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Manual for KeepNote: Note taking and organization - Documentation - 0 views

  • KeepNote offers a convenient debugging tool for when notes are not saving properly. You can open any note as a raw text file in the text editor of your choice. This is specified with the Text Editor helper application.
    • LeisHowI
      eg, using notepad++ instead to edit items. overriding the lack of language support or spellcheck currently.
  • Screenshots can be taken very easily in KeepNote using Ctrl+Insert. KeepNote uses helper applications to actually take the screenshot.
    • LeisHowI
      Since it asks for the launch link in the preferences. It works well with picpick as it runs with parameters as well.
  • Additional notes: To be specific, KeepNote expects the screenshot program to take a single command-line option: the output image filename.
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • filename is a tempfile managed by KeepNote
  • After the screenshot program finishes, KeepNote will un-minimize, attempt to read the saved screenshot, and insert the image into the currently open note. The tempfile will also be removed.
  • KeepNote maintains an index of each notebook to facilitate faster navigation and linking. This index is stored as a SQLite database and its file is located at your_notebook/__NOTEBOOK__/index.sqlite.
  • if you happen to create/modify notes outside of KeepNote (which is not guaranteed to be supported in all cases), you should let the index know about these changes by choosing the menu Tools > Update Notebook Index.
  • If you use backup software or a network filesystem with your notebook, you may experience performance issues with the index
  • If this becomes an issue, you can specify an alternative location for the index file (say a location on a local disk). To specify an alternative location, use the option Edit > Preferences > This Notebook > Alternative index location.
  • can use drag and drop in either the treeview or listview to rearrange your notes.
  • envision KeepNote being used in a research setting where you have notes that follow both journal (time-sensitive, linear organization, pictured on the left) and reference (time-insensitive, hierarchical, pictured on the right) styles.
  • istview also allows sorting by both creation time, note title, and manual sorting.
  • Another feature that I have focused on is image manipulation.
  • Notes are most valuable when you can easily access them. That means accessing your notes on multiple platforms
  • All notes are stored in UTF-8 HTML files and nested in ordinary folders on the file system. That means you can read your notes with nothing more than a web browser.
  • Portability.
  • KeepNote can easily save notebooks to a USB drive. The KeepNote application can also be installed to a USB drive, so that moves with the notes.
  • At this time KeepNote does store some user preference information in the Application Data folder, but this should not prevent using KeepNote in a portable way.
  • because KeepNote does not store any information in the Windows Registry
  • shortcut keys Ctrl+N (New Page) and Ctrl+Shift+M (New Folder).
  • KeepNote can store any file as an "attachment" to the notebook.
  • Autosave. Notebooks are automatically saved every 10 seconds. This interval can be changed or disabled in the Edit > Preferences menu.
  • Nesting in listview. Another subtle feature is that the listview can display nested folders and notes as well. The collapse state of folders in the listview is saved separately.
  • listview, you can sort notes by many criteria (e.g. title, creation time, modification time, etc) by clicking on the column headers.
  • For very large notebooks, a treeview (the left side of the window) becomes overwhelming, a problem I have run into with many other programs. In these situations, a listview (top portion of the window), becomes important.
  • none of the columns are activated for sorting, the listview goes into "manual" sort mode, which displays the notes as they appear in the treeview and allows you to drag and drop notes into any order you wish.
  • One very subtle but convenient feature is that the listview sorting is saved on a per folder basis
  • KeepNote also supports links between notes in a notebook.
  • Simply start a link with Ctrl+L or clicking the link button and start typing the name of a note. An auto-complete drop down list will appear allowing you to pick the note you wish to link to
  • Another way to create a link is to use copy-and-paste. First, select a note in the treeview or listview that you wish to link to and copy it (Ctrl+C or the menu Edit > Copy). Next, navigate to the note in which you wish to make the link, and paste into the text editor to create a link.
  • Note: note-to-note links will never break (unless you delete the target note). Feel free to rename a note or move it around. Links will still point to the right notes.
  • Custom note icons
  • Each note can have up to two icons associated with it: a normal icon and an optional open version of the icon. If the open version of an icon is set it will be used when the note is expanded in the treeview or listview
  • After you select a new icon, it will be added to the Notebook-specific Icons list for future reuse. A copy of the icon image is now stored in your notebook.
  • several options for images in their right click menu
  • Resize Image...
  • KeepNote will display the image at its new size, while keeping the original image file unaltered (original size).
  • Double clicking the image or choosing the View Image menu option will display the image at its original size in the image viewer of your choice.
  • feature is convenient for shrinking large images into thumbnails within your notebook.
  • Sorting.
  • Spell checking is available only on Linux and Mac OS X at this time
  • can add/change a keyboard shortcut to any menu option in KeepNote.
  • Simply place your mouse cursor over the menu item which you would like to customize and press your desired shortcut combination (e.g. Ctrl+I)
  • To remove a shortcut altogether, press Ctrl+Backspace
  • Backup and restore
  • Currently, the only format implemented is HTML
  • The hierarchy (as seen in the treeview) will be exported and all note-to-note links will be translated from KeepNote's format (e.g. nbk:///nodeid...) into relative file links that will work in all web browsers.
  • Helper applications are other programs installed on your computer that KeepNote can use to perform certain operations, such as image editing, web browsing, text editing, etc. These applications are chosen from the KeepNote Preference dialog,

