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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jonathan Macagba


Two requests - 35 views

comment forward
started by Ivan on 19 Jul 07 no follow-up yet
  • Jonathan Macagba
    I would also like to change the default text for forwarding. The phrase "I found an interesting..." isn't the way I send out emails, and besides, the copy has the ring of "junk mail" written all over it. Also with the powered by Diigo blurbs. I know that you guys need to plug your service somehow, but I think that it probably isn't the best entrance point (i.e. via email) for it.
Jesse Kim

editing highlighted text - 50 views

edit highlight
  • Jonathan Macagba
    Actually, I also wish that there were a way to clip highlights that are unformatted. I'm still bouncing between Google Notebook, Diigo,, and Google Bookmarks. They all have their strengths. I like the simplicity of the Google products. Some of these newer solutions seem to just make things sluggish. I mean how often do most researchers need to clip videos? I don't see the video clippers to be a large segment of web researchers...
  • Jonathan Macagba
    I can already copy with Firefox w/o formatting. What I actually wanted was for my highlights to not be styled when I go to the "expanded" view in My Bookmarks. In the end, I don't want styled text, I just want pure information w/o the original styling. does this make sense? I do trends research and copying the styles over just becomes visually distracting when studying what I've clipped over a given week.

    iplnts wrote:
    > Hi Maggie!
    > You pointed out in above 2. there is a Copy command on the Diigo right menu.
    > Tthis had escaped from my detection until, owing to i was not curious about the editing highliight, much rather the dragging & collapse/expand feature which is really cool in GNB. And it would be really considered in the MyBookmarks Expanded view in Diigo.
    > In case of you had read my post #2 if the Copy command are allowed why not the Paste also would be? Although, it is also just an + opreration as a CTRL-V (Paste). It would be replaced by a more complex command copy+paste the highlighted text intu the sticky immediately under the right Diigo menu "Highlight & Sticky & Picp up the text" as I considered.
    > Thanks,
    > maggie_diigo wrote:
    > > Thanks for a lot of good suggestions and input.
    > >
    > > 1) We don't allow highlight editing now because otherwise the in-situ highlight won't match up properly. Considering the pros and cons, we think it's important to have the highlighting overlaying and showing up when viewing the original webpage.
    > >
    > > if editing is really necessary now, you can always copy it into a in-situ sticky note to that highlight and edit it there for your own consumption.
    > >
    > > Having said all that, we will have some alternative solution and pretty cool related features coming up (sorry, cannot reveal the details yet.) So Diigo is easily your best choice to stay with, IMHO :-) So, stay tuned!
    > >
    > > 2) JMresearch - do you know we offer "Copy - with or without format" in our content selection menu? that's a pretty handy feature - one that few realize but quite useful. Please give that a try.
    > >
    > > Video clipping - different users have different needs, and research comes in various forms. For example, when a marketing person doing research, the ability to save and share this type of media becomes useful. Another example, I sometimes see some funny clips that I'd like to save and share with others :-) I'm the one that nags our team to get this feature implemented, haha!
    > >
    > > Now we make that into an optional On / Off feature , it should not be disturb users' normal browsing activities. A new toolbar will soon be released that will allow you to tag your video clipping as well. Our goal is to make Diigo a very versatile platform / service that can be easily customizable to suit your needs.
Pistos Christou

QuickD: Ctrl-Q - 93 views

feature keyboard quickd shortcut
started by Pistos Christou on 16 May 07 no follow-up yet
  • Jonathan Macagba
    I too prefer to use Control-Q or some other keyboard shortcut for the standard bookmarking dialog. I prefer to tag my bookmarks right away and would like a shortcut key to access it.

    brendan wrote:
    > Hi Maggie,
    > I would also like to add a suggestion (thanks for putting in a keyboard shortcut by the way); can you make it an optional whether to use QuickD or the standard Diigo bookmarking dialog?
    > Thanks
    > Brendan
    > pistos wrote:
    > > Wow, quick response! Thanks for your time and attention. I appreciate it. Hopefully this can be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.
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