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Graham Perrin

Annotated URLs (annotated links) may allow public/anonymous views of some (not all) private annotations - 87 views

Get Annotated Link share groups privacy marketing suggestion gpd4

started by Graham Perrin on 02 Nov 08
  • Graham Perrin
    In Diigo Help Center How-To Guide/Widgets & Tools there's a tip concerning sharing of annotations that might otherwise be private.

    The combination of (in no particular order)
    share to a group + share existing annotations + add private annontations + disclose annotated URL does have results that are somewhat unexpected. Here's what I discovered…

    1. I added a number of highlights to a page.

    2. As the page was a home page, so all highlights were necessarily private.

    3. Using probably Diigo in Firefox 3.0.3 (less likely Diigolet in Safari 3.1.2 (5525.20.1)) on Mac OS X 10.5.5, I:

    * bookmarked

    * shared to group: collaboration (public, membership not moderated)

    * shared existing annotations

    4. I waited some time, then:

    * shared to group: plone administrators (public, membership not moderated)

    * added another private highlight

    * attached a private sticky note to that private highlight

    * attached a group-shared sticky note to that private highlight.

    The two group views of the bookmark may be found at and respectively.

    The annotated URL
    was probably gained by me at step (3) or step (4).


    Private sticky notes are visible to anyonymous viewers of the annotated URL

    * from the tip in Diigo Help, we might expect this disclosure

    Group-shared sticky notes are not visible to anyonymous viewers

    * paradoxically, something that is 'shared' remains more private than something that was 'private'.

    Image Hosted by
    By grahamperrin

    Image Hosted by
    By grahamperrin

    Image Hosted by
    By grahamperrin

    A wild guess:

    * does the sharing of a private sticky note, to a group, somehow obscure that sticky note from anonymous viewers of the annotated URL?

    Best regards

    Graham Perrin, Project/Media Development Officer
    CENTRIM - the Centre for Research in Innovation Management
  • Joel Liu
    Hi Graham,
    Normally, if people get your annotated link(which is a secret link), they can see the private sticky notes. This feature is designed for sharing. For example, if you want to share some notes only with one of your email contacts, you can make a private stick notes and send the annotated link to this contact.

    However, you can still work around it by going to Diigo button ==>This URL ==> Get annotated link ===>Click options to find other annotated link option.
  • Graham Perrin
    Joel Liu wrote:

    > … Get annotated link === > Click options

    Image Hosted by

    Thanks - is the 'Options' part of the dialogue fairly new? I did not notice that aspect when I first reported.

    At some minor improvement suggestions, ultimately to simplify the wording and to reduce the number of clicks.

    > … This feature is designed for sharing …

    Certainly, but there's an aspect that (as developers, familiar with the feature set) you may overlook: people in my position use annotated links

    * not often with an expectation of readers paying great attention to the annotations

    * most often to _raise awareness_ of _capabilities and applications of Diigo_.

    Even with OpenID, there's a tendency for people to view Diigo (to view any novel service/system) as yet another thing to sign up for, another thing to learn. The easier the introduction, the greater the likelihood that the passive viewer will become an active user of Diigo.

    Particularly with distributed group work, it's not always easy to gain participation.

    Simplify as far as possible the 'Get annotated link' routine - in particular, make it easily available in Diigolet, cross reference - and you'll gain an excellent tool for promotion.

    Thanks - Graham

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