Firefox Add-ons by InBasic - 0 views

  • helps you to organize notes. notes with same group appear adjacent together in archive menu.
    • LeisHowI
      Group by renaming the tab. eg [GroupName]. Basically surrounding the group name in square brackets. [...]
  • strongly recommended to always backup your notes before updating QuickFox Notes;
  • To backup QuickFox Notes, simply duplicate (copy & paste) your "QuickFox Notes" bookmark folder and rename it to something else. After successful update, move your QuickFox Notes bookmarks back to the QuickFox Notes bookmarks folder.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • Store to "Archive" (to free tab space)
  • QuickFox Notes offers a variety of features and also supports most shortcuts as used in Notepad++.
  • Text search
  • Multiple tabs
  • QuickFox Notes is a multi-tab note taking add-on for Firefox that uses the integrated bookmarks system to store the notes.
  • open QuickFox Notes as a standalone application
  • Where does QuickFox Notes store the notes?
  • folder called "Quickfox Notes" is created in your bookmarks.
  • QuickFox Notes is using Firefox bookmarks to store note data.
  • Each bookmark of this folder represents a separate note.
  • an access note data through a bookmark's properties, even if the add-on is not installed in Firefox.
  • The actual text of the note is stored in the description field of the bookmark.
  • Autocopy/Paste on middle-click text (disabled by default)
  • Create Firefox shortcut, then change the target application to: "Path to Firefox" -qfn
  • add QFN to the windows-context-menu?
  • Depend on your windows type download one of these files (32 bit or 64 bit). Double click on it and you will find a new item ("Import to QFN") is added to your windows context menu.
  • need to edit these files with a text editor if Firefox is not installed in its default path
  • he "Archive" is a packing tool used in QuickFox Notes. In order to free space in QuickFox Notes' window, notes that are barely in use can be moved to "Archive".
  • QuickFox Notes via shortcut? [A] Yes, try Ctrl+Shift+F;
  • possible to change this shortcut as well: In your address bar, type "about:config".
  • "InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.modifier"
  • InBasic.QuickFoxNotes.key".
  • h "Google" word suggestion/calculator feature?
  • type a portion of the first word ("Fire" in this example) and press F1 (F1 will search Google for only one word before the cursor's position;
  • can be used as an online calculator as well.
  • select the whole expression and right click on it, then choose "Google suggestion based on selected text":
  • 'Group'?
LeisHowI Feedly Brings New Social Experience to Start Page, Leveraging RSS - 0 views

