1. Defocus from Diigo. Use your browser to produce (export) only the favourites that you want. Then in Diigo import your browser's production.
2. If your browser can not export a selection: export all. Then in a Diigo import dialogue, somehow tag as 'not wanted' the favourites that are not wanted. Import, allow Diigo servers time to process all related pages, then find in Diigo the items that you tagged 'not wanted'. Delete those items.
There's a paradox:
* if you don't want it, it's not a favourite ;)
With that in mind, maybe you should simply prefer to mark some items as _private_ during the Diigo import routine.
1. Defocus from Diigo. Use your browser to produce (export) only the favourites that you want. Then in Diigo import your browser's production.
2. If your browser can not export a selection: export all. Then in a Diigo import dialogue, somehow tag as 'not wanted' the favourites that are not wanted. Import, allow Diigo servers time to process all related pages, then find in Diigo the items that you tagged 'not wanted'. Delete those items.
There's a paradox:
* if you don't want it, it's not a favourite ;)
With that in mind, maybe you should simply prefer to mark some items as _private_ during the Diigo import routine.