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Contents contributed and discussions participated by marrti


OCLC Webinar WebEx Site - Replay Recorded Meeting - 1 views

    Registrazione della presentazione della nuova interfaccia attiva da settembre 2022

(47) EXPLORING JANE AUSTEN - Reading (in) Jane Austen - UNIT 1 - YouTube - 0 views

    Video corso suddiviso in varie unità
marrti controllo del plagio - 1 views

shared by marrti on 21 Sep 22 - No Cached
    " è un software antiplagio in cui gli utenti, gratis e in pochi secondi, possono, caricando semplicemente il proprio documento, verificarne, attraverso un punteggio, il rischio di plagio in modo facile e veloce anche per un documento di cento pagine. "

Georgian Papers Programme - Home | Georgian Papers Programme - 0 views

    The GPP is a ten-year interdisciplinary project to digitise, conserve, catalogue, transcribe, interpret and disseminate 425,000 pages or 65,000 items in the Royal Archives and Royal Library relating to the Georgian period, 1714-1837. The ultimate goal of the Programme is to provide a unique digital resource which is both readily accessible to members of the public and capable of sophisticated manipulation by researchers in any discipline, and to offer academic and public programming representing fresh research and interpretation.

Teseo - Tutorial YouTube - 0 views

    Tutorial sulla banca dati delle tesi di dottorato spagnole

Media History Digital Library - 0 views

    A huge archive of books and magazines about the history film, television, and radio. The Lantern is the name of the search engine that lets you search through more than 2,000,000 pages of scanned copies of the books and magazines in the MHDL. In those books and magazines you will find reviews and critiques of movies, radio programs, and television shows. You will also discover many periodicals about the movie, television, and radio industries in general.

Discovering Dickens - A Community Reading Project - 0 views

    Stanford University Charles Dickens & Arthur Conan Doyle digital projects.
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