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tag2find -Feature List - 0 views

  • can be integrated everywhere
  • Related tags guide you to using your tags consistently while tagging and provide you suggestions on how to get closer to                 the goal of your research while searching
  • Limit search by files types
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • powerful features            for quickly organizing the tags of large amounts of files
  • Surf your tagged desktop and discover your information by browsing through your own personal TagCloud
  • Get automatically informed by tag2find as soon as you create or download new files
  • "New File Monitor" will watch certain folders (which you can define) for            new files of a certain type (we provide you with a good set to start with).
  • You can now not only drag files into tag2find, you can also drag them out of the search result popup or the TagBrowser
  • If you drag files over to explorer,             the files will be moved/copied. If you drag them to your e-mail composer             window, they will be attached to the mail. If you drag & drop them to an             open application, most applications will open the file you drop
  • Export/Import your tags
  • Tag Initializer
  • folder path
  • type of the file is determined and tags for music, documents, images, etc. are suggested
  • metadata: MP3 files already contain metadata, called ID3; this data is extracted and suggested as tags
    • LeisHowI
      Smart =)
    ? I'm not sure if persistent tagging means it's stored in a metadata though. Nice features. Drag & Drop, to and from.! File creation/download monitoring. Tag intializer. Related Tags Tagcloud. Intregration. Don't know if it has a auto-tagging feature though.

How To Add Custom Gadgets To Gmail? - 0 views

  • simple and step by step tutorial to add custom gadgets like Remember the Milk, weather or for that matter anything to your Gmail account.
  • Step 1: Activate the custom Gadget in Labs
  • Step 2: Find XML URLs for the Gadgets To Add To Gmail
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • existing Gadget from your Google IG page to Gmail, go to your IG homepage and find the gadget you want to add, click on the arrow key in the gadget menu and from the dropdown menu click on “About this Gadget”
  • Once you click on the option you will be taken to a new page where you can see information about the gadget, the address bar on this page contains the link to the Gadget XML URL, copy the URL and store it somewhere temporarily.
  • Alternatively, you can also find gadgets in the Gadget directory, to get the gadget XML URL in the directory find the gadget you want to add to Gmail and click on the link to view the full description, once you are on the description page, copy the URL from the address bar like shown in the screenshot above.
  • Step 3: Adding The Gadget To Gmail – Once you have got hold of the XML URL of the gadget it is time to add it to your Gmail account, to do that go to Settings –> Gadgets and enter the URL into the text box provided.

