I don't know how this bookmark got here? Chalk it up to learning. I did sticky note it and then thought I x'd the mark entirely (overwhelming to even look at...!) - but maybe some will find it useful
Absolutely agree. Also, some other structural stuff could be improved here. Who can we send suggestions to? Perhaps you? Please let me know!
But for now - RE: Easy Blog: 1) Expand stylization options - for example: If using tinymce they could also include an easy "insert" image function. 2) Unless someone FIRST types their subject in in WSIWYG - should they happen to insert an html link or image - then publish from raw html - their post reflects the markup as the title. They need to default in a "Subject" line in the html editor as well. 3) Allow display of tags, groups, lists, etc in Easy Blog - make it Easy - but functional so people would want to use it. 4) Categorize your Easy Blog posts? Not available in current Diigo release. Too bad - because it would be a great cross functional tool.
There's more on this but i am trying to recall my "user experience" from last night....
Thank you! Also, in one instance I think the glitch I experienced was a server hang because I noticed the missing marks (with no meta on them...so I will re-mark them) -thx Graham!
I am wondering how items are queued to the "hot bookmarks" page. For example, there's links that appear several times over and items like "comcast cable" or "google".. Why is that "hot"?