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Todd Finley

Text analysis, wordcount, keyword density analyzer, prominence analysis - 8 views

    "Welcome to the online text analysis tool, the detailed statistics of your text, perfect for translators (quoting), for webmasters (ranking) or for normal users, to know the subject of a text. Now with new features as the anlysis of words groups, finding out the keyword density, analyse the prominence of word or expressions. Webmasters can analyse the links on their pages. More instructions are about to be written, please send us your feedback !"

annotation software ideas? - 18 views

I know! To give them freedom, I made my life easier by ordering an essay on the service, I have blended learning so I have this right. The quality of work was worth every penny spent. While availab...

Rick Beach

Testing mandates flunk cost-benefit analysis - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - 7 views

    Smagorinsky nails the real origins of NCLB testing as a $20 billion cost to states that profit the testing/textbook companies.
Dana Huff

"The Lord of the Rings," "Twilight," and Young-Adult Fantasy Books : The New Yorker - 9 views

    Adam Gopnik discusses the appeal of high fantasy in YA. He misses the mark, I think, in not discussing Joseph Campbell's influence in all of this, and he's condescending throughout much of the piece, but it's an interesting analysis aside from these two admittedly major issues.
Dana Huff - 9 views

  • matches readers to books through an analysis of writing styles, similar to the way that matches music lovers to new music.
Todd Finley

Overview of Bob Broad's Dynamic Criteria Mapping (2005) - 3 views

    [DOC] Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping Instructions for Classroom Dynamic Criteria Mapping © 2005 Bob Broad Dynamic Criteria Mapping (DCM) is a process by which you and your students can discover what you, the instructor, value in student work. DCM yields a more empirically grounded, more detailed, and more useful account of your values than traditional rubrics can. The process is a streamlined form of grounded theory (as summarized by Strauss and Corbin in Basics of Qualitative Research, Sage 1998). Here is a brief set of instructions by which you can try classroom DCM. Read What We Really Value: Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing by Bob Broad (Utah State University Press, 2003). The book offers historical and theoretical background on DCM, a detailed example of DCM in action, and more specific instructions on how to undertake the process at both the classroom and programmatic levels. Collect data. Once you have handed back to your students two or three substantial sets of responses to their work, ask your students to gather together those responses and bring them to class on the appointed day. Ask students to prepare by noting specific comments you made, in response to specific aspects of their work, that show something(s) you value. Note: you show what you value both in those qualities whose presence you praise and in those qualities whose absence you lament. On the appointed day, ask students to work together to generate a long list of qualities, features, or elements of their work that you have shown you value. Ask for illustrations or quotations that demonstrate each value they identify. Ask for passages or excerpts from their work that demonstrate those values. Analyze the data. After you and your students have created a large "pile" of evaluative statements and indicators, it is time to analyze the data to create a representation ("map") of your values. The key is not to rush this
Ms. Nicholson

Chinua Achebe: Things Fall Apart - 0 views

    • Ms. Nicholson
      Students, do you agree with this statement?  How would you use textual evidence to support this author's claim?
  • All too many Africans in his time were ready to accept the European judgment that Africa had no history or culture worth considering.
  • hroughout the novel he shows how African cultures vary among themselves and how they change over time. Look for instances of these variations as you read.
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • Ms. Nicholson
      Cite these sources.  Note them as you read and post to moodle.  Let's see how many we can find.
  • He also wrote a famous attack on the racism of Heart of Darkness which continues to be the subject of heated debate.
  • pidgin
  • levated diction which is meant to convey the sense of Ibo speech
  • n this edition, a glossary of Ibo words and phrases is printed at the end of the book. Be sure to consult it whenever you encounter a new Ibo word or phrase.
Ms. Nicholson

Adding support and detail without getting arrested! - 0 views

Dana Huff

Dante's Fourfold Method: The Interpretation of Symbol and Allegory - 9 views

    Word document that explains Dante's fourfold method of interpretation. Via Jim Burke

Shmoop Literature: Summary, Analysis, Themes, Characters, Paper - 0 views

    Shmoop wants to help you become a better lover (of literature and history). See many sides to the argument. Find your writing groove. Understand how lit and history are relevant today. We want to show your brain a good time.
Dana Huff

Is Technology Producing A Decline In Critical Thinking And Analysis? - 0 views

    Some holes in this study, I think, but interesting for the Diigo challenges.
Leigh Newton

WordCounter - 5 views

    Wordcounter ranks the most frequently used words in any given body of text. Use this to see what words you overuse (is everything a "solution" for you?) or maybe just to find some keywords from a document. Wordcounter is useful for writers, editors, students, and anyone who thinks that they might be speaking redundantly or repetitively -- and it's free! Eventually, I'm going to expand it so that you can upload documents, but not yet.
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