Viewer2 Manual - kometbomb - 0 views

  • date:1-12-2006 (December 1st, 2006
  • date:2007.6 (June 2007)
  • viewed:
  • ...52 more annotations...
  • Valid words for size: tiny, small, medium, large, huge, ultra
  • size:
  • combine a viewed: query with top:, the query is based on views during that time.
  • top:views results:40 – show the top 40 based on views.
  • is:favorite
  • ~word – look for words that are similar to “word”. Works only in Fast Search and needs word indexing to be enabled
  • remove tags from images, first select them in the browser and open the tag list.
  • Tagging
  • Ctrl + T while viewing the image or having some images selected in the browser view.
  • If you open the tag list while the add tag box is open, you can add tags from the list by left clicking on them.
  • Separate multiple tags with commas
  • Add tags from the list to images by dragging them on images: left drag adds tags to one image, right drag will apply them to a group of images
  • Or, select a few tags and double click on one of them. This will view all images with all the selected tags.
  • added:
  • Double click on a tag to view all images with the tag
  • Deselect (Ctrl + Left click) the tags you want to leave to the images and press delete.
  • You can make aliases to tags by adding both tags and dragging the tags on each other in the list. The draggee will become the alias for the tag you drag the tag on. Every time you add the alias, it will actually add the original tag.
    • LeisHowI
      I don't quite get what it means, will have to test out. I suppose it means you can create fake tags, where they are simply placeholders for actual tags. I'm assuming you can do it with multiple tags as well?
  • Let’s imagine you have a screenful of untagged and tagged images. First, press Alt + T to sort images by tags. With the mouse, click on the left edge of the screen to open the file list. You should see a group of files in the beginning of the list marked as having no tags. Right click on the list to select a whole group of images, and press Ctrl + C to copy the files on the clipboard. Press Ctrl + N to open a new view and paste the images with Ctrl + V. Now you have a nice, clean workspace with no unwanted files.
    • LeisHowI
      Title: How to work with untagged images only. (In a clean workspace)
  • press Ctrl + Shift + O to automatically sort all files into smaller subgroups
  • Adding complete directories
  • Use the included program dbtool to add directories recursively with any tags you like.
  • "c:\Program Files\Viewer2\dbtool" add "c:\my photos\kittens" cats cute. This will add everything in the specified directory and add the tags cats and cute to each image.
    • LeisHowI
      Nice function. Although a GUI interface would certainly make it easier. 
  • Automated tagging
    • LeisHowI
      I must be sleepy, I have no idea what it's talking about.
  • Ctrl + D: Select none
    • LeisHowI
      Imagine command "Deselect"
  • Syncing tags and IPTC keywords
  • Synchronizing IPTC keywords and Viewer2 tags is disabled by default, because it physically modifies image files
  • enable it in the configuration by ensuring the option “Synchronize tags and IPTC keywords” is checked. Viewer2 will then tag every new image with IPTC keywords and set the IPTC keywords to the tags the image has in Viewer2
  • Ctrl + Shift + left drag: Add lasso selection to the selected images
  • Right click on filelist: Select group
  • Alt + C: Sort by color (press Alt + C multiple times to adjust fuzziness) Alt + D: Sort by date (press Alt + D multiple times to adjust fuzziness) Alt + G: Sort by group Alt + L: Sort by forced links Alt + N: Sort by name (press Alt + N multiple times to adjust fuzziness) Alt + O: Sort by original order (e.g. the order of images returned from a query, useful with top:views query) Alt + P: Sort by path Alt + R: Sort by resolution
  • eature is experimental.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F: Find files with matching tags
  • Ctrl + I: Invert selection
  • Ctrl + O: Order selected images in one group Ctrl + Shift + O: Order images in groups
  • Ctrl + S: Zoom into all files (fit files on screen) Ctrl + Shift + S: Zoom into selected files
  • Delete: If tag list is not open delete selected files from the view, if the list is open the selected tags will be removed from the selected images
  • Ctrl + Delete: Physically delete selected files
  • Home: Zoom image to fit to screen End: Zoom image to original size
  • Inertia The inertia of everything, less means everything will be smoother but slower.
  • ShowDirectories Show subdirectories in the browser.
  • UseSpiral If set to 0, order images in a square, otherwise order images in a spiral.
  • IPTC into the files but they don’t show up in Picasa. Other tools, such as Exifer or IrfanView can display them
  • IPTC export works at least on some programs
  • doesn’t write IPTC back to the images when we set tags – is that by design?
  • (“Synchronize IPTC tags” needs to be checked on the “Database” page). That feature definitely exists but it’s not enabled by default.
  • not entirely sure if enabling the syncing will automatically write the tags that you have added earlier but either adding (or removing) any tag will trigger the IPTC update for the file. Or, you can use dbtool to sync manually (something like “dbtool exportiptc c:\Photos”).
  • a small tool that recursively parse the whole image repository to automatically assign tags would be nice.
  • The new dbtool does this automatically. You can simply add a file in a directory and the tags in the file are applied to all the subdirectories. It can also tag files based on the tags it sees in the directory names, so if you have the tags “2009″ and “holiday” in the system and a directory named “holiday 2009″, dbtool will apply both tags to the images in the directory.
  • Would it be possible integrate this new dbtool inside the “MSWindows explorer”?
  • It is possible to add any program in the menu, as long as the program takes command line arguments.
  • (not the best example but you’ll get the idea)
    • LeisHowI
      Copied Over: How do I add an item to the Right Click menu? A. Follow the procedures below: Start the Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE)Expand the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT by clicking the plus signScroll down and expand the Unknown subkeyClick on the Shell key and right click on it.Select New from the pop-up menu and choose Key.Enter the name you want to be displayed, e.g. the name of the application. Click EnterRight click on the new subkey and click New. Again select Key and enter the name "Command" and click EnterClick on the newly created Command and double click on "(Default)"Enter the path and name of the executable with %1, i.e.d:\program files\savedit\savedit.exe %1Close the registry editorWhen you right click on a file the new entry will be displayed.
  • The command line would be something like “c:\viewer2 directory\dbtool.exe” iptcadd “%1″.
    Really long but sounds like it has tonnes of functions. As reviewed in freewaregenius, I think shortcuts will come in handy though you would really have to get used to it.

