Contents contributed and discussions participated by Tim K
[Important] Furl transition update - 344 views
Preserving the private status is also very important to me. I have already initiated my transfer from Furl (not that I can see anything imported after 2+ weeks). Hopefully they will preserve "private" furls or at least work on a solution to mass update everything in diigo to "private".
>> One thing I noticed: The "private" setting of the Furl bookmarks does not
>> seem to have been preserved. While Diigo sets "lists" as private, the
>> bookmarks themselves are public.
> I'm waiting to hear an update on this from Diigo staff before I initiate my
> transfer.
Private Furls: will they stay private at diigo? - 56 views
I think I requested the Furl import twice as I didn't see anything imported within a few days from my first import request. I didn't request the import 3 times, but someone from Diigo bumped up my request in the queue, not sure if that counts as another request.
I didn't do any processing of my bookmarks post import, that's how the annotations were imported from Furl. -
Thanks. Took the pain (actually it was not that bad) to convert all my bookmarks to private.
> Steps 1-5 at may help.
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Is it possible to hide the existence of my profile from public users (not authenticated to diigo in any way) and even from authenticated diigo users? In other words when someone goes to