Contents contributed and discussions participated by Chris Lasher
Tag limit is too limiting. - 187 views
I find the limit of 10 tags per bookmark arbitrarily restrictive; the limit creates a disadvantage to an otherwise superior social bookmarking service. Please consider removing this limit or placing it at some significantly higher number (e.g. 30 tags). Diigo prides itself on doing more; tagging should not be an exception.
I'd like to add that this essay points out the reasons why you don't want to restrict tag usage of the community:
Briefly, you want tags to be associable in order to connect related concepts, but tag distribution has a "long tail". Limiting the tags cuts off this tail, severing many connections between concepts. -
I hadn't realized this limit was strictly imposed by the Diigo add-on. Apparently the web interface allows more than 10 tags.
I would like to bring up that there still exists a total character limit for tags, though.
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My advice for the development team would be to allow users to change the URL, but drop annotations/highlights for the page. Alert users with a pop-up, "You are changing the URL for this entry. YOU WILL LOSE ALL SAVED HIGHLIGHTS AND STICKY NOTES! Are you sure you wish to proceed? [Change URL] [Cancel]"