Viewer2 FAQ - 0 views

  • Try moving the mouse to the top of the screen to open the main menu. You can then click the “Open file…” icon to open any image file or the magnifying glass icon to search for files
  • Clicking on the left or right edge of the screen shows and hides the side menus that contain a list of all tags and a list of all files currently in the browser view.
  • double-clicking the viewed image shows the browser again with all the images in the same directory as the viewed image.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • edit IPTC data for selected images by pressing F9
  • If the “Synchronize IPTC keywords and tags” option is enabled, Viewer2 will add IPTC keywords as tags and edit the keyword list when tags are added or removed.
  • To manually add keywords as tags, select some images in the browser and click on “Suggest tags”. You will see a list of suggested tags (which also looks for known tags in the IPTC captions) and all the IPTC keywords in the selected images. Drag the keywords or Alt + Left click on the keywords to add them to the image as tags.
  • Alternatively, you can use dbtool to extract tags from the IPTC data
    Some usage information.

SlideShare Most troubleshooting and options help are shown here - 0 views

  • How to stop receiving comments from a presentation I favorited ?
  • What are Groups?
  • What is the difference between Group and Events?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • On my home computer, the slideshow full view player works with a snap but on my office computer, it opens slowly in a popup window. Why does it act different?
  • On Slideshare, I can see the slideshow thumbnails but I can't see the slideshow player itself. What could the reason be?
    Title SlideShare : FAQ: Favoriting, Tagging, Groups & Events

SlideShare : URL for a particular slide of a slideshow - 1 views

  • append the slide number to the URL of the slideshow to have a permalink to that particular slide

SlideShare : Sharing to a select few - use Followers list - 0 views

  • when you want to share your content with a specific set of people instantaneously.
  • 'MakeFollowers lists'
  • Edit Slideshow and into the Privacy dropdown, you will see the contact list in the dropdown.

SlideShare : Reduce width of embedded slides - 0 views

    Change it from the code.  eg width="425" change it to something like width="300"

SlideShare : Can I embed or share a private document? Intranet? - 0 views

  • when you choose “Only Me” or “My contacts”, then you will have a chance of allowing or disabling embedding.
  • You can control whether a private document can be embedded or not.
  • You can control whether a private document can be embedded or no

SlideShare : FAQ: Embedding & Sharing - 0 views

  • On the right of the document player you will see a text box called Embed, with funny looking code in it
  • I embedded the slideshow in my blog and while it works fine, but it is flowing out of the blog's column. How can I reduce it's width?
  • Do I need permission to embed the slides on any blog?
    SlideShare supports most popular blogging services such as Wordpress, Blogger, Movable Type etc. " If you find it does not support a particular service, please let us know".

SlideShare : I want to temporarily give access to a slideshow privately. How can I do t... - 0 views

  • When you are done sharing, uncheck the "Secret URL". It will no longer work
  • Make it visible to "Only me". Enable the Secret URL and send to who you want to share with
    More information on secret url found here.

SlideShare : Categorize uploaded files - 0 views

  • uploaded file is a pdf
  • deduce the required final file forma
  • look at the aspect ratio (height v/s width) of the file
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • f the file has a higher width than height (like the 4:3 ratio of a presentation slide), it is a presentation
  • printed it as a pdf in the "Notes pages" mode. Now this pdf will have the shape/size of a document
  • can expect some changes to make this simpler
    pdf. Longer width than height = presentation.

iTag - Documentation - 1 views

  • premium version of iTag
    • LeisHowI
      From 2nd picture below, we see that the free version allows a maximum of only 3 tags per photo.
  • Tag does not automatically save photos, you must manually do this by clicking the save icon
  • Before you can perform a search, you need to build an index.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • It will take a few minutes for the index to build, but you need only perform this once. As you edit your photos, the index will be automatically updated when the photos are saved.
  • Add negative/anti words Search by a rating Search geocoded photos via an address
  • A third search method is to click words in the tag cloud
  • If you modify a file outside of iTag - in Adobe Photoshop for example - then iTag won't recognise the new metadata until you rebuild the index
  • tag manager helps allow you to control your vocabulary and to import and export tag lists
  • How to replace a misspelled tag
    Great that it stores as metadata, and other applications can read it. Bad Free version allows a maximum of ONLY 3 tags per photo. (see section on 'How to register iTag'. it is not written but displayed in the picture. Making it somewhat un-searchable.) => -10 Index build upon first use. If tags changed through other programs though, it needs to be re-indexed. Highlights Pink - gd Green - bad Blue - how it works etc Yellow - general