  • using your Google Reader subscriptions at its core, but layering on intelligence that learns from you, including your reading patterns, to personalize your information waterfall.
  • The goal? To bring a new, graphical, view of feeds, via Google Reader, and add multiple social layers on top of what's already recognized as the world's most-popular online RSS engine.
  • From the article, you can:
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Save it for later reading.
  • Annotate it
  • Recommend it to friends
  • Send a note about the article using your Twitter acount.
  • Preview it, giving a glimpse of how it looks from the source site.
  • Due to Feedly's tight integration with Google Reader, the items in the What's New page are segmented by topic,
  • gathered from your folders in Google Reader.
  • The Wall can act as your social springboard to both shared items in Google Reader and Twitter updates.
  • Feedly has developed an extensive tie-in with Google Search and Google Reader on day one.
  • Searches for more frequent terms, like Apple and Yahoo!, had their expected 1000+ results,
  • in reverse chronological order.
  • Similar to Google Reader shared notes, you can make notes on any item within Feedly and share it on "The Wall".
  • But unlike Google Reader, you can highlight the portion you're commenting on, and make notes,
  • select the desired text, and an option comes up to either "search related articles" or "highlight".
  • selected text is in fact highlighted, and you can add a comment.
  • Tweeting an article is similarly easy
  • click "tweet"
  • opens up with the headline, an automatically generated TinyURL, and a note on how many characters I have before running out of Twitter's 140 character limit.
  • automatically shows contacts you have in your GMail address book
  • Feedly is 100% synchronized with Google Reader.
  • move a blog from one folder to another in Google Reader? You can do that through Feedly.
  • Feedly essentially brings you all the aspects of Google Reader we've grown accustomed to, but displays them in a new, friendly, visual way, while extending the feed universe out to Twitter and e-mail, and adding social elements.
  • should you get bogged down with too many updates, feeds are flagged warm or cool based on your reading behavior and how often you mark them as favorites.
  • If you're the type of RSS power user who wants to read hundreds of items through aggressive keyboard navigation, then Google Reader still can't be beat,
  • but if you want to pick the very best from the many feeds you have, share items with friends and find new sources for news, Feedly is a compelling option.

KeepNote: Note taking and organization - 0 views

  • KeepNote is a note taking application that works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X
  • Rich-text formatting Bullet point lists Colored font Inline images Hyperlinks
  • Hierarchical organization for notes
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Full-text search
  • Integrated screenshot
  • File attachments

FotoTagger - Easily Tag / Annotate photos - 0 views

  • FotoTagger is a free utility that lets you tag photos with small descriptive notes on any part of an image
  • does not ‘spoil’ the image because the notes can be easily removed and also hidden with a click of a button.
  • photos also can be shared across the web along with the comments or annotations.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • with FotoTagger we can pinpoint any element on the photo and place a comment on it.
  • Photos (JPEGs) can be given a caption that’s like a label for the whole photo or a tag which can be pointed towards any element in the photo (also called a callout).
  • An image can be given only one caption but it can have multiple tags
  • Fonts and colors can be customized for tags and captions
  • They can be shown as rectangles or as balloons.
  • Tags and captions do not significantly add to the size of the image as they are stored within the image file in text format.
  • also can be revealed and hidden with a single click within FotoTagger (thus, displaying the image with and without tags).
    • LeisHowI
      Viewing enabled only if within a particular program?
  • technically inclined can use the image information tabs in the bottom panel to view specific data like EXIF, IPTC, image properties, histogram and of course the tags for the image
  • Comment tab is for entering a more descriptive note on the particular image or the whole album.
  • Single images or a bunch with all its annotations can be exported (and imported back) to and from Flickr
  • While exporting, you can also perform a resize operation
  • also lets us publish annotated pictures to our blogs (Blogger and LiveJournal). If the image size is too large for blogs, an alert pops up requesting permission to resize the image.
  • Exporting to HTML as whole folders or as individual files is also a two step process.
  • get are HTML pages that include the annotated image with tags which can be hidden with a click of a button. These are viewable in any browser and do not require FotoTagger for displaying the tags.
  • Creating animated slideshows and presentations
  • fourth way is to send annotated images by email. Send it with tags merged into the image automatically through FotoTagger which launches your default email application.
  • But cosmetics aside, FotoTagger does the basic job of captioning and tagging quite well.
  • plug-in which allows us to capture an image straight from either IE or Firefox into FotoTagger is not updated for the latest version of the Firefox browser.
    I don't know if it counts as 'real' tagging, and it doesn't say if other programs or services read that data. Interesting I suppose, if you like annotating things.

