Deactivate, Apply automatically , Do not apply to: Invisible windows, ones without titles/frames, subordinate windows Other Tabs: Conditions, eg Window class is Chrome.... . Actions: eg Move to desktop 1
  • Configure desktops
    • LeisHowI
      properties name, resolution, icons, password, entry & exit sounds, screen saver, delay
  • Settings
    • LeisHowI
      General Number of desktops, Initial desktop... Profiles!
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Desktop Windows
    • LeisHowI
      Overview Different windows opened, it's status (Standard, Minimized), which Desktop it is on
  • Window catalogue Have you ever seen windows tiling? No? Well, it is about time then.
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