ImageShack® - Other upload tools - 0 views

  • ImageShack Toolbar
  • drag-and-drop upload, right-click upload, multiple image upload, and many others.
  • Imageshack Uploader
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Features include tweeting, tags, previews, image resizing, drag and drop, link creation and more.
  • ImageShack Sidebar
  • Upload images to ImageShack directly from your browser sidebar

TaggedFrog - Portable Mode - 0 views

  • enable portable mode
  • "If you would like to enable "portable mode" please edit TaggedFrog.exe.config file and change value of key "Portable" from "false" to "true"
  • will use configuration file and database from the current folder (so don't forget to copy your database wink )"
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • set zerofootprint = "true" in taggedfrog.exe.config to prevent taggedfrog from storing information in the registry
    How to Make it portable. How to prevent it from storing information in Registry.

Manual for KeepNote: Note taking and organization - Documentation - 0 views

  • KeepNote offers a convenient debugging tool for when notes are not saving properly. You can open any note as a raw text file in the text editor of your choice. This is specified with the Text Editor helper application.
    • LeisHowI
      eg, using notepad++ instead to edit items. overriding the lack of language support or spellcheck currently.
  • Screenshots can be taken very easily in KeepNote using Ctrl+Insert. KeepNote uses helper applications to actually take the screenshot.
    • LeisHowI
      Since it asks for the launch link in the preferences. It works well with picpick as it runs with parameters as well.
  • Additional notes: To be specific, KeepNote expects the screenshot program to take a single command-line option: the output image filename.
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • filename is a tempfile managed by KeepNote
  • After the screenshot program finishes, KeepNote will un-minimize, attempt to read the saved screenshot, and insert the image into the currently open note. The tempfile will also be removed.
  • KeepNote maintains an index of each notebook to facilitate faster navigation and linking. This index is stored as a SQLite database and its file is located at your_notebook/__NOTEBOOK__/index.sqlite.
  • if you happen to create/modify notes outside of KeepNote (which is not guaranteed to be supported in all cases), you should let the index know about these changes by choosing the menu Tools > Update Notebook Index.
  • If you use backup software or a network filesystem with your notebook, you may experience performance issues with the index
  • If this becomes an issue, you can specify an alternative location for the index file (say a location on a local disk). To specify an alternative location, use the option Edit > Preferences > This Notebook > Alternative index location.
  • can use drag and drop in either the treeview or listview to rearrange your notes.
  • envision KeepNote being used in a research setting where you have notes that follow both journal (time-sensitive, linear organization, pictured on the left) and reference (time-insensitive, hierarchical, pictured on the right) styles.
  • istview also allows sorting by both creation time, note title, and manual sorting.
  • Another feature that I have focused on is image manipulation.
  • Notes are most valuable when you can easily access them. That means accessing your notes on multiple platforms
  • All notes are stored in UTF-8 HTML files and nested in ordinary folders on the file system. That means you can read your notes with nothing more than a web browser.
  • Portability.
  • KeepNote can easily save notebooks to a USB drive. The KeepNote application can also be installed to a USB drive, so that moves with the notes.
  • At this time KeepNote does store some user preference information in the Application Data folder, but this should not prevent using KeepNote in a portable way.
  • because KeepNote does not store any information in the Windows Registry
  • shortcut keys Ctrl+N (New Page) and Ctrl+Shift+M (New Folder).
  • KeepNote can store any file as an "attachment" to the notebook.
  • Autosave. Notebooks are automatically saved every 10 seconds. This interval can be changed or disabled in the Edit > Preferences menu.
  • Nesting in listview. Another subtle feature is that the listview can display nested folders and notes as well. The collapse state of folders in the listview is saved separately.
  • listview, you can sort notes by many criteria (e.g. title, creation time, modification time, etc) by clicking on the column headers.
  • For very large notebooks, a treeview (the left side of the window) becomes overwhelming, a problem I have run into with many other programs. In these situations, a listview (top portion of the window), becomes important.
  • none of the columns are activated for sorting, the listview goes into "manual" sort mode, which displays the notes as they appear in the treeview and allows you to drag and drop notes into any order you wish.
  • One very subtle but convenient feature is that the listview sorting is saved on a per folder basis
  • KeepNote also supports links between notes in a notebook.
  • Simply start a link with Ctrl+L or clicking the link button and start typing the name of a note. An auto-complete drop down list will appear allowing you to pick the note you wish to link to
  • Another way to create a link is to use copy-and-paste. First, select a note in the treeview or listview that you wish to link to and copy it (Ctrl+C or the menu Edit > Copy). Next, navigate to the note in which you wish to make the link, and paste into the text editor to create a link.
  • Note: note-to-note links will never break (unless you delete the target note). Feel free to rename a note or move it around. Links will still point to the right notes.
  • Custom note icons
  • Each note can have up to two icons associated with it: a normal icon and an optional open version of the icon. If the open version of an icon is set it will be used when the note is expanded in the treeview or listview
  • After you select a new icon, it will be added to the Notebook-specific Icons list for future reuse. A copy of the icon image is now stored in your notebook.
  • several options for images in their right click menu
  • Resize Image...
  • KeepNote will display the image at its new size, while keeping the original image file unaltered (original size).
  • Double clicking the image or choosing the View Image menu option will display the image at its original size in the image viewer of your choice.
  • feature is convenient for shrinking large images into thumbnails within your notebook.
  • Sorting.
  • Spell checking is available only on Linux and Mac OS X at this time
  • can add/change a keyboard shortcut to any menu option in KeepNote.
  • Simply place your mouse cursor over the menu item which you would like to customize and press your desired shortcut combination (e.g. Ctrl+I)
  • To remove a shortcut altogether, press Ctrl+Backspace
  • Backup and restore
  • Currently, the only format implemented is HTML
  • The hierarchy (as seen in the treeview) will be exported and all note-to-note links will be translated from KeepNote's format (e.g. nbk:///nodeid...) into relative file links that will work in all web browsers.
  • Helper applications are other programs installed on your computer that KeepNote can use to perform certain operations, such as image editing, web browsing, text editing, etc. These applications are chosen from the KeepNote Preference dialog,