FotoTagger Upload Images to Flickr - 0 views

  • FotoTagger tags are converted to Flickr notes
  • Bundle image uploading supported.
  • Download photos from Flickr to FotoTagger: Flickr notes are converted to FotoTagger tags.
    Tags can be converted to & from Flickr

Viewer2: image viewing and tagging via - 0 views

  • Viewer2 is a free image viewing and tagging app
  • innovative tagging process based on organizing image thumbnails and folders visually and grouping them in various ways
  • Includes a powerful, versatile search function that indexes metadata as well as filenames and paths
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • mouse over to the edges of the screen, where you will find all the tools that you need to browse, view and tag your images
  • But note that in order to really take advantage of what this program can do you really have to become familiar with the different mouse manipulations
  • (e.g. right-click and move to move selected sets of images around – see the video tutorials). You also might want to become familiar with the various keyboard shortcuts, esp. the ones that concern tagging images, as they will make the process super fast and easy. Note that when hovering over any command icon in the interface a text label will show at the bottom of the screen to explain it (although a tool-tip would have been better, I think).
  • can group by name, by path, by resolution, by number views, by time/date accessed, by color, and of course by tags
  • Lasso-type tool: an innovative tool that can be used while tagging to select multiple images
  • Automatic tag suggestions: for quick tagging, Viewer2 can suggest tags based on other tagging activity.
  • Searching: the search function is one of the most versatile and powerful that you could hope for
  • It is able to field sophisticated queries such as give me the word "bla" with "2007" in the path excluding the tag "wallpaper" as an example (see the manual section for an overview).
  • search by tags, by name, location, size, etc.
  • Customization: most everything about this program can be customized in the settings, from the size of the thumbnails to the way various elements behave.
  • Memory use: only 16 megs in memory, despite the nifty, visual pyrotechnics.

Create & Manage Accounts - 0 views

  • cannot edit the username later on, so be careful in choosing an appropriate username
  • username will be used to generate your profile link
    Filed under SlideShare : FAQ:  Username notes.

Pausing : Using Web History - when signed in. Other notes - 0 views

  • Using Web History: Pausing
  • click the Web History link from the My Account page, then click the Pause link on the left side of the Web History page.
  • Note: If you sign out of your Google Account, your browser will continue to store your search history.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • also continue to save your previous searches with Personalized Search.
LeisHowI | FAQ - 0 views

  • maximum file size
  • 100MB for free version
  • Can I upload Multiple Files? A: Yes, press Ctrl key while you click on files to select multiple files.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • maximum Storage Size?
  • : For free accounts it is 10GB.
  • You can create unlimited numbers of folders in your root folder called webfolder.
  • can share any folder with friends and colleagues using the hotlinks
  • Note that nobody except you can change the content of a shared folder. Other can only view or download.
  • You can collaborate with unlimited number of people by creating a project (or group) folder.
  • set permissions, invite new members and kick out existing members
  • unlimited number of folders in the project (group) root folder
  • Free users can create only one project (group).
  • in future accounts not visited for 3 months will be deleted.
  • "Click To share Now" tool in the index page, the link will stay valid for a month.
  • In my group folder, I see a control for locking files
  • The group owner can set the permission levels. If you are modifying a file and don’t want other to touch the file until you are done, use the file lock to prevent others from modifying the file
  • Here you can download or share any version of a file
  • can also change the file keywords and comments
  • share multiple files?
  • File Center Tab, select a file, press Add to Basket. Continue this for all files you want to share. After you have selected all files, press Share button at the bottom of the page
    File Sharing, Backup, storage

SlideShare : Categorize uploaded files - 0 views

  • uploaded file is a pdf
  • deduce the required final file forma
  • look at the aspect ratio (height v/s width) of the file
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • f the file has a higher width than height (like the 4:3 ratio of a presentation slide), it is a presentation
  • printed it as a pdf in the "Notes pages" mode. Now this pdf will have the shape/size of a document
  • can expect some changes to make this simpler
    pdf. Longer width than height = presentation.

SlideShare : Permissions note - 0 views

  • Do organizations need special permission to use SlideShare
  • Go right ahead and use SlideShare to share any presentation files you like
    Allowed for conferences.

Slideshare Mini note. - 0 views

  • cannot merge your two accounts on SlideShare
    Cannot merge two accounts.

Notes about Auto tagging Feature - 0 views

  • What I meant was: the natural expected is to define only one rule for "A" and only one rule for "1"
  • work with a rule for subfolder1 with tags "1","A" and another rule for folderA with tags "A".
    "incremental tags in auto-tagging feature" Parent folder autotaaging faetures seemed to be over written or cancelled if subfolders have autotagging features applied.

