2. #5 ~ #8, as you comment, these bugs due to group content search index frequency, we will index group content per few hours not real-time. But group tag search will support real-time index
4. all the other posts, > "I wonder: if a contributor to a topic has left the group, might that prevent the topic - in its entirety - from being indexed?"
If they were not members in diigo community and added posts to the group before V4, the content is not searchable. Even if the author leave the group, all posts added after V4 are searchable. However, we will rebuild the data later to make sure all posts in diigo community are searchable.
Note that my use case is not a simple AND for keywords in a group; I've put more information in the other question... maybe there's a better way to solve it...
> There is no topic.
Definitely false results!
A few thanks in May 2008
and surely many more since then.
See also,
http://groups.diigo.com/search_topics?group_name=Diigo_HQ&what=four presents nothing, which is a false result.
all working now so I'm tagging this topic:
* resolved
http://groups.diigo.com/group/tolman-family/search?what=children+AND+pioneer+AND+kjz6-4hg finds nothing.
… but they are not: http://groups.diigo.com/group/Diigo_HQ/content/973892
1. http://groups.diigo.com/group/Diigo_HQ/search?what=Common+Stuff
2. http://groups.diigo.com/group/Diigo_HQ/search?what=Common+Bookmarks
3. http://groups.diigo.com/group/Diigo_HQ/search?what=%22Stuff+in+Common%22
* all fail to find http://groups.diigo.com/group/Diigo_HQ/content/587228
— example 3 is probably not recognised syntax for group searches
— but examples 1 and 2 should work, eventually.
@ Vincent/Diigo:
Will it help to have additional examples?
Or does this topic already provide enough examples to aid investigation?
1. #1 ~ #5, http://groups.diigo.com/search_topics?group_name=GROUP_NAME&what=KEYWORD these kind of URLs are deprecated in Diigo V4.0, your report remind me redirect these URLs to http://groups.diigo.com/group/GROUP_NAME/search?what=KEYWORD
2. #5 ~ #8, as you comment, these bugs due to group content search index frequency, we will index group content per few hours not real-time. But group tag search will support real-time index
3. #9, group content search don't support "NOT AND OR" syntax. so you are supposed to search with this query http://groups.diigo.com/group/tolman-family/search?what=children+pioneer+1ndt-4r, which stands for "search items which include children, or pioneer, or 1ndt-4r". Dig deeper , i found another bug here http://groups.diigo.com/group/tolman-family/content/tag/children%20pioneer%201ndt-4r return none, my colleague and i will looking into it
4. all the other posts,
> "I wonder: if a contributor to a topic has left the group, might that prevent the topic - in its entirety - from being indexed?"
joel will add a comment
rebuild done.
thanks. noted
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