InfoLister :: Extension List Dumper - Listing extensions in Firefox - 0 views

  • biggest difference between these 2 extensions is that ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file, and IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window.
  • ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file,
  • IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • IL allows you to specify extensions, themes, plugins.
  • ELD allows you to specify all, enabled, disabled, incompatible.
  • Both can save in various formats ... txt, html, BBCode.
  • IF offers xml, xpi list, XML, XML+XSLT. IL allows for use of custom templates.
  • ELD offers csv,
  • Both highlight disabled extensions
  • IL does this in a more visible way, with "[Disabled]" appearing to the right enough to stand out nicely.
  • HTML in ELD, then both provide links, where available.
  • . ELD enables inclusion of the extension description.
  • IL provides the ability to upload via ftp, http, https, and to do so automatically on exit (presumably from FF, I did not test this feature.)
  • ELD offers buttons to print and copy to clipboard.
    Comparison made by someone on InfoLister & Extension List Dumper.

Firefox Add-ons by InBasic - 0 views

  • helps you to organize notes. notes with same group appear adjacent together in archive menu.
    • LeisHowI
      Group by renaming the tab. eg [GroupName]. Basically surrounding the group name in square brackets. [...]
  • strongly recommended to always backup your notes before updating QuickFox Notes;
  • To backup QuickFox Notes, simply duplicate (copy & paste) your "QuickFox Notes" bookmark folder and rename it to something else. After successful update, move your QuickFox Notes bookmarks back to the QuickFox Notes bookmarks folder.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • Store to "Archive" (to free tab space)
  • QuickFox Notes offers a variety of features and also supports most shortcuts as used in Notepad++.
  • Text search
  • Multiple tabs
  • QuickFox Notes is a multi-tab note taking add-on for Firefox that uses the integrated bookmarks system to store the notes.
  • open QuickFox Notes as a standalone application
  • Where does QuickFox Notes store the notes?
  • folder called "Quickfox Notes" is created in your bookmarks.
  • QuickFox Notes is using Firefox bookmarks to store note data.
  • Each bookmark of this folder represents a separate note.
  • an access note data through a bookmark's properties, even if the add-on is not installed in Firefox.
  • The actual text of the note is stored in the description field of the bookmark.
  • Autocopy/Paste on middle-click text (disabled by default)
  • Create Firefox shortcut, then change the target application to: "Path to Firefox" -qfn
  • add QFN to the windows-context-menu?
  • Depend on your windows type download one of these files (32 bit or 64 bit). Double click on it and you will find a new item ("Import to QFN") is added to your windows context menu.
  • need to edit these files with a text editor if Firefox is not installed in its default path
  • he "Archive" is a packing tool used in QuickFox Notes. In order to free space in QuickFox Notes' window, notes that are barely in use can be moved to "Archive".
  • QuickFox Notes via shortcut? [A] Yes, try Ctrl+Shift+F;
  • possible to change this shortcut as well: In your address bar, type "about:config".
  • "InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.modifier"
  • InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.key".
  • h "Google" word suggestion/calculator feature?
  • type a portion of the first word ("Fire" in this example) and press F1 (F1 will search Google for only one word before the cursor's position;
  • can be used as an online calculator as well.
  • select the whole expression and right click on it, then choose "Google suggestion based on selected text":