InfoLister :: Extension List Dumper - Listing extensions in Firefox - 0 views

  • biggest difference between these 2 extensions is that ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file, and IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window.
  • ELD works in the extensions (add-ons) window and generates an output file,
  • IL sits on the Tools menu (by default, this is configurable) and displays a list any ordinary FF window
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • IL allows you to specify extensions, themes, plugins.
  • ELD allows you to specify all, enabled, disabled, incompatible.
  • Both can save in various formats ... txt, html, BBCode.
  • IF offers xml, xpi list, XML, XML+XSLT. IL allows for use of custom templates.
  • ELD offers csv,
  • Both highlight disabled extensions
  • IL does this in a more visible way, with "[Disabled]" appearing to the right enough to stand out nicely.
  • HTML in ELD, then both provide links, where available.
  • . ELD enables inclusion of the extension description.
  • IL provides the ability to upload via ftp, http, https, and to do so automatically on exit (presumably from FF, I did not test this feature.)
  • ELD offers buttons to print and copy to clipboard.
    Comparison made by someone on InfoLister & Extension List Dumper.

Zoundry Raven vs Live Writer: Fight! « Scott's Windows Live Ramblings - 0 views

  • in Live Writer, if you omit the http:// from your blog address, it will add that for you, ZR doesn’t. ZR also detects this blog incorrectly as being “Wordpress (ver 2.1 or ealier [sic])” whereas this blog is actually Wordpress 2.9.2, so almost there, but not quite.
  • Live Writer also downloads the blog’s theme so that you can edit your post as it would appear in your blog (ZR offers this, but in a slightly different way, see later).
  • there is a difference in how much is offered to each blog. Live Writer pips this due to the extra XHTML, Right To Left support, plug-in support, turning on script and embedding support
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • Live Writer, it downloads the blog’s theme automatically and offers this as default, so straight away as soon as you start writing your blog post, you’re already looking at the style your blog has:
  • ive Writer’s theme detection has, since the very beginning, been very good at grabbing the theme and formatting it [almost] perfectly within the editor window.
  • where things start to fall down for ZR, when it started to get my theme it ultimately failed with an error:
  • the big difference comes in and swings this more towards Live Writer. As noted above with the themes, Live Writer lets you actually write your blog post as if you were writing in your actual blog, this means you can get the layout just how you want it.
  • ZR does offer WYSIWYG editing, it’s not quite up to that same standard of “cool.”
  • One thing that ZR does have for post editing that has been requested for Live Writer is tabbed support.
  • both editors let you insert images into your blog post and arrange the post where you want them to go, you can create thumbnails of the images.
  • However, Live Writer does come into its own when it comes to editing the image. ZR offers your basic properties of an image, adding alt tags, etc:
  • although at least ZR will let you [in a roundabout way] edit the name of a pasted image, rather than just having Imagex.png. You also can’t insert a web image easily in ZR, although for Wave 3 on Windows 7, neither can Live Writer, not without a plug-in.
  • Live Writer on the other hand has a multitude of different things you can do with the image:
  • crop the image, rotate, tilt, add effects, etc.
  • plug-in architecture in Live Writer for 3rd party developers to write enhancements for it, adding further functionality so that you can do a whole multitude of things. This just simply doesn’t exist in ZR.
  • With ZR, even having done added a blog template, it still doesn’t actually let you write your blog post using that theme, it only lets you preview it using that theme:
  • Another nice feature that ZR has over Live Writer (although quite why this isn’t in Live Writer is beyond me) is search and replace!
  • , there is already one feature that rocks for Live Writer, and that is the split post feature.
  • insert a split into your post, it means anything above it will appear on your front page, and everything else will appear once you’ve gone to the full article.
  • providers are now supporting it (wordpress, Community Server, blogger, to name a few).
  • Save as draft
  • acking in ZR,
  • Through its plug-in architecture, developers have been able to add extra functionality to Live Writer, like Flickr support, ImageShack (of sorts), uploading non image files, and various other services.
  • ZR, however, does this out the box, this is quite cool, especially if you want to keep all your images (blog or otherwise) in one central place, rather than split across different services.
  • Live Writer offers video support for YouTube, both the browsing, and uploading, of videos, right from within Live Writer

qliner hotkeys - The power of script - 0 views

  • Qliner Hotkeys you can make anything happen with a single keystroke, by leveraging the power of scripting.
  • Windows supports a number of scripting languages out of the box. Well known examples are JScript, Visual Basic Script and DOS batch (,bat) files.
    Launching scripts this way is easier. I suppose you could find them in a launcher too, but well. Less typing, less work.
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