  • 'Group'?

Zoundry Raven vs Live Writer: Fight! « Scott's Windows Live Ramblings - 0 views

  • in Live Writer, if you omit the http:// from your blog address, it will add that for you, ZR doesn’t. ZR also detects this blog incorrectly as being “Wordpress (ver 2.1 or ealier [sic])” whereas this blog is actually Wordpress 2.9.2, so almost there, but not quite.
  • Live Writer also downloads the blog’s theme so that you can edit your post as it would appear in your blog (ZR offers this, but in a slightly different way, see later).
  • there is a difference in how much is offered to each blog. Live Writer pips this due to the extra XHTML, Right To Left support, plug-in support, turning on script and embedding support
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Live Writer, it downloads the blog’s theme automatically and offers this as default, so straight away as soon as you start writing your blog post, you’re already looking at the style your blog has:
  • ive Writer’s theme detection has, since the very beginning, been very good at grabbing the theme and formatting it [almost] perfectly within the editor window.
  • where things start to fall down for ZR, when it started to get my theme it ultimately failed with an error:
  • the big difference comes in and swings this more towards Live Writer. As noted above with the themes, Live Writer lets you actually write your blog post as if you were writing in your actual blog, this means you can get the layout just how you want it.
  • ZR does offer WYSIWYG editing, it’s not quite up to that same standard of “cool.”
  • One thing that ZR does have for post editing that has been requested for Live Writer is tabbed support.
  • both editors let you insert images into your blog post and arrange the post where you want them to go, you can create thumbnails of the images.
  • However, Live Writer does come into its own when it comes to editing the image. ZR offers your basic properties of an image, adding alt tags, etc:
  • although at least ZR will let you [in a roundabout way] edit the name of a pasted image, rather than just having Imagex.png. You also can’t insert a web image easily in ZR, although for Wave 3 on Windows 7, neither can Live Writer, not without a plug-in.
  • Live Writer on the other hand has a multitude of different things you can do with the image:
  • crop the image, rotate, tilt, add effects, etc.
  • plug-in architecture in Live Writer for 3rd party developers to write enhancements for it, adding further functionality so that you can do a whole multitude of things. This just simply doesn’t exist in ZR.
  • With ZR, even having done added a blog template, it still doesn’t actually let you write your blog post using that theme, it only lets you preview it using that theme:
  • Another nice feature that ZR has over Live Writer (although quite why this isn’t in Live Writer is beyond me) is search and replace!
  • , there is already one feature that rocks for Live Writer, and that is the split post feature.
  • insert a split into your post, it means anything above it will appear on your front page, and everything else will appear once you’ve gone to the full article.
  • providers are now supporting it (wordpress, Community Server, blogger, to name a few).
  • Save as draft
  • acking in ZR,
  • Through its plug-in architecture, developers have been able to add extra functionality to Live Writer, like Flickr support, ImageShack (of sorts), uploading non image files, and various other services.
  • ZR, however, does this out the box, this is quite cool, especially if you want to keep all your images (blog or otherwise) in one central place, rather than split across different services.
  • Live Writer offers video support for YouTube, both the browsing, and uploading, of videos, right from within Live Writer
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